Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week # 2



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Here's my today's exercise - 50 minutes

    30 minutes Curves circuit
    20 minutes treadmill

    My last weight/measurement was on 9/4

    Today's Weight 164

    Bust is a .25 in loss
    Waist is a .25 in loss
    Thighs is a .75 in loss
    No changes in abdomen or hips

    Overall, it's a 1.25 inches lost, 5.6lbs and 1.4% loss of body fat

    I purchased a curves vanilla protein supplement shake mix -- neither Dave & I like it -- a bit too chalky tasting. I even added 1 cup of frozen blueberries. So I need to experiment w/making this 15.9oz container taste better.

    I have a infrared body wrap at 1pm today. The wraps do drop inches from me. I'll give you those results later.

    The curves staff was excited over my weight loss. I on the other hand, not quite as happy. Why, the waist measurement -- I'm still not in standards for my employer. The standards are changing in January - dropping slightly. IF I can lose another .25 inches I would make the minimum requirement for waist measurement for the new standards.

    My next employer test is Oct 4 -- right now they want 29.5 in waist regardless of AGE or HEIGHT. I am not kidding - can give you the reference to fact check me. Having a larger waist causes me to lose points thus fail the test. If I can RUN REALLY REALLY FAST, I can make up the points. I don't run that fast.

    My employment fitness standards are the HARDEST in any armed forces. I failed the one in February due to waist measurement so I'm feeling very stressed about Oct 4.


    Oh, good luck!! I know its hard, but you can do it!!!! Here's to another .25 inch between now and then!! :flowerforyou:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Wow - 29.5 inches is a VERY steep criteria. I'm very close to my goal weight and still have a 31 inch waist. Best of luck to you, keep after it, you will get there.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Thanks. The encouragement is needed.

    The sad part is the waist measurement is currently worth 30% of the overall score, running 50%, push ups 10% and sit-ups 10%. Must get 75% or better to pass.

    Starting in Jan the run is worth 60%, waist measurement 20%, push-ups 10% and sit-ups 10%. Still must get 75% or better to pass.

    I'm really hoping the wrap today and the wrap I'll have on Monday will help me lose something for the test. THe past two wraps (one in August & early September) did help some.

    For my employer - there's no weight standards -- just waist measurement.
    If went back to height/weight standards I would need to lose 22lbs to be at maximum allowable weight for my height.

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member

    Oh, I love pumpkin and this sounds soooo good. I'm going to have to try it!! Do you cook it, or is the oatmeal a 1/2 c of cook oatmeal? I need a change from my usual yogurt. This may have to be it.

    Nope you throw in the oatmeal for the tub in this while it is on low on the burner and it cooks up:)
    sorry forgot to say thatLOL:laugh:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Thanks. The encouragement is needed.

    The sad part is the waist measurement is currently worth 30% of the overall score, running 50%, push ups 10% and sit-ups 10%. Must get 75% or better to pass.

    Starting in Jan the run is worth 60%, waist measurement 20%, push-ups 10% and sit-ups 10%. Still must get 75% or better to pass.

    I'm really hoping the wrap today and the wrap I'll have on Monday will help me lose something for the test. THe past two wraps (one in August & early September) did help some.

    For my employer - there's no weight standards -- just waist measurement.
    If went back to height/weight standards I would need to lose 22lbs to be at maximum allowable weight for my height.

    Barb- Who is your employer? I have never heard of anyone having to have a 29.5 inch waist! that is pretty extreme.. WOW... I couldn't imagine
    Good luck on it all.
    PRT's stunk for me when i was int eh military. But there was a time when I loved to run... I wanna get back to running.....

  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    :drinker: Morning all:)
    Didn't do good on the water until twords the end of the week, but I am hooked back on it now!:)
    was 225 last week and now am at 224 so just a pound lost:grumble: but then again at teh begining of the week i wasn't trying very hard (The hubby requested some fatty food before he left) :laugh: So I blame him:laugh: :bigsmile:
    Guess what I am in LOVE with in teh mornings now!?!?
    this dish:
    1/2 cup pureed pumpking
    couple tbsp. skim milk or water
    2 tbsp rasins ( or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed)
    1teaspoon peanutbutter (if ya want)
    throw in some flax seed
    1/2 cup (or so) plain oatmeal
    (I throw in coconut and a little brown sugar for the kidos)
    :heart: :heart:
    I ate 2/3 cup and am so full with it all! YUM YUM
    i WAS TAKEN FROM THE COOKBOOK "Deceptionaly delicious" but altered to fit my home (Like everything I make) :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: try it you will so not be sorry....besides it is pumpkin season!:drinker:

    yummmm....I will have to try it! I bet its really good. Thanks so much!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Here's my today's exercise - 50 minutes

    30 minutes Curves circuit
    20 minutes treadmill

    My last weight/measurement was on 9/4

    Today's Weight 164

    Bust is a .25 in loss
    Waist is a .25 in loss
    Thighs is a .75 in loss
    No changes in abdomen or hips

    Overall, it's a 1.25 inches lost, 5.6lbs and 1.4% loss of body fat

    I purchased a curves vanilla protein supplement shake mix -- neither Dave & I like it -- a bit too chalky tasting. I even added 1 cup of frozen blueberries. So I need to experiment w/making this 15.9oz container taste better.

    I have a infrared body wrap at 1pm today. The wraps do drop inches from me. I'll give you those results later.

    The curves staff was excited over my weight loss. I on the other hand, not quite as happy. Why, the waist measurement -- I'm still not in standards for my employer. The standards are changing in January - dropping slightly. IF I can lose another .25 inches I would make the minimum requirement for waist measurement for the new standards.

    My next employer test is Oct 4 -- right now they want 29.5 in waist regardless of AGE or HEIGHT. I am not kidding - can give you the reference to fact check me. Having a larger waist causes me to lose points thus fail the test. If I can RUN REALLY REALLY FAST, I can make up the points. I don't run that fast.

    My employment fitness standards are the HARDEST in any armed forces. I failed the one in February due to waist measurement so I'm feeling very stressed about Oct 4.


    wow!! its crazy the standards that they want you at. But now you have some great support from all of us and I know you will reach your some! Keep up the great work! we all :heart: you!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon all! how is your Friday goin? busy here...I am just waiting for about 1/2 of our members to post their wts and then the chart will be done! you guys have done very well this week! doin a happy dance! :bigsmile:

    Miss V ~ hey, i had you at 226 for last are down 2 lbs sweety! that oatmeal/pumpkin dish sounds pertty tasty! :tongue: ! we have a shortage here with canned pumpkin :ohwell: thanks for sharing, i am going to copy it down!

    Barb ~ yikes, i would def fail standards....but, I think that is a good idea for employers to keep an eye on our health...with maybe some incentive, benefit or bonus, for gettin there! i work for the school system and do know we are welcome to visit the wt room. but hey, you are down inches and wt girl! yippy for that! :drinker:

    i will be leaving soon for my route, then i have football. i will get the rest of the stats later tonite, then I will post the chart!! have a great end to your day, and a wonderful start to your weekend! :smile:

    Go SHGP!! Let's have another great week!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I"m military (sorry Miss V - not Navy) and thus the fitness standards. Does it make sense now.....

    I had my wrap and lost 1.75 inches immediately after the wrap. I have another on Monday plus a sports massage. The massage is to "prep" my legs for a faster run.

    The wrap lady showed me my weight from my first wrap in early August. At that point, I was 2 lbs away from my heaviest weight. The heavy weight was in Feb 2009.

    So if I look at it this way ...
    Since Aug 7, I've lost 8 lbs. Seems that averages apprx 1lb a week.

  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    Morning all:)
    Didn't do good on the water until twords the end of the week, but I am hooked back on it now!:)
    was 225 last week and now am at 224 so just a pound lost but then again at teh begining of the week i wasn't trying very hard (The hubby requested some fatty food before he left) So I blame him
    Guess what I am in LOVE with in teh mornings now!?!?
    this dish:

    1/2 cup pureed pumpking
    couple tbsp. skim milk or water
    2 tbsp rasins ( or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed)
    1teaspoon peanutbutter (if ya want)
    throw in some flax seed
    1/2 cup (or so) plain oatmeal
    (I throw in coconut and a little brown sugar for the kidos)

    I ate 2/3 cup and am so full with it all! YUM YUM
    i WAS TAKEN FROM THE COOKBOOK "Deceptionaly delicious" but altered to fit my home (Like everything I make) try it you will so not be sorry....besides it is pumpkin season

    i'm an oatmeal eater this sounds great!!! do you know how many calories?

    barb, it seems unrealistic to use abritary #'s, i would think the sit up,running ect would be a better indicator of you "fitness" than the size of your waist! i know you'll make it :drinker: :love: :drinker: :love: :drinker: :love:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    Morning all:)
    Didn't do good on the water until twords the end of the week, but I am hooked back on it now!:)
    was 225 last week and now am at 224 so just a pound lost but then again at teh begining of the week i wasn't trying very hard (The hubby requested some fatty food before he left) So I blame him
    Guess what I am in LOVE with in teh mornings now!?!?
    this dish:

    1/2 cup pureed pumpking
    couple tbsp. skim milk or water
    2 tbsp rasins ( or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed)
    1teaspoon peanutbutter (if ya want)
    throw in some flax seed
    1/2 cup (or so) plain oatmeal
    (I throw in coconut and a little brown sugar for the kidos)

    I ate 2/3 cup and am so full with it all! YUM YUM
    i WAS TAKEN FROM THE COOKBOOK "Deceptionaly delicious" but altered to fit my home (Like everything I make) try it you will so not be sorry....besides it is pumpkin season

    i'm an oatmeal eater this sounds great!!! do you know how many calories?

    barb, it seems unrealistic to use abritary #'s, i would think the sit up,running ect would be a better indicator of you "fitness" than the size of your waist! i know you'll make it :drinker: :love: :drinker: :love: :drinker: :love:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yup... I agree... unfortunately the waist measurement is the only body measurement taken.

    At times I wonder ---
    If my life was different, would I be as concerned about my size & weight. Maybe not...
    Or would I be as physically active -- probably not....

    So perhaps in some way, my employment forces me to think & act upon a more healthier lifestyle.

    And, I should accept I really DID lose weight since Aug 7. I'm finding it hard to believe....
    Actually, I kinda did a small celebration ... got a new sexy bra/panty. But I accidently got a smaller size panty... go figure.....

    The curves staff wants me to remeasure in early October. They think I could be in the running for the biggest loser for the month. Maybe...but the top losers have lost much more inches and pounds then I have done. Maybe these past winners are tapering off .. hitting plateus.... or not coming in for measurements.

  • jacque509
    Hey all.
    Sorry for checkin in so late. Been going nonstop since this morning:indifferent: So looks good everyone!!!:drinker: The challege looks good to me, I am in!:smile: my weight when started MFP was 257, last week was 253.8 and this morning I was 252.2. So yeah, got to get out and move. Feeling better today so hope to start working out tomorrow
    check in tomorrow all
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    let me know if you see any errors. as a team we lost 24.7 lbs this week! that is awesome!! for those of us that gave MFP start wt's, 150 lbs has been lost between 6 ppl! wow that's a whole person! keep it up ladies, you can do it!

    barb, that is great for just being here over a month and down 7!!

    jacque ~ proud of ya! you know what to do and you always get results!!

    well, have a great weekend folks. will pop in when i can...helping parents with their basement again..time to put stuff back in its place, plus they are reshingling their garage. will be workin, but fun family time!

    keep up with the healthy eating, exercise water and get busy on the challenges! i will try to add a column for our exercise hours/weekly! nite all :yawn:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barb that is great taht you lost !YAY and It is well deserved to go and buy something cute:bigsmile:
    Evgal- I will find out how many calories for you:)
    Jacque- Congrats on the loss sweets!
    Kelly it looks good I have to go find my starting weight on here and post it for you tomorrow.
    I think I did really good on all the challanges today:bigsmile:
    I washed,dryed,and vaccumed my car which was a sweaty job today:laugh: and I walked for 45 mins while picking up another HUGE SQUASH!!! Im very excited to eat this one in everything!
    Got my fruits in with a juice an AWESOME apple I bought at the farmers market yesterday (If you ever see anyone selling "Discovery" apples get them!! they are great! pink on the outside, and inside) and a plum.
    Drank above 10 glasses of H20 and am now ready for bed!
    Got a long day tomorrow, so i will chat at you in the evening:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smooched:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    good morning peppers, congrats to everyone, keely the chart looks good!

    my start wt is 185, finally got a scale & was hoping it would say 170 something :laugh: :laugh:
    it hard to imagine i'd get so much motivation from people i've never met !!!!!

    yesterday i stacked a cord of fire wood, & the only excercise catagory i could find was raking or gardening.:grumble: :grumble: so not sure how to log it, but on a sweat & sore muscle scale it had to be worth more than gardening :laugh: went to wall mart, walked the store as fast as i could lol, first did the permiter then walked all the horizantal &,verticals, then started shopping ! when i got home my hubbie asked who i ran into, he figured with a trip that long i was either talking to someone or found a really good sale:laugh: :laugh:
    i'm going to the farmers market today, i'll look for those "discovery" apples, sounds yummy.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yesterday I may not have hit the full 64oz of water. It was my day off there was quite a bit on my agenda.

    And at the end of the week, the fridge was low. Didn't make it to the grocery store either.
    Thus, my fruits was 1 fresh and two packaged fruit cups. Hey, it's fruit..........

    Today may not be a grocery shopping day either. This morning I'm doing curves then returning home for some housework. Will be heading to a friends house after lunch.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yesterday I may not have hit the full 64oz of water. It was my day off there was quite a bit on my agenda.

    And at the end of the week, the fridge was low. Didn't make it to the grocery store either.
    Thus, my fruits was 1 fresh and two packaged fruit cups. Hey, it's fruit..........

    Today may not be a grocery shopping day either. This morning I'm doing curves then returning home for some housework. Will be heading to a friends house after lunch.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy saturday ladies!!

    magglett ~ cute, new avatar pic! looks like you're having fun tearin apart the house!

    miss v ~ am liking your busy-ness! i need to clean my cars too. the real dirty time is ahead...when the leaves fall and they get brought in the house/cars by all of us and the dogs! never heard of the Discovery apple, neat/yum! :tongue:

    karen ~ not sure about the wood there one for light wt lifting? do you have HRM? i love mine and it is a pretty good measure of things i don't know for sure. lol, your Walmart details! kind of like the mall walkers! they are on a mission!

    barb ~ i was a lil short on my water and fruit too yesterday. don't like to drink a lot on a bus trip :wink: enjoy lunch w/friend!

    well, here's to a great day SHGP's, make it count, for YOU!! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    Good Morning all!!!:flowerforyou:
    Ok , really busy day today with house work, running kids around and YES!! I am going to the gym:drinker:
    So congrats on everybody who had a lost!! Keep up the good work and have a blessed day!!!