

  • Thanks! It's great to be back. :flowerforyou: It's great to see you still here and keeping up with your goals as well! :smile:
  • Mya-the new sneaker comment made me laugh. That's when you know you're working out to the max! Way to go! :smile: I'm about to start my exercise for the day. It's late but better late than not at all in this case, right? :flowerforyou: I've noticed that my legs seem to be getting like bulkier? But my waist seems to be…
  • Sorry guys for not being around. Alot of changes, and I'm trying to really focus on school. I feel off the wagon for a little bit, and in doing so discovered that fitness and health is a huge part of who I am. I can't stay away from it. I'm going to start running since the weather here is beautiful. My body looked and felt…
  • I'm baaaaaaaack. This month has been off to a crazy start. :laugh: I'm keeping up with my eating and workouts, but I haven't worked out as many times a day I must admit. There are alot of changes happening in my life right now, so I'm trying to juggle everything. I thought about joining the military with my hubs. I wanted…
  • Went for a very lone walk today with my dogs. It is sooo hot here. ( not complaining though) I'm craving Asian food from this lil restaurant in my home town. Very bad I know. It's not even really the food I miss, I just miss my old home ya know? :sad: Anyways, I'm going to watch the new eppie of the Tudors and cheer myself…
  • Obviously whoever wrote that article doesn't regularly watch "The Biggest Loser" Get your facts straight first. :noway:
  • Well hopefully people are doing research, but others just want information handed to them. Also, there is a alot of conflicting information and diets out there. People aren't sure what to believe, and I think they come to fitness websites for help. Needless to say though, people are being given incorrect information even…
  • Mya- Good for you to have that mentality when the family visits. :flowerforyou: It has been a very busy couple of days here. Hubby and I are considering moving and are trying to get alot of things in order. Anyways, hope to be back on track with my fitness today.:smile: My goal shorts fit, but I haven't lost any weight…
  • cute =]
  • Workouts are done for the day. :bigsmile: I'll probably do some weight lifting if I have time as well. Had to do hw, and clean the house too. Everything is done, so I might just relax and lift weights later after work. Mya-Great job pushing with the walk even though you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon…
  • M-Yeah that's where I was confused because most food items are processed ( pressed) to some extent unless you're only eating raw fresh market veggies and meats and nothing else. Even olive oil ( which I love) is a processed food. :flowerforyou: As far as the tofu products, maybe that's why I never saw the effects of it? My…
  • Isn't deli meat and cheese still processed in some way? I thought only raw fresh market meat wasn't that processed? I didn't know that soy products were supposed to encourage fat storage. Isn't that like tradition to Asian countries where women tend to be smaller? I'm curious because I hadn't ever heard of that before.…
  • I've seen them and wondered if they were good. They look delicious though!
  • I'm so glad that everyone has stayed on track thus far. I started a new job, and had finals the same week. I've been trying to juggle work and hw and working out. I'm glad to say that I am back on track with it, and have started a better plan to make everything fit. :bigsmile: As far as the "Eat This Not That" book, I…
  • Turkey is a better alternative that pork in general. I don't eat either of them to be honest. I find it greasy and gross. Also, what are pigs typically fed? Not so healthy things for a human, yet you turn around and eat the pig? You're essentially digesting that slop. =] I just bought the "Eat This, Not That Book" as well,…
    in Bacon Comment by sweetapplepi March 2009
  • Soo..I wore my goal shorts today:bigsmile: They fit so much better! I'm so happy! Hubby and I went for a long walk today and ran together. I love the weather we are having here. I bought the "Eat This, Not That" book today for an interesting read. Interesting to say the least. Great job today everyone. =] Happy Friday!
  • I know how you feel. My sis is older than me and skinny than me ( naturally, she's never dieted). However, I've loved to love my body the way it is. I envied her as I was growing up, but now I'm grateful for my curves. :smile:
  • M-I would love to check those books out. I really enjoy reading and spend alot of time in book stores and libraries. I will have to check those books out. =]
  • Today's walk was so much fun. The doggies are too cute! :heart: It was HOT here too, it felt like Summer already. I love it! I plan to workout on the elliptical again tonight while I watch Survivor and maybe finish the last of "Dirty Dancing"( one of my all time fav movies!) It helps if I watch tv or listen to movies while…
  • In regards to turkey or pork bacon I'm not a fan of either. However, Oprah must be mistaken on her bacon comparison? Turkey bacon is much healthier for you than pork bacon. Just buy a pack of turkey bacon from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods and then buy a pack of pork bacon at the local grocery store. Also, what's being fed…
    in Bacon Comment by sweetapplepi March 2009
  • What does hummus taste like? And Fage? I've heard of both, but have yet to try either.
  • It is so pretty here! It was supposed to be partly cloudy, but there's not really a cloud in the sky today. I think I might take the dogs on a walk. :bigsmile: I did really well on my exercise yesterday as well. I had mid terms too, so I didn't have a chance to post. Not sure what I'm going to have for lunch yet. We REALLY…
  • Yesterday was a super busy day. I worked out throughout the day though, but didn't have time to post. I realized today how much I love working out and staying fit. I feel stronger and leaner, and I love it! I've even received compliments from my hubby so that means he can tell a difference too.:blushing: I plan to work out…
  • Everyone is doing great :drinker: I'm down .6 pounds again! I hag gained it abit ago, and hadn't weighed myself, so I stepped on the scale today and voila! :laugh: It's a teeny step in the right direction. I can tell a huge difference in my body, my clothes fit and tmi but so do my underwear :blushing: so I know that my…
  • 700 Calories? That does seem to be a little high. I'm curious to see what other people have to say.
  • I'm def bookmarking this link. Thanks :drinker:
  • Great job everyone. I'm about to start my workout. ( late start, but better late than never) I feel abit better, but still a little under the weather. bbl to post maybe. :bigsmile:
  • I'm sorry that you are going through this. I would give him space and time, and just listen when he wants to talk. Did he realize how extreme the Marine Corp lifestyle is? My hubby did alot of research before he joined the military. He didn't want to sign up and regret it. I have learned that when things get tough at his…
  • M-Happy Birthday! :bigsmile: I'm feeling under the weather today for some reason, but I'm going to try to push through it. Jessica-Great job on the treadmill!
  • The weather here is gorgeous! Hubby and I have decided it's way too nice to stay indoors. M- I hope you feel better though, hun. =/ :flowerforyou: My own family is very, very health conscious. I was raised eating strictly organic foods, long before the "healthy" phase hit across the US really. My friends used to give me…