Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • Happy Birthday SindyB9!:flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Birthday Sindy & Angie! Hope you both have a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Another good show of BL lastnite. Geez, either I am just hormonal right now or this season seems much more emotional...Between Abby and Shay, and all the phone calls home, I was just a sob! :noway: :sad: :sad: Abby just says the perfect things like, " tomorrow is no guarantee", and "the two little butterflies that were with her on her climb up the mountain"...just so dang bittersweet :heart: Bob and Jill were much better and things seemed toned down from them. I was totally impressed by their week 2 accomplishments! :drinker: Amazing!

    Barb ~ it can be a challenge sometimes working in exercise. If I don't get mine done early in the day, my chances lessen. re the weather ~ it seems all of our storms, whether rain, ice, snow, or the heat, drought, fires etc, have been more exteme the past few yrs. Appears more horrific....makes you really appreciate what you have! luv the crocks! :tongue:

    magglett ~ so you're not a country girl, me either! At age 9, my parents built in the country... the move devastated me, but eventually I adapted..... and my dh grew up on a farm. We have been town folks for 22+ yrs, which I have loved, but it looks like someday we will be bldg on my inlaws/our land. I am unsure of how things will be, since our sons will likely be in college or moved will def be a change, but am looking forward to the peace and quiet. how cool to be remodeling a farm house. that will keep you active for sure. glad you are feeling better girl! :flowerforyou:

    well, have to do some errands for dh today. not sure when i will be on again. 2 more days til weigh in...skinny vibes to you all and lets work hard at gettin in exercise, eating healthy and doing the water challenge! Go Green!
  • Good morning ladies!! So we returned home from the Biltmore on Sunday....pretty early...just around noon b/c it was raining Sunday morning...but the trip was amazing!:bigsmile: :happy:
    I suggest everyone go at some point. It is absolutely the most beautiful place and so much fun!
    I didnt do great on food and drink choices but enjoyed my time with my hubby and we went to the winery and did wine tastings and drank drank draknk! :drinker: :drinker:
    Brought back a bottle of red wine and finished it off with 24 hrs. It was soooo good!
    But lots of walking to do in ahouse that is 5 stories tall (if you do the behind the scene tours to see every level) and then walked the grounds all day saturday!
    :heart: the biltmore
    :heart: my family
    :heart: my friends (here and my SHGP ones)
    :heart: grateful to be alive and have a place to call home........

    I like in Georgia....douglas county ga to be exact. And if youve watched any news you might have seen how much flooding we have had here. This being the reason I have not gotten on.
    Woke up yesterday morning with water in our basement...not much...we could get it up with our wet vac but our boys' room has carpet and its ruined. well...the rain just kept coming and coming and we coudlnt get to work. Roads were flooded.....people stranded. Hubby headed out to get my dad...he was stranded at and the kids met them at my dads house and within hours...just 2 or so the water rose from waist deep to over the road signs. Grocery stores, schools, cars, gas stations, houses, are all under water. There are so many out of jobs and others are still trapped from getting anywhere. Its real bad here. Water is just everywhere. Very scary! Please just keep family and friends in your thoughts. One of my co workers lost everything. her house was competely under water! it was bad! So lots of just sittin around....twiddling probably some weight gain...starting new today! keep me there in your thoughts! hope I can see some results by the end of the weekend!

    The most important thing is that everyone is safe. I am sorry for the devastation that you guys are going through. I live in Wisconsin and we really could use the rain. It has been a while since we had rain.
  • Hi all ... I just burned 317 calories taking my frustrations out tearing down part of an old plaster ceiling. My goodness ... what a mess ... but what a great workout. My hubby and I own an old farm house built in 1895. With life's problems and financial junk and all kinds of other excuses we haven't finished a single thing here in the 16 years we've owned it ... so now we've made a pact ... we will concour one project per month from now on. Right now we are getting half of the first floor prepared to blow insulation on the walls before the real winter hits. I love it ... I'll get some great workouts in and my house will progress with time to being a nice place to live. I've hated living here since the first year ... country living is just not my thing ... we'll sell once it's completed (in like 10 years I think). Anyway, I'm babbling here ... I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful evening and we'll talk again tomorrow.


    Good luck in remodeling the house.:flowerforyou: I am a city girl myself. I can't imagine living in the country unless it is on the edge of a city. It takes a lot of effort to fix up a house so you won't have to worry where the exercise is going to fit in your schedule.:smile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    I feel a little dumb this morning. I thought that I was not drinking enough water, come to find out the bottle I was refilling was 3 glasses instead of one. So not only did I drink all my water I actually had 10 glasses. :laugh:

    I am doing all my exercises and not going over on calories :drinker: I should loose something this week. When do we measure?

    Hope everyone has a great day will check in later. drink drink drink that water. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Happy Birthday Angie and Sindy!! Hope it’s a great day for both of you!!

    Kitn, how awful!! I hope everyone is safe and things dry out quickly. I can only imagine that kind of devastation.

    Magglett, I’m a little jealous. I would love to live in the country in an old farm house. My hubby doesn’t feel the same way, so I doubt that will ever happen. Good luck on all the remodeling!!

    Sindy, that’s awesome that you were drinking more than you realized. Probably makes it seem like it isn’t as hard as you thought!! Keep it up!!

    Kelly, I wasn’t home last night and I forgot to record BL. My friend watched and felt the same as you, everything is just more emotional than before. I think I’m going to try to catch it online when I have some extra time.

    I started C25K last night. It was tough!! I didn’t even complete the first workout. I think I made it about half way before I just couldn’t run anymore and finished it out as a walk. I’ll keep plugging away at it. It will take me longer than 9 weeks to finish, but I WILL finish!!

    Have a beautiful day everyone!!

    Peppers Rock!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    real quick here as i am leavin soon...
    sindy, we weigh in on Friday or whatever day works best for you...'body' measurements?, i did mine last Friday, and you can do them today, or whenever, or this Friday. i just like to see inches lost too, esp when the scale is stuck.:ohwell:
    crystal, good job on the C25K. i was on wk 3 when i had to stop due to my procedure, but i plan to get back at it soon. just go at a pace that is doable for you. it is a huge accomplishment! i'm here cheering you on !! :drinker:

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Crystal.
    Congrats finishing is the best. :drinker: Each time you will go a little longer.

    Ok I will do my measurements on Friday. I know all about the scale being stuck. But loosing inches is the best feeling.

    Ammcenett, working around the house is great for burning calories and it makes it worth living in it. I am doing lots of yard projects and I am enjoying my view now that most of them are done.

    Will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Everyone:

    HAPPY BDAY to the 2 ladies :flowerforyou: (sorry bad with names)

    Kelly I was with you last night on BL I cried too

    Weigh ins are wednesdays for me so I lost 1 pound (wasnt want I was going for but i will take it ) 10 pounds lost since starting my other group ...and 18 pounds since starting MFP .... changing my workout routine..... early mornings my slim in 6 program .....after breaksfast do leslie sandsone walking DVD and workup to 3 miles .... and last at night after my daughter goes to bed workout for 30 minutes on my "total gym" I CAN DO THIS & I WILL DO THIS (keeps telling myself that) LOL

    HAVE A GREAT LADIES :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Weigh ins are wednesdays for me so I lost 1 pound (wasnt want I was going for but i will take it ) 10 pounds lost since starting my other group ...and 18 pounds since starting MFP .... changing my workout routine..... early mornings my slim in 6 program .....after breaksfast do leslie sandsone walking DVD and workup to 3 miles .... and last at night after my daughter goes to bed workout for 30 minutes on my "total gym" I CAN DO THIS & I WILL DO THIS (keeps telling myself that) LOL

    Great job!!! Keep it up!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Great job!!! Keep it up!!
    thanks Crystal:wink:
  • :flowerforyouHappy Birthday Sindy & Angie!:drinker: :glasses:
    Sorry out yesterday at a confrence all day and no computer!! Wow BL got me soo excitied last night!! I love how this show can motivate you. Doing good on the water, still have not been able to exercise but doing good with food. I even got a friend to watch the show and now she is motivated, told her about MFP so hopefully she will check it out. Update Dad is doing good black and blue but a little better everyday:smile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Jacque...happy that your dad is getting little bit better everyday. We want our parents to always be there for us so its scary when you see age setting in. I hate seeing my dad getting to where it bothers him so much to even get around....he used to be so full of energy and life. Just happy everyday I am with him and my mom!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BDAY SHGP! I too am bad with names...or at least right now as we have so many new people and I have yet to get to know everyone. I will be going in to each of your profiles and doing a friend request so as to get to know you all so much more better as we are all each others support system!

    And now i need that support. I have been doing horrible at eating. I also need to get to the gym but more so, eat better. when I started this site I was down to 124 and just weighed again yesterday and was at 130.5
    I nearly broke down and cried. I know this weight wont seem like much to many of you or at least to the ladies I work with (they say that) but for my height and body frame 130 is alot. When I joined the gym I was at 130 and b/c I have no muscle definition either, I am actually considered overweight b/c I have to have less body fat! I have got to get there but just cant find the right motivation to get me going in that right direction. Not only that, but I am really clueless as to ideas on what to eat. For lunch and breakfast especially. I need things that are simple that I can do at work or bring with me out together that I can get together fairly quick. I am a running late kinda girl and always pushing it on time every morning.....been that way since HS so dont see getting myself to adjust to great there. LOL
    But I need help. Not only that...but I think what is still putting me down is my knee is still killing me so long walks or lots of stair use or ANY running puts me out for days! Ahhhhh I swear I am screwed any way I go. My dr says I need to get to around 120 but WITH muscle definition.....ideas?????
    I need some help b/c if I keep going like this I am going to get to where I dont like myself and I dont want to be that person! I have always loved myself and had just gotten to where I was comfortable in my own skin!
    Any advice would be great!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    sindyb9 & ammcnett ... Hope you both have wonderful birthdays.

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Jacque...happy that your dad is getting little bit better everyday. We want our parents to always be there for us so its scary when you see age setting in. I hate seeing my dad getting to where it bothers him so much to even get around....he used to be so full of energy and life. Just happy everyday I am with him and my mom!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BDAY SHGP! I too am bad with names...or at least right now as we have so many new people and I have yet to get to know everyone. I will be going in to each of your profiles and doing a friend request so as to get to know you all so much more better as we are all each others support system!

    And now i need that support. I have been doing horrible at eating. I also need to get to the gym but more so, eat better. when I started this site I was down to 124 and just weighed again yesterday and was at 130.5
    I nearly broke down and cried. I know this weight wont seem like much to many of you or at least to the ladies I work with (they say that) but for my height and body frame 130 is alot. When I joined the gym I was at 130 and b/c I have no muscle definition either, I am actually considered overweight b/c I have to have less body fat! I have got to get there but just cant find the right motivation to get me going in that right direction. Not only that, but I am really clueless as to ideas on what to eat. For lunch and breakfast especially. I need things that are simple that I can do at work or bring with me out together that I can get together fairly quick. I am a running late kinda girl and always pushing it on time every morning.....been that way since HS so dont see getting myself to adjust to great there. LOL
    But I need help. Not only that...but I think what is still putting me down is my knee is still killing me so long walks or lots of stair use or ANY running puts me out for days! Ahhhhh I swear I am screwed any way I go. My dr says I need to get to around 120 but WITH muscle definition.....ideas?????
    I need some help b/c if I keep going like this I am going to get to where I dont like myself and I dont want to be that person! I have always loved myself and had just gotten to where I was comfortable in my own skin!
    Any advice would be great!!!

    Do you have any place around you that does water aerobics? I used to go to our local YMCA and do that. It is very low impact but still a good workout. I can't imagine it bothering your knee much at all.

    I'm the same way about lunches. I only have time to throw something in a bag on the way out the door. I get the Starkist lunch to-go packs sometimes. It has crackers along with the reduced fat mayo and relish to make the tuna salad and it is only 210 calories for the whole kit. Right now, I'm having MorningStar Garden Veggie patties. They are actually good microwaved. I have them with a slice of pepper jack cheese on an Orowheat sandwich thin. That sandwich is 270 calories. Of course, with both of these I'll have some fresh fruit or veggies as a side. Of course, there are always Lean Cuisines and other frozen meals, but I really don't like them myself. Maybe check into Campbell's Healthy Select or Progresso soups. Those are quick grabs, too.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    OMG!!! I've been trying to decide what size shirt to get for Race for the Cure. The XXLs are a little big, but I didn't have an XL to try on. So, my hubby dug out a few of his old XLs t-shirts. It fit!!! I can't remember ever wearing an XL ever!!!! I'm so proud of myself!!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Jacque...happy that your dad is getting little bit better everyday. We want our parents to always be there for us so its scary when you see age setting in. I hate seeing my dad getting to where it bothers him so much to even get around....he used to be so full of energy and life. Just happy everyday I am with him and my mom!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BDAY SHGP! I too am bad with names...or at least right now as we have so many new people and I have yet to get to know everyone. I will be going in to each of your profiles and doing a friend request so as to get to know you all so much more better as we are all each others support system!

    And now i need that support. I have been doing horrible at eating. I also need to get to the gym but more so, eat better. when I started this site I was down to 124 and just weighed again yesterday and was at 130.5
    I nearly broke down and cried. I know this weight wont seem like much to many of you or at least to the ladies I work with (they say that) but for my height and body frame 130 is alot. When I joined the gym I was at 130 and b/c I have no muscle definition either, I am actually considered overweight b/c I have to have less body fat! I have got to get there but just cant find the right motivation to get me going in that right direction. Not only that, but I am really clueless as to ideas on what to eat. For lunch and breakfast especially. I need things that are simple that I can do at work or bring with me out together that I can get together fairly quick. I am a running late kinda girl and always pushing it on time every morning.....been that way since HS so dont see getting myself to adjust to great there. LOL
    But I need help. Not only that...but I think what is still putting me down is my knee is still killing me so long walks or lots of stair use or ANY running puts me out for days! Ahhhhh I swear I am screwed any way I go. My dr says I need to get to around 120 but WITH muscle definition.....ideas?????
    I need some help b/c if I keep going like this I am going to get to where I dont like myself and I dont want to be that person! I have always loved myself and had just gotten to where I was comfortable in my own skin!
    Any advice would be great!!!

    Do you have any place around you that does water aerobics? I used to go to our local YMCA and do that. It is very low impact but still a good workout. I can't imagine it bothering your knee much at all.

    I'm the same way about lunches. I only have time to throw something in a bag on the way out the door. I get the Starkist lunch to-go packs sometimes. It has crackers along with the reduced fat mayo and relish to make the tuna salad and it is only 210 calories for the whole kit. Right now, I'm having MorningStar Garden Veggie patties. They are actually good microwaved. I have them with a slice of pepper jack cheese on an Orowheat sandwich thin. That sandwich is 270 calories. Of course, with both of these I'll have some fresh fruit or veggies as a side. Of course, there are always Lean Cuisines and other frozen meals, but I really don't like them myself. Maybe check into Campbell's Healthy Select or Progresso soups. Those are quick grabs, too.
    thanks Crystal...the lunch ideas are great! I wish I could do the water aerobics but the closet one for me takes me nearly 30 mins to get too and its just not worth being gone an hour of drive time and then an hour or better at the facility. my gym used to have a pool but they took it down. I think I will have to learn to love the bike. Its so to boring me...but do what I know? Oh and congrats on the XL shirt...that is wonderful! Its great to be able to wear shirts you never thought you could...or havent in a long time! Such a great motivator!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member

    And now i need that support. I have been doing horrible at eating. I also need to get to the gym but more so, eat better. when I started this site I was down to 124 and just weighed again yesterday and was at 130.5
    I nearly broke down and cried. I know this weight wont seem like much to many of you or at least to the ladies I work with (they say that) but for my height and body frame 130 is alot. When I joined the gym I was at 130 and b/c I have no muscle definition either, I am actually considered overweight b/c I have to have less body fat! I have got to get there but just cant find the right motivation to get me going in that right direction. Not only that, but I am really clueless as to ideas on what to eat. For lunch and breakfast especially. I need things that are simple that I can do at work or bring with me out together that I can get together fairly quick. I am a running late kinda girl and always pushing it on time every morning.....been that way since HS so dont see getting myself to adjust to great there. LOL
    But I need help. Not only that...but I think what is still putting me down is my knee is still killing me so long walks or lots of stair use or ANY running puts me out for days! Ahhhhh I swear I am screwed any way I go. My dr says I need to get to around 120 but WITH muscle definition.....ideas?????
    I need some help b/c if I keep going like this I am going to get to where I dont like myself and I dont want to be that person! I have always loved myself and had just gotten to where I was comfortable in my own skin!
    Any advice would be great!!!

    I am there to I went from 234 to 187, stopped loosing for a few months and then between my son's graduation and move I just stopped logging my food and stopped exercising. Well now I am back starting again at 200 pounds and I will never stop.
    We both know we can do this. As for breakfast and lunch I work full time and I walk 30 mins of my 45 min lunch leave no time, so I bring yogurt, oatmeal, fruit for breakfast and switch it up with cottage cheese sometimes. For lunch I eat veggies and fruit cut up and just snack on them through out the afternoon while I am working. It works for me because I am short on time as well and need to get the walk in. I cant do the exercise when I get home. Hope that helps. But there are so many fast healthy things you can bring for breakfast and lunch.

    You can do this you have been there before. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for the happy Birthday and the freinds request.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. :bigsmile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    OMG!!! I've been trying to decide what size shirt to get for Race for the Cure. The XXLs are a little big, but I didn't have an XL to try on. So, my hubby dug out a few of his old XLs t-shirts. It fit!!! I can't remember ever wearing an XL ever!!!! I'm so proud of myself!!

    WTG :drinker: that is great and you should feel proud. I cant wait to loose again so I will go down in the sizes. :drinker: to smaller sizes LOL
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