

  • Reduce sodium. If you see no weight loss, I bet you're retaining water. You want to stay UNDER 1500 mg if possible. If not, exercise more or drink more water. Your body is holding onto excess water because you've too much sodium in your diet.
  • I'm a woman and sometimes I prefer to game than hang out with my SO. XD
  • Measuring only takes an extra one second to get the scale or measuring cup out of the drawer. I would do this. You would not believe how many times I've been lazy, thought I was doling out the appropriate serving and then decided to check it and realize I've given myself two servings! That adds up!
  • Huh. I don't think many of her recipes have tofu at all and I own 4 of her cookbooks... You can get about 75% of her recipes on hungry-girl.com too. I've found that her recipes tend to have way too much salt for me so I always doctor it up. Her recipes really teach you more about how to do swaps for favorite recipes. I…
  • Sometimes you just hit a plateau. After my first thirty pounds lost, I didn't lose anything for a month. I just kept at it, same as always, until my body adjusted to it and then it started losing the pounds again. Hitting walls is the worst and very, VERY discouraging. But if your diet is a lifestyle change, just know that…
  • I found WW to be a waste of time and a huge waste of money for me. 1. The problem is that those "flex points" would let me overeat on the weekends. Now I just stay at or under my calorie goal. If I go over, I go over, but I am very conscious about NOT going over. If you're honest with MFP, it'll work for you. 2. Way more…
  • I guess if she thought 1600 calories a day was not enough, then she does need to exercise that much. I'm no where near a good physique at all, still 50 pounds overweight and I only eat 1350 a day. I guess if I exercised more than three times a week for an hour each I could eat more...but I really don't want to. Everyone's…
  • I'm on a similar path! I've been at this site for about a year now. I'm not good with excercise but I am VERY good at organizing and using this site to record everything that passes my lips has helped me drop almost 100 pounds! Just by being made aware. If you're the type to be willing to be honest with your food diary I…
  • 5'6" 240lb 16/18
  • I've lost 96 pounds so far. And I started in June 2010. The weight came off easily at first but as I near by goal weight, it's gone from 2 pounds a week to 1 or .5. Just remember that as you lose more, it will go slower. So don't be discouraged if it takes you longer than 5 months to drop the 50. Just stick with it.
  • You're going to hit walls. After I lost my first 50, I hit a major wall for two months of not losing, or losing and gaining it back. I found, for me, that when I excersised a tiny bit more and ATE MORE I was able to over come it in about two weeks and have been back to steadily losing.
  • Usually there's something sort of equivalent at another restaurant. Just pull from there. You pretty much just make your best guess. Remember that restaurant food is loaded with fat and sodium so if you see like Applebees having a salad for 1000 calories and 3000 mg sodium...that's probably about right.
  • By now, I'm pretty good on knowing what snacks I can bring with what lunch to keep the calories even but yes, I do plan. Usually I plan the day out the night before and base it according to my upcoming weekend plans. I leave 200 calories to play with though in case I get the nibbles somewhere.
  • I started here just over a year ago at 340 lbs and I've dropped 89 lbs since. It's slow going, no one's going to say that this is an easy journey. Give it some time, count all of your calories, even if you go over, and then you'll start to get annoyed by the weight loss. Having to get new clothes every month or two or…
  • You could have just hit a plateau. Try eating a little more one day, a little less the next. Each time I hit a plateau, I spend a weekend eating some higher calorie but still healthy things (like an additional piece of chicken, an extra helping of cauliflower-potato salad) and then the next week, I'll try to eat a little…
  • Sure! For lunch, add bits of chicken, sliced up grapes and cucumbers to lettuce with a light balsamic dressing. For dinner, spice it up with a can of tuna and mandarin oranges (I use the juice for dressing). Or bulk salad up with a stir fry of veggies like broccoli, mushrooms and bean sprouts. Just use some non-stick spray…
  • My favorite lunch is a salad with black beans (rinsed thoroughly to get rid of the salt), red grapes (sliced in half), tomatoes and cucumbers with light French dressing. Also a bit of tuna or something silly like 1/4 a serving of gold fish crackers (about 14) really jazz up a salad!
    in Salad? Comment by yojibalinese June 2011
  • My doctor recommended that I get off of caffeine when I was having stress issues. I was drinking 5 cups a coffee a day. I switched to decaf but for almost a month, I had the WORST caffeine withdraws. My legs and arms ached and I was tired constantly. My head felt like it would explode. Which, really,goes to show you how…
  • I'm really proud of me "logged in 150 days in a row" badge. I make sure to log every day even if sometimes on the weekends I only log breakfast and lunch.
  • Remember that this is REFINED sugars. Fruits don't count, just the processed stuff.
  • MFP tells me to eat 1500 calories. I manually reduced it to 1400. And yeah...if I go over 1300 I start feeling guilty... But I usually make up for the calories on the weekend with a drink or two that I don't record but allow myself to have while out.
  • That's really not bad, 12 for 100 cal each exactly! How do they taste in comparison though?
  • Just be careful. You're at the line of starvation mode for men there on your calorie count. You'll likely hit a wall and gain weight if you don't eat a little more than that. When you do eat a little more, you'll probably notice that you're gaining a bit of weight, but it will go back down again when your body realizes…
  • I've been counting calories for 295 days as of today. I've lost just over 60 pounds and 4 pants sizes. I can tell you this: For me, I will count calories until I go senile. I'm not dieting, I'm making a life style choice and because of that, I will continue to count calories even after I meet my goal weight.... I don't…
  • Unless you're having 20 times that amount a day every day you've got nothing to worry about. Everyone panics over something. Artificial sweeteners are no better or worse for you than high fatty foods or going out to eat at a restaurant every once in awhile where most dishes have 2000+ mg of sodium in them. Heck, regular…
  • My Mom's a teacher's aide and every year she dressed up as a vampire bite victim. She just puts on a band-aid!
  • I don't care for a lot of meat (I'm not a fan of beef and almost never eat poultry either...it's a taste issue, nothing more) and my doctor recommended that to supplement my diet, rather than eating Greek yogurt and beans all the time, is to add some powdered proteins or atkins protein shakes to my diet. It works wonders…
  • I've lost 40 pounds in the past four months doing very little excerise. I do an aerobic walk 15 minutes a day when I get home from work and that's about it. What's helped me most if daily recording my intake. I'm allowed to have 1600 calories, but I changed the goals to 1500 and I eat about 1300 on a given day. I am VERY…
  • Just get low sodium foods. Low sodium tuna fish has 70mg of salt, regular pouches have 300g. Use Better than Peanut Butter Low Sodium than regular Jif. Get low sodium ketchup. If you want veggies in a can, get the Del Monte No Salt Added (the corn has like 10mg of salt, the greenbeans 20mg). Eat soynuts! 120 cal, 20mg…
  • I love it! I dump the whole pouch in a strainer and sit it in the sink for 5 minutes with water running through it. I take a pair of kitchen shears and snip it up nice and good. Then I dry them off and pop them in the microwave with a edge of laughing cow swiss for a minute. I let it sit in there another 3-4 minutes while…