reneecgc Member


  • bummer I thought I finally got this picture thing down. Obviously not.
  • You seemed to be on the right path. Just like you said you probably need to add weigh training. Weight training is great for upping your natural metabolism. I had an soft tissue fracture of my ankle this summer and all I could do was weight training. I did this by taking a class called Lasalle Body Pump. I love taking a…
  • I had the same problem at first but people eventually get used to how you look. I used to get the "Are you alright?" making sure I was not losing weight because of illness. I still have a problem with people commenting on the food I eat when I indulge or just commenting on some of my healthier choices. It :smile does get…
  • Keep going darling. You are doing all the things I did. I may have not started where you are but I still remember when I got under 200lbs which I had been for 11 years. I know you can do it. I am a low carb, high protein and good fats kind of girl. I don't track my calories every day and only periodically on MFP since I…
  • This is why I love MFP. Thank you for all the advice. MY favorite class was kick boxing so I know all the upper body moves. I given myself I brake until I see the Dr., but I have considered going to the gym for some upper body work. I rely a lot on work out classes and playing sports for my exercise so I am going to have…
  • I would go with the HRM. It has your weight , age and your sex. It calculates your calorie burn by your HR. Myfitnesspal has no idea the intensity you put into a workout.
  • I like my polar, but I only use for exercise. All machines that have a HRM will pick it up so you can visibly see your HR without looking at you HRM watch. I use it for body pump.
  • I will be 46 this May. I lost 60lbs in about 6 months. It helped having the Summer to help me lose my last 20lbs. I live in New England and I am finding the Winter months harder to maintain my weight, but I have maintained. The usual advice I give is: 1, eat 5 times a day-with protein at every meal or snack 2. Make sure…
  • You are not alone. Weightloss is not my goal, but I have gained some weight (up and down 5lbs) during this Holiday seasons. I call it a little insulation for these cold winter months. I find myself falling back into some bad habits and I hate it. Just the other night I ate pizza. I only had 2 slices but they were the two…
  • I upped my calories and just like you I started at 1200. I always ate more on my exercise days but struggled on my rest days. Just upping my base calories to 1400 made a big difference on my rest days. During my whole weight loss journey I upped my calories slowly and gave my body some time to adjust. I maintain my weight…
  • You look smaller than 165. Very impressed. You go girl. I have excess skin to. My stomach is the worst. When I do pushup and look down at my belly it kills me. My breast are pretty scary to. Going from a size D to A in 6 months is ruff on those breasts. I have a little extra skin with my but to. All I can hide with…
  • I ate 1400-1500 a day and lost weight. I ate even more on my big workout days. I eat 1800-2000 a day now and maintain. The secret is how often you eat and eating a high protein diet. I also do weight training twice a week which has allowed me to develop a very healthy BMI. I have made my metabolism work for me. So not all…
  • I really like your posts. I do exercise but only three days a week. I joined to count calories, but I do eat more on the days I exercise. Not eating bad foods just more. I have maintained my weight for about 6 months. I still log in my calories but not every day. Good luck and keep logging in.
  • When I started logging in my food a light buld went on for me in general. I use to log in my bad days but sometimes would stop when I got to 2500 calories. Becoming a concious eater has been a great switch. I just which it didn't take until I was 45 to make the switch. I always ate healthy, just too many carbs and skipping…
  • I use to eat more most of the time. I would treat myself to some frozen yogurt.
  • Your story really sounded familiar to me and how I feel.. I started at around 216 and I am now 155. I am 5'7" so I am comfortable at this weight. Just like you I like to drop a few pounds when I vacation for a cushion. I am the best shape of my life. I have muscles now that I never knew I had. Good job for you. I get a…
  • My story was last week. Last year at this time I weighed in at 216lbs. I have always loved coaching my children's sport teams and have coached my daughter's soccer team for about 5 years. This year I am coaching my sons 5th-6th grade basketball team. I am the assistant coach. The head coach said something to the boys…
  • After 40lbs I started getting a comment from almost someone everyday. I remember telling people all the time that I lost weight and how much I lost before the 40lbs. After I took off the next 20lbs it got ridiculous with people making comments. It was at a point that it got somewhat irritating. I got comments like are you…
  • Awesome. I am 45 also and started at 216 and I am now between 155-158. A little higher than normal due to the Holidays. I plan on getting back to under 155. I went from a size 16 to a size 8... It is about choosing a healthier lifestyle. All you said really hit home with me. You said how I feel but could never put it into…
  • i went from a 38D to a 36B
  • Two different people. You are wearing something more revealing in the first pic. The second pic you are wearing more clothes and you are looking so much sexier. You look so healthy. Keep up the good work -you look great,:wink:
  • In the beginning of my journey I had my calories set at 1200. I was told by many of my instructors it was too low. I also ate more on the days I did work out which at the time was 5 times a week. I struggled on the days I did not work out and I was hungry. I put my calories up to 1400 on my non workout days and around 1500…
  • I call my little A Breasts "Used T-bags". With my 60lb weight loss I went from a D to an A. I rather have the lean mean fighting machine body that I have now, but if I ever come into some money I would like to go back to a size B. I get a compliment everyday regarding my choice to get healthy and that I have inspired them…
  • Do you only do full squats? Try holding a lower squat for four pulses stand back up and repeat.
  • My Ah Hah moment was that my back hurt everyday and I had to see the chiropractor way too much. I did not want to be in pain anymore. Losing weight was the answer.
  • You look a lot smaller than 168lbs you must be a tall girl. Wow is all I have to say. Great job!