MsPinVa Member


  • Whey is best, just make sure the sugar and carb counts are low (this is the muscle building factors) I have yet to find one that tastes good. :)
  • Congradulations! - That should have come from your mother, or "You're doing well!" And this, with the feed back of similar stories from people, is why I don't share how much I have lost, and how much I want to lose with anyone other than a few close family members who understand the desire to be smaller and/or healthier.…
  • I was 19 when I underwent surgery for a RNY gastic bypass. My skin did NOT "bounce" back. CO_Q10 creams, and slow weight loss. Here was my thinking " I would rather have a large scar and loose skin than be morbidly obese"
  • amazing! keep up the great work, you are doing fantastic!
  • I'm also single, and I feel your pain. But shopping up to twice a week for fresh veggies for salads is a must. Canned meats or deli meats for salads, hardboiled eggs. Also, someone mentioned seasonings- stock up to make a flavorful punch, and sample different dressings. As for me: salad ingredients, apples, greek yogurts,…
  • My sisters went through the same delima a few weeks ago, pray till 1030, that they will only have the yucky ones left. Making your strawberries win in taste. :) Or the wait 30 minute rule, and keep repeating when time is up. (Yes, I feel like I talk to inner demons - but it works)
  • Forgot about spritezero! yum!
  • Everyone keeps mentioning the flavored vodkas, wouldn't the kcals from the flavor/sugar be hidieous?? Diet ginger or diet soda would be my mixer, just so I don't have to count additional calories :)
  • Sarcasm. Sometimes above their heads, but the end results are always so lovely! mmmwaahahahhaaaa
  • skinny jeans! I refuse to buy them until I can rock them! And I'm treating myself to designer jeans once I can fit into size 10 jeans :) ( I haven't been a jean size 10 .....since I was 10?? lol )
  • overweight = fat obese = fatter morbid obese = fattest I have been all of them, and I accept what I am, and what I was. Admitting and recognizing your problem is half the battle. :) Yes, it is harsh. But I'm my own worse critic. When that BMI gets "normal" I will stop calling myself "Fat", possibly "Unfit"
  • Agree! Even my Gastric Bypass surgeon recommends the atkins and south beach as the best diets if you want to lose. Those simple carbs bite us all in the *kitten*.
  • Just an insert (it has been years, but worth it for you to look into) In regards to insurance coverage, specifically for tummy tucks. There was a loop hole years ago in my old insurance that would cover the tummy tuck only. And I'm sure you are praying for a hernia (sp?) that used to be the golden ticket to get a tummy…
  • I'm in the same boat at most post-ops. Totally took the surgery for granted. Well worth it, just wish (like all of us) I had used our tool properly while learning to eat and workout for our health :) Best of luck!
  • It's lunch time - guess you made it through! :) Woohoo!
  • They already know. And by that I mean, more than likely they know they need a healthier lifestyle. But for some reason they aren't chosing it. Your best option is to try to engage them in working out and eating healthy when you are around them. Ask to do activites together like walking, kayaking, etc.
  • I feel like a dehydrated fool, but.... I only average about 4-6 cups a day. I do count uncaffeinated tea as water. I figured the affects of caffeine counter the affects of pure water. ???
  • To add to everyone's congradulations - Congradulations!! Learn to be sassy! I didn't come up with my handle on my own. I understand where you are coming from, when you get a creeper, or a 'gentleman' starts acting out of line. Be abrupt and upfront that you will not tolerate or think their behavior is appropriate - and be…
  • I have the same exact problem. But the 3-4 lb fluc. is always related to what I ate, and WHEN the day before. I had to learn to not beat myself up over the scale daily. But to look at the weekly results. You've done this before, you can do it again!! Best of luck!
  • Few things, 1. You can find some equipment cheap on craigslist and garage sales/thrift stores. My best purchase was a mini stepper machine. I don't recall the price brand new, but it wasnt wicked high. Jumprope! Just pretend in your living room while watching tv, you feel silly - but each minute is 10 kcals. :) 2.…
  • Delay, delay, delay! lol I was that way yesterday. I had to keep telling myself 15 more min., then I could have a snack. Go for a loop around the office? (IDK your work) Water, water, water. Keffy asked about your snack, did it have sugar/carbs to pump up a craving?
  • "It is a tool and not a solution." Please understand this. 11 years post-op with RNY, took me 8 to full understand this concept. :-/
  • W/o looking up the actual calories in 1 cup of lettuce (I'm sure its more like 3/4 @ resturants) That seems like a lot of carbs, but let us not forget that greens do have our healthy carbs. Protein - The method of cooking will result in high kcals of course... Cheese - They may use a full fat, where I imagine you use a…
  • Everyday. I know my body goes up and down, and if it goes up - I always know what food/meal triggered it. It keeps me on track for the day as well.
  • I'm not in the maintaing stage. But I do know that my cousin (Ironman finisher) constantly struggles to fight binges, but she will splurge. Better to give in a little, instead of a 'true' binge. You mention the constant battle to maintain at your goal. As a former obese teen, I would rather maintain and fight the fat and…
  • oh thank you!!! Another alternative! usually I fix my pasta/italian cravings using spaghetti squash as the noodles, this looks way more like spaghetti :)
  • Due to her physical situation, and your healthy eating habits - I would look at making soups around different cuisines. Italian -minestrone, or a tomato based soup with lots of flavor. Peanut soup ( a thing here in colonial area) Gumbo, Mexican Tortilla (sans fresh topped on hers) Chilli. Your only hurdle would be…
  • I'm glad to not be the only one! PB has become my 'binge' food since all other weakness (breads/crackers) are gone from the house. I can't beat myself up too much, it is the healthiest version aside from the all natural smuckers version :)