Why would anyone want to be “skinny”??!



  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    love this question, lol, i feel that way too...but damn..i want to be slim and trim, lol, unfortunately its a sacrafice...im hoping that in maintainence phase with 3 days of activity (which i dont think is that bad) an overall healthy eating i will be fine having a couple of who cares meals a week...i think the problem is wehn you completely stop caring. All of the progress and time that it will take to get me 30 pounds lighter should install a new lifestyle in me as well. Have fries...a large fries if you want...just not everyday...im friending you because i like your spunk!!! We can do this!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Maybe you just need to search out a better balance instead of either extreme of perfect fitness or no fitness. I've maintained for a few months - gone up a little and down a little depending on how I'm feeling. But I never feel like I'm settling- if I want some *kitten* I eat it. Salads are not meals for me. But I try to work in healthy amounts of fruits and veggies and just in doing so I find maintenance fairly easy. I put on about 5-10lbs leading into Christmas so I'm back on a deficit for a bit but even then, I'm just not too stressed.

    Maybe you should try re-evaluating what your long term goals are- skinny, eating with abandon, or just being healthy
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    My first thought is, "Welcome to adulthood. Very little about life is 'what you want, when you want'."

    My second thought is that it's a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more fun if you find things you like/enjoy. If you hate salad, then find something else. There's A TON of gray area between pizza and salad. If you hate the gym, find something else. Get outside, go dancing, etc.

    And even if you don't want to hear it, at the end of the day it is about balance and moderation. Have the burger for lunch today, and the pizza for dinner tomorrow. Ihop for breakfast, mcdonalds for lunch and pizza hut for dinner is bad all the way around.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I've been maintaining since August and I've eaten every single thing on your "no" list at least once. And plenty more for that matter. It's about balance, otherwise you'll just deprive yourself straight into a binge. But I also occasionally ate some of those things even while I was losing - I just made sure to plan so that I stayed under my net over 2-3 days. For example, I could bike 25 miles and then eat an entire 10" pizza from the wood-fired place up the road from my house, and still meet my net for the day.
  • witrixie2011
    You can have all those things. Just not a lot of them. It's about moderation, not deprivation.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I can’t believe THESE ARE MY CHOICES: Be a slave to the “lifestyle” or be fat.

    Actually, it's be a slave to the lifestyle, or be unhealthy and die younger. You seriously would want to CHOOSE to shave years off of your life?

    There are SO MANY advantages to eating healthier. Feeling better, living longer, being happier...etc. It must be very draining to have such a negative view. Start eating healthier, and I bet it will help with that.

    ETA: Honey, you can eat whatever the heck you want, as long as you don't eat TOO MUCH of it. I eat all of your "no" items on a regular basis.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I've struggled with the same thoughts. After four months, and 26 pound gone, eating garbage for 3 days at christmas, and feeling very blah, bloated and sick afterwards, I have come to realize it's not about being skinny (which i still want).

    It's about feeling good and being healthy. Being able to get on the floor and play with my grandson. Being able to carry him around. Walking upstairs without getting out of breath. my feet not being in so much pain that I can hardly walk, and I can wear high heals again. Having more energy in general, which is great in helping me keep up with 2 teenager still at home. Since I don't hurt as much, I have a better attitude in general. All this and I've only lost 26 pounds, can't wait till I'm down another 50.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I've read your post a few times and...In my view, this is what it boils down to. We always have a choice in what we do. We don't have to like the options we have before us but, we always have a choice. You need to decide what is most important to you. Eating whatever you want, in whatever quantities OR feeling and looking your best, the best you possibly can. We do not live in a perfect world, life takes work and actions have consequences.

    I am a firm believer in, if you want that piece of food, have it, satisfy the need for it if you truly want it. But let's face it, who would want to eat that stuff all of the time?!

    Until I started using MFP and really, the last month....I never realised how much damage I've done to my body and emotional state by putting myself under the ridiculous stress that is, trying to get weight off by whatever new diet is out!

    For me, I can sustain going to the gym 4 times a week and eating cleaner but I'm looking upon this as a lifestyle change and not a diet or, to merely get to "xlbs" in the short term.

    I hope things work out for you. It's tough when frustration sets in...

    Think about what it takes to STAY at your maintenance weight: Exercising 3-5 times a week and consistently watching what you eat.

    Regular latte INSTEAD non fat skim latte
    Bacon Cheeseburger INSTEAD turkey burger, no bun, no cheese
    Pizza INSTEAD salad
    French Fries INSTEAD cherry tomatoes

    F***! I settle for enough things in my life, is it too much to ask that food not be added to the list?

    Maybe this is why it has taken me so long to get to my maintenance level-I mean, what the hell am I looking forward to…? A lifetime of kicking my *kitten* at the gym and never eating what I want, when I want? Why would anyone want to be skinny if this is how you have to live? Beside the health benefits and looking great.
    I’ll never be able to grab a cheeseburger for lunch and then a couple slices of pizza for dinner. You respond with ‘sure you can, just in moderation’. Again I ask, how is that living? How are you doing what you want, when you want? I don’t want to be a slave to “in-moderation” for fear of being “fat”. I can’t believe THESE ARE MY CHOICES: Be a slave to the “lifestyle” or be fat.

    Those of you maintaining, please reason with me and tell me this is NOT how it has to be, or will be. Perhaps then I will reach my goal weight because no one should be scared of the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I don’t want my weight to ALWAYS be at the back of my mind when I make every day choices.
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    There is a lot of pressure, especially on younger people these days, that skinny is sexy. The media and fashion show us stick-thin models and you read all the comments complimenting their appearance. I feel a lot of pressure from these things anyway, I confess.

    One thing that really freaked me out. I was watching Iron Man with a guy who is now my ex (hurhur surprise), and that scene with the cheerleaders appeared. I was still slender then, a UK 12 actually. I had a classic hourglass figure going on and I was confident in myself. But he watched this scene, and growled to himself. I looked at him, confused, and he said "If you looked like THAT, I'd never be able to leave you alone, hahaha!"

    Bam, self confidence gone. Self esteem? What's that again? I then gained weight from medication and a very poor student diet, so that didn't help. But I lost him, or gained freedom, should I say.

    But yes, long story short, I blame media.
  • seehawkmomma
    You could just start smoking crack that way you dont even want to eat.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Turkey burger, no bun, no cheese? :sick: No. I would also go pizza WITH salad, that way you're full without having to eat half a pizza! You can pretty much eat anything you want, but you have to realize that a lot of what people eat is in unrealistic portions and you don't really need that much. That won't be depriving yourself either. If you're smart about it you can fit these foods into your day, but you will still have to kick your *kitten* at the gym or at least stay active if you want to keep the weight off.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I used to have that same mind set, and some days I still do. But, its something that you have to work to change or you won't finish this journey. This is exactly the reason that "diets" don't work. When you deprive yourself, and feel like you are depriving yourself, you can't stick to it long term. So, it has to be a lifestyle change. And yes, that means forever. So, forever you have to have "bad" things in moderation. But, it is a mindset. You have to change the way that you think about your lifestyle. It isn't easy, and some days you will still feel like it is a never ending journey, but that is the hard truth. If you want to be healthy, you have to work at it. If it were easy, America wouldn't be the fattest nation in the world. Its hard, but you can do it. And remember that you don't have to deprive yourself, you just have to eat in moderation. Stay within your maintenance calories (when you hit that level), and eat a mixture of the foods that you like. Expending more or the same energy that you consume is the key. You can do it!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm not sure how long you've been on this journey but I've been "relatively thin" for almost 4 years now. Each of our bodies are different so what applies to me may or may not apply to you. What I have found is that I no longer crave all the garbage that I used to. Its kind of like an ex smoke (which I am) who hates the smell of cigarettes after he quits. Sure I still crave some things, such as pizza, but I don't eat it every day nor would I want to. Just my two cents!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    you can look at it in a more positive way for starters....give that a go
    Yes, exactly! Try and have a positive outlook about this and your progress!

    Also, you are what you eat. If you eat junk, you'll definitely look like you do. Personally, I feel better when I eat cleaner foods and opt for healthier options. Just my opinion. My body is worth it, not just to be thin (cause I'm not, I'm 20 lbs from my goal) but really, to support my moods, skin, hair, nails, and my body in general inside and out. I don't want to acquire diseases and health problems later on down the road.

    Of course, I do eat pizza and ice cream when I want, but don't thrive on it. I usually get back to clean eating and keep all that s*** in moderation. I'd rather fit into my jeans than feel miserable after stuffing my face with junk food.

    Smile and be happy! You look great from your profile picture and if you want to stay looking that hot, you've gotta sacrifice a bit in the food department!! :)

  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    You have to make some sacrifices in life. You're 27 years old??
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    oh no, no, no ma'am!! hahaha I had pizza last night and a bagel with cheese and egg whites today for breakfast. As long as calories in equals calories out and you monitor your nutritional intake you can have whatever you want and maintain!! (or have deficit and lose if that's the goal). I eat papa johns, chick fil a, etc but I make a lot of smart decisions of getting a fruit cup instead of fries and eating 4 of my friend's fries to satisfy me or if i want fries then i have fries and make sure i add a little extra run that week to cover them. Today is actually the 1 year anniversary from the start of my weight loss journey. I finished it in September and have maintained since. While on weight loss I ate a cheesesteak every Monday. How? i budgetted all day with healthy food and watched my sodium and fat consumption that day (and calories of course) and still was at a 500 cal deficit that day. Moderation is key. I dont share my journal because of how "bad" some people might think I eat but in reality I'm in control of everything and you CAN eat anything you want... smaller portions sometimes but doable haha Also takes planning but eventually you just get used to it and it's second nature. Also kids meals help, they are better portioned and the dogs get the stuffed animal toys to play with.
    Good luck!

    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you have to constantly deprive yourself, your desired maintenance weight may be too low. I did this for a while, ate egg whites, celery, and not much else, along with doing a ton of light cardio. It wasn't good physically or mentally. Then I woke up and I found a happy place, about 8 pounds heavier, still well within my healthy weight range, where I could eat mostly healthy food I enjoy, with some occasional treats. I found an exercise routine I actually enjoyed on it's own, and for the benefits (more energy, better mood, etc.). This worked pretty well for me. I'm here because I went through a really hard time personally and slipped back into old habits, too much sugar, no exercise. I gained weight about (about 20 pounds) and felt horrible, I was exhausted all the time, felt depressed, etc.. This was a reminder of why it was worth it to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. It's not a burden, and the benefits more than outweigh being able to "eat whatever I want." Also, I find the longer I eat healthy things, the more I want those things and the less I want less healthy options. And yes, I will admit, as an earlier poster said, the social benefits are nice too--but not feeling like complete hell all the time is better.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Firstly, you look amazing. Hold on to that.

    But that aside, I do in part agree. I find maintenance far harder than losing weight, because I get an overwhelming sense of "Is this is?". When I go to bed hungry after my allotted 1500 cals I am miserable because this is what is takes to maintain, and I am still hungry.

    I could theoretically do more exercise, but I don't have any child free time to do it at the moment, so am limited to classes I can take my children along to, which only run during term time, and running at weekends when my husband is home. I can't even work out in the evenings as I have my masters degree work and am currently working at that flat out from 8pm (when the children go to bed) until 3 am (not joking), and what kind of a life is that?
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I know how you feel. I wish I was just one of those people who can eat whatever she wants and always look great... I actually work with a girl who looks like a model and I have seen her eat RIDICULOUS amounts of food and it NEVER affects her outwardly (I don't know, maybe she has a cholestorol problem or something, but it doesn't SHOW!!).

    I will say, though, that finding substitutions can be really helpful. Like, don't replace french fries with cherry tomatoes, that is so not a good trade (that sh&% would not fly in the school lunchroom, right???). Try roasted sweet potato fries, using light olive oil spray and a sprinkling of your favorite spices at 450 degrees for about 20 min or until they're done. Salad instead of a pizza?!? oh, no. Make a version of pizza that is within your calories, or do a 600 calorie burn one day so you can fit some slices in. A future full of nothing but salads... yeeech. Just thinking about it gives me a carb-craving.

    I know the frustration you are feeling. I mean, I REALLY know it. The feeling of, are you kidding? I have to do this crap for the REST of my life?!? No way... BUT I have been overweight for a long time and I have to say that honestly the frustration of being physically uncomfortable and not liking how I look in clothes and just not feeling great... it's just a lamer vision of the future than one where I count calories and work out.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    My first thought is, "Welcome to adulthood. Very little about life is 'what you want, when you want'."

    My second thought is that it's a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more fun if you find things you like/enjoy. If you hate salad, then find something else. There's A TON of gray area between pizza and salad. If you hate the gym, find something else. Get outside, go dancing, etc.

    And even if you don't want to hear it, at the end of the day it is about balance and moderation. Have the burger for lunch today, and the pizza for dinner tomorrow. Ihop for breakfast, mcdonalds for lunch and pizza hut for dinner is bad all the way around.

    ^^ Couldn't agree more; especially with the first sentence. Your not a child telling yourself you are not allowed to have such and such items; your adult that makes the choice to be healthy. You will have much more success with maintaining your loss if you learn this mentality. Good luck.