Why would anyone want to be “skinny”??!



  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I know what you mean. There are days im the same way just becaue i have such high goals and it has taken time to see something....though I have lost 60lbs I want to see more definition.

    I agree with Millerscd. I really do not crave a lot of that crap anymore like I use to. Yeah on occasion I will eat something unhealthy but it jump starts my metabolism again and in doing so lose weight. It worked during the thanksgiving and christmas. I ate and drank and lost 6 lbs. Crazy I know.

    Also it s more of a lifestyle...its not that you can not eat whatever you want its that you are choosing healthier foods to fuel your body. BTW....you look amazing from your before and after picture...what ever you are doing seems to be working. So don't beat yourself up if one week you decide to have pizza....its not bad in moderation.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    On the subject of pizza, I make my own, and roll the dough out really thin, and a whole pizza is only 440 cals.
  • nicholastprice
    My first thought is, "Welcome to adulthood. Very little about life is 'what you want, when you want'."

    This. I would like to stay home from work everyday, but then I couldn't provide for my family. They are important to me, so I make sacrifices.

    It's also not all about being 'skinny.' I would hope it's more about being healthy.
  • Orrnery
    I have become an old lady...I have gained and lost 100 lbs. three times. Here is my sage advise: Skinny is no more attractive than Fat. It's how you feel about yourself and your behaviors. Self-control is very self-affirming. You really do get to pick. But in my experience, I FEEL better when I am a "normal" weight....about myself and the way I look. Soooooo, here I am again, this time with 45 lbs to lose. I've had a great week and have some new insights. Best of luck to you and know it is your decision to make.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I know what you mean. There are days im the same way just becaue i have such high goals and it has taken time to see something....though I have lost 60lbs I want to see more definition.

    I agree with Millerscd. I really do not crave a lot of that crap anymore like I use to. Yeah on occasion I will eat something unhealthy but it jump starts my metabolism again and in doing so lose weight. It worked during the thanksgiving and christmas. I ate and drank and lost 6 lbs. Crazy I know.

    Also it s more of a lifestyle...its not that you can not eat whatever you want its that you are choosing healthier foods to fuel your body. BTW....you look amazing from your before and after picture...what ever you are doing seems to be working. So don't beat yourself up if one week you decide to have pizza....its not bad in moderation.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    well i dont think its nessacarily like you need to count all the time and you know do everything exactly the same i believe that once after so long you should be used to what is ok to eat and what is not and once your body is used to exercising it should become much easier but man you look great i wouldnt even complain
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    yeah, it sucks alright, and it doesn't seem fair that some people are born with the right metabolism and have to eat all the time just to maintain their weight! (I'm married to one of those--that is hard!) of course we all know that "Life Isn't Fair" and so forth. Growing up in the south, we didn't make the best choices and all that good fried food is soooo tasty! Is it my mom's fault she didn't teach me better? Maybe when I was young, but now I'm a grown up and I am responsible for my own choices. I am choosing to reclaim my body and quit being depressed. I believe I will always be focused on my weight--either I'm mad at myself and feeling guilty for eating the entire box of cupcakes in the car so nobody will know, or I'm concentrating on eating in a way that gets me what I want. Either way, I'm spending most of my time obsessing over my body so I might as well do it in a way that helps me instead of hurts me. Wouldn't I love to have a fabulous 20-something body that stops traffice without any work? of course! I'd love to win the lottery too, but in the real world there's just day to day decisions.

    It's a circle, really: 1) what do I really want? 2) what am I doing to get it? 3) is it working? 4) if not, what will I change?
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    I'm only starting out this time, but I've actually been thinking the opposite, to be honest! I comfortably eat three delicious meals a day and give myself a little leeway with some exercise as often as I can. I managed over Christmas by adjusting my calories to maintenance for Christmas Day/NYE and it seemed LOADS for everyday consumption (and I know it won't be as many cals when I'm at a lighter weight, but still).

    In the past I lost a lot of weight, then gained it all back and some, so I never got to 'maintenance'. But I've been thinking that, when I'm at goal, it will be nice to move into maintenance - maintenance cals plus exercise means you can have treats (not necessarily fast/junk food - but fruit juice, good quality chocolate, nuts etc) without blowing your 'budget'. Exercise is more fun 'cos you are fitter and you have a bank of healthy recipes that you know how to make and that you and your family love - or so I'm hoping!

    For me, having relapsed once, I have accepted that I need to exercise frequently, log calories every day (no big deal when I plan all our cooking anyway), and weigh myself fairly frequently for the rest of my life. I spent a while last year (before I started MFP) trying to find a way of losing weight without thinking about food/calories all the time (ie eating intuitively) because I felt I didn't have the mental energy any more, and then I realised - I love food and cooking and think about them frequently anyway! Might as well be thinking about what's most filling, nutritious, and tasty!

    Anyone at goal/maintenance got thoughts on this, especially my idealised version of what maintenance is like? :D
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Turkey burger, no bun, no cheese? :sick: No.

    Hahaha! My thoughts exactly!

    OP, you could look at it from the opposite side. Aren't overweight people "slaves" to "their" lifestyle? For me, I plan to count calories until I get to the desired weight, and then will just watch how much I eat. If the weight starts to creep up, then I'll calorie count for a bit until I'm back at the good weight again. In the meantime, I'm eating fried pork cutlets, chips, pocky and ice cream, and I'm still losing weight.
  • kimdoeshair
    You can have a "cheat meal" and eat the things the way you like them, just not a "cheat day" because that can blow your whole week. Enjoy Food!
  • NegativeX
    Think about what it takes to STAY at your maintenance weight: Exercising 3-5 times a week and consistently watching what you eat.

    Regular latte INSTEAD non fat skim latte
    Bacon Cheeseburger INSTEAD turkey burger, no bun, no cheese
    Pizza INSTEAD salad
    French Fries INSTEAD cherry tomatoes

    F***! I settle for enough things in my life, is it too much to ask that food not be added to the list?

    Maybe this is why it has taken me so long to get to my maintenance level-I mean, what the hell am I looking forward to…? A lifetime of kicking my *kitten* at the gym and never eating what I want, when I want? Why would anyone want to be skinny if this is how you have to live? Beside the health benefits and looking great.
    I’ll never be able to grab a cheeseburger for lunch and then a couple slices of pizza for dinner. You respond with ‘sure you can, just in moderation’. Again I ask, how is that living? How are you doing what you want, when you want? I don’t want to be a slave to “in-moderation” for fear of being “fat”. I can’t believe THESE ARE MY CHOICES: Be a slave to the “lifestyle” or be fat.

    Those of you maintaining, please reason with me and tell me this is NOT how it has to be, or will be. Perhaps then I will reach my goal weight because no one should be scared of the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I don’t want my weight to ALWAYS be at the back of my mind when I make every day choices.

    We're not meant to be sedentary, speaking evolution wise. So some form of physical activity is required to maintain homeostasis.

    Personally, I enjoy working out and eating healthy, it's not longer a chore but something I enjoy. Feeling great daily, motivated, happy, fit... for me, it has nothing to do with being "skinny" as you call it, but rather just being happy, healthy and active.

    I think your whole viewpoint on health & fitness is completely distorted... same w/ your reasons for trying to be "skinny." Maybe being fit is not for you? Plenty of people I know who are overweight and completely happy. Seems you have deeper personality issues @ play here.

    BTW, I still enjoy pigging out on pizza, burger and beer... just not every damn day.

    Moderation is key as is everything in life if you want to be successful at anything.
  • CRMrunner
    CRMrunner Posts: 88 Member
    1. If that is you in the picture and not some model that you found online, stop and thank God for your good fortune. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. (And I've looked at more than I can count.)

    2. Smile and have a better day. I'm sure that you don't feel like this all the time. Rants are fine, but please don't hold onto it.

    3. In religion, you don't have to choose between being the pope and burning churches. There is room for some middle ground. I think the same is true in fitness.

    4. Accept my friend request. I like friends who are passionate about life. They always have the most interesting takes on things.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    It really depends on what is MOST important to you and how you think about it. I have to remind myself that I eat healthier foods because I WANT to be healthy; not skinny. And I still have days when I eat whatever my heart desires. I just don't STAY in that mode and resort back to my old ways. No matter how frustrated I feel, nothing could compare to the frustration I felt as I sat on the floor in my closet crying because I was too big to fit into my clothes. My suggestion is, don't deprive yourself of anything. If you need a day of no moderation, then go for it!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    1. If that is you in the picture and not some model that you found online, stop and thank God for your good fortune. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. (And I've looked at more than I can count.)

    2. Smile and have a better day. I'm sure that you don't feel like this all the time. Rants are fine, but please don't hold onto it.

    3. In religion, you don't have to choose between being the pope and burning churches. There is room for some middle ground. I think the same is true in fitness.

    4. Accept my friend request. I like friends who are passionate about life. They always have the most interesting takes on things.

    I love your perspective!
  • krisvtx8777

    First off you are AMAZING-you have put in more time energy and effort than anyone I have ever seen here.
    Maybe eating the same thing day in and out just has you feeling a little pissed!
    I've been at this dieting for 2.5 years now! I've realized that I'm never gonna look like YOU body wise! Because frankly, I just don't have the determination that you do.

    You certainly CAN have the best of both worlds.... I think- You can go too far with anything-good or bad... The key is knowing when to say when! No one wants to eat the same thing day in and day out. Only you know what's best for you...some people eat badly ONE day and get off track for weeks....only you know you.

    You are far more amazing looking with each day, because of all your hard work and dedication. I question everyday how I'm maintaining my 129? When I look at your workouts daily and think WOW if only I could!
    But you know what girl....you look so GOOD! All muscle...who cares about the scale! Your body is toned and fit and perfect!
  • MsPinVa
    MsPinVa Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not in the maintaing stage. But I do know that my cousin (Ironman finisher) constantly struggles to fight binges, but she will splurge. Better to give in a little, instead of a 'true' binge.

    You mention the constant battle to maintain at your goal. As a former obese teen, I would rather maintain and fight the fat and over-eating, than to be back at 280+ and be unhealthy, unhappy with myself, and maintaing obesitsy related health issues- such as diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, etc.

    Food vs Health
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im maintaing right now and i eat whatever i want whenever i want
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im maintaing right now and i eat whatever i want whenever i want
  • I never want to be skinny.
    I don't plan on logging once i get to where i want to be, but rather using all this time logging, to make better decisions. You can have a burger, and pizza, etc, I have done it all along the way. Its just a matter of taking it easy the rest of the day, or the next day, and leveling it all out. Its that pizza everyday, and burgers everyday that hurt you. And logging your food shows you how damaging that can be. I consider it a learning tool but don't plan on logging forever.

    I've spent the last 7 years thinking that way. I stopped bartending where I was on my feet and started a "real" job which means I sit at a desk all day. I've been fat and happy but now sometimes being fat is making me very unhappy. Spending an hour trying on clothes to find what makes me look the least cow like. Never being able to go into a store and find something that fit. Even my feet are too fat to wear my 20 pairs of black heels.

    Nah....I think I'll make the change. It's not for everyone. But it is going to be a life long commitment.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    oh no, no, no ma'am!! hahaha I had pizza last night and a bagel with cheese and egg whites today for breakfast. As long as calories in equals calories out and you monitor your nutritional intake you can have whatever you want and maintain!! (or have deficit and lose if that's the goal). I eat papa johns, chick fil a, etc but I make a lot of smart decisions of getting a fruit cup instead of fries and eating 4 of my friend's fries to satisfy me or if i want fries then i have fries and make sure i add a little extra run that week to cover them. Today is actually the 1 year anniversary from the start of my weight loss journey. I finished it in September and have maintained since. While on weight loss I ate a cheesesteak every Monday. How? i budgetted all day with healthy food and watched my sodium and fat consumption that day (and calories of course) and still was at a 500 cal deficit that day. Moderation is key. I dont share my journal because of how "bad" some people might think I eat but in reality I'm in control of everything and you CAN eat anything you want... smaller portions sometimes but doable haha Also takes planning but eventually you just get used to it and it's second nature. Also kids meals help, they are better portioned and the dogs get the stuffed animal toys to play with.
    Good luck!

    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0

    Could not have said it better!!