Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Sunday --
    Well, I was the worship leader at church. When I got to church I noticed a small dot sized stain in the front of my shirt. Then noticed a big button was missing off my blazer. Gee...

    Today, I really need to watch how much I eat...I'm not doing a workout today.

    Only 32oz more of water to go....

  • Hey SHGPs! :heart:

    I just walked either 3 or 3.5 miles! I don't know because I lost track. How silly is that? I was told that a medication I am on might have short-term memory issues but...being unable to remember if I have done six .5 laps or seven of them? Seriously! Counting to seven should not be hard. :tongue:

    Either way, I feel good about it.

    I am going to Red Lobster tonight for my Gma's birthday dinner. Luckily, their website is AWESOME for dieters -- they have COMPLETE nutirion information...for everything. From sides of rice, to the butter they put on the lobster, to the exact calories in the little cup of salad dressing. I pretty much adore Red Lobster now!

    I am wearing my "cute" jeans (if a size 18 can be "cute" ) -- and they used to fit tight when I first put them on -- and now they are a little loose in the back. :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hey SHGPs! :heart:

    I just walked either 3 or 3.5 miles! I don't know because I lost track. How silly is that? I was told that a medication I am on might have short-term memory issues but...being unable to remember if I have done six .5 laps or seven of them? Seriously! Counting to seven should not be hard. :tongue:

    Either way, I feel good about it.

    I am going to Red Lobster tonight for my Gma's birthday dinner. Luckily, their website is AWESOME for dieters -- they have COMPLETE nutirion information...for everything. From sides of rice, to the butter they put on the lobster, to the exact calories in the little cup of salad dressing. I pretty much adore Red Lobster now!

    I am wearing my "cute" jeans (if a size 18 can be "cute" ) -- and they used to fit tight when I first put them on -- and now they are a little loose in the back. :bigsmile:
    congrats on your walk ..... good luck at red lobster and congrats on your jeans being a lil loose .... keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I do the same thing when I run.... was that lap 8 or 9?

    So, as silly as this sounds, I started to use my fingers. After each lap, I put on my thumb on a finger. The first lap completed is my thumb on the inside my hand.

    SInce I do 26 laps, I count off 6 first then start over for the next 20 laps.

  • Barb -- that is not silly! That is a GREAT idea! I will give that a try tomorrow! It's hard to enjoy the nature and the nice weather when I'm thinking... "Was that lap four or lap five? Or was it neither of those..."
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    i need to count my laps that way because there are many distractions for me at the gym.

    Guys playing basketball - guys lifting weights - other runners - walkers - people playing volleyball - guys lifting weights - guys playing basketball oh did I say that twice.

    Seriously, I go to military gym -- lots of men use the facility at the time of day I go.

    Women are usually in the cardio room on the treadmills or doing the lunch time classes. I can't do the classes - don't have enough time on my lunch. And to me the treadmills are boring plus I have a fear I'll fall off because I wasn't paying attention.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    how's everyone doing? y'all ready for a great week? plan ahead for your daily meals, take time to prep anything like your snacks, cut veggies have fruit handy. water challenge is going good, at 10 glasses for today..

    i was on plan all day with eating clean, and actually missed my afternoon snack so then when supper time came and went i realized i was short about 500 cals. :frown: i didn't eat enuf lunch even tho i had a filling one... so when i get off here, i am gonna right down everything i need to eat and make sure i eat it for tomorrow...

    laughingfox ~ oh, i love Red Lobster! it is dh and my fav place to dine at. i have never looked at the nutritional info available, pry a good idea. i always eat everything they bring, biscuits and all. no crumbs on my plate! :tongue:

    barb ~i do the same thing when walking on a track...use my thumb and finger. yeah, gotta watch them treadmills. i'm still not real fond of mine, and one time i had a loose belt, so i would almost skip or take an extra step when i slowed from joggin to walking. it freaked me out cuz i thought i was gonna fall. :ohwell:

    g'nite folks!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey there everyone. Kelly, thanks for setting up the chart ... I'm okay with posting my MFP starting weight, it was 208.5 lbs. And my starting weight for this challenge was 176.5 lbs.

    I hope you all have a lovely week. I was so busy the past few days I didn't even have time to read the posts 'til this morning.

    As for me, I just had the most stressful week topped off by the weekend from hell. It involved a 50th anniversary party for my in-laws which I planned, cancelled, re-planned, cancelled, and then had to re-plan at the last minute. A whole lot of family were in town and we were all looking forward to getting together. My brother in law is schizophrenic and it is usually controlled with his medication and his behaviour isn't too bad but about a week ago it started getting very erratic so I was asked by my father in law to cancel everything which I did but then the gang wanted to do something anyway ... big mistake ... he acted up, got angry, got aggressive, then got violent. A fight broke out and of course I jumped in the middle of it all to try and break it up ... police were called and my brother in law was taken away. I feel sooooo bad about everything. My poor in-laws, how many people actually make it to their 50th anniversary and then this happened. Hopefully my old belief that things happen for a reason holds true with this situation too. Sorry I layed this on all of you ... I'm hoping I'll feel better now that I wrote it out ... I'll try to be more positive in the future.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey there everyone. Kelly, thanks for setting up the chart ... I'm okay with posting my MFP starting weight, it was 208.5 lbs. And my starting weight for this challenge was 176.5 lbs.

    I hope you all have a lovely week. I was so busy the past few days I didn't even have time to read the posts 'til this morning.

    As for me, I just had the most stressful week topped off by the weekend from hell. It involved a 50th anniversary party for my in-laws which I planned, cancelled, re-planned, cancelled, and then had to re-plan at the last minute. A whole lot of family were in town and we were all looking forward to getting together. My brother in law is schizophrenic and it is usually controlled with his medication and his behaviour isn't too bad but about a week ago it started getting very erratic so I was asked by my father in law to cancel everything which I did but then the gang wanted to do something anyway ... big mistake ... he acted up, got angry, got aggressive, then got violent. A fight broke out and of course I jumped in the middle of it all to try and break it up ... police were called and my brother in law was taken away. I feel sooooo bad about everything. My poor in-laws, how many people actually make it to their 50th anniversary and then this happened. Hopefully my old belief that things happen for a reason holds true with this situation too. Sorry I layed this on all of you ... I'm hoping I'll feel better now that I wrote it out ... I'll try to be more positive in the future.

    hey hon...i am sure things will calm down for you. i totally understand how you're feeling tho...i have a bil that has basically been an 'underachiever' his whole life...and he made a horrible scene at our wedding....he has not changed at all over the years, and it has caused a bit of tension between my dh and his parents. somethings are just out of our control. bless for you for dealing with the on and off planning of this event. i am sure everyone appreciates all your efforts whether said so or not. is very fine that you came here and shared this with us. i hope you can soon put this behind you and move forward...remember you are worth being healthy and happy! :heart: *hugs*
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    already had a pre-route snack and my breakfast, all clean. have to run to town today and get a few groceries. plan is to *start* my stretch and tone tape and my weighted ball dvd too.

    hope you're all keeping up with the water challenge! have a good one SHGP's! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Well this week end was not at all what I was planning on doing. I feel soooo bad, I looked every where and could not find the work out tape I wanted to start, so just ran around the house cleaning everything. I should of gone for a walk. looks like I am gaining and but I am not eating too much, it may be the new medication I was put on. But I know I was not perfect this week end, did not exercise at all. Water went out the window too.

    New week. :bigsmile: I have to make sure not to have anything unhealthy. I will walk or some type of exercise everyday and drink my water. I am hoping nobody gets cake for my birthday that will through me off.

    Every one kept very busy this week end. I dont get on the computer on the week end it tends to make me lazy and not want to do anything.

    Kelly that is great for the chart. Have to get back to work but will check in later.
  • Good Morning all!!:smile:
    Sorry for not checking in this weekend, you name it, it probably happened. Amazing enough, with all the happenings I did good on water and not over eating. Was not able to exercise, and still manged to lose 2 pounds over the weekend. Now just to keep them off. Hey all need prayers for my dad. Sunday at church he fell, he ok considering. He took a nasty bump to the head but Cat scan said he ok. We spent the whole day at the VA. No fracture but with all the xray he does have some server arthritis going on. he 73 and still works full time. My sister and I had our eyes opened for the first time in a long time. Daddy getting old:sad: He so active and looks young for his age, but yesterday we finally saw it. So he is very sore and not moving well today.
    It seems I missed so much this weekend!
    Kelly- great job with trying to get the chart together
    Talk to you all later
    :heart: My daddy ok
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: A new week
    :heart: My kids
    :heart: WATER!!!!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Morning all you Hot Peppers!!

    I have to apologize for not checking in all weekend, too. I have no excuse. In fact, I was at home all weekend along and very bored. Of course, boredom is my enemy, I always eat when I'm bored. I grazed all weekend!!! I feel bloated today and my rings are tight. I know part of that is because it is my TOM, which is a slight consolation. I would like to resolve to do better next weekend, but my best friend is coming home for a visit for the fist time in 2 1/2 years and she has a long list of places she wants to go eat at. I'll do the best I can, but I don't see her often and I won't be able to deny her a trip to her favorite pizza or BBQ place. I'll just have to be extra good through the week and make as smart of choices as I can when we're eating out.

    Kelly, thanks for your hard work putting something together for all of us. My MFP start weight is 273. I don’t mind tracking that if everyone else would like to.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member

    Hope everyone had a good weekend .....i had a quiet weekend which was nice ..... spent time at the park with my daughter and my dog which was nice.... got alot done in the homestead (which is always nice) was good and water is always good ..... tonight i am going out to dinner with a friend at applebees(a lil nervous since this is the 1st time going out since i have changed my lifestyle ) but i will be ordering from the few weight watcher items they have on their menu (i think) lol .....

  • I do the same thing when I run.... was that lap 8 or 9?

    So, as silly as this sounds, I started to use my fingers. After each lap, I put on my thumb on a finger. The first lap completed is my thumb on the inside my hand.

    SInce I do 26 laps, I count off 6 first then start over for the next 20 laps.


    I do the same thing when I walk laps.
  • i need to count my laps that way because there are many distractions for me at the gym.

    Guys playing basketball - guys lifting weights - other runners - walkers - people playing volleyball - guys lifting weights - guys playing basketball oh did I say that twice.

    Seriously, I go to military gym -- lots of men use the facility at the time of day I go.

    Women are usually in the cardio room on the treadmills or doing the lunch time classes. I can't do the classes - don't have enough time on my lunch. And to me the treadmills are boring plus I have a fear I'll fall off because I wasn't paying attention.


    I have the same distractions at the university gym I go to.
  • Hey there everyone. Kelly, thanks for setting up the chart ... I'm okay with posting my MFP starting weight, it was 208.5 lbs. And my starting weight for this challenge was 176.5 lbs.

    I hope you all have a lovely week. I was so busy the past few days I didn't even have time to read the posts 'til this morning.

    As for me, I just had the most stressful week topped off by the weekend from hell. It involved a 50th anniversary party for my in-laws which I planned, cancelled, re-planned, cancelled, and then had to re-plan at the last minute. A whole lot of family were in town and we were all looking forward to getting together. My brother in law is schizophrenic and it is usually controlled with his medication and his behaviour isn't too bad but about a week ago it started getting very erratic so I was asked by my father in law to cancel everything which I did but then the gang wanted to do something anyway ... big mistake ... he acted up, got angry, got aggressive, then got violent. A fight broke out and of course I jumped in the middle of it all to try and break it up ... police were called and my brother in law was taken away. I feel sooooo bad about everything. My poor in-laws, how many people actually make it to their 50th anniversary and then this happened. Hopefully my old belief that things happen for a reason holds true with this situation too. Sorry I layed this on all of you ... I'm hoping I'll feel better now that I wrote it out ... I'll try to be more positive in the future.

    I understand. I have 2 brothers that fight often and spoil family gatherings especially if the alcohol is flowing. As matter of fact my brothers are not speaking to each other now. Things will improve with time.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    checking back in. Monday is not going bad, went for my walk, trying to drink my water but want coffee instead :grumble: but water it is.

    I will try to check in on the week ends maybe in the morning. The week ends are when I get all messed up. I will be tearing the house a part to find that workout tape.

    Megan, I am sure you will do fine at applebee's tonight, can always take some home.
    Crystal, have a great time with your friend 2 1/2 years is a long time
    Jacque, hope dad is feeling better, I know in december my dad had a nasty fall and then you see how hard it is for them to get back from it and you get very worried. I'll say a prayer that he recovers quickly.

    Well everyone have a great day have to get back to work.:drinker:
  • Wow started good and fell hard. Birthday lunch at work today ate big cheeseburger and fries then a cup cake just a few min ago. Will def have to go to gym tonight and do something.
    :laugh: hahahaha ammcnett-sounds like the distraction might be the guys hahahaha:laugh:
    Well hope everyone has a good night, check in with you later
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Overall my Monday wasn't too bad... I did have a new 80s music 3 CD set that I listened to at work. I am a true 80s girl - however - these days I don't have BIG hair.

    Driving into work my gas indicator light came on so it was go to gas station on lunch instead of a 20 min walk. This Jersey girl is a true Jersey girl - I don't pump gas. When I'm out of state then I need to figure out that gas pump thingy....when in NJ, I let the gas station attendant do it.

    My big challenge today was eating enough. Sunday night I entered in all my projected exercises, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, post workout protein drink and dinner. I subtracted out my calories burned and I still need to eat more to get over 1200 calories. One of the curves fitness trainer suggested today I eat between 1500-1600 calories.

    Although today at Curves another member mentioned I look thinner. I'm curious what the next tape measurement will be.

    It seems some of the group had a weekend of ups and downs. Let's hope this week has better days for all of us.

    Take care - hoping a good Tuesday for all.
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