Why would anyone want to be “skinny”??!



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You can still eat what you want and be thin. It's called portion control.

    Chin up girl!
  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    I eat whatever the f**k I want, just in moderate amounts. And yeah, I binge occasionally too. That's life. I want to be fit and lean, not a skinny *****. It's a compromise, but it's so worth it. Healthy life = long life.
  • ohdearitsyou
    My first thought is, "Welcome to adulthood. Very little about life is 'what you want, when you want'."

    My second thought is that it's a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more fun if you find things you like/enjoy. If you hate salad, then find something else. There's A TON of gray area between pizza and salad. If you hate the gym, find something else. Get outside, go dancing, etc.

    And even if you don't want to hear it, at the end of the day it is about balance and moderation. Have the burger for lunch today, and the pizza for dinner tomorrow. Ihop for breakfast, mcdonalds for lunch and pizza hut for dinner is bad all the way around.

    ^ This.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    BUMPING this because I have to get back to work but as I am down to the last 3 pounds and about to start working on maintenance...definitely want to come back and read everyone's interesting responses.
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go

    I agree with this!
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    All i can say is...look at the picture on the right. You have an amazingly hot body that you should be proud of...yes, you have to work for it...and you have to decide if that's worth it. This is about determining your lifestyle and if keeping that body doesn't fit in with the lifestyle you want to have...you need to decide what you can be happy with on both ends. I'm working my butt off to get to that fitness level on the right...I can be happy where I am...but I want to see how difficult it is to maintain THAT.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Think about what it takes to STAY at your maintenance weight: Exercising 3-5 times a week and consistently watching what you eat.

    Regular latte INSTEAD non fat skim latte
    Bacon Cheeseburger INSTEAD turkey burger, no bun, no cheese
    Pizza INSTEAD salad
    French Fries INSTEAD cherry tomatoes

    F***! I settle for enough things in my life, is it too much to ask that food not be added to the list?

    Maybe this is why it has taken me so long to get to my maintenance level-I mean, what the hell am I looking forward to…? A lifetime of kicking my *kitten* at the gym and never eating what I want, when I want? Why would anyone want to be skinny if this is how you have to live? Beside the health benefits and looking great.
    I’ll never be able to grab a cheeseburger for lunch and then a couple slices of pizza for dinner. You respond with ‘sure you can, just in moderation’. Again I ask, how is that living? How are you doing what you want, when you want? I don’t want to be a slave to “in-moderation” for fear of being “fat”. I can’t believe THESE ARE MY CHOICES: Be a slave to the “lifestyle” or be fat.

    Those of you maintaining, please reason with me and tell me this is NOT how it has to be, or will be. Perhaps then I will reach my goal weight because no one should be scared of the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I don’t want my weight to ALWAYS be at the back of my mind when I make every day choices.

    Judging by your profile photo, I don't know why you're worried? Looks like you're already "maintaining".
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Everything in life is hard. Get over it. Welcome to being a grown up!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go

    You might want to try reading The Pleasure Trap for some perspective on food/diet.

    Who is the author of The Pleasure Trap?

    Lisle and Goldhamer. I'm in the middle of it right now. Not everyone would buy into everything the book is about (and it's led me to other areas that I would like to research, even areas not having to do with diet), but it offers a very interesting perspective about overeating. I think any book that provides an opportunity for self-reflection about choices is valuable.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    1st, I am now a long distance runner - and the heavier you are the harder you have to work at it to get to the finish line at a marathon and I am trying to get my time down so the skinner you are, the less calories you burn and the faster you can run :)

    2nd, I have 3 daughters (twins 15, and a 17 year old). I have to look at them and how it would be if I was in Heaven and they were stuck back here on this earth.

    3rd, when I was fat - Jan 1, 2011 - weighed 290(ish), today, I weigh 212 :smile: - my blood pressue is normal, I dont take any medication for anything (except allergies - and I have no control over this).

    Last... I feel GREAT! All of my issues that I had when I was fat are GONE! I now run 30-35 miles a week! Only problems I have now are some knee pain when I do a 11+ mile run but thats normal for long distance runners.

    When I was fat - I had high blood pressure: 160/95 and my resting heart rate was 75-80. Now, my blood pressure is 115/70 and my resting heart rate is 55-60!! Thats what a professional athlete has! I went from 42" jeans to 34's! I have a TON of energy! My kids like the new me :smile:
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Eating garbage is not *living*.... you can do it if you consider it important to your lifestyle, but human beings were not designed to intake 3000+ calories a day. The consequence is gaining weight... you need to decide which is more important, being healthy or eating what you want to eat.
  • rissuhbissuh
    You really have an option... think about it. Why don't you want to be fat? For real?

    For most people it's because being fat doesn't score you social points. You get nasty looks, nasty comments, it's hard to date, it's very lonely. There are also health reasons but those are honestly not most peoples' primary goal in trying to lose weight and maintain it. Just peruse the forums on this site and you can see that, it's all about how you look, how clothes look on you, not having fat rolls, etc... all visual things.

    So it's a trade off. If you want the social points that go along with being not fat, and even better, tone and in athletic in body shape, some people have to work harder for it than others.

    If those social points don't really interest you, then don't worry about it and eat what you want.

    I am so glad that you said this. I agree that many do this for social reasoning. Not all, but I know that most have this in the back of their minds.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I reached my goal weight 2 weeks before Christmas and am currently within my maintenance range (I did go a bit crazy over Christmas and put on a few pounds, but I'm back on track now!) once I've shed the Christmas weight I'll be good through the week and not worry about calories at the weekend....am I happy doing this? Hell yes!! I turned 30 last year and had a baby the year before that....and I think my body is the best it has ever looked! Yes I still eat burgers, chocolate and cheeses (one of my greatest weeknesses!) but just in moderation! An no I don't mind one bit, even if I have to eat these goodies in moderation for the rest of my life!! At least with MFP you CAN still have them!! Yes sometimes it's tough and somedays (like yesterday for me!) an extra 'cheat day' is needed to get cravings out of your system but it is so worth it!!

    You look fantastic in your profile pic :-) ask yourself....would you rather not count and look like the before picture or continue counting and continue looking like the after pic?

    You've done incredibly well :-) stick at it and hope your feeling more positive about it all again soon
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    NOT ME! on the other hand i dont want to be so fat or diabetic. Im pretty attached to my toes (people in my family have lost some due to wieght and diabetes). And i love all those foods i wish i didn't, however i believe monitoring the intake of my food a little now is way better than not being allowed to eat them ever! I know where your coming from i have to work at it and christmas just put 5 lbs back on my butt, however, when i lost it again, it felt good. I am still 15 lbs from my goal so hopefully when i get there i dont find myself in the funk you seem to be in cuz i really do understand. chin up, smile, be proud, and keep trucking:0)
  • mary_kate23
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go

    ^^ what this person said
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    It means that when you do eat those things it's more of a treat. It gives you an incentive to exercise and keep healthy and live for longer and enjoy the things that are fun in life more. And gives you more time to do them.

    It makes you feel good when you look good.

    All the things you listed as alternatives taste great anyways and to be honest you could have them if you ate them in moderation anyway.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    I'm nowhere near my maintenance zone, but I have found that over time as I've attempted to steer towards more "whole" foods, the really high calorie/low nutritional value/processed foods lose a lot of appeal. When I do eat them, I usually don't feel very good afterwards--and I don't mean emotionally, but physically. I suspect that over time, you just don't want them as much to begin with, so it's not as much of a battle.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Everything in life is hard. Get over it. Welcome to being a grown up!

    YUP. Exactly what she said.
  • sweetie89207
    lol...my answer to that is...exercise more! 3 times a week sounds kinda weak to me...i know thats the "ideal" but if u wanna eat what u want and still maintain- do it 5-6 times a week...you'll have so many extra calories to eat that you can eat what u want...honestly...and nobody really wants pizza and hamburgers every day...just watch ur weight- kick ur butt in the gym and eat what u want ("in moderation- but only for health reasons" lol) try it and see what happens with ur weight...cant hurt yeah?
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    With exercise and proper moderation you can eat whatever you want while maintaining. I just watch the scale and if it goes up a pound or two, I cut back for a while, kick it in high gear with the workouts and get the weight back in check. And that doesn't happen often, cuz like I said it's about moderation. If you have French Toast for breakfast one day, eat well the rest of the day. Pizza for lunch then have a sensible breakfast and a salad for dinner. Or just have ONE cheat day a week where you can go PIG OUT all day for breakfast lunch and dinner, including DESSERT!!! But then take it back the rest of the week with your healthy eating and workouts. It's a way of life, not a diet. Unfortunately you have to WORK for the AWESOME BODY!