Men on a Mission - Part 2



  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    LWW: 365.6
    CW: 365

    Down only 0.6lbs, I'll take the loss. Sorry I'm a day late! Was doing pretty good early on in the week but went to the beach this weekend and that messed me up. One to many beers I guess, hopefully most of it is water weight, good luck to everyone this week!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We got this men! Let's do it! I had two weeks of weight gain, so I know how rough that feels, but it's a new day and we know the way, so GIT-R-DONE or i'll keep rhyming what I say. Thank goodness I don't have to come up with verse for a living. :-))))
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Anyone heard from Apollo lately?
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    I was getting ready to ask the same thing, it's been over two weeks since his last post...
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I was thinking he said a while back he was going on vacation, but not sure. Hope he is okay. I will not behere this weekend to weigh in so I will use todays weight which is 325.6, so 2/10ths of a lb up. I'm betting by Saturdays 5.5 mile hike that'll be gone. Good luck men. CW 325.6 LWW 325.6
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    LWW- 390
    CW- 385

    I hit 385 mid-week and it hasn't changed, but that's a pretty decent loss from last week!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still hanging at 248lb. :-( I'll be glad when the loss starts again!
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Most damage repaired, LWW 112,2, CWW 109,1. Not bad I think. But now for the real challenge, losing 10K for end of the year. Succes to you all from a rainy Holland.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Steady week with no change.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    LWW: 365
    CW: 362

    Down 3lbs this week, pretty good considering I went out of town this weekend. Here's hoping for a solid few weeks coming up, with nothing planned for a few weeks I should be able to get back to those 5-6 lb weight loss weeks like before, good luck to everyone.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Another week and no gain or loss. Looks like I've finally stopped this train from going the wrong direction and time to get it moving the other way.
    260 last week and still at 260.
    Also finally have my appt with the orthopedic surgeon this week. keeping my fingers crossed.

    If we don't hear from Apollo this week, I'll try and figure out this graph and post one up for us. Hope he is doing ok.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Men - my apologies for not keeping things going. I'm happy to see that you are still posting your results. I think I am going to need to pass the torch to someone else, as the last few weeks have been busy and I have not been able to keep up with it.

    But hey, I kept at it for 6 months - that's not bad! I am still on myfitnesspal and will check in from time to time, but for now, I'm going to have to take a break.

    Keep working at it Men!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Apollo, you have been the rock on this Mission thread. I salute you for the 6 months you gave and truly appreciate it. I will try and take it from here unless someone else would like to do it. I am not the most computer savy guy and don't want to mess this up for others. I'll keep you on the chart unless you say otherwise. Again, thanks for your dedication and take care. We will most likely still be here when you get back from break.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Ok guys, here is a butchered version of Apollo's weekly update. I took out a couple of stats and just put in order of most weight by pounds lost for the week. I went back 2 weeks and grabbed everyone's info and hopefully didn't screw it up too much.

    The big winner for week 27 was Eats_With_A_Fist. Welcome aboard and congratulations.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here is the most current for this week. I also am not color coding anything yet. Maybe once I get a little more used to doing this I can tweak it for you guys. I am embarrassed to say how long it took me just to figure this much out.

    StevLL and Bigeddy were this weeks winners. Keep up the great work men.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Anyone even looking here anymore?
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    i do from time to time
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Yes, absolutely! Thanks for continuing this sheet Tim. Isn't it possible that Appoloag sent you the sheet? On the other hand, things are working already I see. If you need any help with it, let me know, glad if I can be of some assistance.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    I check in regularly too
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Cool thank you Tim for taking on the chart. Let me know if I can help, I still post and look here, but I know its hard these days to find the extra time to jump on. Nice job Eats!