Why would anyone want to be “skinny”??!

Think about what it takes to STAY at your maintenance weight: Exercising 3-5 times a week and consistently watching what you eat.

Regular latte INSTEAD non fat skim latte
Bacon Cheeseburger INSTEAD turkey burger, no bun, no cheese
Pizza INSTEAD salad
French Fries INSTEAD cherry tomatoes

F***! I settle for enough things in my life, is it too much to ask that food not be added to the list?

Maybe this is why it has taken me so long to get to my maintenance level-I mean, what the hell am I looking forward to…? A lifetime of kicking my *kitten* at the gym and never eating what I want, when I want? Why would anyone want to be skinny if this is how you have to live? Beside the health benefits and looking great.
I’ll never be able to grab a cheeseburger for lunch and then a couple slices of pizza for dinner. You respond with ‘sure you can, just in moderation’. Again I ask, how is that living? How are you doing what you want, when you want? I don’t want to be a slave to “in-moderation” for fear of being “fat”. I can’t believe THESE ARE MY CHOICES: Be a slave to the “lifestyle” or be fat.

Those of you maintaining, please reason with me and tell me this is NOT how it has to be, or will be. Perhaps then I will reach my goal weight because no one should be scared of the light at the end of the tunnel.

I don’t want my weight to ALWAYS be at the back of my mind when I make every day choices.


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    It sucks, but that's life. It's all a choice and a compromise.

    Wish I could smoke cigarettes and drink Vodka until my heart's content, but that isn't an option unless I want to die far too young.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    It's a genetic lottery. I know plenty of skinny and "tone" people who eat garbage all day everyday and don't gain an ounce. They also don't really work out very often.

    You really have an option... think about it. Why don't you want to be fat? For real?

    For most people it's because being fat doesn't score you social points. You get nasty looks, nasty comments, it's hard to date, it's very lonely. There are also health reasons but those are honestly not most peoples' primary goal in trying to lose weight and maintain it. Just peruse the forums on this site and you can see that, it's all about how you look, how clothes look on you, not having fat rolls, etc... all visual things.

    So it's a trade off. If you want the social points that go along with being not fat, and even better, tone and in athletic in body shape, some people have to work harder for it than others.

    If those social points don't really interest you, then don't worry about it and eat what you want.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Like you say, you have to be happy with only eating exactly what you want some of the time. The other choices are obsession or weight gain.

    Eating whatever you want whenever you want isnt an option unless you want to pile it back on, sorry, no good news on this one.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I never want to be skinny.
    I don't plan on logging once i get to where i want to be, but rather using all this time logging, to make better decisions. You can have a burger, and pizza, etc, I have done it all along the way. Its just a matter of taking it easy the rest of the day, or the next day, and leveling it all out. Its that pizza everyday, and burgers everyday that hurt you. And logging your food shows you how damaging that can be. I consider it a learning tool but don't plan on logging forever.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I have been kind of thinking the same thing lately. I have my last 10lbs to lose and I am finding it difficult. Everytime I eat something I think that I am going to get fat....it is always on my mind.

    But once I reach my maintenance weight, I have decided that during the week I will be good and stick to my maintenance calories and exercise 3 times a week to keep fit because I definitely feel better when I am exercising. On weekends I will indulge slighlty more and enjoy the fine foods and drinks life can provide. If I see my weight go up then I will take a week or two and work on bringing it down.

    There is no magic answer.... but I know I don`t want to be fat again. I don`t need to be skinny either.... I just want to be healthy and feel good.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You can have all those things. Just not a lot of them. It's about mmoderation, not deprivation.
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    Yes I second that comment.
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    Honestly I've thought about that before as well. As much as it's hard to lose weight I'm scared of maintenance too, b/c you'd think you wouldn't have to worry as much about what you eat and how much you need to exercise but you totally do. I love the feeling after a good workout and I won't stop doing that but still the food choices were limited to just to stay the same weight scares me that I will be a slave to counting calories my whole life. :/ I'm definitely interested in what the responses are to this..
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    You are SO spot on. I think the same thing all the time...... It's pretty f*cuked up. I definitely do not want to be old and still counting every single calorie. It's so exhausting! It's nice to hear someone speak some reality instead of just lollypops and kittens on this site. lol
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I eat the bacon cheeseburger, pizza, or fries (not all at once!) and still am going in the right direction.

    The key is moderating it. A once in a while treat? then those foods are fine. Daily fare? You've got more health issues to worry about than your image in the mirror, just around the corner.

    Same for exercise. It's part of a healthy lifestyle, not just for weight loss. If you don't get your body moving several times a week, you've got more health issues coming up, too.
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy... I want to develop a sustainable lifestyle; and that probably means that, at some level, I will have to continue to count calories and exercise for the rest of my life I can probably "wing-it" to some extent but I will have to be conscious of my diet and make deliberate measured decisions for when I want to splurge on myself or all this effort will have been wasted and I'll end up back where I started or worse...
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    You can have all those things. Just not a lot of them. It's about mmoderation, not deprivation.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've been at or below my original goal weight since Sept 2010.

    I eat what I want, when I want it. Yes, I do eat in moderation but let's face it... those huge portions of things you get when you go out to eat? Ridiculous. And who really needs to eat 3 servings of french fries? It isn't about denying yourself the things you enjoy, it is more about learning that you don't need to consume an entire cake -- that one piece IS sufficient. I guess for me, being thinner was worth learning portion control. Americans have a skewed view of "portions", so while you're sitting here lamenting about not being able to eat a big ole cheeseburger or whatever -- realize that you are falling into the same traps when it comes to food.

    Read the labels. For heaven's sake, it isn't that hard to follow a serving size of something.

    As for the gym. I haven't been to the gym since October. I've been letting two injuries heal - I'm still in my normal weight range. I look "flabby" (to me anyway) when I look in the mirror, but I didn't gain weight outside of my normal range. You do NOT have to go to the gym and bust your butt 5 days a week. I don't and haven't since I hit maintenance. I usually go 2-3 days and workout for an hour each time.

    It sounds to me like you've been denying yourself things you enjoy, that you are resentful about following portion sizes, etc. Perhaps this journey isn't making you happy? Don't obsess. Don't worry. Don't over-analyze things. Just relax and enjoy life!
  • fitaliciag
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go

  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    You can have all those things. Just not a lot of them. It's about mmoderation, not deprivation.

  • plzlbsbegone
    Wow, I hear ya! I was thinking around those lines too, but what I tell myself when I am thinking of giving up is this.... I want to be healthy for the rest of my life. I want to be active, because it's fun! I want to look good, always.

    i know the road won't end when i get to my goal, it will still be hard work. But alllowing some unheathy foods in some of the time won't be so bad. I know as long as I don't eat like I used to, the way that got me 50lbs overweight, I won't have to work AS hard. I just remember how miserable I felt when I was eating the way I was. I try to remember, EAT to Live, not Live to EAT. There is so much more in the world for me that I want, things more important than food. I don't know if this will help at all, but its something I have to remind myself of ften, or its so easy to slip off the wagon.
  • fitaliciag
    It's a genetic lottery.

    not always
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Gosh, that's hard to answer. I've been thin most of life, skinny for about half (I'm 50). Yes, I have always thought about my weight. Not every day, but I do consider it when eating most of the time. But I've never eaten a turkey burger without cheese or a bun. When I want a cheeseburger I eat a cheeseburger. When I want pizza, I eat pizza. But, I don't want to eat cheeseburgers everyday so not eating them everyday is not a problem. I don't want them everyday partly because I would be fat if I ate them everyday but mostly because I'd likely be unhealthy if I ate them everyday. And it is possible to make a healthy lower calorie pizza or burger or most foods that are generally not healthy or low cal.

    But I eat good food everyday. I don't eat things I don't like, and I don't go hungry. And I drink wine everyday. And, yes, if I don't exercise regularly I gain weight. So, I try to exercise regularly and eat delicious foods that are good for me most of the time, and every now and then I eat things that are not good for me.

    It is possible to be thin, well fed and happy.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit.

    Are the french fries really worth not accepting your own body? Is that extra few hours a week because you didn't go workout really worth feeling disgusted with yourself? Not to even mention the health benefits. It's about retraining yourself to eat to benefit your body and not solely eating something because it tastes good. Also, you should be enjoying your workouts even if they are hard work. If it's not at least somewhat fun or gives you a good feeling afterward then you probably haven't found the right workout for you.

    I eat a very restricted diet most of the time and I am never as "fed up" as you seem to be about food. Just because it's healthy doesn't mean it can't taste good and fill whatever cravings you're having.