Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all, how's your Wed going? thinkin of ya all and gettin excited for our weigh in day!!

    kitn sweety..i'll try to give you some ideas here....before i go on my bus route i don't have much time to prep anything. it has to be quick and finger food. so, I usually have a banana and some walnuts or almonds. when i do have a little more time, i will have an orange, gotta peel it, but i know ppl who peel them the nite before and it's already to eat when the time comes. these are my other bkfst choices, Kashi Go Lean Cinnamon Harvest ( if in a hurry, i eat it dry, like a snack too!) dh says they are like bales of hay:laugh: , similar to shredded wheat. do you like hard boiled eggs? plan and peel ahead of time. cleaning and cutting up fresh veggies on Sunday helps so I can grab quickly out of my frig. I also like the Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss Wedges which are single serving size...those I pack for all my days I run errands. I also like the Kraft Deli Selects 2% Swiss Slices., already cut, just grab and go. What about whole wheat toast and peanut butter? can you cook a whole bunch of chicken breasts or fish at one time and then keep in the fridge or freezer? and i always make 2-3 cans of my tuna salad and just measure out a serving size when I make a sandwhich. I think salads take the most prep for me. Lately, I have been grilling onions, peppers, broccoli or cauliflower w/spices in tinfoil, and that would be a good left over too. i understand your frustration and how easily this can lessen your desire to move ahead, give up and not care about yourself. if you have any other ques, plz ask. we care about you and love you!! losing wt is not takes hard work and planning on our part....and i think once the new lifestyle becomes more of a routine, it will be less of a hassle and just a way of life. i have faith in you, and know you can do this!! believe in you kitn! :heart:

    oh, and something else i have been eating a lot of lately is dark red small kidney beans. i cooked an entire pkg and have to eat it every day or it'll go to waste. i warm it a little in the micro, add some fresh salsa for taste and wrap it in a whole wheat tortilla. if any of you are looking for some ways to get protein, here it is,(the beans) with very few cals, sodium. it is so filling, even if i have 2 servings, i am stuffed! :tongue:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all, my name is karen ,i joined MFP tuesday nite, i thought i joined your group yesterday . what a suprise when i signed on today & my post wasn't there!!! don't know what happened.

    i've been reading these pages , what inspiration! i'd like to, no i'm going to loose 40 lbs!!!!!!
    we have a cruise planned 10/2010, i'm using that as motivation. i really want to start a life style change, i'm a computer potatoe lol, don't drink h2o, & stress eat. lol well the last 2 days i've had no problems with the water, but its raining so i didn't go for my walk, someone posted wasling stairs with a backpack so i tried that, 3 trips with laundry basket , & i set the timer on the stove & walked the steps for 10 min. feeling pretty good.

    looking forward to chatingo ver the next year,
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :heart: Sorry everyone but happy LATE bday to the bday girls:) i hope they were great!
    Nice to see this page moving and groovin:)LOL:laugh: :bigsmile:
    Have a rough day today but moving on and taking the kids to the roller rink tonight! my gosh it has been years, but Im gonna work off that taco bell from lunch:laugh: :laugh: :grumble: :grumble: :happy: :happy: Really I was bad to eat it!:grumble: :happy:
    Kitn-Wish that I went on a wine tour, sounds like fun!
    kelly-Watch out eating all those beans!:laugh: LOL no Im kidding, i love lack beans and kindey beans and great northern beans, I make a lot of bean foods!:)
    Everyone else have a great day i off to get teh kids!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    hi all, my name is karen ,i joined MFP tuesday nite, i thought i joined your group yesterday . what a suprise when i signed on today & my post wasn't there!!! don't know what happened.

    i've been reading these pages , what inspiration! i'd like to, no i'm going to loose 40 lbs!!!!!!
    we have a cruise planned 10/2010, i'm using that as motivation. i really want to start a life style change, i'm a computer potatoe lol, don't drink h2o, & stress eat. lol well the last 2 days i've had no problems with the water, but its raining so i didn't go for my walk, someone posted wasling stairs with a backpack so i tried that, 3 trips with laundry basket , & i set the timer on the stove & walked the steps for 10 min. feeling pretty good.

    looking forward to chatingo ver the next year,

    Hi there and welcome to the team. Glad to have you with us.

  • :smile: Good idea about the beans Kelly, I think I am gonna try that. Not much of a bean eater so if you all have some good flavor receipe please send my way.
    Vita- Taco is not to bad if you choose the right thing :laugh: that a hard thing for me too!! But have fun rollar skating!!Hey karen welcome to the group, glad to see you on board:heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Karen, good to have you here with the SHGP. you did post yesterday, but it was on the 'recruit' is my response to that....

    hi karen, welcome to the SHGP's 1st week! we will weigh in this Friday Sept 25, or whenever works best for you. i will be doing a chart for us all, start wt, lost wt, %, etc, if you are interested. just let me know your numbers.

    re the food scale. i used to measure by cups, teaspoons, counting...but now i have a digital scale that has options with kg, oz, lb, g settings, with a tare button to reset back to zero. i love it! it is a real eye opener to the true measurement of food. sometimes i was under or now i have a better idea and it is more accurate with my calories......since every lil bite and calorie adds up!

    glad to have ya and you can join us on our current thread, Motivation and Support "Smokin'Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 1.....just jump on in!

    MissV ~ i was concerned bout all my beans...but so far, no problems tootin:bigsmile: have fun at the roller rink and don't get too dizzy goin in circles! :smile: what type of seasonings do you add to your bean recipes? plz share ma'am!

    Jacque ~ i am only on my first week with with the beans. Dr said i need to increase my fiber intake to 25-35g /day.... thought i was doing good with veggies, fruits, grains, well wrong. one serving ( 1/4 c dry/36 g) of these beans per the pkg says :
    60 calories, 0 fat, 0 chol, 25 mg sodium, 510 potassium, 23 carb, 16 g fiber, 1 sugar, 7 protein, 6% calcium, and 15 % iron! got these at Walmart.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    When the school year started I decided I needed a bigger lunch bag. There is no fridge at the office… we’re lucky to have a microwave.

    Well, in the morning the lunch bag won’t zip shut -- too many containers & ice block. I’m bringing a breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, & sometimes a protein shake. However all this food gets me close to my daily suggested calorie consumption.

    By the end of the work day, I’ve consumed the food and the empty containers fit just dandy in the lunch bag.

    Of course if I eat breakfast at home… there would be one less container but I’m soo not with it first thing in the morning.

    I’ve taken to bringing a co-worker along when I walk at lunch. The company is good. This gives us a chance to have “girl talk” time outside the office walls.

    I'm rather proud of myself. At the back to school night I did not have any of the refreshments in the lunch room.

    Although, my body did not want to run today. Only was able to do 1 mile - then I went on the stationary bike for 20 minutes.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Learned hubby has the flu. Great.......
    Luckily the kids are with my ex this week - they won't return to me until late Sunday afternoon.
    This gives hubby some days of quiet & rest before they return back.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    hi all, my name is karen ,i joined MFP tuesday nite, i thought i joined your group yesterday . what a suprise when i signed on today & my post wasn't there!!! don't know what happened.

    i've been reading these pages , what inspiration! i'd like to, no i'm going to loose 40 lbs!!!!!!
    we have a cruise planned 10/2010, i'm using that as motivation. i really want to start a life style change, i'm a computer potatoe lol, don't drink h2o, & stress eat. lol well the last 2 days i've had no problems with the water, but its raining so i didn't go for my walk, someone posted wasling stairs with a backpack so i tried that, 3 trips with laundry basket , & i set the timer on the stove & walked the steps for 10 min. feeling pretty good.

    looking forward to chatingo ver the next year,

    Welcome. :flowerforyou:
    yes the stairs with laundry that is a good one. It is hard for me to find inside exercises, I love to walk.
    this is a good place for motivation. I stress eat as well, and it is a challenge for me to control my stress so I dont eat. Walking is a great stress relief for me.
    Well one of the challenges is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you are not fond of the water taste you can add flavor to your water. Wyler's singles to go makes some good flavors.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning Peppers!!!

    Karen, welcome!! Glad to have you here.

    Miss V, hope you had fun at the roller rink last night and that today isn’t a rough as yesterday.

    Barb, he has the flu!! Yuck!! I hope he’s better soon and that you stay healthy yourself.

    I had an awful day food-wise yesterday. We had some very good news and celebrated a bit too much. I’m going to have a better day today! I don’t know that I expect the scale to be down tomorrow, but we’ll see. I’m really sore from the gym Tuesday, I bumped up the weight on some of my strength training. I really want to try C25K again tonight, but right now it hurts to walk. I’m hoping it gets better while I’m at work today and I can still manage it.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Welcome to Karen - A cruise is a great motivation. You will lose the pounds you want to and will be healthy and ready to enjoy - I will warn you - this site is addictive!!

    I treated myself yesterday to the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook, I LOVE it. If you haven't seen the show it is really great. They take ordinary recipes and revamp them with fewer calories and fat, lots of great ideas. I've probably made at least 10 of their recipes since I started watching the show (had been downloading them from the internet) so decided it was time I got the book. I recommend it if you are looking for some new ideas.

    Also really happy with my scale this morning, down 1.5 lb, I'd been stuck for a few weeks, however I've come to expect that as it seems to be the way my body works. I'll drop, then stay at that weight for about 3 weeks, then drop again. so I'm becoming comfortable with it. Hoping it shows the same tomorrow morning, or drops even more for our weigh in.

    Really looking forward to the end of the day as I have a massage scheduled. :happy:

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Had a wonderful birthday, the massage was great, DH and son made me dinner and yes there was cake and Ice cream. Which I had a very little bit. Went over by 200 calories but I know it was worth it. I dont even feel bad about it. I will do extra walking today. I did peak at the scale this morning and I hope it changes by tomorrow. I have not gained but still lost nothing. I just started back at the exercise and eating healthy only two weeks ago and my legs keep getting cramped up when walking, which is making me walk slower than I want but I will work through the cramps and get back to my regular speed.

    Hope roller skating was fun, have not done that in many many years.

    cyrystal good news is worth celebrating. :drinker:

    Everyone is in great spirits today, that is great :flowerforyou:

    Well back to work, will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Thursday Team!
    I am feeling so good here lately....likely from the healthier eating, and positive feedback from you all! You guys are great for motivation! I had my usual protein and greens for supper last nite while the guys had BBQ pulled pork sandwhiches and was a little of strain to be around, since chips are my downfall, but I tired to tell myself that it was so unhealthy and if I did have one bite I would lose control and end up in a binge. Yeah for me! If I can just eat healthy 90-95 % of the time...I will have won a small battle!

    Ok, since tomorrow is weigh day, would anyone like to share any ideas for the next challenge so we can start it tomorrow? The water challenge ends today, BUT, that does not mean we stop with the 8 glasses/day. This is one we need to keep for our lifestyle change. Just post your ideas!

    Sindy ~ I am so happy you had a nice bday and celebrated with a lil cake! I am trying to get into the concept of gatherings not be so focused around food....since that is how i was raised. I just love being in good company...and gettin to know folks too!

    Crystal ~ Yeeehaaawww on the shirt size! Doesn't that feel amazing! I can occ'l wear a L and if it's stretchy material a M. So you indulged a lil yesterday, no problem. You sound positive and determined today, which is the way to respond! I might be starting C25K tomorrow....

    Megan ~ good job on the pound lost! and 18 so far! that is great! Keep pluggin away and you will be where you want to be! I have Leslie's 1-2-3 mile DVD set too. I had a walk/jog one, but am not having luck findin it here.:frown:

    jacque~ glad to hear your dad is ok, and i am sure you are happy you are there to help him. I hope his progress continues!

    kitn ~ how you doing today...i think muscle definition is one of the hardest parts of losing wt and reshaping your body. i know lifting weighted balls and hand wts helps me the most. i would love to have a personal trainer, but can't afford that. my dh used to be a wrestler and was quite buff in HS. not now. he is having back issues again, and i told him he needs to strengthen his lower, i might have just gotten a workout buddy! :smile:

    Barb ~ god job avoiding the refreshments! mindful power! dh have the regular flu or H1N1? i am gettin my shot next week. a few kids on the bus have been croupy coughing already...hoping it's just a a cold or allergy related. but my sis works in a Dr's office and they have had lots of flu/pnemonia cases.

    m2kjenn~ hi there! happy for ya in the 1.5 loss! just keep on keepin! you're gettin there! what channel is the CYT on? sounds like one to watch! ahhhh, enjoy the massage! :flowerforyou:

    well, have a great day and make it your calories, exercise, and drink drink drink! will be checkin in off and on....chore day here!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Cook Yourself Thin is on Lifetime, currently just a few days a week at about 5:00 CST, I have it set on my DVR so I watch the episodes when I have time.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Cook Yourself Thin is on Lifetime, currently just a few days a week at about 5:00 CST, I have it set on my DVR so I watch the episodes when I have time.

    thanks jenn! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I treated myself yesterday to the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook, I LOVE it. If you haven't seen the show it is really great. They take ordinary recipes and revamp them with fewer calories and fat, lots of great ideas. I've probably made at least 10 of their recipes since I started watching the show (had been downloading them from the internet) so decided it was time I got the book. I recommend it if you are looking for some new ideas.

    Thanks for the review. I've been debating on getting the cookbook since the show was on. I think I probably will at some point.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Cook Yourself Thin is on Lifetime, currently just a few days a week at about 5:00 CST, I have it set on my DVR so I watch the episodes when I have time.
    Are they showing new episodes? I have my DVR set to record all the new episodes and I haven't seen any in months. I may need to check my DVR if that are.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I treated myself yesterday to the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook, I LOVE it. If you haven't seen the show it is really great. They take ordinary recipes and revamp them with fewer calories and fat, lots of great ideas. I've probably made at least 10 of their recipes since I started watching the show (had been downloading them from the internet) so decided it was time I got the book. I recommend it if you are looking for some new ideas.

    Thanks for the review. I've been debating on getting the cookbook since the show was on. I think I probably will at some point.

    I debated it for a long time too, especially since I could find all of the recipes online, but it is really nice to have them all in one place. And it has a cute cover :wink:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all,i love cook your self thin, yesterday i made a big pot of chicken veg soup,yum, lots of veg, no fat ,how do you all figure the calorie count for homemeade food, when i did wwatchers you could build a recipe, then figure portion calories, does this site have anything like that? i can't seem to find it.

    kelly, thanks for friending me, am i understanding correctly that each week we have a different motivational goal? ah so THATS why everyone was talking about h2o!!!!! lol

    today my sisiter is comming to sit with mom, she lives with us post stroke, her balance is unsteady& can't be left alone. so dh & i are out for lunch & shopping, i plan to do alot of walking lol.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Happy Thursday Team!
    I am feeling so good here lately....likely from the healthier eating, and positive feedback from you all! You guys are great for motivation! I had my usual protein and greens for supper last nite while the guys had BBQ pulled pork sandwhiches and was a little of strain to be around, since chips are my downfall, but I tired to tell myself that it was so unhealthy and if I did have one bite I would lose control and end up in a binge. Yeah for me! If I can just eat healthy 90-95 % of the time...I will have won a small battle!

    It is an accompliment to eat healthy 90-95% of the time, especially when you are the only one who is in your house. Way to go!!
    Ok, since tomorrow is weigh day, would anyone like to share any ideas for the next challenge so we can start it tomorrow? The water challenge ends today, BUT, that does not mean we stop with the 8 glasses/day. This is one we need to keep for our lifestyle change. Just post your ideas!

    My suggestion would be a fruit challenge. Maybe eat 3 different color fruits a day. That's my biggest challenge. I eat my veggies, but not my fruit.
    Crystal ~ Yeeehaaawww on the shirt size! Doesn't that feel amazing! I can occ'l wear a L and if it's stretchy material a M. So you indulged a lil yesterday, no problem. You sound positive and determined today, which is the way to respond! I might be starting C25K tomorrow....

    Thanks!! It does feel good. With my height I don't know that I'll ever get below a large, but I'll be happy with that. I used to wear XXXL!!

    I have learned through this journey that I can't let a bad food day turn into anything more than it is. Everyday is a new chance to do be healthy.
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