Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin' all ....

    was a fun nite @ football, we won 32-0 and was impressed with the plays Coach Collum and Co put out there! just amazing!

    have to peel potatoes for 2 hrs today for our church fall festival tomorrow. not sure how the rest of the day will unfold. gonna start my stretch and tone tape today and maybe do a brisk walk/incline on the treadmill.

    ok, i need input on the chart. what kind of stats do you all wish it to show? name, starting wt (this thread), wkly loss, % loss, accumulative loss, team wt total, and team wt loss....let me know, thanks!

    wishing you all a happy, healthy weekend, with water challenge in mind! :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Guten Morgen....

    I had a luxury morning of sleeping late. Even my kids did. Hubby's working this weekend.

    After this I'll go to Curves. Then later have an appt w/a caterer for a sping scout event.

    Tonight I'll head to the shopping mall my wallet is ripping and the local Walmart did not have anything I liked. We may not be at the mall for long since my teenager will be at a friend's house.

    Of course, there's housework, laundry, lunch, & dinner chores.

    Tommorrow I am the worship leader for service so I will need to review what the Pastor gave me to say.

    I did put 64oz of water in a water jug. Now, it sits on the counter...... drinking a lot of water on weekends will be challenge.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • OK - last night = complete eating disaster! I had friends come into town that I hadn't seen in almost a year, and totally blew my goals. Darn. I can't say that I am surprised, but I was really dissapointed when I stepped on the scale this morning....probably shoulda skipped it. Drinks with salted rims are not compatible with weight loss!! :laugh:

    Anyway, I'm back on track today. I skipped lunch with them in favor of making my own, and will plan for a party at dinner.

    The next two weeks will be tough for me with visitors, moving, and not being on my usual schedule. I'll keep checking in when I can though - you gals are such great motivation!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    OK - last night = complete eating disaster! I had friends come into town that I hadn't seen in almost a year, and totally blew my goals. Darn. I can't say that I am surprised, but I was really dissapointed when I stepped on the scale this morning....probably shoulda skipped it. Drinks with salted rims are not compatible with weight loss!! :laugh:

    Anyway, I'm back on track today. I skipped lunch with them in favor of making my own, and will plan for a party at dinner.

    The next two weeks will be tough for me with visitors, moving, and not being on my usual schedule. I'll keep checking in when I can though - you gals are such great motivation!!
    good luck with the move, visitors and not being on your usual schedule.... know that you can do this and dont beat yourself up to bad for days that you arent on track ..... :wink:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    agree with Megan. just do the best you can and don't stress too much....we all struggle some when things are out of routine. enjoy your company, and take time to breathe. soon you will back home and can focus more on *you*! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Mornin' all ....

    was a fun nite @ football, we won 32-0 and was impressed with the plays Coach Collum and Co put out there! just amazing!

    have to peel potatoes for 2 hrs today for our church fall festival tomorrow. not sure how the rest of the day will unfold. gonna start my stretch and tone tape today and maybe do a brisk walk/incline on the treadmill.

    ok, i need input on the chart. what kind of stats do you all wish it to show? name, starting wt (this thread), wkly loss, % loss, accumulative loss, team wt total, and team wt loss....let me know, thanks!

    wishing you all a happy, healthy weekend, with water challenge in mind! :smile:
    congrats for winning the football game and WOW what an impressive score ..... you guys didnt just win you guys squashed them lol .... did you get all your taters peeled ?? I got my workout done this morning but i got some not so good news yesterday at the dr ..... i had hernia surgery march of 06 after getting my tubes tied after my daughter was born Oct 05 .. well yesterday dr informs me that i might have to have another hernia surgery :sad: but she ordered me a binder(i am not sure what that is but i am thinking it will help me keep all my tummy parts where they are suppose to be) she said just keep doing what your doing with the weight loss and eating healthy and we will just keep an eye on it ..... the water challenge isnt really a challenge for me since i only drink water throughout the day with the exception on sugar free vanilla coffee in the morning and a cup of green tea at night ....hope everyone has a great weekend
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Was able to do the 64oz water today.... only had to run to the bathroon once. I'm not kidding - it was a mad dash.

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    This morning did the 5K Race Against Breast Cancer, I walked with a friend (will make it a goal to run it next year) It was such a beautiful day here (Kansas) Lots of Participants, such an inspiration. Then went to the farmers market and stocked up on Veggies. Have just been relaxing and house cleaning all afternoon, great day over all. Have drank lots of water, haven't really kept track but definitely over 64 ozs. Hope everyone else is enjoying their day.

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    This morning did the 5K Race Against Breast Cancer, I walked with a friend (will make it a goal to run it next year) It was such a beautiful day here (Kansas) Lots of Participants, such an inspiration. Then went to the farmers market and stocked up on Veggies. Have just been relaxing and house cleaning all afternoon, great day over all. Have drank lots of water, haven't really kept track but definitely over 64 ozs. Hope everyone else is enjoying their day.

    congrats on walking the 5k thats a great accomplishment :flowerforyou: :happy: ...dont you love farmers markets?? They are so awesome
  • Good evening SHGP! Welcome to all of our new members. My weight for this week is 213. Even though I need to lose weight, I have to put it on hold because I am pregnant. I still plan to check in and do as many of the challenges I as can. I hope by checking in, it is going to help me to eat healthy and keep me motivated to continuing to exercise. Because of my weight I need to gain as little as possible during my pregnancy. I am excited my mom can for a short visit and brought a baby gift. It has really hit me that I am going to have a BABY in May. The challenge for this week is going good. I have manage to drink about 10 glasses yesterday and already have had 7 for the day so far. Have a great evening ladies. I will check in tomorrow.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Evenin SHGP's!

    megan ~ yup, in a little over an hour 12 of us peeled and quartered 200 lbs of potato's! :noway: never thought a potato would be the cause of a blister on my finger! i made a coffee cake for the cake walk game, then an apple crisp for my guys here. :tongue: sorry to hear about your possible surrgery. are you having problems with it right now? hope all the best for you! :flowerforyou:

    barb ~ good job on the water goal! the ol kidney's are sure gettin a workout here!

    jenn ~ way to go on the 5k, and i like your avatar pic! you must feel awesome!

    ammcnett ~ i am thrilled to have an expecting mommy here! we will be here for you and sharing your pregnancy with you, gain or no gain. you are doing such a great thing by being commited to a healthy lifestyle and your baby will love you for it! all the more reason to change and maintain!

    well, late supper here tonite. but so far today has been clean and like the rest of you, i am *floating* too! :bigsmile: thinkin of you all and hope your doing well on our first challenge!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    just wanted you all to know i have been working on the is the info it will show. plz let me know if this is ok, and/or if you want things added or deleted....

    name ( we have 15 members! :happy: )
    start weight
    current weight
    last week's weight
    cummulative weight lost
    cummulative % lost
    weekly weight lost
    weekly % lost

    i was also wondering if anyone would like their *starting MFP weight*....
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Evenin SHGP's!

    megan ~ yup, in a little over an hour 12 of us peeled and quartered 200 lbs of potato's! :noway: never thought a potato would be the cause of a blister on my finger! i made a coffee cake for the cake walk game, then an apple crisp for my guys here. :tongue: sorry to hear about your possible surrgery. are you having problems with it right now? hope all the best for you! :flowerforyou:

    barb ~ good job on the water goal! the ol kidney's are sure gettin a workout here!

    jenn ~ way to go on the 5k, and i like your avatar pic! you must feel awesome!

    ammcnett ~ i am thrilled to have an expecting mommy here! we will be here for you and sharing your pregnancy with you, gain or no gain. you are doing such a great thing by being commited to a healthy lifestyle and your baby will love you for it! all the more reason to change and maintain!

    well, late supper here tonite. but so far today has been clean and like the rest of you, i am *floating* too! :bigsmile: thinkin of you all and hope your doing well on our first challenge!
    doesnt really bother me its just that i look 5/6 months preggo and when i do sit ups it loos like i have a hard baseball in my tummy so i asked the dr yesterday and well you know what she said
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all! Having a food eating crazy day! lol:laugh: :laugh:
    Well yesterday was my hubby's birthday so i made a 2 layered chocolate german chocolate cake, so needless to say the darn thing is on the counter, and everytime taht I go into the kitchen I take a "Taste" of it:angry::laugh: :angry: :laugh: :angry: :laugh: :angry: :laugh: :heart: :heart: it was sooooo good though.
    So it was his birthday yesterday and we got teh news that he leaves THIS monday for Afghanistan again (thank you navy for the 3 day notice:angry::mad: :angry: ) But whatever
    It will give me more of a "Focus on myself time"
    which is what i need to do after the cake:grumble: :laugh:
    I:heart: my pepper friends, and I will check in soon:)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    just wanted you all to know i have been working on the is the info it will show. plz let me know if this is ok, and/or if you want things added or deleted....

    name ( we have 15 members! :happy: )
    start weight
    current weight
    last week's weight
    cummulative weight lost
    cummulative % lost
    weekly weight lost
    weekly % lost

    i was also wondering if anyone would like their *starting MFP weight*....
    would like my starting weight which is 225 .. thanks :smile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Sounds good Kelly! thank you sweets!:heart:
    the starting weight doesn't bother me! It pushes me harder:) :happy:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly - I"m good with the chart. Thanks for taking the time to organize this group and compile the results.

    MissVita VonCherry -- a military spouse is a tough life.....I'm familiar with it. At times I like it when my hubby's away and there are other times that I hate it. I'm sure he would say the same thing about when I travel for work.

    Jenn - congrats on the race

    Angie - a baby. What a blessing. Best wishes.

    Megan - here's hoping your surgery is successful.

    Overall, eating wasn't too bad. We did get chinese take out for dinner. I weighed everything before I put on my plate. 6oz of chicken, 6oz of broccoli, 4oz of rice. Now, I have enough leftover chicken and rice for 1-2 lunches during the week.

    However, after entering my dinner, I noticed I wasn't at 100grams of protein nor the 1500 calories the fitness trainer suggests. So, driving back from the mall, I'm stopping at a store for a protein bar to push me over the 100grams and just over 1500 calories.

    All I can say, is this is work....reading nutritional labels, measuring, recording, calculating, planning next meals..... Then again, if losing weight was easy none of us would be on this site.

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    What a blessing this beautiful weather is!!! Just got in from my morning walk/jog, Did 5 miles, 3 of it jogging. Feels so good. Going shopping with my teenage daughters this afternoon - should be a really fun day.

    Cheers to all!!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Ladies :

    Hope everyone is having a fine sunday...... as for me today is my rest workout day but when i woke up i had all this engery so i workout anyways..... still have alot of energy so i am eating breaksfast then i am taking my daughter and my dog to the park and we are going to run run and run around .... have a good day everyone :wink:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Erica ~ i made apple crisp this am for my 'guys', and it's not touched yet, but i will have to put it out of site come tomorrow! :ohwell: i am so sorry about dh short notice for duty....i just don't know how or what you guys go thru...but i am so very proud of our service men and must be a very strong mommy **hugs**

    megan ~ have fun @ the park with dd. oh, and just making sure your MFP start wt is 225, start wt SHGP, 208....

    barb ~ i am thrilled with this newly formed group and it is also b/c of the rest of the GT gang as well. We are all motivated once again, which does a body good! :bigsmile: yum, Chinese. my mom is wanting to visit a local buffet:tongue: I totally agree that this whole process is time consuming. meal plannin and prep is the toughest for me. i'm getting better tho at making things and freezing them, having veggies cleaned, cut and ready to snack on. i think the longer we do it and it becomes more of a habit for us, the easier it will get. i pretty much have my breakfast and snacks down. but i am still preparing a meal for me and one for my dh & sons...good thing i don't mind cookin and bakin:smile:

    went to my in laws for a couple of hours this am and helped dh, ds, and uncle load cut wood for this winter. otherwise, doing laundry today and ds has new *friend* coming for supper...her name is Dallas. i think they are going to Homecoming too.

    i have done pretty good day for eating clean. have discovered a new yummy way to use protein in my tortilla's. dark red kidney beans, fresh salsa..warmed and then i spread Laughing cow cheese on the tortilla, add some shredded lettuce and the beans.. it is so tasty and filling. the beans have a lot of fiber, which i need more of.

    well, have a good one SHGP's...get wet with the water and make today count!
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