sallydeb Member


  • Hi all, I know it's Tuesday and a little late for the weigh in. I am at 167.0 from Friday. I can also put in 42 minutes for the week last week for exercise. For this week, I already have 4 hours of exercise. I worked very hard volunteering building planter boxes, hauling dirt and etc. on Saturday, I was so sore at the end…
  • Miss Vita, sending good prayers and wishes for your baby girl tomorrow.
  • Hi All, I'm marking this to log 40 minutes of exercise so far for this week. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday (my son was off school) and ate about a dozen :grumble: I will be better today.
  • Hi Everyone, I only gained .2 lbs since I checked in a month ago. I'm happy with that. I am at 167.8. Kelly - sending good wishes for your MIL. Please also record 122 min of exercise this week. Have a good weekend everyone. Sally
  • BAIcott, I'm sorry to hear about your gym closing. I'm not a sports fan either...I'd be mad too. I walked in my neighborhood too today. 42 minutes. I only saw Halloween decorations, yay. I would be amazed if I saw that. I did see a Walmart Christmas commercial last night...seemed early. Sally
  • Kelly, Great job on the exercise! My mil had shingles a couple of years ago. It's from the chicken pox virus. And, if I recall, if the kids or adults have been vaccinated, they are ok. If you or anyone's not been exposed, they need to stay away. -Sally
  • Sorry to hear people are sick. I hope you all feel better soon. MissV. - you look great! Kelly, sounds like it went well yesterday with your lunch. Good for you. I worked out with the Wii Fit last night for 20 minutes while watching biggest loser--couldn't fit anything else in. Sally
  • Kelly, good luck at your mom's - sounds like she'll have nothing to say. What a healthy lunch! I love the charts you made. Thanks for doing all of that. have a great Tuesday SHGPs!
  • Hi All, It's been a while for me checking in. I'm back! looks like things are going well and you gals are losing, yay! Put me down for 60 minutes of exercise today. I will be weighing in on Friday with the rest of you. I'm scared to look where I'm at right now :ohwell: Congrats to all! Sally
  • Hi all, I've been depressed since I got laid off so I haven't been posting. I'm feeling better now after the weekend. My weight on Friday 10/2 was 167.6 so I was up a couple. Not bad since I've been eating so much lately. I'll post my exercise minutes...last was 10/3 - 38 minutes. Looks like people are doing well and…
  • Oops, I posted without saying anything. Hi Kelly and all, boy this group is hard to keep up with if you don't post everyday. I'd like to do the challenge although I'm late starting. I will eat some fruit and do some exercise and post tomorrow morning. :heart: Sally
  • Hi Kelly and all the new members. I'm at 165.6 today. which is my usual .5ish loss every so often. Good thing I'm working on being patient. Great to see all the activity!! Sally
  • Hi Kelly! Thanks for the note. Please post the link for the next thread, I can't find it??:smile: Sally
  • Hi Kelly:heart: and all I have been missing in action too. My son started school this week, so it's tough to get into a routine. I did weigh myself this morning and I am finally back to where I was at the beginning of June, before I had gained the 5 lbs back in June/July that had took me the 7 previous weeks to get rid of.…
  • Yay Ktn. That's amazing!!
  • Hope all are well, I'm sorry I don't post too often. I work for a start up and it is a busy time (which is good). Anyway, I'm seeing a nutritionist tomorrow. Last week, my hypnotherapist said, "obviously, you are eating too much." Which pissed me off...because I record everything I eat in here and only occasionally have a…
  • Yay, Ms. Vita, that is awesome news. Hugs,
  • Hi All, I finally put a pic up for my profile. It is my son fishing in Oregon (Grants Pass). I took it with my phone so it isn't very clear-but reminds me of how beautiful it was there. Sally
  • Hey kitn, Hope you enjoy your day today at 6 flags! And your vacation next week. Nice! I was bad yesterday, had decadent cookies for dinner. They must be about 500 cal ea. and I had 2! They are around today too. We have visitors in the office. So far, so good in staying away :tongue: Sally
  • Hi Kelly, Sounds like you did good yesterday. I'm going to check out your C25k. How exciting, Senior Pics!! Oh my Gosh, I have a while to go to get there with my son. I think I'll cry then :sad: I will give my weight tomorrow -- see if I lost the 2 lbs that stuck on from my vacation last weekend. Have fun today. Sally
  • I just got back from our official vacation this year which was 4 days in Southern Oregon. It was so beautiful. I want to live there. I also came back with two pounds extra. Boo hoo. I'm hoping a lot of that is water, since I had huge bags under my eyes, guessing (hoping) it's from salt intake and low water intake. Best to…
  • I'm sending good thoughts and prayers for Vita too. Jacque, that is very exciting about your niece! Woo hoo. Such a joyous event.
  • Hi Ian, Please invite me too. It's sallydeb under Nike too. -- or give me the name and I will ask to join. Thanks! I was thinking of starting one too--but if you already did, great -Sally
  • Hi Kitn, I'm sorry about your pants. This time next week I bet they'll fit fine!! That is so interesting about your step daughter and her mom. Pretty scary too, being in the hospital so much. sheesh. Have fun today at the gym, I bet it will be nice for you to get back. For me this week, I have done a walk 3 times, which is…
  • I was thinking that smokin hot green peppers is great. Eating spicy stuff is suppose to help weight loss as well! I had my 3rd hypno-therapy today and learned that I have self-hypnotized myself in the past to hate exercise. How about that:noway: ? Today being my third time, I have to share that being hypnotized is weird.…
  • Kelly! 8 lbs!!! That is great. You are motivation itself!
  • So, Jacque and everybody. I've been following your posts for the last few days and thinking about whether I should continue or not. You guys seem really tight and obviously are a great support system for each other. As well, I'm new from the last time you posted for new members. I generally won't post daily, I have days I…
  • Hi All, I am down .4 this morning. Which won't show as a change on my ticker, but that is ok. Snacks are easy for me right now. I just have some of the summer fruit at work during the day or take it with me. My biggest snack challenge is not doing the sweets at night. Good Luck everyone and have a good weekend! Sally
  • I don't know what to say about the last couple of posts, but I sure hope you are feeling better Porka. I stay away from Chinese food for the same reason. Kelly_a - boy I see what they said about you being the cheerleader. Everything you've said is so nice and supportive. Thank you for all your posts. Jacque, have fun this…