Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • sweetapplepi
    Hi all whew! I changed up my workouts a bit today I mapped a route with my car I did 40minutes Cardio Max level 2 and a 4mile walk which took me 2hrs probably could have been faster had I left the puppies at home LOL....and I jogged some of it!! woot woot well in all truth I had to it was raining hahaha. Im planning to walk 2 miles tomorrow morning as well..and get in some dvd's not sure which ones yet but Cardio Max is a definate....dinner i had spinach salad and yogurt..lunch i had brussel sprouts and 2 slices of turkey meat.:flowerforyou:

    What does hummus taste like? And Fage? I've heard of both, but have yet to try either.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I put in my gym time today & took my friend who has not been able to go because she was recovering from surgery. Today was her first day back since November-ish.
    We went out to breakfast & I "brought it" with a really good 2 egg omelette choice - & no sides!!!!:glasses:
    That felt good. And not at all typical of me.:bigsmile:
    Then I did my time on the bike - & there's an evening walk planned for later!

    Mya- You're sure not eating much...
    And what is Fage?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi all whew! I changed up my workouts a bit today I mapped a route with my car I did 40minutes Cardio Max level 2 and a 4mile walk which took me 2hrs probably could have been faster had I left the puppies at home LOL....and I jogged some of it!! woot woot well in all truth I had to it was raining hahaha. Im planning to walk 2 miles tomorrow morning as well..and get in some dvd's not sure which ones yet but Cardio Max is a definate....dinner i had spinach salad and yogurt..lunch i had brussel sprouts and 2 slices of turkey meat.:flowerforyou:

    What does hummus taste like? And Fage? I've heard of both, but have yet to try either.
    Hummus is heaven when your craving good saltiness its basically a dip made of chikpeas they add garlic and spices depending on how you get it. I love the roasted red has a creamy consistency but really hits the spot without adding the calories ...Fage is greek yogurt it can be used like sour cream as well I get the Total 0% which is no fat and only 90 calories per 6oz. I mix organic fruit spread in it and fresh fruit..its thicker than regular yogurt and can be found in the natural food section of grocery ..hummus is usually by the cheese.....i think u may like them
  • sweetapplepi
    Today's walk was so much fun. The doggies are too cute! :heart: It was HOT here too, it felt like Summer already. I love it! I plan to workout on the elliptical again tonight while I watch Survivor and maybe finish the last of "Dirty Dancing"( one of my all time fav movies!) It helps if I watch tv or listen to movies while I workout, I can just zone out and push myself.
    Other than that, I went to a salon/spa today and they offer body wraps there. I doubt any weight loss or inch loss will happen with me, but the woman told me that they detox the body as well. I want to detox soo badly because it really is healthy for the body. My mom has done it, and says she feels better afterward. She says it also helps with body scars, stretch mark, cellulite, when done over time.
    I'm so excited to try it lol

    Great job today gang!
    Mya- I might try to Fage, but I think I have tried Hummus and I remember it being not a delicacy I enjoyed. :laugh: I'm going to grab if I can find a good brand tomorrow though. Thanks =]
  • melisay
    melisay Posts: 75 Member
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Hello everyone! Sounds like we're all doing well with the workouts and excited for warm weather. I am! I will start running outside more when it gets consistently warm. Bringing it with nutrition as always...

    My younger brother is 14 and in 8th grade. He is probably considered morbidly obese (5'10", 230), and he desperately wants to get in shape and lose the weight. He's decided to start working out with me every night at 7:30 and I'm soo excited for him! I also sat down with him and mapped out some goals as well as what habits he needs to break as far as his eating goes. No more popcorn at night; he's going to be taking a protein shake instead. I also gave him a box of Pure Protein bars to have so he can eat something before his track practice (he throws shotput and discus). He won't come home ravenous then. His short-term goals are to be around 200 by August, and to be in better shape for football season. Ultimately, he wants to get in the 180 range, which is a much healthier weight for someone his height. I can tell he's hurting sometimes because his friends joke about his weight, but he was honest with me last night and told me that it's time for him to do something and make a fresh start for himself before he enters high school. He's tired of being the guy that all the girls are friends with, but no one wants to date! I'm so proud of him for sitting down and telling me how he felt, and I think that we're going to have a really successful summer!

    Obviously, I'm excited for him! He is also going to write down everything he eats throughout the day and then tell me later so I can enter it into MFP...eventually he will be able to keep track himself when I teach him more about portion sizes and carbs/fat/proteins, etc.

    I can't wait for it to get warmer out!

    P.S. I also picked up a book by Science journalist Gary Taubes, titled Good Calories, Bad Calories. It is extremely controversial, but I believe that it explains a lot about our bodies and if nothing else has a lot of strong scientific arguments. It should be an interesting read and I'm positive that I'll learn a lot from it. There's also a movie out called Fathead which is a sort of parody of Supersize Me; I'm interested in it because Morgan Spurlock, the guy who did Supersize Me, never allowed his food diary to be released. There is a lot of mystery behind how he managed to gain sooo much weight using his preplanned rules. I'll have to see if I can find it.

    Finally, I'm starting to delve further into the roles that politics and government funding play in the development of our nutritional guidelines and other things related to the FDA. Very shocking information that I am we all know, scientific research depends heavily on funding, and if the studies don't turn out the results the investors want, well, let's just say, it can be swept under the rug or downplayed. It's also making me realize how the personal biases of the researchers themselves, as well as their research pool, can be skewed to make the data match their hypothesis, even if it doesn't. That's why I get frustrated when people post links to study after study here, not even considering the fact that many of these studies could possibly be skewed by a multitude of factors.

    Anyway, if any of you like to read, you might find some of these books interesting. (I can't stop reading)

  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    what does seaweed taste like and where can I get it lol?

    I'm really not sure how to describe the taste of seaweed. I just love it with rice. LOL. I usually just get it at an asian food market, or my mom sends it to me in the mail (She's Korean).
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    M- I am so happy for you and your brother! What a great feeling it must be to be able to help your brother when he truly wants help. He came to you and as we all know, that is the 1st step to a new beginning! I couldn't be more excited for you guys if it were me in the same situation!

    Good luck!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Wow, M... It's awesome how your lifestyle changes can make someone else notice and want to do the same for their own health and well being!!! You must be so proud of him for making such a big decision!!! I think that it's awesome that you can be there to help him on his journey-and he couldn't have hand-picked a better person to learn from!!! Good for you!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Just finished Shoulders and ArmsX with the lil bro...he's working hard but he's doing it. :smile:

    I'm Korean too, though I'm adopted so I have been exposed to American ways my entire life; as in food, habits, everything. It might explain my chubbiness a bit too; hey, I'm Midwest. We're meat and potatoes here. Maybe it's from the all the German descendants? Who knows...but I know that if I grew up in Seoul, I'd likely weigh about 50 pounds less than I do now. :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, my friend, who grew up in Korea, took me to her house once and let me eat some Korean food that her mom was making. Well...eekk. She tried stuffing a piece of dried seaweed wrapped around rice down my throat, and it was gross to me. I'm not a fan of kimchi either, but Korean barbecue is delicious. Anyway, if I remember right, it tasted really salty to me, and I definitely wasn't a fan. I do love me some Indian food though, because curry is spicy and kind of makes you sweat, but you love the pain!:wink: However...another side note, even though more than 50% of Indians are vegetarians, they have the highest rate of heart disease in the world...coincidence? It does make me think a little bit, because animal products seem to get criminalized a lot in American society.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Good for you - M!
    Helping your little brother will make your relationship stronger as well as benefit his health. Just support him no matter what choices he makes.
    Sounds like you're bringing it!!!!
  • sweetapplepi
    M-I would love to check those books out. I really enjoy reading and spend alot of time in book stores and libraries. I will have to check those books out. =]
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    m- everyone in my family is obese and has some hardcore weight related issues. it is so frustrating and sad. but then? about a year ago? my oldest brother (who is about 45) fell in love, bought a treadmill and lost about 100+ pounds! he is an inspiration to my whole family and i am so freaking proud of him/happy for him! good luck to you and your brother!
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    You are all such a chatty bunch, it's hard to keep up!

    I'm down to 202 lbs :-) Edging perilously close to the sub 200's yay! Although, for me it's the 80's I'm aiming for as I'm a metric girl. I'm into week 7 of Couch 2 5k now and have not had a single run I couldn't complete. I am so motivated and have to stop myself doing extra runs. Still loads of exercise here, although I am having an exercise rest day (I don't include walking as exercise) today. Food is still going well. No cheating at all since I started which hasn't been as hard as it sounds. I even turned down a friends home baking when I would normally have taken one to avoid hurting their feelings.

    I'm trying to avoid "white" foods in the evenings and it did seem to make a difference last week. Weight loss has stalled again this week, could be due to TOM as this happened last month and the month before. However, it's all maths so I don't understand why it shouldn't drop off after TOM ends - it's supposed to be simple maths after all.

    Mya - So impressed with 2-7lbs loss per week. Your numbers just made me go and have a look at my log and it goes 6, 1, 3, 3, 4, 0, 1, 4 lbs for each week. I think this week will be another low one as I'm hovering on the same weight still. So I wish my minimum was 2lbs, but I'm trying to avoid getting down when the scales don't move when I'm still working hard.

    M - That must be a great motivation for you to see your influence on your little brother! Must be fun to have a workout partner too.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WTG M!! on bringing your brother onboard the fitness train! hes going to be one happy kid come september school year..I also am in LOVE with indian food lol..Daal Makhani is my fav. Hey Osmium be happy and content with your results at least they dont have a plus sign in front of them..your doing great!!..Its early for me 8:44am and I do not want to be awak of course its TOM and I plugged through my workouts all week feeling like POO...I think its because its regulating itself I know with weight gain and being heavier it was non existant...and now BAM *lucky me* LOL...there is a little bit of snow outside so depending on how much the sun shows today will determine my workouts never the less they will be 2hrs+...Its FRIDAY PEOPLE SO BRING IT NO EXCUSES!! not sure what i will have for breakfast but im almost certain it will include either lentils or spinach & hummus. I might get my chefs hat on and make some homemade sweet potato fries baked with no oil..havent decided just yet....Have a great day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Thanks for all the support with my brother. I bet he's sore today, as I'm just introducing him to weight-lifting...even I feel it this morning. Hello shoulders.

    Is anyone else annoyed by all those High Fructose Corn Syrup commercials? They're sooo stupid. I went to the website and checked it out, and HFCS meets ALL requirements for what the FDA considers "natural". That's an easy cop-out for saying that no, it's not actually natural, but it meets the definition. Dumb dumb dumb....

    It's nice and sunny but cold today. Booo. I think we have KenpoX tonight. Looking forward to it!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    decided on 2 cups spinach FF dressing and 1/2 cup lentils and a banana with 8oz soymilk
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    You're turning into the spinach queen!
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Just killed Kenpo X.... munching on a grapefruit. yummy! Have a great day, all!!!
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love it that your helping your brother. Obesity is so prevelant in our youth today and I think its because of the fast food dinamics in our country. I think the schools should have nutrition and life styles be a big part of their curriculum.

    I tried soymilk and I just can't appreciate the taste of it. I love vegtables and fruit but I like my meat and potatoes too. I just need to keep a close eye on balance and portion size. I think diets have made me do the roller coaster scales in my life. I loose when I'm strickly following the diet guidelines but its too hard to keep that in a daily life style. I need to feel like I'm eating normal foods in moderation or I tend to go on binges to get those things I'm depriving myself of. When I eat smaller portions of anything I want and stay in my calorie range it seems to work. It's a slower process but I think I can make it a life style.:drinker: