Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good morning ALL!!!!

    So Ive been back but we were so busy yesterday. SORRY! :flowerforyou:
    Had lots of fun in Florida. Got very lil sun b/c it rained everyday from about noon till 8 at night.
    But that didnt stop the fun. We drove down to St Augustine and walked in the pouring rain. LITERALLY!!!
    We left the umbrellas in the car and GOT soaked. Kicked up some puddles and just had fun!
    Sister and I couldnt stop laughing b/c we went down an alley for a short cut and it was about flooded. Water was up passed our ankles....nearly lost our flip flops! :sad: :laugh: But went to the beach just before we left and spent a couple of hours there. Had lots of fun!!!
    Did not do great eating wise there. Sister has lots of snacks....YUMMMM:tongue: But trying to do great now. Drank my water all day Sunday and yesterday. Starting on mine now today. Ate a yummy salad I made sunday with grilled zucchini and peaches for dessert. THE BEST!!!
    I missed you all! Hope you all are doing great.
    Kelly-glad to hear you have gotten off to a good start for the new school year. Kids must be real excited too. My kids are excited to be back too.
    Jacque-Hope your daughter is doing much better and healing well. Been thinking about you and praying for you. :smile:
    Sassie-congrats Mrs. JrStylist. That is great. you will do so great and make manypeople happy. You have a knack for it. :happy:
    Porka-the pool thing sucks...helped my mom do it one year and wont do it again. I was sore for days. Its worse than the gym.
    Well gotta go to lunch. Hope for some great food ideas tocome my way b/c I have no idea what to eat.
    Lots of love to my SHGP and will talk to you all soon!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hello......where is everyone? there are quite a few of our members that have disappeared and have not posted in quite some time. where is everyone. I miss my friends....:sad:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi kitn ~ yeah, it's been very idle here lately...what should we do?? i am bummed as well...:cry:

    sorry to hear bout all the rain on your beach trip...but sounds like it didn't stop you from havin some fun! we start school tomorrow, and i am just glad to be back in some kind of routine, and it will be good to see all my kids again. i have not done very well this summer, so going to get back on the right track and work at changin the lifestyle, just be more consistant. some areas really need work and i need to prepare my meals daily and make time to get a workout in. it really does work and it's all up to me.

    hope the rest of SHGP are doing good....i am thinkin of you and hope to hear from you soon.:flowerforyou:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi all *HUG*
    So sorry that I have been MIA, the inlaws came up and had to hang out and do "Inlaw stuff"
    But everything here is good. Finally got the results of Frankin boob back!!!! and it is GREAT! nothing wrong with her at all, just a fatty tumor wraped around a nerve! no wonder why all the pain!:noway:
    But all is well besides taht. I do have to say that right when you think your life is rotten god lets you in on others lives and you get to see how they live. Everytime taht happens to me I am THANKFUL! for my family, friends and my life, not that any of it is perfect, but it is all good!:bigsmile:
    Back on track here!
    see you tomorrow, same time, same place:) :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi there Miss V!!

    so glad everything turned out ok...was prayin and concerned for you. :flowerforyou: not doing good here and can't seem to shake this funk i am in....happens about 1-2x year. seem to go from one extreme to another, can't focus or accomplish desire to cook for family, eat healthy. i wanted to be on my way with the C25K, not happenin, wanted to be in the 70's, not there. keep gettin worse and worse news with my job....and it really depresses me. first day of school here and have had a headache since am. forced myself to do WATP 2 mile and TaeBo 8 minute, didn't enjoy ANY of it. just wanna stay in my house, crawl back into bed and sleep it all did things turn out for your childrens school situation?
    have a good day hon.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi all *HUG*
    So sorry that I have been MIA, the inlaws came up and had to hang out and do "Inlaw stuff"
    But everything here is good. Finally got the results of Frankin boob back!!!! and it is GREAT! nothing wrong with her at all, just a fatty tumor wraped around a nerve! no wonder why all the pain!:noway:
    But all is well besides taht. I do have to say that right when you think your life is rotten god lets you in on others lives and you get to see how they live. Everytime taht happens to me I am THANKFUL! for my family, friends and my life, not that any of it is perfect, but it is all good!:bigsmile:
    Back on track here!
    see you tomorrow, same time, same place:) :bigsmile:

    Miss V. Cherry~~~~~ I am so happy to hear your Chi Chi Mama is A-OK!!!! And wanted to tell you that I am so proud of you on your NOT do you feel now??????

    I am having trouble staying under 2000 calories.....I did this for 5 months and have only really fallen offf for 2.5 months....and somehow I cannot stay under 2000 cals!!!!!!!!!!

    BUT on the good side, I can access my old menu's here and get back at it.........time to refer to the old menu's the day before I eat it.........wish I could just say cop my daily menu........MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey buds!!! I have been idle on here since Sunday - get a bit down when I see I was the last one to post for 20 hours :wink: but I have been a bit better - not logging food, but have been to the gym (kickin and screaming the whole way:laugh: ):laugh: but I have Aunt Flo so I was up a few more lbs than usual and my watch felt tight - girls, I was freakin out. Things seem to be getting back to normal now, so I did make it to our meat market place and divided our portions out into 4 oz each then froze, so I should be logging.

    Yesterday was Raffy's birthday, so I bought him an icecream cake from Dairy Queen (it's still in the freezer uncut), took him to our Mexican place for some beers, food and fun - so certainly went over in my mental count but it kinda was lunch and dinner so that's okay. I really didn't buy him a gift but am paying for his license renewal (it has expired so not as cheap as it sounds) so it's more a practical thing....................:glasses: Times are tough and certainly he understands!

    Hurricanes.....................ugh :grumble: :cry: I hope bill stays on his intended track and away from Florida We really need a new roof, it's my hope that we make it through this season unscathed and hopefully by then we can get a equity loan and get a new roof and some fixer uppers.

    How are all of you doing?
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all
    Wow, it been alot going on for everyone! Doing ok, need to get refocus. loss 2 pounds already but missed the gym last night and ate out so 2 very poor choices. But back to the gym today and trying to stay focus.
    Read this article over the weekend about sugar free and diet coke. Scared the crap out of me and was a real eye opener. asperataine in diet coke and in nutri sweet and sweet low is really bad it made with formaldihide. So Sunday I went off diet coke and sugar free stuff. I also read that it makes you crave carbs and chocolate more.

    So story time. Back when I had my boobs cut off and I was on FMLA I decided I need to lose weight. I was about 239 lbs. So I went on Diet coke for the first time in my life after 40 years and started the South beach diet. I lost 35 pounds without a problem, did not even exercise due to recovering from sugery and MRSA infection. So That was 5 years ago and I have gain that weight back and added. When I joined this form I weight 257 pounds. I have gotten down to 236 since started but was really strugglling with food. Then all the crap started happing and I had lost my focus. Last week I weight in at 254 pounds and it broke my heart.So after reading this article I realized that even with going to the gym and trying hard the craving were killing me. Since I quit the sugar free and the diet coke I weight yesterday at 248. Now that is just eating in moderation and yes I have ate over 2000 a couple of days, Dinking lime juice in water and been off diet coke and sugar free stuff and been to the gym only 3 days. That is 6 lbs off in lest than a week. And yes I have had regular coke and made sure I count the calorie. So take what u will from this but thought I share this with u all.

    And I am really trying to get back to posting more and sorry things are still so hetic. I just started Microbiology (YUK) and the second job is not bad just keeps me tired. Hope all of you are well
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hey all
    Wow, it been alot going on for everyone! Doing ok, need to get refocus. loss 2 pounds already but missed the gym last night and ate out so 2 very poor choices. But back to the gym today and trying to stay focus.
    Read this article over the weekend about sugar free and diet coke. Scared the crap out of me and was a real eye opener. asperataine in diet coke and in nutri sweet and sweet low is really bad it made with formaldihide. So Sunday I went off diet coke and sugar free stuff. I also read that it makes you crave carbs and chocolate more.

    So story time. Back when I had my boobs cut off and I was on FMLA I decided I need to lose weight. I was about 239 lbs. So I went on Diet coke for the first time in my life after 40 years and started the South beach diet. I lost 35 pounds without a problem, did not even exercise due to recovering from sugery and MRSA infection. So That was 5 years ago and I have gain that weight back and added. When I joined this form I weight 257 pounds. I have gotten down to 236 since started but was really strugglling with food. Then all the crap started happing and I had lost my focus. Last week I weight in at 254 pounds and it broke my heart.So after reading this article I realized that even with going to the gym and trying hard the craving were killing me. Since I quit the sugar free and the diet coke I weight yesterday at 248. Now that is just eating in moderation and yes I have ate over 2000 a couple of days, Dinking lime juice in water and been off diet coke and sugar free stuff and been to the gym only 3 days. That is 6 lbs off in lest than a week. And yes I have had regular coke and made sure I count the calorie. So take what u will from this but thought I share this with u all.

    And I am really trying to get back to posting more and sorry things are still so hetic. I just started Microbiology (YUK) and the second job is not bad just keeps me tired. Hope all of you are well

    Jacque-the article seems interesting to read...can you send me a link or something?
    I am glad you got back into a good routine and lost some weight. And I too have heard about diet coke...I too have tried and for the most part successfully stopped drinking them. Only every now and then I will have one and its half of a 20 oz. Anymore than that and I feel almost sick.
    Hope you can get me the article b/c I would like to read it as well.

    I too have been doing good...went to the gym yesterday for an hour and burned 200 calories....or close to it. Somethings I am not sure what I burned....but going again today.
    Hope to start seeing results within the next few weeks.
    Hope you all are doing great!!! Miss you all and wish you all a great thursday.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Yay, Ms. Vita, that is awesome news.

  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hope all are well, I'm sorry I don't post too often. I work for a start up and it is a busy time (which is good).

    Anyway, I'm seeing a nutritionist tomorrow. Last week, my hypnotherapist said, "obviously, you are eating too much." Which pissed me off...because I record everything I eat in here and only occasionally have a day I over ate (well, except the end of May). I DID over eat, up until last April but i'm not doing it now. So, I will update on what the nutritionist says. It's going to be great as I have the reports from MFP to share with her. Hopefully, I'll find out why I'm losing so slowly.

    Oh yeah, Kelly--I started taking birth control pills on Monday, in hopes of getting my peri-menopause raving ***** episodes (actually more like a daily "it's just how I am") hormones under control :laugh: Thanks so much for the info you shared with me a couple of weeks ago. Sheesh, can't believe I'm going through this change of life...but I guess 45 is where it is for me.

    Kitn and Jacque--I stopped drinking diet cokes a while ago and it seemed my biggest benefit was not getting acne breakouts. I would like to read that article Jacque mentioned too.

    Christie-I've been thinking about you and hearing about Hur. Bill too. I am thinking good thoughts it avoids you. My Grandmother is in Savannah GA so I am always watching those.

    Sassy-congrats on your wedding (I'm a little late)--hey you are right across the bay from me, I'm in San Mateo


  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI shgp!

    well, am doin a lil better. unbelievable what a day shoppin can do for ya..and it was just groceries! i am kinda still in my rut, but feel my mood inchin back up again. why o why does this happen? could it be those nasty hormones sallydeb is talkin bout? i hate this is way too mental for me. so, got me some nice fruits and veggies, lean meats today. now, if i can just get back to plannin my meals. sometimes i feel like i am just obsessin too much about this whole wt loss thingy. is that normal or should eating and exercisin be the only thing we think much as i think bout it, i sure ain't lookin it.... i know it should be that i make it a priority every day, and well, all the other things will just have to wait...? anyways, i do feel a little better and it makes my heart smile to see all you posting...still missin some of you...and we are here...just pop in, green team loves you no matter where you are at on this journey..:heart:

    Mrs Sass ~ i see you are doin mighty fine as well on kickin the cigs. how is it goin for you? are you on any meds for it? i have heard lots of good things bout that Chantix. i am havin a hard time keepin my cals under 3000!! :noway: so out of control here lately, so, so terrible. i am ashamed of myself. I too printed off some old menu's logged here from Jan / Mar. I did ok thru May, but have slacked...and now I have learned i should not have stopped...definately was not is not completely converted...

    Christi ~ i was bummed too, missin my green pepper team....we have made some nice friendships here :heart: yippy for you going to the gym! i am tyring to prep more meals for the day/week too. MMMM :tongue: a DQ cake. been forever since i had one, well a piece of one. what a nice bday for your sweetie! keepin my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that the Hurr leave Fla and anyone else nearby this season alone. that darn weather...we have had a very unusual summer in iowa.

    Jacque ~ good to hear from you. thanks for the info...i had heard about it a long time ago, and actually haven't had pop since '02. i noticed my tummy didn't bloat as much when i stopped. my fil has recently stopped and now i am workin on my dh. i think the artificial sweetners do make you crave sweets more. was South Beach hard? you are doin so good, -6 lbs! give yourself a pat on the back! happy for ya! cool, the microb class sounds interesting. take time to're so busy! how is your daughter doing?

    kitn ~ way to go on the gym workouts! keep it up!

    sallydeb ~ hope all goes well with the nutritionist. aren't you glad you have been loggin so you can show her? have you had any blood work done for hormone levels to see where you are at with menopause? i would love to know...maybe? :ohwell:

    well, sounds like many of us have been kinda strugglin lately, definately me. this happens folks, just be glad you are still hangin on and not givin up. remember each day your life is worth a healthy one. we can do this, one day at time. hey, tomorrow is Friday!! weekend is almost here! :bigsmile: nite all [{{hugs}}}
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all!!
    Ok so I weight in at 249. So that a 5lbs loss from last week but 2 pounds above what I was when I left 2 weeks ago. So I change my ticker and starting a fresh.I am happy about the lost so yay!! me.
    I will try to get the article to ya this weekend. I was reading it on my sister computer so I will have to get the link from her.
    Hope you all have a good Friday!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    hey all Want to try and cheer myself up and be more postive so here goes:
    :heart: I have a job
    :heart: I am able to move
    :heart: My office friends are making me laugh today
    :heart: IT'S FRIDAY!!!!
    :heart: My house looks better everyday
    :heart: Everyone in the fam is healthy at this time
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    yeah, Fri is here! been doin laundry, cleanin and gettin ready to prepare my lunch and supper too. feelin much better and my spirits are up. :bigsmile:

    Jacque ~ way to go dear! 5 lbs is awesome! i am so, so happy for you!! :flowerforyou: you are having a GREAT day! :happy: nothin stoppin you now! i really like what you have added to your post, you sound so up beat Jacque!! :heart: we really do have much to be thankful for, each and every day!

    so far pretty good. missed my am snack, and feelin it now, hungry, HA. didn't sleep good lastnite, but hope to catch up over the weekend. bus routine is going ok, and the kids are great! up to 50 this year! some of my seats have 3 in them, lil crowded...will be even tighter when the winter coats come. my mom called today and it was a good visit. i was bummed for her and my dad tho, they put down their little house dog Monday. she was really starting to fail.. i wanted to say gbye to her..:cry:

    so, here's to a good weekend for ya all. :drinker: LIVE LOVE LAUGH!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hey all Happy friday!!!:bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:
    well I am at teh same that I was last week, no change there:frown: but have been looking at what I eat in a whole and disecting it!
    Jacque- Read your post about the sugar-free stuff and I swear to be off it:) Im not a soda drinker but a splenda with my coffee person!:heart:
    Kelly- I know how you feel, about the down and out and totally not motivated... but am glad to hear today that you are feeling much better:bigsmile: :heart: Stuff seems to have a way of festering out of our lives, not fast enough but believe me , the bad stuff leaves!:bigsmile:
    Miss porka- Worried about teh weather there and have been for a few days, let me know what is going on!:bigsmile: keeping you in my thoughts!
    Sasssssssssssssssssssie-frassssss- :heart: :bigsmile: keep on keeping on girl, you will get back on it. And then no-smoking thing feels great! just waiting for a min for myself so taht I can FINALLY try to start running :noway: YES THAT is what i want to do and i hate to run, but that is totally how I loose weight!:bigsmile: so one day! Im going for it!
    :heart: that it is friday
    :heart: that my husband is still in love with me after all these years!
    :heart: that I am trying to be a good mother
    :heart: that my kids know what healthy choices are and LOVES them!
    :heart: The curvy,vivatious,loving,caring,wonderful SMOKING GREEN PEPPERS!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    miss vita... love your post! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning SHGP!!!!
    Oh my school starts tomorrow for us. My Son is sooo excited first year in high school. My dd is doing good we go for her check up Wed. Hopefully good news. Well got to get ready for church. Going to Sis house today hope to get that article for you all,
    :heart: It's Sunday
    :heart: Halfway thru the weekend -no wt gain
    :heart: laundry done
    :heart: My great kids!!!
    :heart: My SHGP!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI All! Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend!! Been kinda quiet here. dh and youngest son have been at inlaws (farm) both days and oldest son is gettin new brakes on his car today. i mowed yesterday and highlighted my hair more blonde. had inlaws come for supper. gonna be honest with you all....i have been eating out of control :angry: not sure why.....could be bored, lonely, anxious....still not able to deal with my emotions yet... i need to change something here....

    jacque ~ so glad things are going well for your daughter, hope it continues and she is able to get back at her cheering soon. is she in hs too? hope they have a great first day! you enjoy day with sis too! you are doing so good here, happy fory ya! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: my SHGP's, you inspire me...
    :smile: to eat healthier
    :smile: to work out and get into better shape which makes me stronger
    :smile: that my choices can move me forward in life - or hold me back
    :smile: to keep this team close for that bolt of energy or dose of wisdom
    i cherish you all on this journey :heart:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all! Whar an odd time since I last wrote. On thurs ewvening we got a work conf call invit for 6 pm....not good and my superiors were ot on the call. Me and my FL counterpart (who is 8 mo preggo) were freaking out, wondering about job eliminations, changes and superiors current/possibly new? It turns out they are eliminiating my supervisors position, so she will be only with us until sept 30 and effective immed we have a new boss. Ugh......................I have been with this one for four years and she's not a micro manager...............ugh again - did I mention I hate change? I guess ultimately I will ahve to do whatever I need to do as I have to have a job. I have a meeting with the new boss tomorrow via phone (she's in SC) so I'm nervous but I have met her before, I guess not to think the worst, just hope for the best? We worked on our pool on friday, well she must have a leak somewhere cause it's slumpy looking again and it has proceeded to rain the rest of this weekend - just what I need to keep me cheerful!:huh:

    So it's nice to see you others being positive, I had to get this off my chest before I can start anything laides!