Looking for a few good men



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Awesome Tim! If anybody needs support this is the place. Wow serious accomplishments guys, time to get it revved up! Whoohoo!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I guess it would be too late to be added now. Eh, some motivation would be awesome. Let me know if it's not too late.

    SW: 197lb
    CW: 177.5lb
    GW: 160lb

    To late to edit my earlier list but will add you to the list for Monday morning. Welcome aboard.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Awesome Tim! If anybody needs support this is the place. Wow serious accomplishments guys, time to get it revved up! Whoohoo!

    I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew. Pun not intended.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Tdonline, thanks! I really appreciate it! You are doing a good deed and I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates this get-together of all men who want to get into a better shape for ourselves and the ladies :)
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    I'd like to join if your group hasn't gotten too big. I've never been part of an on-line community before, nor have I ever seriously tried to lose weight. I can see the benefits of having a support group.

    HW: 220
    SW on MFP: 211
    CW: 203
    GW: 180-185
    Height 6'1"
    Age 53
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I'd like to join if your group hasn't gotten too big. I've never been part of an on-line community before, nor have I ever seriously tried to lose weight. I can see the benefits of having a support group.

    HW: 220
    SW on MFP: 211
    CW: 203
    GW: 180-185
    Height 6'1"
    Age 53

    dbw1976, you're in. But only because you are a fellow Washingtonian:) I think you are the 3rd or 4th one on here. Welcome.
  • StarGeezer
    If any of you want to give a little info on yourself as way of an introduction, I'm sure the rest of us will appreciate it. We will all get to know it other in no time.

    Hi there, regular listener, first-time caller. Oh wait, wrong venue... :bigsmile:

    I'm Tim (not to be confused with Tim...err...the OTHER Tim. Hehe!) My story in a nutshell (which, by the way, is a really silly place for storage for anything besides nuts...where was I? Oh yes...) Been a "big guy" since I was about 7, and reached my maximum impressive dimensions after being taken out of work about 8 years ago for spine and joint related health issues. Most of it was largely due to a huge case of indifference on my part...just stopped caring.

    I had something of an epiphany earlier this year... it occurred to me that I didn't HAVE to live this way! It may seem simple to some, but it was a revolutionary concept to me! By doing nothing, I was succumbing to a slow, miserable death by putting a cream-filled gun to my head every day. I had it within my power to not only stop the slow descent into oblivion, but actually throw the whole train into reverse. And here we are, gentlemen. Step-by-step, day-by-day, calorie-by-calorie, I'm undoing what I allowed to happen for far too long.

    I'm in it for the duration. While I always tend to put others first, in this one instance, I'm making an exception... I'm doing this for me. It dawned on me I can't give what I don't have to begin with, so I need to start building some personal equity in my own life so I can have something of value to eventually pass on to others.

    And that, friends, is why I'm here. Well, that and the scenic vistas, but mostly the other thing. Great to be here, and thank you for having me! :glasses:
  • smarterthanyoda
    If you have room, I'm really excited about joining this group. My starting weight was 303 and now I'm 288. My goal weight is 185.

    I've also started logging my workouts on fitocracy. I could also start a group there if anybody's interested. I've got some invites so hit me up if you need one
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    If you have room, I'm really excited about joining this group. My starting weight was 303 and now I'm 288. My goal weight is 185.

    I've also started logging my workouts on fitocracy. I could also start a group there if anybody's interested. I've got some invites so hit me up if you need one

    smarterthanyoda - I've got you listed now too. Welcome aboard.

    This thread is definitely now closed. If I didn't miscount, there are 19 now. I little over the 7 or 8 I was shooting for but I think I'll manage. To the guys that I didn't send a personal greeting to, it was only because these were coming in a bit faster than I expected. I look forward to sharing with all of you and I hope I can help motivate a few of you guys.

    For the new folks that don't know me, I joined MFP on January 5th of this year. I am down 57 pounds at present. The big 6 - 0 has been pretty elusive. I am hoping to hit it here in the next couple of weeks.

    I've had my up and downs on this journey as most of you have had or will have. About 5 months ago, I tore both my right rotator cuff and the miniscus in my left knee. When I had an MRI done on my knee, they also found significant arthritis. My primary sport is racquetball. Dr's recommended I stop playing. I didn't want to take that advice so they insisted I at least cut back and wear a fancy brace when I do play. Had the synvisc injections and hoping to put off the knee replacement for a while. I just got back on the racquetball court this week and while things aren't 100%, it feels great to be back at it.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Also, I accidentally started this thread under Success Stories. Does anyone know how (if possible) to move this thread or to at least edit the title so that I can list it as Closed?

    I don't want this to keep popping up in the main message board every time one of us post.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435

    I'll post the weights of those that already gave them to me. If you know and can give me your weight last week, I'll get you ranked on the chart also. If any of you want to give a little info on yourself as way of an introduction, I'm sure the rest of us will appreciate it. We will all get to know it other in no time.

    From last Monday

    Weight 268

    Intro 48 yo live in Toronto Canada, Joined MFP beginning this year weighing in at a nice 285. Lost 30 lbs in the first 2.5 months then went back to my eating, drinking and partying ways. However the 250 something buy then ballooned back up to the 270 guy .

    So back on here recently and working my way back down the scale. My first goal is to get back to the 256 I was when I quit logging on here, then 250 by Christmas. I want to get down to 225 which at 6 foot still lists me at over weight by BMI but I'd be comfortable there.

    And for the ladies looking for a good man I am single :) LOL

    Good luck guys.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Must be the new thread Tim! I broke the plateau! Whoohoo! LWW 313.6 this week 313. Don't know if I can get my goal of 300 by 10/31, but feeling energized to try harder now! Tim I'm starting a four day work week this week, so I'll have Sunday, Mondays and Tuesdays off if you want some help with the spread sheet let me know, we could trade off or something so it doesn't get overwhelming.

    Hi guys my name is Steve and I have been on this jouney since Jan3rd when I ledf the endocrinologists office and she said I was Gluten sensitive, pre-diabetic, had no measurable testoserone and needing medication. She said it was attributed to my weight and I decided then and there I was going to change.

    Found MFP in february and It's been a life saver. I eat more than ever before BP meds. Life is good and if you need support this is the place and we are in it to win it! Friend me and lets kick this thing into gear!
  • graysie99
    Hi All

    What to say? I'm Graeme and I'm 43 (I'm realising now the future looks bleak health wise unless I do something now!) I live in the UK with my wife, nine month old son and two dogs (being Springer Spaniels they never tire so I have no excuse for not getting out there and moving.)

    I've been well over my recommended weight for as long as I can remember and need to act now if I'm going to see my son grow up, he's only small now but if a few years he will want to play football (soccer for those across the pond :wink: ) and generally charge about and I need to make sure I can keep up. :smile:

    I'm lucky to have a wife who supports me all the way and helps by cooking good sensible food. I do have problems with food and binge on junk, but I've decided to tackle this using self-help books and learn techniques to help change my relationship with food. I now want to eat to live rather than live to eat!

    My last weigh-in details have been- 2nd Oct - 357
    9th Oct - 352
    16th Oct - 349

    I'm look forward to both the support and challenge this group will supply.


  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    I have found you and am here to be motivated and to motivate, looking forward to getting to know you other men.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Just so I am clear, this is the "new" thread and all future info gets posted in here and not the other thread? Just asking.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Just so I am clear, this is the "new" thread and all future info gets posted in here and not the other thread? Just asking.

    Yep, that would be correct.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Current weight: 105.3 kg = 16.5819 st or 16 stone, 8 lb ... 232 lb.
    Initial weight: 138 kg = 304 lb (21st 10lb)
    1st goal: 99kg (double digits) = 218 lb (15st 8lb)
    2nd goal (set by Dr): 90kg = 198lb (ONEderland)
    ultimate goal: 87kg = 191 lb (13st 10lb) - weight in College 30 years ago
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still at a plateau. Got a NSV today thought as my daughter's best friend mom commented on how much weight I have lost. The last few days have been pretty bad with my daughter's birthday and the sinus infection with the resulting antibiotic and steroids.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We got this Taco. Hang in there my friend!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I am a professional computer geek and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, etc.

    I posted a blog in late August marking 1 year on MFP for me.


    It will give you a little back story on what got me here and how it has gone.

    I am glad to encourage each other. Accountability really helps.