Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 7



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    Happy Monday Mornin Team. Hope you are all doing good and ready for a positive, healthy week! I am gonna try to do better this week @ plannin my food and having things ready for snacks and meals. gonna do my best to get water in and try for a lil more, and lookin to increase my workout times too. In order for us to meet our Thanksgiving goal of 400 hours, for those of us participating, we need to aim for 100 hrs week...and you can see we are at about 1/2 that for the first week. I know I really need to improve here. Gonna hit the treadmill as soon as i get off here, and then I am going to paint at my folks, then plan is to get another workout in after my pm route.

    Have a great day and make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    crystal way to go on the wt loss! you sound pumped for all the activity you have planned! so proud of you!

    Well, I was pumped. And then Saturday I fell off the treadmill. Literally!! :frown:

    I’m bruised and battered from my chin to my knees. :sad: My left knee is so sore and swollen I can barely walk, let alone exercise right now. The whole thing started a tailspin of overeating all weekend because I was so upset. All the Halloween treats around didn’t help. I’m just so disappointed that I can’t exercise. I’m going to have to really watch to food in order to lose anything. I’m really hoping that my knee starts feeling better soon so I can try to get some exercise in this week.

    On a positive note, I have taken over all the cooking responsibilities in my house. My DH and I used to just take turns cooking, but not any more. He serves the same 5 meals in rotation and most of them are not healthy. I’m giving us some variety and trying show him that healthy does not mean bad. So, now I cook and he does the dishes. Seems fair to me.

    Hope everyone has a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I know I was very upset on Friday. Well that just ticked me into lots of exercise this week end, Friday did an 60 min walk,Sat raked and yardwork for 2 hours, and sunday more yard work for 30 min. I did have some candy (ok a lot of candy), but did not go over calories :drinker: Aunt Flow came for a visit last night so that could be the pound I gained. We shall see. :laugh: I will not let it get me down, I know I am trying hard and give myself credit, had a hard time with the candy but today, dont want any and not even craving it.

    I will continue to work hard and do the challages. I will be very good until Thanksgiving dinner, I want that dinner with out guilt. :bigsmile:

    Have to get back to work, have a great day Pepper's :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning Peppers

    Hope everyone had a nice halloween ...... I did the bday thing for my son ..... so we had pizza and cake UGHHHHH i have half of cake left ... i will just eat it moderately ....

    Kelly i am confused about the excercise.... when does the week start and end??? i work out 7 days a week ...... 90 minutes m-sat and sunday 45 minutes.... thanks in advance to unconfuse me LOL

    Have a good day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • artichoke
    Hi All! I stayed at the same weight this week, but am proud of myself for sticking to the gym this past week. 400 minutes of exercise!

    Started the first day of my leave with the gym too! Now I'm off to run 1,000 errands today. It's my first day off of work, and I'm sooooo busy! Already!

    Have a great week Peppers!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi All,

    It's been a while for me checking in. I'm back! looks like things are going well and you gals are losing, yay!

    Put me down for 60 minutes of exercise today.

    I will be weighing in on Friday with the rest of you. I'm scared to look where I'm at right now :ohwell:

    Congrats to all!

  • jacque509
    Ok so my weekend totally was a disater!!! Went out for Mexican Friday and ate like a pig, then walked walmart for an hour. Saturday was so busy forgot to eat and ended up eating fast food AGH!!! then walked about two hours with the kidos for trick or treating but then ruied it with candy. Gym? what a gym? haven seen one of thost since Thursday! Sunday no better had donut for breakfast and it went down hill from there.Well so I decied Ok Monday we start Fresh but is already trying to talk myself out of goingto gym, but then I logged on and saw that beautiful chart Kelly made and started to fell guilty so I am going to try very hard to make the car go striaght to the gym after work NO EXCUSE! Well hope tomorrow a better work day. Work totally SUCK today!! Yeah I know I am grumpy, talk to ya all later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    evenin gang! :smile:

    today was right on for food and exercise. this am i did a walk/jog on my treadmill, and the last segement of jogging i pushed myself to do another minute! 6 minutes straight! YIPPY! i am feeling so much stronger, every day! painted at my folks about 3 hrs....i took my own lunch which was a bean/salsa/cheese wrap. my mom tried to feed me grilled cheese on italian bread, and chili. there was a little bit of tension, but i said NO! gonna try and explain myself a little more next time. just want her support, and no criticism. anyway, did my pm route and then walked 2 miles w/Leslie. hoping for a good nites rest tonite :yawn:

    crystal ~ omgosh...hope you are ok with your treadmill injury. they can be dangerous, and i prefer the outdoors anytime over mine. almost have to focus on what you are doin on them..and i always want to watch tv.:ohwell: i think if you just stay within your calories and drink your water you should be fine. take care girl! hey, likin the cookin deal you have with dh. i always feel happier when i make something healthy and they like it! :tongue: makes it more worth my time. have fun with it and i am sure he will love what you make!

    sindy ~ wow, you had a busy weekend with the exercise! way to go!

    ittybitty ~ sorry to confuse you...and i was wrong. i think i mentioned starting a Thanksgiving challenge and that was on the 26th of Oct, so it will be a month for the challenge. i will correct the chart. i think it was ok to celebrate w/son's bday! gotta do that occ'l! :bigsmile:

    artichoke ~ good job on holding things steady! nice workout stats! :drinker:

    sally ~ HI THERE! glad to have you back! wishin you all the best!

    jacque ~ it's ok is a new day!!! i know you can do this!

    Sassie ~ i need to get you added to our charts! love ya sweets! :heart:

    hi to everyone else.....hope you're all doing good..thinkin of ya!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    The biggest surprise occurred today -- I checked my curves attendance tag into the computer. All kinds of bells & whistles went off. I didn't realize the sounds was for me.....

    For the month of OCTOBER, I was the biggest "loser" at my curves. Overall, I lost 4.5 inches. Remember last month, I placed 3rd. Last month I was surprised so I am still surprised I placed 1st this month.

    Kelly - did you get my exercise minutes off the week 6 posting? Let me know if I need to pull it out.

    Crystal - sorry to hear about your injury. Damn them treadmills.

    Megan - here's an idea - take the leftover birthday cake to the office or send to a neighbor's or hubby's workplace. In my office, they tend to gobble up anything brought in -- leftover or just purchased.

    Overall today, I planned my meals.... did a 20 minute walk during lunch, did 20 minutes jog, and 30 minutes curves. So, I'm getting backto my normal schedule.

    The only challenge I faced I was lunch. I had less than 15 minutes to inhale my lunch before a 1pm meeting.

    Hope Tuesday is good for everyone.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    kelly - for last week 280 minutes - all walking.

    This week I'm off to a good start...
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    The biggest surprise occurred today -- I checked my curves attendance tag into the computer. All kinds of bells & whistles went off. I didn't realize the sounds was for me.....

    For the month of OCTOBER, I was the biggest "loser" at my curves. Overall, I lost 4.5 inches. Remember last month, I placed 3rd. Last month I was surprised so I am still surprised I placed 1st this month.

    Kelly - did you get my exercise minutes off the week 6 posting? Let me know if I need to pull it out.

    Crystal - sorry to hear about your injury. Damn them treadmills.

    Megan - here's an idea - take the leftover birthday cake to the office or send to a neighbor's or hubby's workplace. In my office, they tend to gobble up anything brought in -- leftover or just purchased.

    Overall today, I planned my meals.... did a 20 minute walk during lunch, did 20 minutes jog, and 30 minutes curves. So, I'm getting backto my normal schedule.

    The only challenge I faced I was lunch. I had less than 15 minutes to inhale my lunch before a 1pm meeting.

    Hope Tuesday is good for everyone.
    I would do that but i am a stay at home mom........and bf is a truck driver so that wont work but thanks for the idea
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just wanted to say that I appreciate each and every one of you ...

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    thanks Maggie.... the graphic you post are awesome.
    Ok, folks I'm home today w/ a sick child. It seems my son had a relapse. He was sick last week as well.

    So today i'll catch up on Scout Leader work, my banking, housework, laundry, tackle the piles of clutter in the house.....

    You know the stuff done over the weekend, problem is I'm working this weekend.

    All the food I planned for today, I'll bring into work tommorrow. Unless, I'm home again.

    Today, I'll be able to view my pantry & fridge contents and eat accordingly.
  • jacque509
    I know I know everyone is just dying to know if the car found its way to the gym:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Well it did and I did the treadmill for 45 min. Feel motivated again so packed the gym bag and hope to do a repeat tonight. Did ok with food yesterday but really bad with the water so today I am going to try and keep the water going.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    good mornin to all my peppers! :flowerforyou:

    just had my 580 calorie breakfast and my tummy is acting like it is STILL hungry?? :grumble: think i'll have a some whole wheat toast and peanut butter.... had to get some lights fixed on my bus after my shuttle this am, so exercise will have to wait til later. also wiped down my 22 seats w/sani wipes, not sure it will do any good, but it is better than nothing! :wink: headin to my folks soon to paint again. takin tuna salad, laughing cow, spinach and veggie tortilla wrap and baby carrots for lunch. wonder what kind of comments i will get today?:happy:

    Barb ~ Congratulations for your Curves success! way to go! you are just melting away!! :bigsmile: hope your lil one gets better soon. we still have lots of kiddos here out w/the flu. i still need to get my flu shot!

    Magglett ~ thanks for always puttin a smile on my face! you are a sweety! :flowerforyou:

    Jacque ~ glad you got to the gym and had a good workout! have a great day!

    will check in later team! have a great Tuesday! :heart:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Kelly, good luck at your mom's - sounds like she'll have nothing to say. What a healthy lunch!

    I love the charts you made. Thanks for doing all of that.

    have a great Tuesday SHGPs!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all!
    Got sick after trick-or-treating ith a cold/sinus gunk:grumble: iam so not happy, so i am TLC-ing it . My older daughter is sick with it too:grumble: I gotta get her healthy as she has an eye surgery down in seattle next week and I dont want to have to cancel taht and wait another 3 months or so like before:grumble:
    Exercise is walking . But it is pretty cold lately. Gotta get going but my throat hurts:(
    Hope im back to good soon! Ill keep you updated:heart:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    Just got back from my 35 min walk, eating all the right foods today, I ended up getting 2 15 min. walks yesterday too. Need to drink more water.

    Crystal - sorry to hear about your injury, hope you are better soon.

    Kelly hope you have a great afternoon with parents :flowerforyou:

    Jacque glad you made it to the gym.

    Barb that is great, first place. :drinker: Congrats

    I am still reading posts so if I missed you, :flowerforyou: Everyone is doing great on the exercise challenge.
    GO PEPPER'S :drinker:

    Have to get back to work. Have a great day. :bigsmile:
  • artichoke
    Good morning gals! Yesterday was tough; the start of the first week on leave and I wasn't prepared to be as bummed out as I was. I thought that if I kept busy, and out of he house, I would be okay....instead I burst into tears in public....3 times. Ha!! Good thing it's a new day.

    Surprisingly, I did well with eating and working out yesterday. Need to work on keeping up with water today. That was always so easy at work. Not so easy while I'm running around all day.

    Okay! I'm finishing up my coffee and headed to the gym for Pilates class. Have a great day!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Miss V - hope you're feeling better soon. So far I am the only one who hasn't been sick in my household. Of course, "this bug" may be lurking for me...waiting for the most "inconvient" time for me.

    Artichoke - I do hope you're having a better day. I know the water thing... it's easier for me to do when at work then home.

    Take care everyone.