Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week # 2

Here we go team! Bring it! :smile:

CHALLENGES ** starting TODAY ** ~ you don't have to do if you don't want to...we understand! :heart:

1 ~ 3 fruits a day, aim for 3 different colored fruits.
2 ~ we are going to do a team "exercise" challenge....our goal is to workout for a total of 200 hrs for the next month ( Sept 25th > Oct 25th). That is 30 days!! There are 15 or so of us, and it averages out to just over 3 hrs a week for each of us.....SO, I challeng you all to get movin' and groovin'!

~~ we can post our stats daily OR weekly....who's in?? :bigsmile:


  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    YAY!:heart::bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    did you see my updated post...? how's that?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    What are we the only 3 on this thread right now?

    I'm in for the challenges.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    there's one ! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Just an update on how I did with week 1 -- I was successful in drinking the 64oz of water EACH day.

    Off to curves for my monthly weigh-in & measurements. Then a few errands. I'll post my results later today.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... I'm here I'm here, the challenge suggestions are fine with me. And now my report for this week weight last week was 176.5 lbs ... this week it is 174 lbs ... Loss of 2.5 lbs.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I hope some heavy duty home renovations counts as exercise ... that's where I'll be getting my cardio for the next little while.
  • angiemcnett
    Good morning. I am checking in. My weight today is 209.2 pounds. My starting weight for MFP was 225. I was successful in drink my water each day. off to water aerobics. check back later.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Good morning - Here is too a new week.

    The fruit challenge is good, I have an apple and a banana just about every day, so will have to find a 3rd fruit to try.... Ooo I did just by a mango, just waiting for it to ripen, hopefully by tonight.

    Great news on the scale this morning, my body FINALLY let go of some weight, It is crazy, about every three weeks I'll see a change. So - last week my starting weight with the SHGP was 142.8 - This morning 139.9 YAY!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday. :drinker:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I'm up a lb this week to 228. :sad: Water challenge was no sweat for me. My BP meds make me thirsty and I probably drink closer to 128 oz a water a day.

    I can only get so sad about the gain when I'm so excited to see my friend today!! :bigsmile: :happy: She's driving 12 hours. It may be 8:00 tonight when she gets here, so it will be a very long day waiting. My goal while she's here is to eat as healthy as I can, get in my 3 colors of fruit, and to get to the gym twice (she leaves Tuesday)!!! Oh, and have a good time!!!

    It looks like the new bike we ordered should be here Monday. I'm sure that I won't have too much trouble getting in the 3 hrs of exercise a week. I want to keep doing C25K, but I know my hubby and I will be out riding our bikes, too!!

    Good luck to everyone this week!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Love the new challenges. I know I do at least 30 min. a day so I should go over 3 hours a week.

    Well for my weight, I started off at 204 last week (gained weight on meds), today I got on the scale and I was 202, looks like I lost 2 pounds this week. I will adjust my check-in weight so it shows 202, I hate that it will change my ticker, but I want it to be correct. I did very well on the water challenge this week and finally did my 2 miles at lunch yesterday, it took me longer tha usual but I will get back my speed.

    So starting weight was 204, current starting week #2 is 202 :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Hope everyone did well.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    How is everybody doing today?? I am glad to see you all posting how you did with the water challenge! thanks for sharing and keep it up! I too did good and a few days I was even @ 10 or more glasses...which is why I think I 'peed' away my wt this week. I am down 7.4 lbs!! :noway: very typical for me when I get back into the swing of eating healthy, the first wk anyway. Things will slow down now. I was 177.6 this am. Just .4 away from my low in May, so I am excited here and much of my positive attitude is b/c of all of you!! SHGP rock! so far had a banana today, will do an orange for a snack. and will walk/jog some time today.

    Barb ~ great job on the water challenge....good luck at Curves!!
    magglett ~ -2.5!! woot woot! way to go!! you will be our house demo girl!
    ammcnett ~ - 3.8!! you are doing so well! keep it up! great job on the water challenge!!
    m2kjenn~ happy for you!! i thought i seen your ticker move before i even seen your post! you're doing it!! in the 30's!! :smile:
    crystal ~ just a lil's ok. i am sure you will have a loss next week,...all i gotta say is have tons of fun with your friend!! :flowerforyou: the bike will be a great way to exercise! i bet you are excited for that!

    keep at team....each day brings you closer to your goal and a healthier you!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    congrats Sindy!! yeah, 2 lbs!! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Kelly, I worked really hard for that 2 pounds and will continue to loose. I am back in the swing, which makes me feel really good. :drinker:

    Will check in later, already had banana today, will have strawberries with lunch and cantalope with super, for my 3 fruits and will walk my 2 miles today at lunch which is 40 min. of exercise.:bigsmile:

  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good morning I want to start off and say a few words to a few members:

    *Magglett-WAY TO GO on the 2.5 lbs...thats a great start to week 2. Keep it up :drinker: :bigsmile:
    *Ammcnett- I dont know if you know what loss there has been for the week but to see where you started and where you are now; that is sooo great!!!!
    *Jenn- WOW! 3 lbs....thats a wonderful thing to see on the scales! Congrats! :drinker:
    *Crystal-You are doing so great and are such a positive person....the scale may show up 1 lb but personally you are telling us how much water you are drinking and I bet its all water. Either way, I know you will see loss next week and in the mean time-Have lots of fun with your friend coming into town. I know you two will just be like teenagers having a slumber party.....have your snacks and enjoy yourself. If you dont fret you still might get in some results.....:bigsmile:
    Sindyb9-congrats on your 2 lbs as well. We seem to be doing great as a team! way to go ladies!!!

    I love the new challenges! I will report my workouts as I do them. And just log in and post other items daily hoping to see and get motivation from you all on the days I just dont feel up to it.
    I got on the scale this morning and was soooo pleased
    I was at just a lil over 2 lbs. YEAH!!!! and thats just changing my eating habits. I have not made it to the gym yet. Planning on that this weekend.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Lets get in our yummy fruits (and dont forget that real fruit juice counts too)(I love OJ and cranberry too)
    :bigsmile: :drinker: :heart: Love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    good morning pepers, sounds like everyone HOT today!!!:laugh:
    congrats to everyone on the weight loss,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    the challenge this week 3 fruits will be hard for me but i'll give it a try, excersise for the month is also a great idea, kelly' you rock!!!
    i guess i'm behind everyone, will weigh in later today, this will be my 1st weigh in, but measured!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all:)
    Didn't do good on the water until twords the end of the week, but I am hooked back on it now!:)
    was 225 last week and now am at 224 so just a pound lost:grumble: but then again at teh begining of the week i wasn't trying very hard (The hubby requested some fatty food before he left) :laugh: So I blame him:laugh: :bigsmile:
    Guess what I am in LOVE with in teh mornings now!?!?
    this dish:
    1/2 cup pureed pumpking
    couple tbsp. skim milk or water
    2 tbsp rasins ( or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed)
    1teaspoon peanutbutter (if ya want)
    throw in some flax seed
    1/2 cup (or so) plain oatmeal
    (I throw in coconut and a little brown sugar for the kidos)
    :heart: :heart:
    I ate 2/3 cup and am so full with it all! YUM YUM
    i WAS TAKEN FROM THE COOKBOOK "Deceptionaly delicious" but altered to fit my home (Like everything I make) :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: try it you will so not be sorry....besides it is pumpkin season!:drinker:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :drinker: Morning all:)
    Didn't do good on the water until twords the end of the week, but I am hooked back on it now!:)
    was 225 last week and now am at 224 so just a pound lost:grumble: but then again at teh begining of the week i wasn't trying very hard (The hubby requested some fatty food before he left) :laugh: So I blame him:laugh: :bigsmile:
    Guess what I am in LOVE with in teh mornings now!?!?
    this dish:
    1/2 cup pureed pumpking
    couple tbsp. skim milk or water
    2 tbsp rasins ( or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed)
    1teaspoon peanutbutter (if ya want)
    throw in some flax seed
    1/2 cup (or so) plain oatmeal
    (I throw in coconut and a little brown sugar for the kidos)
    :heart: :heart:
    I ate 2/3 cup and am so full with it all! YUM YUM
    i WAS TAKEN FROM THE COOKBOOK "Deceptionaly delicious" but altered to fit my home (Like everything I make) :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: try it you will so not be sorry....besides it is pumpkin season!:drinker:

    Oh, I love pumpkin and this sounds soooo good. I'm going to have to try it!! Do you cook it, or is the oatmeal a 1/2 c of cook oatmeal? I need a change from my usual yogurt. This may have to be it.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Here's my today's exercise - 50 minutes

    30 minutes Curves circuit
    20 minutes treadmill

    My last weight/measurement was on 9/4

    Today's Weight 164

    Bust is a .25 in loss
    Waist is a .25 in loss
    Thighs is a .75 in loss
    No changes in abdomen or hips

    Overall, it's a 1.25 inches lost, 5.6lbs and 1.4% loss of body fat

    I purchased a curves vanilla protein supplement shake mix -- neither Dave & I like it -- a bit too chalky tasting. I even added 1 cup of frozen blueberries. So I need to experiment w/making this 15.9oz container taste better.

    I have a infrared body wrap at 1pm today. The wraps do drop inches from me. I'll give you those results later.

    The curves staff was excited over my weight loss. I on the other hand, not quite as happy. Why, the waist measurement -- I'm still not in standards for my employer. The standards are changing in January - dropping slightly. IF I can lose another .25 inches I would make the minimum requirement for waist measurement for the new standards.

    My next employer test is Oct 4 -- right now they want 29.5 in waist regardless of AGE or HEIGHT. I am not kidding - can give you the reference to fact check me. Having a larger waist causes me to lose points thus fail the test. If I can RUN REALLY REALLY FAST, I can make up the points. I don't run that fast.

    My employment fitness standards are the HARDEST in any armed forces. I failed the one in February due to waist measurement so I'm feeling very stressed about Oct 4.

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    *Crystal-You are doing so great and are such a positive person....the scale may show up 1 lb but personally you are telling us how much water you are drinking and I bet its all water. Either way, I know you will see loss next week and in the mean time-Have lots of fun with your friend coming into town. I know you two will just be like teenagers having a slumber party.....have your snacks and enjoy yourself. If you dont fret you still might get in some results.....:bigsmile:

    Awww, thanks!! Kelly was nice enough to let me know that I didn't actually gain, I just stayed the same. For some reason I thought I was at 227 last week, but I was at 228!! Not too bad!! :bigsmile: