Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :blushing: I meant fast food dynamics.:blushing:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Thanks for all the support with my brother. I bet he's sore today, as I'm just introducing him to weight-lifting...even I feel it this morning. Hello shoulders.

    Is anyone else annoyed by all those High Fructose Corn Syrup commercials? They're sooo stupid. I went to the website and checked it out, and HFCS meets ALL requirements for what the FDA considers "natural". That's an easy cop-out for saying that no, it's not actually natural, but it meets the definition. Dumb dumb dumb....

    It's nice and sunny but cold today. Booo. I think we have KenpoX tonight. Looking forward to it!

    Yes, I am very annoyed. One of them came on the other night when my boyfriend and I were watching Idol or something, and he totally fell for it... he was like, "so, they're saying that HFCS isn't bad for you, it's natural..." I was like ughghghg!!! I told him it's almost as bad as when the tobacco companies used to say smoking cigarettes wasn't bad for people. I told him, "they act like it's natural because it's made from corn, but they convenientally forget to mention the fact that they process and strip the corn to death and then add fake chemicals to it... so it definitely doesn't end up anything like corn, it's chemically modified BS!! And they say it's "no more harmful" for you than sugar... ummmm... a little sugar in moderation isn't harmful but eating sugar in *everything* is really really bad for you... just like eating all of those products with HFCS in them! Hello!!!! I get mad that they can even get away with that, it seems like totally false advertising and just plain lying to me. And how ignorant and/or unhealthy have Americans gotten their pitch to us is supposed to honestly make us think, "oh yay, it's no worse for me than sugar..."

    Sugar is the devil!!!! Ha ha. Has anyone read that book Skinny B***? That's about the best thing I got out of it. (I thought they tried to market it as a regular health/diet book and then it turned out to totally push veganism and make you feel guilty if you eat anything that comes from animals... I didn't like the book but I liked the "sugar is the devil" message, I think it's totally true.)

    Anyway. I don't care if everyone else eats HFCS, I've noticed that by eating natural and healthy foods that don't contain (unnatural) sugars, I feel so much better!! And I look better and it's easier for the weight to come off. And I'm naturally full instead of hungry or unbalanced all the time. So I stay away from that stuff!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I'm Korean too, though I'm adopted so I have been exposed to American ways my entire life; as in food, habits, everything. It might explain my chubbiness a bit too; hey, I'm Midwest. We're meat and potatoes here. Maybe it's from the all the German descendants? Who knows...but I know that if I grew up in Seoul, I'd likely weigh about 50 pounds less than I do now. :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, my friend, who grew up in Korea, took me to her house once and let me eat some Korean food that her mom was making. Well...eekk. She tried stuffing a piece of dried seaweed wrapped around rice down my throat, and it was gross to me. I'm not a fan of kimchi either, but Korean barbecue is delicious. Anyway, if I remember right, it tasted really salty to me, and I definitely wasn't a fan. I do love me some Indian food though, because curry is spicy and kind of makes you sweat, but you love the pain!:wink: However...another side note, even though more than 50% of Indians are vegetarians, they have the highest rate of heart disease in the world...coincidence? It does make me think a little bit, because animal products seem to get criminalized a lot in American society.

    One: You are not chubby!!! WTF lol.

    Two: It's funny because I didn't read all of this post before I posted my rant about the "Skinny B***" book... but that's exactly what I mean, about the criminalization of animal products in American society. I think that Americans in general eat a diet that is too full of animal products and not full enough of veggies, fruits, whole grains etc... I think it's the McDonald's culture and our desire to pig out on Big Macs and hot dogs etc. *But* I firmly believe that animal products have an important place in a balanced, healthy diet. It is as natural as you can get... we were hunters for goodness' sake.

    I don't mean to start a debate and I understand if people are vegetarian/ vegan for animal rights reasons, and I do not agree with unnatural and inhumane methods, but I do not like when people make it a "health" issue. I also understand that Americans gorge cows and other animals on unhealthy hormones and other stuff to artificially fatten them up... and, we are what we eat... so I try to eat organic but I also feel like eating regular American meat for 28 years has *not* harmed me nearly as much as eating sugar, fast food, HFCS, etc. And I just don't buy it when people say eating animal products isn't healthy... for me, the healthiest meal in the world definitely includes chicken!! LOL
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Heya girlies!

    Yeah, my whole family is overweight. My mom's tried every fad diet out there, and refuses to believe me when I say the only true way is exercise and healthy eating. She called me the other day asking about açai berries. I replied "Mommy dearest, if açai berries really made you lose weight, everyone would be walking around with açai IVs attached to their arms." But she's thinking of joining a gym, so yay!

    The biggest problem is my stepfather. He grew up on a farm with clean, unblemished food, but lots of hearty meals and baked goods. He fails to understand that the food of the 60's is not the food of today, and he's lost sight of portions. Not to mention, I nearly screamed when my sister asked for a little extra roast beef--"No! You've had enough beef--finish your potatoes and you can have some ice cream afterward."

    My sister...ugh, walking statistic. Schoolyard porker. Goes to school with other suburban schoolyard porkers, so she doesn't care too much. And she eats like a college freshman boy.

    But whenever I return home for college, I do my best to educate her. When I'm reduced to Hip Hop Abs to get a workout in (too far from my hometown's gym when I go to my mom's), she'll do it with me. We've done the 30 Day Shred together.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Raaaawr! what a challenge to get in my 40min Biggest Loser UGH! I know its because TOM but holy cow poop!! hehe at least I did to grab a shower and some going to have hummus 7 triscuits and either fage with fruit or yogurt.........then i will hit the pavement for my 2hr..4mile walk...i dont care if its chilly i will take my gloves and is doable outside tomorrow may not be so i better take advantage of it...:flowerforyou:
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    We are having a beautiful 1st day of Spring here in TX!

    M- I did not know you were Korean too! (I'm half. My dad is white) I guess if you do not grow up with the Korean food, you may not like it as much. LOL. I love the seaweed and rice, (You can buy the unseasoned seaweed sheets) and Cucumber kimchi is the best! My mom would make it herself. Seaweed soup is good too. :bigsmile: And I agree, Bulgogi is fantastic, but not very calorie friendly. haha.

    SO, today is great so far. I started the day with a fiber one bar and then did about a 2 hr workout at the school gym. The workout consisted of running for 40 minutes straight, 20 on the elliptical, 45 minutes of abs with weights and a nice 15 minute cool down and stretch.

    About an hr after I got home I made my protein/fruit/veggie smoothie. It was so good, but a little too sweet. I need to find a protein powder that has less sugar. I had this powder left over from something I was trying and it is just too sweet!

    I just want t tell everyone that they are doing such a good job and you guys keep me motivated to try harder! My bridesmaid dress came in and I have to go try it on.... yikes! The scale was disappointing today with only a .4 lb loss, but I measured my waist and lost an inch. So, I am concentrating on that inch lost!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Just finished Shoulders and ArmsX with the lil bro...he's working hard but he's doing it. :smile:

    I'm Korean too, though I'm adopted so I have been exposed to American ways my entire life; as in food, habits, everything. It might explain my chubbiness a bit too; hey, I'm Midwest. We're meat and potatoes here. Maybe it's from the all the German descendants? Who knows...but I know that if I grew up in Seoul, I'd likely weigh about 50 pounds less than I do now. :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, my friend, who grew up in Korea, took me to her house once and let me eat some Korean food that her mom was making. Well...eekk. She tried stuffing a piece of dried seaweed wrapped around rice down my throat, and it was gross to me. I'm not a fan of kimchi either, but Korean barbecue is delicious. Anyway, if I remember right, it tasted really salty to me, and I definitely wasn't a fan. I do love me some Indian food though, because curry is spicy and kind of makes you sweat, but you love the pain!:wink: However...another side note, even though more than 50% of Indians are vegetarians, they have the highest rate of heart disease in the world...coincidence? It does make me think a little bit, because animal products seem to get criminalized a lot in American society.

    I'm half Korean, too!!! I think that the amounts of white rice plus American foods is what makes eating Korean dangerous-traditionally, Korean food has more vegetables than anything else, at least in my family, plus lean protein like fish. Once you start adding in refined carbs and other junk, it can be terrible to your waistline!!! If you don't like Kimchee, try cucumber kimchee. If it's made fresh, it tastes really crisp and spicy, and isn't even close to eating the cabbage kind. :drinker:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I hope everyone is finding time to bring it on this beautiful first day of spring!
    I made time for an extra workout this morning. We're having company tonight so I've already logged my food for the rest of the day.
    I'm happy to report that even being away for a few days & eating out, I dropped a pound!:glasses:
    I'll take 'em one at a time.
    It's okay.
    I feel great.
    How about you?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    A word from Tony Horton, P90X trainer. So true once again!

    Fitness won't solve your problems. Getting free of your food addictions will. When it came to healthy living, exercise for regular people is relatively new. The average Joe and Joanne didn't really start exercising until the 50s and 60s. Guys like Joe Weider and Jack LaLaine started the revolution after WWII and it's been growing (too slowly) ever since. As the obesity trends began to rise in the 70s, jogging and nautilus became more popular. During this time various companies were selling goofy ways to lose weight. For some reason we quickly forgot that eating whole foods was the key to maintaining our weight. As food became more processed over the the past few decades we used other processed foods to help us lose weight. It was (and still is) a vicious cycle of addiction. The gain, lose, gain epidemic continues. I read a funny blurb the other day which clearly and plainly stated that if you avoided food with mascots you'll lose weight. Goodbye Count Chocula! Our grandparents didn't have gym memberships, spinning classes and fitness DVDs. They ate healthy whole foods and spent four times more time outside than we do. If your grandparents were obese it was a novelty for sure. Our behavior and habits put food-porn companies in business and we also have the power to destroy them by not eating their poison.

    You control what goes in your mouth, no one else. Find ways to make healthy whole food taste good and eat it. Period!

    With Love and compassion,

    Tony Horton
  • sweetapplepi
    Soo..I wore my goal shorts today:bigsmile: They fit so much better! I'm so happy!
    Hubby and I went for a long walk today and ran together. I love the weather we are having here.
    I bought the "Eat This, Not That" book today for an interesting read. Interesting to say the least.
    Great job today everyone. =] Happy Friday!
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    good morning! happy weekend and happy spring, everyone!
    i have had a tough few days as i had to do a project for school (in dutch) and i foolishly decided to bake belgian waffles... and then taste them. lots of them. :devil:
    so i'm up a pound this weekend and feeling all bloated and regretful and dumb.
    BUT it's still spring and i have been running almost every day (i swam yesterday) and am totally psyched to run in the easter race next month!
    hope everyone gets a chande to get outside this weekend, wherever they are, to enjoy the pure joy of springtime!!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Is everyone up for a great weekend???
    I ordered a pedometer & 2 workout videos last night. I decided a pedometer would be good for me instead of a hrm. The machines at the gym have hrm, so this will help me the rest of the time.
    I'll use the videos when it gets too hot outside to walk - also I'll be able to take them with me this summer when we're on vacation. I'm getting BL Cardio Max & 30 Day Shred.
    That's a major decision for me. :glasses:
    It's my b-day gift to me!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Woot Georg I do Cardio Max as well!! Good Morn everyone I woke late so I had Brunch : 1cup blk bean soup,2cups spinach,7 triscuits 1tbsp hummus, 6oz soy milk
    My plan of attack is 40min BL Cardio Max Level 2 and a 2hr walk because it beautiful outside!!..I exchanged most of my meat out this week for beans ..I must say I feel better...I hope everyone is having a great weekend...:drinker:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks for the continual inspiration and motivation!

    It is a lovely day here in Albuquerque and I was just sitting outside reading this book called Ultrafit: Challenging Workouts, Amazing Results. It had an interesting section on heart rate that I want to try to implement (finding out and working out at my target heart rate).

    M that was a really interesting article by Tony Horton, about how generations ago, there wasn't this workout fitness craze, and people stayed naturally slim because they didn't have all of the processed junk that we do now. I know that people used to run, like in races and stuff, for a long time, but I think it was more for athletes than regular people, who now run in "fun runs" and stuff. I'm grateful I'm living now because I love this "fitness craze" -- I love running, going to the gym, working out, all of this stuff that may not have been as easily accessible to me generations ago. But I also strive to remember to eat like people *used* to, so I have the best of both worlds -- the nutrition and the physical fitness.

    Does anyone here plan your meals/ menus in advance? I have started to do that so I have enough on hand for the whole week ahead. I am going to use the weekend to go grocery shopping and prepare foods and plan out a menu.

    sweetapplepi -- Congrats for fitting into your goal shorts; that's awesome!!! :) I have noticed that my body looks more lean and defined, and yesterday my "casual Friday jeans" fit me really well -- they were even big! It was a good accidental "test" of how much slimmer I've gotten -- I couldn't find my jeans that I usually wear on Fridays for two weeks, so I wore different pants. Well Thursday night I was finally cleaning the clothes on the top of my dryer and there they were. Usually after being washed and dried they fit me tight, but yesterday they were loose!!! So I was really happy. I am going to have a yard sale and get rid of a lot of clothes, then when I get down to 127 (hopefully soon!!!), I am going to treat myself to a shopping spree to buy new, nice clothes that fit me well. My body has changed so much (for the better) so I think I deserve it. :smile: It's also a good goal to keep me motivated and not drinking those Mai Tais when I go out, etc.

    Well I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm about to take my dog on a long run; we will both love it!!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WTG ..sweet!
    I do plan my meals ahead often making enough to last 3-5 days.....
    *snack:: grapefruit sorbet,raspberries & 1oz Dubin cheese
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Soo..I wore my goal shorts today:bigsmile: They fit so much better! I'm so happy!
    Hubby and I went for a long walk today and ran together. I love the weather we are having here.
    I bought the "Eat This, Not That" book today for an interesting read. Interesting to say the least.
    Great job today everyone. =] Happy Friday!

    I have wanted to buy that book ever since I saw it on Biggest Loser! Is it worth buying??
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member

    Does anyone here plan your meals/ menus in advance? I have started to do that so I have enough on hand for the whole week ahead. I am going to use the weekend to go grocery shopping and prepare foods and plan out a menu.

    I do this. I have a hubby to plan dinners for. I plan out both of our breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners for the week. We both like to eat healthy so we both bring our lunch everyday. I grocery shop on Sat mornings and it will last until Friday night. It is just easier for me with everything going on. I am a person who loves to plan ahead and make lists, so this works for me. I feel that I stay on track when I do this too.
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member

    I'm having a real rough day. See, Friday's a strength training day and Saturday's always morning spin. But Friday was insaaane and I couldn't get to the gym. No problem, I thought. I'll do it Saturday.

    But dad's coming to visit for my Spring Break. I want to enjoy myself at the good restaurants we're going to. But I don't want to gain weight. At the same time, I've been having a lot of body issues. It's like...the scale goes down, but I still have this flabby as hell stomach. Same with my thighs, even though I can feel muscle beneath the flab. And it's squishy flab, not deep-set packed flab. I don't know if it's just taking time or if I'm doing something wrong, and that drives me crazy.

    Anyway, my father solution: do crazy amounts of cardio in the mornings and don't go crazy at the restaurants. So as a "warmup," I planned to do spin, then do my lower body workout, then do treadmill, then do my upper body and abs.

    I had breakfast and went to the gym. The 50-minute spin class was fine. But I realized that I was having ZERO energy or motivation for my legs. It took forever to complete my circuit. So I went on the treadmill and was so flippin pissed that I got some motivation. But then I promptly grew enraged because I'd gotten this 20 minute treadmill workout that was supposed to burn 300 calories. I stepped it up, but by the end of 20 minutes I'd only burned around 150. Pathetic!

    Once again, I was rapidly losing energy and motivation. So I figured I'd go do my arms and go, and do my abs later in the evening in my room. I started working my lats and realized I REALLY had no motivation whatsoever. I was thinking "Well, I could do arms and abs tomorrow, along with my planned treadmill workout." This screws up my workout schedule though.

    So I left, tired but not in the "Wow, I kicked *kitten*, time for a rest." More in the "Let's go you lazy cow, to the larder with you."

    As I said...ughhhh...
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ugh I think today may have been the worst so far lol but it didnt stop me I got a late start kinda was at the point where I wanted to take a break but had NO VALID reason to. So I sat down and thought of how I would feel tomorrow if I missed my workout today and decided to get my bootay in gear..did 40min BL cardio max level 2 and my 2hr walk ..tomorrow can only get easier or harder but I will never know unless I do it lol so I MUST...what i might do is get in my walk early so no procrastinating...i hope everyone pushed through...Phoenix I hope your day tomorrow is much better as well...:drinker:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Soo..I wore my goal shorts today:bigsmile: They fit so much better! I'm so happy!
    Hubby and I went for a long walk today and ran together. I love the weather we are having here.
    I bought the "Eat This, Not That" book today for an interesting read. Interesting to say the least.
    Great job today everyone. =] Happy Friday!

    I have wanted to buy that book ever since I saw it on Biggest Loser! Is it worth buying??

    I thought about buying this one since I heard all the hype about it; however, it covers processed food and then there's another one that covers dining out at popular restaurants. Because I really don't eat any processed/prepackaged food, I figured it wouldn't really be a help to me. And when I eat out, which is super-rare, I always get a lettuce salad with grilled chicken breast, dressing on the side. Occasionally, I'll get a steak or a meat portion, but the veggies are just so never know how much butter and oil they were prepared with. Maybe I'm just a control freak about my food?:wink: