mollydubs Member


  • I add it to basically everything. Love my ground flaxseed!!
  • Mine is slowly growing but I swear all the stuff on their already is very tasty. And vegetarian! And occasionally vegan! And high protein! And low carb! And low calorie! So many exciting things. My ! button is wearing out.
  • I'm at 1500 / 105ish / 5'3...okay, I'm 5'2 and a half. I'm working on maintaining. I set my goals to be 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat so I typically just aim for those numbers and the calories usually end up just fine. I'm also trying to eat a little more so that's my secondary focus.
  • After a little bit of research, I think these might be your best two options for a non-egg binder: EnerG Egg Replacers orrrrr flaxseed meal "eggs." For the flaxseed meal eggs, mix 3 tbls of meal with 1 tbls of water for every egg you replace. Sounds work-able!
  • Well, it's cake. Can't really name many cakes that you should eat lots of... I'm not really sure you'd need to search the internet to know a cake with layers of super rich buttercream isn't good for you.
  • "low fat" lots of things that shouldn't be low fat... Seriously, the crap manufacturers have to put in to make it non-fat is disturbing. Mostly the sugar they add to it. Egads. Plus fats can be so good for you!
  • Yup! I typically use westsoy seitan but I did my weekly shopping at trader joe's last thursday and came across their version. Pretty yummy but so is regular old seitan and homemade seitan too :)
  • Zen - The diced canned tomatoes have a lot of juice so that, along with the ricotta and some strategic layering, keeps it all in shape. That at the springform pan is a must. You could also use tomato sauce instead of/in addition to the diced tomatoes but I had half a can of diced tomatoes in my fridge so that baby had to…
  • Vegan Chocolate Salty Peanut Butter Balls! Very easy and yummy! And some other easy vegan baked goods...
  • Yup! I like all my favorite things in one convenient location. And then in my mouth.
  • I cook them sunny side up and put them in a bowl with cottage cheese, peanut butter and jelly, cinnamon, and ground flaxseed. Dream come true? Yes.
  • I'm not sure why someone saying they are "mostly vegetarian" is so offensive that you all have to google dueling definitions and act like being a vegetarian is some special club. People can sort of describe their diets however they like and if this person is "mostly vegetarian," she's acknowledging the fact that she is not…
  • I'm a vegetarian who loves me some vegan foodstuffs too from time to time. My diary is open but it's a lot of homemade recipe stuff too so not sure how helpful it is but I'm liking what I'm eating and so is my body.
  • Those of you who stay around 50g or less of net carbs, how many total grams of carbs does that typically lead to for you? Just curious - I've never thought of net carbs when looking at my daily numbers. Looking back at my diary, I'm finding it's kind of interesting to see net carbs vs total carbs.
  • I went through this. Really what helped me was planning my food diary in advance and sticking to my plan. I had to teach myself to see food as a fuel and the planning of a diary as a game that, if I tweaked just right, could be easily perfected. Otherwise, I'd be very likely to not want to eat at all. I'm not sure anyone…
  • Right. I was mentioning the size of the lettuce for scale purposes.
  • It's a giant piece of lettuce ;) But you can up the seitan portion and the fries with very little damage done calorie wise. I just typically can't eat much!
  • You don't have to eat extra carbs just to make the number go up. There are significantly better foods to overdose on. Stocking up on carbs just for the sake of meeting your mfp "quota" seems like a backwards idea to me. Eat some peanut butter or nuts or yogurt instead and get some more useful calories out of it.
  • try throwing away the sweets and junk foods in your house. then don't buy more. I also find that if I pack a lunch or have one ready to go in the fridge, I'm less likely to eat something else that might be crappy. It feels like a waste of food and money not to eat the good stuff you planned on eating!
  • If what you're doing and what you're eating isn't currently working, try something different. I feel like every body has its own little key to losing weight. What you're doing now, just cutting/watching calories, isn't your personal key to losing weight. Try focusing on a different aspect of your diet. You eat a lot of…
  • you eat an exceptional amount of processed foods. And pizza. And bagels. And ice cream. And cake...for breakfast. Not all calories are created equally. Give fresh foods and protein a try.
  • A big bowl of good things. 249 calories / 25g protein / 15g carbs / 10g fat 1/2 cup cottage cheese, tsp fig jam, tsp peanut butter, 1/2 tbl pumpkin seeds, and half of a my-first-ever homemade-protein-bar broken up. Working on my protein bar recipe now...needs tweaking!
  • I recently made protein crepes in, um, a not-as-successful-but-crepes-are-a-wonderful-silver-lining attempt at pancakes. I actually liked them more than to fill up too! my recipe is here:
  • I find counting normal daily activities as exercise to be counterproductive to weight loss... Here's why: Did you stand at your cashier wrap before you started using MFP? Probably. Was it helping lose weight then? Doubt it. Same goes with housework like vacuuming, dusting, or carrying your infant around. If you did these…
  • Trying a sport would be interesting...I rode horses competitively for about 15 years but have never really done more typical sports because my eye-hand coordination is laughable. But tennis seems have a bigger target to use to hit the ball ;) Thanks for some great suggestions everyone!
  • So I know I need to set a new goal, the problem is I'm having a hard time thinking of anything to work towards. I mostly was asking for examples of what other people like myself are working towards, I think. (thanks colofit! you posted after I started this post... just googled trx - looks kinda great.)
  • Hey now, the right kind of cupcake is nothing to be feared. Although a broccoli cupcake could be interesting/horrendous/something to be feared. ^^If I could throw them in the mail, I would!
  • Yup! I've completely switched over to using Truvia in my baking and I can't tell any difference taste-wise. Real sugary stuff tends to make me feel pretty ill so it's been a welcome discovery! It is ridiculously expensive, however...may have to try using other options before I go completely broke :)
  • Yay!! Isn't it ridiculous how easy and great baking with protein powder is? Did you use chunky or creamy pb?