Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am very proud of myself ..... just got back from applebee's and i was very good ..... i wanted the grilled shrimp pesto alfredo fettuccini but i didnt know what the calories were sooooooooo i ordered the garlic chicken weight watchers meal ....... 370 calories woooooooohoooooooooo.....

    Hope everyone is had a good monday ..... keep drinking that water, logging in the food and working out and we will be at our goal weight WOOOOHOOOOOOO
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Great to hear you had a good dinner out.
    When I eat out w/co-workers I look up the food on this database first. Then I know what to order.

    One of the challenges I face is I do travel for work -- eating out always meant eating more and drinking more cocktails.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Great to hear you had a good dinner out.
    When I eat out w/co-workers I look up the food on this database first. Then I know what to order.

    One of the challenges I face is I do travel for work -- eating out always meant eating more and drinking more cocktails.
    i did the same thing looking at the online applebee's menu ..... :wink:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    After I found this site, I looked up some cocktails. Realized a chocolate martini is 400+ calories.
    Then remembered that night I had 4 chocolate martinis at the hotel bar after dinner with others attending the conference. I "drank" quite a bit of calories that day.

    Eating out is tough ... I need to realize it's OK to not eat everything on the plate - it's OK to take food home. Or when I travel for work it's OK to leave food on my plate.
    Remember the line "There are children starving in XYZ country so you better eat what's on your plate."

  • After I found this site, I looked up some cocktails. Realized a chocolate martini is 400+ calories.
    Then remembered that night I had 4 chocolate martinis at the hotel bar after dinner with others attending the conference. I "drank" quite a bit of calories that day.

    Eating out is tough ... I need to realize it's OK to not eat everything on the plate - it's OK to take food home. Or when I travel for work it's OK to leave food on my plate.
    Remember the line "There are children starving in XYZ country so you better eat what's on your plate."


    My mom's favorite line was if you don't eat the food on your plate then you don't get dessert.
  • Great to hear you had a good dinner out.
    When I eat out w/co-workers I look up the food on this database first. Then I know what to order.

    One of the challenges I face is I do travel for work -- eating out always meant eating more and drinking more cocktails.

    When I travel, I look at the restaurant nutritional value on their website before I go so I have ideas about what to eat before I get there.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Eating out is very tough for me as well, you did great. :drinker:

    Yesterday went well for me i worked out and did not touch any sweets, the only thing I had was chinese food, we had no power for hours last night, but I did not eat the whole thing my 18 year old son helped me out :laugh: so did not go over.

    Today I decided to switch up my food hopfully this will help with any bloating and I might drop a pound or two this week. Tomorrow will be the hard day I am going to try to walk in the morning and at lunch, its my birthday and I know my mother in law is up to something :love: she is taking me to get a massage tomorrow after work. :bigsmile: Hopefully no one gets a cake, dont need a cake:sad:

    Have a great day and drink that water.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    G'Morning Team!! the activity here is great folks! How is everyone doing....planning meals? exercise? h2O? these are all things we need to adjust to and adapt to for a truly, healthy lifestyle! I am so glad to have you all on this journey with me...bumps and detours will be learning tools! We can all achieve optimum health if we really want to and take each and every day serious! Here's to us being Smokin' Hot! :love:

    Something a bit surprising is going dh is actually cutting back on his food intake and he did not have his nightly bowl of icecream, (prob 2-3 c) w/chocolate syrup, 1/2 c walnuts and 4-5 cookies or cake or whatever is here. will be interested to see how long this lasts or if he really does cut back or change...i know he sees what i eat, gives me compliments and sees the results too!

    megan ~ wtg @ Applebee's!

    sindy ~ don't be too hard on yourself bout your weekend. you are aware of it and each day is a new day to improve. i have faith in you. and i say if you want a lil slice of bday cake, go ahead. it is your day! don't deprive yoursefl of your could lead to a major binge. just plan ahead, and stick to it. yum, Chinese!

    jacque ~ i am so proud of you for having a good weekend with food and water! I know you can do this girl! I hope things are ok with your dad and he recovers quickly. my dad is 72 and still in pretty good health, but am beginning to get concerned bout his state of is hard when our folks start deteriorate....

    crystal ~ oh, how special to be able to see your friend! i have a couple that are out of state....i miss them so much! have a great time and make the best of memories!

    barb ~ 70's & 80's here, woot woot! :drinker: i love to jam to that when i'm cleaning my house! ppl pry think i'm crazy when they drive by our house, windows open and the music is a blaring! :drinker: we have not had fuel pumpers for many years now, and i miss it.....gets pretty cold in the winter time filling up the car, and my bus too! re > food left on plates...i was so, so bad when my kids were younger...nothing went to waste, ugh! i read somewhere that i should be at 1400-1600 cals to lose wt. am just over 1200 now..will have to watch closely and see what happens here.

    make it a great a day ladies! smile and think positive!!
  • Eating out is very tough for me as well, you did great. :drinker:

    Yesterday went well for me i worked out and did not touch any sweets, the only thing I had was chinese food, we had no power for hours last night, but I did not eat the whole thing my 18 year old son helped me out :laugh: so did not go over.

    Today I decided to switch up my food hopfully this will help with any bloating and I might drop a pound or two this week. Tomorrow will be the hard day I am going to try to walk in the morning and at lunch, its my birthday and I know my mother in law is up to something :love: she is taking me to get a massage tomorrow after work. :bigsmile: Hopefully no one gets a cake, dont need a cake:sad:

    Have a great day and drink that water.

    It my birthday tomorrow also. I know I won't get anything sweet because my husband doesn't like it when I eat sweets especially now that I am pregnant. Good Luck with eating tomorrow.:smile: ENJOY the massage!:happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    how cool is that...2 ppl with the same Bday here!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Happy bday to the 2 ladies with bday's tomorrow :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday
    Cant wait to watch The Biggest Loser tonight ....... they get me even more motivated while watching the show :smile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Megan, good for you on making a good pick from the menu. I’m not an alfredo fan anyway, but the garlic chicken sounds really good!

    Angie & Sindy, happy early birthday. I hope you both have wonderful days tomorrow.

    Kelly, it must feel great to watch your hubby change his eating habits, too. I have mine exercising with me, but I've failed on getting his diet to change. He eat junk food all day except for what gets put on the table for dinner.

    Barb, congrats on the compliment from the Curves member!! Doesn’t that feel great!

    I’m really very excited about seeing my friend. We’ve been best friends over half our lives and I’ve missed her a lot since she moved away 4 years ago. I have gone to visit her twice in the 2 ½ years since she was last here, but it has been almost a year since the last time. I haven’t seen her at all since I started losing weight, so I’m excited to see her reaction. She knows I’ve been losing and has seen a few pictures, but I think it’s different to see someone in person. I don’t know that she’s ever seen me this size!!!

    I’m going to start C25K early than I intended. My husband and I were biking riding several times a week, but my bike is too small for me and was really starting to make me hurt from riding it. I was so frustrated about being in pain after every ride that we finally decided to stop riding until we got a new bike. We won a bike off of an eBay auction a few weeks ago, but I’ve had to file a claim through PayPal because they guy won’t ship it. Now, the money is tied up in the claim and it could take 30 days or more to get it back. Then we’ll have to go through the process of finding another decent bike that’s the right size and affordable. It just seems like the cards are stack against us riding for now. We have gym membership and we’ve gone a few time since we stopped riding. But neither of us can find the motivation to stick with it because it is just so boring after finding something that we enjoy doing. I really don’t want to sit around and be a couch potato, so I’m hoping that starting C25K will help motivate me. I can do it outside if the weather permits or head to the gym if it is raining. I think I’m going to start tonight!! Wish me luck!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Eating out is very tough for me as well, you did great. :drinker:

    Yesterday went well for me i worked out and did not touch any sweets, the only thing I had was chinese food, we had no power for hours last night, but I did not eat the whole thing my 18 year old son helped me out :laugh: so did not go over.

    Today I decided to switch up my food hopfully this will help with any bloating and I might drop a pound or two this week. Tomorrow will be the hard day I am going to try to walk in the morning and at lunch, its my birthday and I know my mother in law is up to something :love: she is taking me to get a massage tomorrow after work. :bigsmile: Hopefully no one gets a cake, dont need a cake:sad:

    Have a great day and drink that water.

    It my birthday tomorrow also. I know I won't get anything sweet because my husband doesn't like it when I eat sweets especially now that I am pregnant. Good Luck with eating tomorrow.:smile: ENJOY the massage!:happy:

    We just moved in July to my mother in laws home. My father in law died 2 years ago and we promised we would as soon as my son graduated. (I didnt want him to have to change high schools in the last years) Now we are all happy living together. The last 23 years we really did not celebrate birthdays, but mom does. So not used to it. (will love the massage :laugh: ) I will have cake if someone gets me one but it wont be a lot I am a diabetic and should not be eating things like that. I want to come off the medicine my doctor just put me on a week ago. Have to lose 20 pounds and he will take me off it. :drinker: Have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow and if you want cake eat it :drinker:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey all!
    Sorry I was MIA this weekend, but I gotta get things going on in the house (rules while daddy is gone)
    My little one was so mean to me today! :grumble: but that is pretty typical, I was down about it for a few mins, then I put it away and went on with my day!
    Been walking to the school every morning, but today, so i went to the beach and walked on the sand for about 60 mins or so. So I am trying to step it up at teh end of my day because i have gained i feel it and that cake didn't help at all:noway: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: but it was so good!:laugh:
    you know taht saying "once on the lips=forever on the hips":laugh: thats me!
    Today is going good, got some workout plans for later, so I will update then!
    :heart: :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good morning ladies!! So we returned home from the Biltmore on Sunday....pretty early...just around noon b/c it was raining Sunday morning...but the trip was amazing!:bigsmile: :happy:
    I suggest everyone go at some point. It is absolutely the most beautiful place and so much fun!
    I didnt do great on food and drink choices but enjoyed my time with my hubby and we went to the winery and did wine tastings and drank drank draknk! :drinker: :drinker:
    Brought back a bottle of red wine and finished it off with 24 hrs. It was soooo good!
    But lots of walking to do in ahouse that is 5 stories tall (if you do the behind the scene tours to see every level) and then walked the grounds all day saturday!
    :heart: the biltmore
    :heart: my family
    :heart: my friends (here and my SHGP ones)
    :heart: grateful to be alive and have a place to call home........

    I like in Georgia....douglas county ga to be exact. And if youve watched any news you might have seen how much flooding we have had here. This being the reason I have not gotten on.
    Woke up yesterday morning with water in our basement...not much...we could get it up with our wet vac but our boys' room has carpet and its ruined. well...the rain just kept coming and coming and we coudlnt get to work. Roads were flooded.....people stranded. Hubby headed out to get my dad...he was stranded at and the kids met them at my dads house and within hours...just 2 or so the water rose from waist deep to over the road signs. Grocery stores, schools, cars, gas stations, houses, are all under water. There are so many out of jobs and others are still trapped from getting anywhere. Its real bad here. Water is just everywhere. Very scary! Please just keep family and friends in your thoughts. One of my co workers lost everything. her house was competely under water! it was bad! So lots of just sittin around....twiddling probably some weight gain...starting new today! keep me there in your thoughts! hope I can see some results by the end of the weekend!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi there kitn and MissV! good to hear from you! :heart:

    erica, you are doing such a great job on the walkin! proud of ya girl! walk it away! :smile:

    kitn ~ glad you and the hubs had a nice time away! but i am so, so sorry bout all the devastation really sucks for a while, and my heart goes out to all of the ppl who have lost anything and can make one feel hopeless and sad. we are still ongoing with our flood recover efforts in Iowa from '08. they are just now starting to demolish the hundreds of homes lost. i just can't imagine a whole neighborhood gone...i would miss that. i will be praying for all of you in hopes that God will give you strength and patience to get thru this. take care kitn :heart: *hugs*:heart:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hi there kitn and MissV! good to hear from you! :heart:

    erica, you are doing such a great job on the walkin! proud of ya girl! walk it away! :smile:

    kitn ~ glad you and the hubs had a nice time away! but i am so, so sorry bout all the devastation really sucks for a while, and my heart goes out to all of the ppl who have lost anything and can make one feel hopeless and sad. we are still ongoing with our flood recover efforts in Iowa from '08. they are just now starting to demolish the hundreds of homes lost. i just can't imagine a whole neighborhood gone...i would miss that. i will be praying for all of you in hopes that God will give you strength and patience to get thru this. take care kitn :heart: *hugs*:heart:

    thanks are always so sweet and a great motivator and supporter here! we love you and dont know what we would do without you! thank you so much for all that you do!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hello Everyone! Happy Tuesday! Happy First Day of Autumn!

    SindyB9 & Angie – Happy Birthday! I’m sure we all share the same feelings – no birthday cake, please!

    The first thing I thought when reading the water damage was a flashback of what our town & surrounding towns went through. A few years ago we had heavy rains for days then rivers/creeks/streams overflowed causing the “100 year flood”. There was horrible structural damage to the roads, bridges, dams, homes, churches, cars, etc. I can understand what your town residents are going through.

    My evening work-out schedule is all out of whack due to back to school and scout related activities. Events I just can not skip as a parent and a Scout Leader. So I need to ensure I do my lunch walks & watch my calories consumed.

    It’s not a custody week for me so that makes dinner easier – just hubby & me – no kids. So, I put a large package of chicken in crock-pot on Sunday afternoon. Now, there’s dinner for hubby & I all this week. If we grow feathers & lay eggs then I know it’s been too much chicken. Cluck cluck cluck
    My crock-pot is this girl’s best kitchen friend. We’ve been together for 19 years. It was a wedding gift from my first marriage. Hey, the marriage didn’t last but I’m still using the crock-pot.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... I just burned 317 calories taking my frustrations out tearing down part of an old plaster ceiling. My goodness ... what a mess ... but what a great workout. My hubby and I own an old farm house built in 1895. With life's problems and financial junk and all kinds of other excuses we haven't finished a single thing here in the 16 years we've owned it ... so now we've made a pact ... we will concour one project per month from now on. Right now we are getting half of the first floor prepared to blow insulation on the walls before the real winter hits. I love it ... I'll get some great workouts in and my house will progress with time to being a nice place to live. I've hated living here since the first year ... country living is just not my thing ... we'll sell once it's completed (in like 10 years I think). Anyway, I'm babbling here ... I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful evening and we'll talk again tomorrow.

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