Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    hello everyone I haven't posted on this thread in awhile but here I go--

    Im still staying within my calories and hitting the gym- I my strength has increased since when I started hitting the gym seriously Jan 8th- I won't weigh in officially (im a scale junkie) until Sunday- I also need to get measured again this weekend- I have already dropped some inches which is awesome- So I will keep pushing on- I am trying to drop 4lbs by my birthday which will be my half way mark I have roughly 2.5 weeks or so give or take-

    Hope everyone is doing good-

    My biggest struggle everyday is to drink my water..

    Food and working out isn't my issue its the water intake which I need for my workouts
  • nerveracker
    HEY HEY no excuses!!!!
    good stuff happenin all around man. People doing things for themselves, digging down, and just bringing it. Love it!!!!
    M I hope ya feel better soon.. Don't let ME catch ya!!!! I'm movin'!!!
    Hope every one had a great day. I did! I had a good workout tonight Arms, Shoulders and Ab Ripper X (ya want some good strong abs and core? do this 3x a week WOW) I'm sore, yeah.. feelin' it. Always is good, that means I'm working and bringing it. 6 days a week is a commitment, but I'm Lovin' Every Minute Of It! (ok who started singing it? be honest I did! Great song by Loverboy!) I'm 100% hooked on P90X.. half way through week 3, and some amazing things are happening. Dropping the inches away, dropping the body fat% feeling better, this is money! I've not felt this good in years.
    well, off to crash, early mornings get here way too soon!
    Catch up with you all in the morning!
  • sweetapplepi
    Got great workouts in today. Elliptical, weights and sit-ups today. I ate well within my calories today even though hubby is on leave this week! That's hard for me to do, since my hubby isn't eating like me, so I'm glad I was able to stay on track.
    The bikini I want is still on back-order:grumble:
    I thought I would post the link though..I found this one, and it's abit cheaper than the JC bikini and I love the style soo much more! VS bikini's seem to fit me alot better too.

    M-Feel better soon! :heart:
    Great job today everyone! See ya tomorrow for another day of exercise and clean eating. :bigsmile:
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey Group! I just want to say that everyone did so well yesterday and congrats!

    M- I hope you feel better also!

    Sweet- That bathing suit is just too hott! I love it! Are you getting the white or coral? Both colors would just look awesome.

    I am getting today started by doing an hour Tae-bo boot camp DVD, 30 min carmen electra workout DVD (not the one where she teaches dances :tongue: ) and finish with a 30 minutes of Tae-bo boot camp ABS! I do all of this with these weights that I can wear on my wrist/hands and ankles. A lovely gift from the hubby and I LOVE them!
    It's raining like crazy here for the past two days and some roads are closed, so I am making it a home workout day!

    Good luck everyone with today and I'll be back later to see what's going on.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good Morning Bring It Bunch !!

    Good day today..workouts done and I had chicken and green beans for breakfast...Im thinking yogurt for lunch but we shall resisting the golden crisps hahhaa not that they will set me back any ..its just nice to challenge myself sometimes and see if I can resist....i still have to do my 125 crunches for a challenge so Im gonna log for a bit and get those done...Great job bringing it everyone..and welcome back mrsyac
  • nerveracker
    Good morning gang!
    Feeling GREAT today!! Gonna be a good one I can just feel it in my bones.. I've got yoga X today.
    Another awesome sunrise over the Cascades this morning. I really enjoy watching them when I can, especailly in the winter time (rainy season)
    Thought for the day!
    What's your attitude today? Bad? Good? Are you going to be positive? Are you going to be negative? Are you going to bring the morale around you up or down? The choice is totally yours! Check your 'tude, give it some exercise, it may need it too. Do you have the ho hum tude, do you have the go getter tude or do you have the bring it tude? Who are you today?

    Attitude, it's something so small, but it's everything! So, what's yours?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Hello and Good Morning Bring IT team!

    Well, to start with I'm still not feeling up to par. Kind of in a groggy headachey feel right now. I'm not sure what's going on but I do hope that will go away by tonight so I can do my workout without feeling like death.

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and my mother insists that I have a cake (mandarin orange cake). Now, I told her several times already that I don't need a cake, and actually would prefer not to have one, as I won't be eating any of it. Not that I don't like it, but I don't work out hard to feed my body crap. Some people may say that I am depriving myself, but I don't feel that at all. Yes, it is my birthday, but no, I don't see the need to reward myself with food. Food is not, after all, a reward. It's fuel for your body. I've tasted the cake before, and I'll taste it again, but now is just not the time. Sigh. They just don't get it. I'll leave it to the rest of my family to eat it. They really shouldn't, being that out of the 6 of us I'm probably the only one not considered obese. But I've stepped off my soapbox about that long ago. Bring on the weekend!
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    now for sure I don't have to workout............I'm starting vacation today.

    have the cake it will make your mama happy, :flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday :wink:
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Well, Happy early bday! I know my mom cannot be talked out of doing something for me that she thinks should be done. :bigsmile:

    Hope you feel better and hope you do well with temptation tomorrow!
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    m - that is totally how i felt last weekend with my party!!! i HAD to taste test different chocolates and beers (to see if i knew which were belgian). and at first i was all, "i really don't want to eat/drink that," but i also knew how much work everyone had put into the day. and you know what? it was an amazing day. BUT, it did through off my whole weekend! i ended up eating sugary sweets all day sunday too! (that is what ALWAYS happens when i "fall").
    sooo. it's a wicked hard decision. but do what makes you HAPPY.
    (i also understand about the family obesity thing. same goes for my family... it's really hard.)
    good luck and HAPPY birthday.
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    ...and after my gynormous lapse last weekend, i am back to my routine and feeling great! still eating well - although i think i need to add some calories so i don't plateau - and working out. i love that i am continuing with my cardio (running in belgium is vastly different than in sunny florida!). i even made myself do 21 minutes in the rain today!
    i am jealous of all your p90x workout dvds (which i resign myself to not having because they wouldn't play in these dvd players anyway) because you all seem to love them so much. awesome job sticking to them and tot morgen (until tomorrow!)
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello and Good Morning Bring IT team!

    Well, to start with I'm still not feeling up to par. Kind of in a groggy headachey feel right now. I'm not sure what's going on but I do hope that will go away by tonight so I can do my workout without feeling like death.

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and my mother insists that I have a cake (mandarin orange cake). Now, I told her several times already that I don't need a cake, and actually would prefer not to have one, as I won't be eating any of it. Not that I don't like it, but I don't work out hard to feed my body crap. Some people may say that I am depriving myself, but I don't feel that at all. Yes, it is my birthday, but no, I don't see the need to reward myself with food. Food is not, after all, a reward. It's fuel for your body. I've tasted the cake before, and I'll taste it again, but now is just not the time. Sigh. They just don't get it. I'll leave it to the rest of my family to eat it. They really shouldn't, being that out of the 6 of us I'm probably the only one not considered obese. But I've stepped off my soapbox about that long ago. Bring on the weekend!

    That is *exactly* how I felt y'day. It started on Tues, migraine... and then all day y'day I felt groggy and out of it. But the upside... I woke up this morning and felt super! So... I hope you feel better. I'm the same way, I don't like bday cake and don't want it anymore. Happy bday! It's my middle dd's bday on Saturday, so I'm going to make Funfetti cookies for her to take to school tomorrow. (no licking batter!)

    Hope you are feeling better soon!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I totally brought it today!!!!! I wasn't sure how I'd feel on my run after not feeling the greatest y'day, but I felt great once I started running! :bigsmile: I ran 8 miles on the treadmill (6 at tempo) and then swam 600 yds. I was thrilled and felt great at tempo pace.

    Ab Ripper X tonight w/ my hubby. I did manage to get in one round of Shoulders & Arms last night, felt ok while working out but felt crummy the rest of the night. I should have probably rested but I did take a nap earlier and felt lazy. :laugh:

    Nutrition has been really good. Have a good one!

  • sweetapplepi
    The weather here is gorgeous! Hubby and I have decided it's way too nice to stay indoors.
    M- I hope you feel better though, hun. =/ :flowerforyou:
    My own family is very, very health conscious. I was raised eating strictly organic foods, long before the "healthy" phase hit across the US really. My friends used to give me the " eww, wth is that" when I ate tofu, etc. It was after I started college, moved out, got married, etc that I stopped eating as healthy as I should, and the pounds crept on. It's living proof that how you eat truly effects your body.
    I would take a teeny piece of cake as not to offend your mom, but I understand and admire you for not wanting to. :flowerforyou:

    Bikini-I want the white. I think white will look better with my skin tone. :smile:

    Goals today: 3 rounds with my elliptical machine and weights. =]

    Great job already today team!! :bigsmile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I spent extra time on the bike last night because today will be a running crazy kind of day. I feel pretty nervous but mellow about all the things I have to coordinate & accomplish. I think it's all under control.
    My food is good today. There won't be any exercise time today but I'll catch up tomorrow.
    You all really motivate & inspire me. I used to think that working out 3 - 4 times a week for 30 minutes was plenty... then I came here & I'm proud to almost keep up with you!!!!!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    wtg everyone!!! I have another early morning tomorrow so I will be up 4:45am doing my 2hrs blah! but its well worth it so I dont have to be troubled with it during the day...I was thinking May or June to get myself a personal trainer once a week..anyone have any experiences they care to share or advice regarding personal trainers?
    Grrrrr I ate cheese today and totally forgot I was taking a break from it ha-ha I guess Im going to just have to find a way around it perhaps fiber tablets..any siuggestions?
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all! I am a bit flat today. I finished my week 6 day 1 couch 2 5k run and it was awful. It shouldn't have been though as I have already run for longer. I just felt terrible, so I am a bit down. Plus my life is full of massive challenges at the moment and I think it's getting to me. But I am eating well and still bringing it - so hopefully I'll make it through this funk. Oh and I'm 10kg's (22lbs) down as of this morning, so the scales are moving again - yay!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hello and Good Morning Bring IT team!

    Well, to start with I'm still not feeling up to par. Kind of in a groggy headachey feel right now. I'm not sure what's going on but I do hope that will go away by tonight so I can do my workout without feeling like death.

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and my mother insists that I have a cake (mandarin orange cake). Now, I told her several times already that I don't need a cake, and actually would prefer not to have one, as I won't be eating any of it. Not that I don't like it, but I don't work out hard to feed my body crap. Some people may say that I am depriving myself, but I don't feel that at all. Yes, it is my birthday, but no, I don't see the need to reward myself with food. Food is not, after all, a reward. It's fuel for your body. I've tasted the cake before, and I'll taste it again, but now is just not the time. Sigh. They just don't get it. I'll leave it to the rest of my family to eat it. They really shouldn't, being that out of the 6 of us I'm probably the only one not considered obese. But I've stepped off my soapbox about that long ago. Bring on the weekend!

    Way to stick with it!!! I feel the same way about family... They have the best of intentions, but they can also drive a person nuts when they don't understand... I just "treated" myself to my very first pedicure as a reward for my progress. Keep up the great work, and I love reading your thread!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I tore it up at the gym tonight 950 calories (i wear a HRM) - Not to mention I am feeling the pain from my intense lower body workout last night and I know tomorrow (day 2) will be worse but I like the pain- Tonight was biceps and back and I kicked it up a notch tonight as well-- I am really trying to drop 3lbs by my birthday (3/31) so I am half way to my goal--

    Hope everyone had a great workout day.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    osmium...its just more of lifes hurdles you can fly over them...never lose track of what you need to feel successful and healthy..take care fo you that you can take care of everything thrown your way......
    wtg mrsyac!!...bring it bring it woot woot.....