

  • I just purchad the Zumba DVD set off of QVC - I'm so excited and I can't wait. I usually go to Zumba class at the Gym on Base where I work, the instructor is very good. I know I must look like a complete fool doing the moves, but I love it. Its a good workout and you will definitely sweat. I have a hrm but I've never used…
  • I recently tried "acorn squash" little butter and brown sugar baked. It was really good!! Will be buying again!
  • my name is lean and mean machine - that what I feel like as the weight is coming off!
  • Hey, I'm considered a senior also, I'm turning 51 in about 2 weeks. I've lost 13 lbs thus far, and I have an additional 90lbs to loose. I'm gonna do it too. Lets continue to motivate each other!
  • Hey I'm adding you as a friend too. We can all use the help and motivation. We're all in the same boat. Hang on in there.
  • Hey Kristen: This is an amazing site. Just continue to log in your food daily and start to exercise, even if its only a walk around the block or something and record that, and watch the weight slowly start disappearing. We are all in this together. We're here tohelp one another. I too have over 100lbs to loose and I know…
  • Hello, we are all in this together. We're here to motivate each other. I'll send a friend request now!
  • Freckles1978, I too have to loose over 100lbs. I would love to add you as a friend. With all of us working together, we can and will loose this weight!
  • I just want to reply - Please, Please don't give up. I have been on the journey for over a year, I've only lost 28lbs thus far, but you know that's 28lbs that I no longer carry around. I was going faithfully to the gym last year for over a year, I recently stopped going to the gym in May and I've lost much more doing my…
  • Hey Jamie, I was becoming obsessesd with the scale too. I now weigh myself once a month as of August 17 - next weigh in is September 17th. I also found that it keeps me accounted more, because of when the month gets closer to my weigh in, I don't want the scale to remain the same. I also found that I like it better this…
  • I eat the "high Fiber" maple and brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast. By the time I get home from work, I'm running to the bathroom! It has to say "high fiber". Try this for about a week and let me know.
  • Count me in too. My food diary is open for my friends to see and to evaluate how I'm doing. As far as the weigh in - I only weight myself every 4 weeks. I was becoming to obsessed with the scale and this way I stay motivated to keep on eating right and exercising.
  • Welcome Ana: This site is wonderful - the people on the site are wonderful and full of support. I will definitely add you as a friend.
  • I usually don't go to bed until 11:00pm - I eat dinner anytime around 6:30 - 7:00pm. So usually around 10:00-10:30 I want a snack, so I will usually have 1-2 pieces of the sugar free mint patties, they are rich and they curve my sweet tooth. I eat one or two and go to bed.
  • Hello, IMJUSTVALORIE - I too need to loose over 80lbs, I've lost 25 so far and I will continue this journey. This site is wonderful and the people here are very supportative. I love this site, please add me also as a friend!
  • I'm eating the south beach way - and I love it. I've been eating this way since May and I've lost a total of 25lbs. (I was still dieting before May and exercising). But I love this way of eating, because I don't feel restricted on food. Yes, the white flour is off limits, (potatoes, white rice, white bread, corn) but look…
  • Welcome, glad to have you!! Let's be buddies and motivate each other!!!
  • Hey there, I will definitely add you and your mom as a friend. I've been on the site now for 1 week and I love it. It keeps my accountable with the food choices and the exercising. And all of my friends on the site are awesome! You will love this site also.
  • Hey, I would love to be your friend!!!
  • Hi Amber, I would love to join the group also, and I would love for you to be my buddy on the site. I have to loose about 85-90lbs. I've been eating the South Beach Way and exercising since May and I've lost 23lbs so far. I have a ways to go, but I take one day at a time. I will get this weight off and keep it off this…
  • I wanna be your buddy too! We all can motivate each other to stay on this patch. We can and we all will do this!
  • Hey, I'm also new to the site, been on now for about 2-3 days and I love it. I have 80-85lbs to loose. I've been doing the South Beach way of eating and been enjoying it. I've been doing the SB and exercising since May and I've lost a total of 23lbs so far and I will and I know I will take it all off. Please add me as a…
  • Hi, Shawna: I've only been on this site for only 3 days, and I love it. I've been on the South Beach Way of Eating and exercising since May and I've aleady lost 23lbs. I sometime eat things that I know is a no, no, but I don't dwell on it, I get right back on track with the exercising and the eating right. I need to loose…
  • Hello Linviv: Just want to welcome you onboard. This site is great, I too have only been a member now for only 3 days and I love it. I'm 50 years of age, and I need to loose at least 80-85 lbs. So far I have lost a total of 23lbs, I've been exercising and eating the South Beach way since May and I love it. Let's be friends…
  • Hi, Tara, I would love to be your buddy also. Iive in Pensacola, Florida, we can go through this journey together. I've been on this site now for 3 days. I love it.
  • Hi Sibylle I am 50 years old, mother of two and grandmother of four. I am so out of shape, and I'm just plain disgusted with the way I look now. I decided in May to do something about it, I've been on the South Beach way of eating and I've been exercising to Turbo Jam every evening when I get off from work. So far to date,…
  • Welcome, I too just started today, and I'm loving it so far. I'm 50 years of age, but I have about 85-90lbs to loose. I would love to add you as a buddy, so that we can motivate each other.
  • I'm also doing the SB - I agree, its not a diet, but its a way of life. I love it, its not so restrictive as the Atkins Diet. I've so far have lost a total of 23lbs, plus I'm exercising using the Turbo Jam series. I love this way of eating, because I can still modifiy it to eat what I enjoy eating.