garnet1483 Member


  • I don't log anything I drink if it doesn't have calories. I don't drink a lot of beverages that have calories, but when I do, I log them as food. I also don't log the tsp of sugar I put in coffee or hot tea on the very rare occasions I drink it. If it was an every day, or even every week occurrence I would.
  • My cheap little sunbeam dial scale can be different by up to 5 lbs. Nice digital scale, as long as I'm balanced in the middle of it, is within 1-2 lbs. I hope you recover soon, and well!
  • This. I was always hungry with the shakes, and didn't have nearly as much success as with just counting calories and eating whole foods. They're tasty, and they'd do in a pinch, but not as a regular program type thing.
  • I'll admit, on the very rare occasion I'll have a Sonic chili cheese tots in lieu of lunch. Only on Saturdays, when I usually eat a super late breakfast anyway, and very rarely, but they're so good! DH and I will also split an order of mozzarella sticks. It satisfies the craving for salty, greasy food. But yeah, their…
  • PB&J on whole grain toast...not typical, but certainly tasty!
  • For what it's worth, I was able to cancel my gym contract (in the US) with a one month notice and paying a cancellation fee. It was more money than I wanted to spend, but less had I kept the contract. There was a cancellation policy written into the contract, though. I've always thought that was fairly standard, but maybe…
  • I second these suggestions. I'd go for the salad first.
  • I'm 29, 5'6", pear shaped, and wide...wide hips, wide shoulders. My first goal is 150. I've never been lower than that as an adult, so at that point I'll re-evaluate. Overall, though body fat% and body composition are more important to me than the number on the scale.
  • I have two ways of handling this sort of thing. First, I practice out of sight, out of mind. If we have pizza, I put what I'm eating on my plate and put the rest somewhere I can't see it. If I make cookies, I take one out at a time, and keep the rest covered (in a container with a lid that snaps...for some reason, that…
  • Yikes. That's rough, especially if you're roommates. My first question you make unsolicited comments about her habits, ever? (Even if it's okay.) If so, that's probably why she feels like she has the freedom to do the same. Second, do you feel comfortable enough to talk to her about your diet and exercise, and what…
  • I plan ahead, like someone else said, so I can do my grocery shopping properly, and within budget. Sometimes, especially if I'm having trouble, or had a bad day, I'll log a couple of days ahead to plan everything out, and it works really well. The biggest help for me, though, is that I have three or four go to meals that I…
  • I enjoyed it. I knew it was Whedon, and I really like Whedon, so I had pretty high, and somewhat specific, expectations of it, and it met them all. I really liked the sense of humor in it, and the moral aspect was beyond interesting. Above all, though, I really liked the characters, and the tongue in cheek references to…
  • I pretty consistently lose about 2 lbs a week, when I stay on it. For almost the entire month of March I think I lost 2 pounds total, but that was me not sticking to the program.
  • Thanks for the input everybody! I think I'm definitely going to wait a few more weeks before I start, but I feel better about trying it now. I guess I should mention that my knees hurt due to previous injuries. I can dance and walk without pain, so that's how I've been getting my cardio in, and it's working, I'd just like…
  • This is a good article on the subject: Unfortunately, the "accurate" clothing isn't super attractive or flattering. It depends on the event, but for an example, at a Ren Faire, I don't mind going full fantasy with something along the lines of this:…
  • Not on purpose. I do have splurge days, but I don't build one into my schedule. If I go over my daily calories by a couple hundred once or twice a week, I don't consider that splurging or cheating, I consider it life happening. Every now and then I'll be presented with an opportunity to genuinely splurge, and I will. My…
  • This is why I don't comment on those statuses at all, nor have mine set to update with that. Your calorie goal is your goal based upon your own individual factors, and the idea is to come close to it, give or take. Now there are some people who burn 1K calories a day through rigorous exercise, and they often come in…
  • If it's swelling that much, jogging is going to exacerbate it. Try to keep it elevated and use ice to reduce the swelling. My feet have gotten attacked by ants on more than one occasion, causing my feet to swell unbearably, and walking/jogging always makes it way worse (and super painful). I think it has to do with the…
  • I'm a pear. Even though I'm not small chested, my shoulders are narrower than my hips, which is what helps to give me the shape. I find that it's exaggerated a lot as I'm losing weight, since I lose fat from my waist up first.
  • I live in southern Louisiana. At WalMart a gallon of milk is right around $3.98, 18 eggs are $1.98, and a bag of gala apples are between $3.49 and $3.99. I can get the little steamer bags of frozen veggies for $1-2, depending on sales. Strawberries have just started coming down to about $1.99. They'll get even cheaper…
  • If this thread is still bouncing when I get home from work, I'll post mine! I haven't done pigtails in a while...not since my hair got long again.
  • First my face, then my belly. The rest of me I think has been losing pretty evenly. My waist tends to get smallest first, but that's because I don't carry a lot of weight there to begin with.
  • I eat out about once a week, sometimes twice, but I make sure it still fits into my calories. I also eat frozen pizza, candy, and cake. Just not on a regular basis. I log it all, and again, make sure I have the calories for it. Or else I do an extra long workout to make up for it. About once a week I'll have a day where…
  • I think it's important to realize that what your issue is has nothing to do with the number on the scale, but rather your body composition. I'm far from an expert, but from what I understand, if your goal is to build muscle, you need to up your calorie intake beyond what it would be for typical weight-loss dieting. I…
  • Between reading that editorial, and the responses here, I'm reminded of when I was a little girl. When I was about 8 or 9, my best friend Janet and I, both social outcasts, started a club (because clubs were ALL the rage in 1992) and as with any club, you had to like certain things, you had to possess certain things, and…
  • I HAVE posed nude. Both for art classes, and for a professional photographer, back when I was a student. Utterly tasteful, and not a half bad way to make some extra money. I'd do it again, too, after I get back in shape. I've seen some lovely photos of nude women my size or larger, but I'm just not photogenic at the moment.
  • CW=219 GW=209 Eep! Just typing out that number is exciting!
  • I love the second one, and the third comes in second place. I wouldn't even consider the first. The only reason I don't like the third one best is because it looks like it has a MONSTER train, and you really can't see the detail on the skirt. Does it have those tucks? If there's not enough fabric in the skirt, those can…
  • I'm in, too! I've been slacking off this month, so this will be a great kick in the pants to get back into it for real! Are we doing weekly check-ins?
  • I actually increased my fruit when I changed the way I eat. I went from hardly eating any to eating an apple or orange or cantaloupe (now that it's in!) or strawberries every day. My blood sugar is naturally on the low side, and whether it's this or the rest of my diet changes, I find that I feel better when I include…