Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week # 2



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi team ~

    well, my polyp came back positive for a tubular adenoma (precancerous). SO, i have to have another scope in 3 yrs. i am kinda ok with it, but well, it is another health issue. all the more reasons to take care of me every day. i am worth it, so i must believe in that and keep the positive attitude. will continue eating clean, less and less processed while keepin my fiber at 30+/day AND exercise. this is how it's got to be folks. she told me it likely formed in the last 2-3 yrs and in 10 yrs would have been mature with symptoms. even tho the prep was horrible, the scope a breeze, i am glad i had it done and feeling a lil blessed right now. no one knows cept you, peppers. dh is workin late, so will fill him in when he gets home. guess it's high time to start pitchin the crap and makin the change for us all! only got one body, so i best take care of it!

    sindy ~ glad your walk was pain free and you are doin so well with it! happy for ya! :flowerforyou:
    V ~ thanks for the bean info.....i have only done 1 lb of beans, rinsed, soaked, cooked, and even tho it is a process, i am willing to make a batch every week. it still amazes me how filling they are and you can't beat the nutritional values! i am in love with my beans...and my peppers! :blushing: glad to hear lil one is better and on her way! take care sweets!:heart:

    jacque ~ you inspire me dear! :heart:

    will try to check in later peppers! make it a great day! :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly - let's be thankful you found the polyp today instead of 10 years from now when you would be having large scale medical problems.

    I have a loaner car from the dealer. A chevy malibu...not what I typically drive...but it's free so I'm not complaining.

    I did get the sports massage rescheduled. She found knots and tight muscles in my legs and lower back. This wasn't a peaceful relaxing massage but I knew that going in... this was one to work out my legs. The discomfort then was worth it -- no tight muscles now.... This massage therapist sees me running at the gym so she knew what I do - thus she knew what spots would be tight.

    Off to take my middle to her GS appt. And I'll be at curves.
  • jacque509
    Hey Kel,
    Well thank goodness you know what going on and how to watch for it. Prevention is the most inportant thing. Hey if you get a chance look up KANGEN water. 2 web site are and . My Dad has been drinking this water and the difference in one year is amazing. The doctors at the VA were amazed in the difference of his colonoscopy.
    Wow sindy great job!!!:flowerforyou:
    Have a good workout balcott!!:flowerforyou:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    well ladies...sorry I am just now getting to you. Horrible weekend....lets just say...hubby and his 15 yr old son got into it....BAD and son has left. Right now, hes with his nana ( my husbands mom) and he is not ready to let him come home. He (stepson) said some horrible things and did some pretty bad things. But now my dh is all upset....has cried b/c he wants to have his son home (who wouldnt) but can just let him think he can do as he wishes. We have had major issues with him for quite so many years. Right now I am just trying tobe a confort to him and let things go where they need. On top of it, just really busy at work. But I did get in alot of exercise yesterday. Started working in on our garden for the fall/winter.....tilled it and picked up rocks and so forth and did it for over an hour and then just lots of walking and helping mom clean up around her house.
    Watched my team make a big win in college football...its was great!!!!
    So a great sports weekend.....
    Just trying to get through this day b/c we been slammed and I am ready to go home!
    making a yummy potato soup that has been requested so gotta hit the grocery store.....
    and will have to resist from wanting to eat alot as this soup ROCKS! :bigsmile:
    so I will eat a salad before hand and just watching to make sure I eat slowly!
    Well its nearly 5 and gotta close up. I hope you all have a much better day for those that arent having a good one....I did read posts and will go in tomorrow and respond to those that really caught my attention...(i cant go back right now)
    LOTS OF LOVE :heart: :heart: to my SHGP!!!!!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Here's my exercise for today

    Curves 30 minutes
    Treadmill 20 minutes.

    kitn621 -- seems like we're in a similiar boat. After my daughter attempted to run away from my ex on Saturday & Sunday wasnt too much better. My custody time began at 4:30pm. So ex is at my house dropping off the kdis. My daughter was upset w/my ex - angry at him and soon to be step mom #2. My daughter threw something at my ex in front of me and my hubby. We were fortunate the glass in the front door did not crack or shatter.

    All I can say is joint custody sucks......
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm so sorry for the troubles with the kids. Being a parent is definitely the hardest job there is, a challenge every day.

    For exercise yesterday I had 1 hour jog/walk and the same today.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yup, being a parent is the hardest position and most underpaid. Yet, at times, those darlings are just full of love.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Updated profile.

    I decided it may be good for me to complete the profile. So if you're interested go check me out.
    There is one photo of me. The beautiful roses are photos I took on vacation (Germany August 2009).

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Happy Monday Peppers

    Hope all is well ..... i got my 3 fruits in for the day .... i find it easier to make a fruit smoothie ... i had fat free milk , 1 large peach, 1 banana and frozen strawberries and made a smoothie .... earlier i had an apple with reduced fat peanut butter YUMMY ..... i did 45 minutes of leslie's walking DVD ( i just love it ) woooooohoooo 3 miles and lots n lots of sweat lol....
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    OH MY GOODNESS ... PMS + All You Can Eat Buffet = I`m so full I could burst. Seriously, it feels like my skin is too tight. I decided to give myself a night off since I`ve been so good since the beginning of June. I don`t feel guilty, but I sure do feel uncomfortable ... it hurts ... lesson learned. I just can`t eat like I use to. I did get my fruits and veggies in ... and then some.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I agree it's not a good combination PMS & all you can eat buffet. I'm been craving sweet -- lucky me there is nothing like that in the house. I would even be happy w/a diet pepsi right now.... none of that in the house either.

    Right now, I'm not doing well with fruits or water. I did have over 4.5lbs of seedless grapes in the house. Today, my kids were off from school. And I left them home alone for various periods throughout the day. Guess what, there are no more grapes.

    I'll deal with fruit cups and applesauce until I get to the grocery store again.

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all I did well today go my h20 in and
    veggies, no fruit....some 100% juice, but not enough... I do take juice plue vitamines in the am though, always have....
    did a short video here at home today and went to the gym for 40 mins (would have stayed longer, but my kids drove me right out!:grumble: )
    ate a semi healthy dinner and actually all the meals were good today, I am WAY UNDER on everything today...but meh.....:bigsmile:
    gotta go run around and clean as i just put the kids down!:noway:
    talk to you tomorrow
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    good morning ladies,
    the sun is shinning this morning & i'm out for a walk!!!! plan on cleaning the gutters yuck! & start fall "STUFF" :laugh: :laugh:
    this afternoon having friends in for coffee.found a recipe for low cal cupcakes : cake mix & diet soda, 85 cal/cupcake. has anyone tried them , i'll let you know.

    got to the farmers market : fuji apple,delicious apples & gala apples, minneola [ yummy ], never had them before. sm. seedless watermelon,bannanas, strawberries. they didn't have the discovery apple

    made a smoothy with greek yogurt, bannana, not that great :indifferent: :indifferent: will try fruit & skim,
    not GREAT with excercise but @ least 30 min /day :laugh: :laugh:
    getting in all my h2o.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    magglett: love the photo, we have a 100+ yr old house & have ripped apart just about everyroom,so i identify!!! tear down a wall you'll burn off that buffet:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jacque509
    Good Morning all!!!
    Ok so I got my water in no problem, 2 apples yesterday, but only 15 min of walking still sore from trying not to fall Sunday. Did great eating wise untill dinner and then ate too much. So got to work on that.
    Well so this morning I am reading the thread, OMG being a parent is a %$*& now a day. I sure sont know what I did wrong but My 2 kids I love them but there are days. My kids won't even go with the ex they hate him and the new wife, I never get a break, plus they are both teenagers and I am menopausal so yeah the hormones are flowing in this house!!:laugh: Got to laugh or I cry:sad: But my biggiest issue is school, how to make them understand how impotant it is. I have very strong work ethic, I go to work when I feel bad, sometimes work 2 jobs and going to school on line. So where do they get the idea its ok not to go just because they are tired or have an ache. And they are not afraid of me and they are both taller than me What to do?
    They are both smart but they just don't want to apply themselves AGh11 whats a mom to do?
    Well on the positive side I got off the bus a stop early so I had a nice little walk into the office
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin team!

    got my list made, so will be here doing chores again.

    barb ~ oh, them knots. i have so many in my upper back around my shoulder blades...what causes them?? i have not had a stress release massage for over 2 yrs now....sometimes it helps when dh rubs them, but sometimes they are too painful. my sis has a Malibu, nice car.

    jacque ~ thanks for the website info, gonna check it out. way to go on the bus walk! i hear ya on the teen tortures...i have 2 sons, both taller than me. neither of them respect me too well, thanks to dh in his non-sober years....i am concerned for their futures, and i still do too much for them, but i have the best relationships with them...hopefully someday they will mature into caring men, but mostly happy and responsible men.

    kitn ~ sorry for all your stress dear. teens can be so unpredictable. hang in there, i am sure things will work out soon. i will be starting my yard work soon. our biggest job is the leaves. thankful that we now have gutter covers. YUM, stew and soup season!

    jenn ~ you're doing great with walk/jog! gonna do mine soon!

    megan ~ i like walking with Leslie too! good workout!

    magglett ~ it's ok, one meal isn't going to ruin your loss thus far. just push the fluids and get back on track! you are doing a fine job!

    V ~ love hearin' bout your busy days! you go girl!

    karen ~ cool, how did the cupcakes turn out? i treat my bus kids to them once in a while. a healthier version would be better!

    have a great day peppers, make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's :bigsmile:
    Ok feeling on track today :drinker: My 3 fruits are banana,orange and strawberries. I am on my 2nd glass of water and still drinking, I will be doing my 40 min walk at lunch.

    Kelly sorry to hear that, but you are strong and knowing is half the battle glad they found it early. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you yesterday was so exciting a walk with little pain. It makes it more enjoyable.:bigsmile:

    Today is a new day lets blow it away Pepper's

    Will check in later, very busy at work for the last couple of days.

    Eat that fruit, drink that water and get some exercise in. Go Pepper's :drinker: :heart:
  • artichoke
    Here we go team! Bring it! :smile:

    CHALLENGES ** starting TODAY ** ~ you don't have to do if you don't want to...we understand! :heart:

    1 ~ 3 fruits a day, aim for 3 different colored fruits.
    2 ~ we are going to do a team "exercise" challenge....our goal is to workout for a total of 200 hrs for the next month ( Sept 25th > Oct 25th). That is 30 days!! There are 15 or so of us, and it averages out to just over 3 hrs a week for each of us.....SO, I challeng you all to get movin' and groovin'!

    ~~ we can post our stats daily OR weekly....who's in?? :bigsmile:

    great challenges!! i'm back online and ready to go! hope all is going well so far.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    great to have you back artichoke!

    fruit ~ peach and orange
    water ~ 32 oz...+
    exercise ~ 45 min
  • artichoke
    FRUIT: apple, strawberries
    WATER: loads....
    EXERCISE: 25 min

    just back from my first run in over a week....I ran a completely flat course FAST (for me). I'm gonna have to shake things up now that there aren't so many hills around to slow me down! :smile:

    feels good to be back on track!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Here we go team! Bring it! :smile:

    CHALLENGES ** starting TODAY ** ~ you don't have to do if you don't want to...we understand! :heart:

    1 ~ 3 fruits a day, aim for 3 different colored fruits.
    2 ~ we are going to do a team "exercise" challenge....our goal is to workout for a total of 200 hrs for the next month ( Sept 25th > Oct 25th). That is 30 days!! There are 15 or so of us, and it averages out to just over 3 hrs a week for each of us.....SO, I challeng you all to get movin' and groovin'!

    ~~ we can post our stats daily OR weekly....who's in?? :bigsmile: