Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Ok team......bring it on! Here's to our ** new ** group! :flowerforyou: This is gonna be a great experience with much success! YIPPY!!


  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Good morning!!!!

    So glad it is Friday.

    My weigh in today is 142.8, same as last week which is ok, was hoping for some loss. I find that my body lets go of weight about every 3 weeks. I'll see just small changes for 3 weeks, then boom I'll be down a pound or two, hopefully that will be next friday :)

    Really excited for my weekend. I'm participating in the Race Against Breast Cancer 5k walk tomorrow morning. Will be my first walk. I was hoping to be far enough along with my C25K to run it, but hasn't gone as fast as I had hoped. So will walk for this year and plan to run it next!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday, looking forward to hearing from everyone :)
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all!
    Got my coffee in hand and ready to start this!
    weight for this week is 226 :grumble: (went to the farmers market yesterday and got real milk out of the cow and chocolate milk:noway: IT IS TOO GOOD!)
    made a healthy version of chicken n dumplings lastngiht and it didn't turn out taht bad (cornbread dumplings :love: )
    anyhow this is the begining (AGAIN :laugh: ) So lets start it off with a bang:) :bigsmile:
    :heart::heart: :heart: SHGP:heart::heart: :heart:
    heart: walking
    :heart: alpacas:laugh:
    :heart: who i am on the inside
    :heart: getting to know who I am becoming on the outside:heart:

    m2kjenn~Nice to meet you!
    Jacque~This is the begining not the end, there is always time for improvement and to jump back on the bus:) :laugh: believe me!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Today's weight is 228. That is down 5 lbs from the last time I weighed in, which I didn't realize until this morning was a few weeks ago. I guess I haven't been as bad as I thought I was lately. I'm really hard on myself when I eat something I shouldn’t, so please feel free to remind me of that when I’m beating myself up.

    Dinner last night went pretty well. The enchiladas my Pokeno host served were Stouffers not homemade, so I was able to more accurately log them one I got home. The bad thing was that I had left too many calories for them and I under ate yesterday. :ohwell: I didn't get home until 9:30 and I didn't want to eat that close to bed time so I just let it go. Of course, I've been a little more hungry this morning than I usually am because of it. :frown:

    m2kjenn, good luck tomorrow in Race for the Cure!! I'm participating in the one in my area on Oct 17. I'm not running yet, so I'll be walking it as well. My ultimate goal is to run the Start! Heart Walk 5K in April 2010. (Yes, I know it is a walk, but they have runners every year). I'm going to train by doing couch C25K. How early do you suggest I start the program? I've been putting it off until I lose more weight because I'm afraid it might stress my body too much. I at least want to be overweight instead of obese before I start. I have 10 more lbs before I get there.

    My goal for the weekend is to actually log what I eat. I’m terrible about that.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good morning SHGP!
    I forgot to weigh in this morning....but did last night and it should an exact 128. I am wanting to assume that this morning i could have been down .5 or so
    Either way I am glad b/c just last week I weighed myself and it should 129. So I am taking that as down a pound! woohoo.
    Leaving today around 3 or 4 for the Biltmore!!! woohoo. Gonna have me some good times with the hubby and I cannot wait! I dont care if it rains or not b/c I will just be in the rain loving the views! :bigsmile:
    Welcome and hello M2Kjenn and good luck and have fun with your walk! I want to do a marathon or big walk soon but have been having issues with my knee recently and need to work up to it. I cant even get on a treadmill with it swelling and killing me.
    Great job on your weightloss CrystalT....5 lbs is wonderful!!!
    Ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend and remember THINK THIN!!! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning Ladies :

    Happy Friday to all ...... Since I weigh in on Wednesdays i will just use that weight .... 208 is what I am .....just got done working out (whewwwww its done for the day) lol ......congrats for the people who lost .... and for the people who gained or stayed the same ..... DONT GIVE UP ..... just get back on the wagon....
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.
    It has been a rough first week and I have to say even though I worked hard I did not loose anything. :grumble: I know I can do this. not sure why I did not loose anything but I am thinking it is water weight. This week end I am adding a video work out so next week I hope to at least loose 2-3 pounds.( that is including loosing any water weight from this week :laugh: ) my weight is 200 lbs.

    Looks like you all are doing great for week 1, keep up the hard work and drink your water. :drinker:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi all, can I join?? I bring flowers and beer! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    vanimami ~ yes, you sure can! we are officially starting today, so just post your most current wt. we will have weekly threads and the challenge from today thru next Thurs is to try and aim for 8 glasses of water a day, or more. good luck and welcome! :smile:
  • Good morning all!!!
    Ok my official wt in for this wonderful Friday morning is 253.8. But Kel if you want even # put 254. haha it will look more impresive next week when i record a loss! how that for positivie thinking. So when I got back on I was 252 since then I got up to 256 so with the fact that it only two days eating right and very little exercise, not bad but I plan to move it move it this wekend. Hope every one have a great Friday!! Got to get to work :(
    we like to move it, move it
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Morning all, and yeah, it's Friday!! Thanks for posting your wts, I will be checking in all day, so to get them all. Yes, we are still taking *newbies*, join if you wish!

    OUR FIRST CHALLENGE ~ Try to get in 8 glasses ( 8 oz, each ) a day, for a total of 64 oz's...or more! Many of us have done this in the past and I think it is a good one to start off with! Your body needs fluids all day long! I never noticed until recently that if you are recording your water intake with your food journal and you go over 8, the glass starts to spill over! It is kinda cool! :wink:

    I weighed in at 185. This is a little milestone for me as I have never been under 200 for longer than a few months at a time since 1998. So, doing a little happy dance here...but also realize I need to get focused again and prioritize me, each day, in order to get closer to that healthier wt and then the biggest issue, maintain it!

    Here's to a happy, healthy day....and with the weekend almost here, let's try to stay the course over the weekend and treat it just like a weekday! I know you can do it team!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning ... crazy busy schedule right now so will try to write more later ... my weight today is 176.5 lbs.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    m2kjenn ~ you are doing so well, 17 gone, and gettin closer to your goal! doesn't that feel great! :smile: enjoy your race tomorrow..that is an awesome accomplishment! let us know how it goes!
    miss V ~ fresh milk YUM!:tongue: thanks for all your motivation! :flowerforyou:
    crystal ~ 5 lbs gone, that is great! keep pluggin away! that happens to me too...go somewhere, end up short on calories and i too won't eat late.:ohwell: how exciting for your upcoming race in Oct. great goal for the mindful and positive!
    kitn ~ a loss is a loss! yee haaaww! have a great weekend with the hubs! :heart:
    megan ~ hi there...wtg on the workout ~ DONE! :drinker:
    sindy ~ it's ok...dont let the scale bumm you. keep at it and the scale is bound to move soon!
    jacque ~ just keep on keepin, you can do it! one meal at a time, one day at a time!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Kelly and all the new members. I'm at 165.6 today. which is my usual .5ish loss every so often. Good thing I'm working on being patient.

    Great to see all the activity!!

  • Hi! It's a mixed morning for me today. It's my last day of work before I move back to WA on Tuesday. (I've been working in a remote office in CA for a year.)

    I'm a little sad, a little excited, a little hungover from the wine at the celebration last night :laugh:

    I hope everyone is having a great Friday. It's fun to see all of the excitement on this thread! Thanks for leading the charge Kelly!...and great job on hitting that milestone!

    As for the challenge, I think I am part camel, so I'm a water drinking machine.....!!!

    7/09 Starting MFP Weight - 155.5 lbs
    08/27/09 - 150.5 (-5.0 lbs)
    09/03/09 - 150.0 (-0.5 lbs)
    09/10/09 - 148.0 (-2.0 lbs)
    SMGP Week 1 - 09/18/09 = 146.5 (-1.5lbs)
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Yay, well I'm excited to join this group, everyone seems motivated AND motivating!! Artichoke, I was once where you were, but i gained it back :( Today I weighed in at 154, so let's hope it goes down next week. When do we weigh in, on fridays??
  • Wow! Great job everyone!

    MFP Starting Weight: 199lbs
    SHGP Starting Weight: 192lbs (today!)
    Last Week: 196lbs
    This Morning: 192lbs (-4)!
    Goal Weight: 125lbs

    I should have NO problem on the water challenge. I just inhale water, all day. If I get thirsty, I get cranky.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey magglett! stange day here too, well, just lots goin on! good thing it's the weekend!
    sally ~ slow and steady wins the race! keep goin!
    artichoke ~ lots of emotions for you??....understand any stress you have...where at in WA? i have a friend in Benton City. hope your move goes well and you get back into a routine soon.
    vanimami~ most of us are weighin in on Fri, but whatever day works for you is fine.

    well, i went for a walk/jog. did ok, and ended up doin my own version of C25K..i did intervals of 2 min walk/2 min jog, then closed the gap and did 2 min jog, and 1 min walk. was 2.66 mile when i got done, 37 min and 273 cals. so, something to work on for improvement now. gonna be off for a while now folks, i have to rinse my bus off for our away football game tonite, prep my foodies, and finish up dh laundry. enjoy the rest of Friday! :bigsmile:

    still waitin for BAIcott to post and that about wraps it up for wi's...and any of the other fellow Green Pepper's...purr, porka, lynettep, sassie, aml0484. come and join us ladies! we miss you! :heart:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Every one is doing great. :flowerforyou:
    I did my 30 min. walk today. Having really bad leg cramps so it is not as fast as I usually walk. I am thinking I need to stretch a little more and drink more water. :drinker: So the water challenge is just what I needed. I will try to post over the week end if I can get onto my computer, if not I will update you Monday.

    Have a great week end and drink your water.:bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I had scout meeting immediately after work then we needed to go to Walmart. Just got home 10 minutes ago...... I'm not able to post replies while I'm at do be patient w/me.

    I’m 5ft, 3 ½ in and today's weight is 165.4 lbs
    Heavy weight (not when pregnant) 174 – Feb 2009
    Lowest weight I do recall being 133 - May 1996.
    This was the day I learned I was pregnant w/first child.
    I probably graduated high school at 115-118lbs.
    Positive note - my shoe size hasn’t changed since high school graduation!
    Goal: right now under 160, Ultimate 135, I would accept 140lbs.

    As I mentioned I wore a pair of jeans on Thursday night and I didn’t have the pregnant belly look. Plus at the event a woman commented that it looked like I was losing weight so I was excited to weigh myself this morning.

    Then I got on the scale just .4lb lost this week. Not even a full ½ lb. Sorta disappointed. Last week I had dropped 3.8lbs however this loss could be due to the body wrap I had done.

    My next official body measurements for Curves isn’t until the beginning of October. I may have it done late September because I have to work the first weekend of October.

    Regarding the water challenge, I will participate. Drinking water at work is easier than on the weekends when home. So there’s my goal – drink 64oz over the weekend and keep close to a bathroom.

    If desired I’ll set the next challenge. I have an employment fitness test on October 4 so I could use a challenge as extra prep for the test.

    So mark your calendars - for Sep 25-Oct 1,
    I propose a fitness challenge as 10% more of what you typically do.
    For me that means extra 4 sit-ups (new goal 44 in one minute), extra 3 push-ups (new goal 33 in one minute) and 3 extra laps on the track (new goal 29 laps/approx 2 ¼ miles). The extra running will be my biggest struggle. I’m just getting comfortable w/the 2 miles.

    I did not pass my last employment fitness in Feb 2009 so I feel stressed about the next one. The low score category – waist measurement - is what caused me to fail the test. So… if I run faster … if I have a smaller waist ……


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Typically, I would drink 32oz at work.
    Today, I did drink 64oz at work.
    32oz before my lunch time walk and 32oz after lunch.

    Saturday & Sunday may be difficult.
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