Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week # 2



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Sorry about the last double post. I go impatient w/computer & hit the post reply twice.

    My morning was busy doing some housework, laundry, errands but I did hit Curves.

    Although my afternoon took a big nose dive.

    1. Learned my oldest ran away from my ex's house. My hubby found her walking towards my house. My daughter decided she didn't want to move w/my ex and new girlfriend to another town. Daughter doesn't like girlfriend (soon to be wife 3 then within a few years ex wife #3)

    2. As I was driving back to my house after hearing daughter was w/my hubby my van died -- literally died..... I was stuck on a highway attempting to make a left into my development. Not a good spot to be in. We ended up towing the van w/his truck the 3/4 mile to our house. Nearly hit the neighbor's small dog in the process. Dog ran towards my van.

    Poor hubby, despite his flu, he's out looking for my daughter & then needs to rescue me.
    He determined it's a timing issue w/my van and I need to get it towed to the dealership.

    So, there's more $$ out the door for repairs. In the long run it's cheaper to repair the van vs getting another one. I don't want to have a car payment.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    barb ~ sorry about your day:ohwell: , i hope dd is ok...and you too. :heart: take care :flowerforyou:

    well, today is the first day i did not stick to my new 'clean' eating plan....and i knew it was going to happen, so now, i must just move ahead and get back on track....

    i had my usual pre-brkfst meal, almonds and an orange. went to my folks to help out. our lunch was sloppy jo's, potato chips, macaroni salad, frosted brownies and pumpkin bars. NONE of it healthy. i am sure i over ate....and within an hour my tummy was not happy, and i felt miserable. so, i just hit the water and altho my tummy feels better, i am so bloated. dh tells me we are going to the 'farm', my inlaws, to watch a football garme and we are to take munchies.....popcorn, chips and salsa, nuts ( per their request ). well, i can provide all that, but i am still feeling like my stomach is going to pop. i will stick with water only.

    anyway, hope y'all are doing good.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all!
    Well today was "Childrens day" here so went with the kids and a friend down to a park in a town down the island and walked around playing and seeing the booths and whatnot for over 2 hours:bigsmile:
    Then later when we got back we went to take the dog for a walk for 1 hour:bigsmile: at more of a fast pace:heart:
    Got my H20 in, did really well on food (minus the hotdog:) it weas free and I walked it off already) making 15 bean soup for dinner. Did get 2 fruits in. so I did it all I will tally up the exercises at teh end of the week so we can keep track of that:love:
    Hope taht you all had a great day!
    Kelly-no worries hun! you are loosing a million pounds a week sweets!LOL:laugh:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    barb, WHAT a day, talk about stress!!!!!!! hope dh is ok :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    kelly, whats a HRM ? i'm guessing i don't have !! :laugh: :laugh: don't fret, yesterday is gone, today is a NEW day!!! popcorn is ok. bring a low fat one, i love the kettle corn.yum! or maybe a fruit platter with a low fat yogurt dip?
    i'm waiting for the rain to stop to go to the farmers market, need veggies & FRUIT ! found a dip recipe with fat free cottage chesse i want to try.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning Ladies :

    Sorry I havent been around my puter crashed and i just got it up and running late last night ......
    love the challenges ....i workout 6 days a week .... 47 minutes on stage 2 of SI6 15 minutes of SIL and 3 miles walking with leslie 45 minutes ..... whewwwww lol ...hope everyone is doing good ..... i am not caught up with the reading but I will be .....
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I may not have mentioned Saturday's workout -- 50 minutes total
    30 minutes Curves
    20 minutes treadmill

    This weekend I wasn't eating well nor did I drink the 64 oz water nor did I get in 3 fruits per day.

    Did go out w/friends for dinner. I didn't over eat and had one glass of wine later at their house. My freinds were good to me. However, on the drive home I felt sleepy... A small Mickey' D's new artic orange shake helped me finish the drive home.

    Saturday was challenging today... I'm spending most of the day sitting still. Did go to the grocery store.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon green peppers!

    today is going great so far! fruits in and water over 1/2 done! dh and youngest son @ inlaws...i stayed home to cook them a late lunch, put out my fall decor, do laundry and clean my bedroom closet. nice day outside, so will mow too.

    Miss V ~ sounds like you had a busy and fun day yesterday! i plan on tallying my minutes by weeks end too! keep it movin hun!

    karen ~ HRM is a heart rate records your calories burned no matter what activity you are doing...even at rest. i have a chest strap with mine, and have had it since March. i use it every time i exercise...since your calories burned changes when your wt does. it is a little more accurate than MFP, but not too far off. they are little pricey, bout $100. mine is a Polar F6. thanks for the food idea tips..... i ended up taking tortilla chips, salsa, chili con ceso, salted nuts, butter lover's microwave popcorn, and brownies that my mom sent home yesterday. i ate none of it, since none of it is 'clean', cept maybe the salsa. just stuck to my water. this was planned at the last minute, it helped that we also went after suppertime.:wink:. hope you can make it to the market and get some fresh produce!

    megan ~ great, you will be able to add to our challenge! nice workout plan!

    gonna go mow, finish up laundry and then treat myself to some fresh nail polish! can't wait for DH/B& S tonite!! will check in a little later.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hello SHGP!! Spent all day working in the yard yesterday, wore myself out. Today gathering items for garage sale, great time to clean up the clutter!!! Haven't been tracking food too well, but eating healthy, no formal exercise, but for sure burning tons of calories. Weekends are far too short to get everything in.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi my friends ... my goodness, I feel like I've been neglecting everyone and everything. As you can see by the new profile picture ... renovations have taken over all of my spare time. It's a crazy amount of work that I want done. It will be well worth it in the long run ... I wish I was rich ... then I'd hire some young strapping men with names like Sven, Raphael, or Carlos to do the work. I'd be taking way more pictures then I do now if that happened. LOL

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I'll hire some of those men as well....

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Nurse!!!! WOW:blushing: Where can I find those men?
  • jacque509
    Hey all!! wow what a long Sunday its been and only 6:30 pm>>>
    Ok so totaqlly got my water in. Eating ehhh. No fruit, totally out till payday which is the ist. got in 30 min yesterday and today for exercise. Totally sore but not from exercise, was cleaning the house and went sliding across the floor... never fell but pulled all muxcles for trying not to fall. Well I guess that all for now
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all, had a crappy day and got stuck in the urgent care all freggin day with my daughter. Needless to say no exercising got done today.
    I have done really good food wise, but maybe that is because there isn't anything really tempting or good in the house right now:laugh: I have to wait until payday!:)
    out of fruit but downing veggies and eating leftover 15 bean soup for every meal (even thought my kids wont :grumble: ) But whatever I like it and it is super good for ya!
    gonna try to get a small workout in here at home or atleast take a shower tonight:laugh: :laugh:
    See you all tomorrow!:)
    ~:heart: E
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    It's a pretty gloomy dreary rainy Monday here in Niagara Ontario ... I hope it's better where you are ...

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Well, it's Monday morning and I'm waiting the tow truck to take my minivan to the dealer for repairs.
    More money, more money, more money out the door.... should I state I already spendt thousands to repair the MOMMYMOBILE in June. However, it's a 1998, very very close to 200,000 miles and I'm not interested in getting a car payment.

    If the dealership provides me a loaner, I'll be able to take daughter to ortho & take other daughter to her Girl Scout appt. I"ve already canceled my sports massage & body wrap appts. :cry:
    I'm hoping to get to Curves today.

    Hubby's working on a deal to get what I call a HOT MOMMA car. It's a late 80s sports car. I'm really hoping this deal works out. Because the HOT MOMMA car will be my "everyday" car and the minivan only when I need to transport the 3 kids somewhere.
  • jacque509
    Wow its def a Monday, rainy day and broken down cars!! Hang in there people it can only go up from here:smile:
    Well heres to a new day and a fresh start! Hope everyone is ready for this week!!
    Def gonna get in 2 apples today ds brought them home last night, only one color, but hey it 2 more then I thought I get so happy about that!
    Check in later!!:happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Here's to a great week SHGP's! and may we all have losses at the scale Friday! plan your meals and prep ahead snacks so their ready to eat....make time for some exercise ~ anything! get them colorful fruits in, and keep on with the water! the more days you have like this, the more closer you will be towards mastering the healthy lifestyle....the new you, and no looking back! it can be done and I believe in all of you!

    i have Dr appt today to get results of scope. otherwise, will be home doing chores.

    magglett~ dang, those men are sure motivating! :blushing: we have wind here today, and gettin down in the upper 30's the next 2 am's.

    jacque ~ you are doing so good! be careful with them pulled muscles. so easy to do that, i have done it a few times on the bus when opening the door and not even know it til the next day...then it takes weeks to heal :frown:

    Miss V ~ hope your dd is ok. is your 15 bean soup made with 15 diff beans? or does it take 15 min to make? :bigsmile: sounds yummy! i am so amazed at how beans fill you up! the next time i get groceries, i will be buyin me some more beans! i am gettin hooked on my bean/salsa/cheese/tortilla wrap!

    Barb ~ i hear ya on the car issues... we have been pmt free for almost 2 yrs, and we own 3 (98's). mine needs about $400 worth of repairs....seems it never comes at a good time. hope it all works out for you.

    4 days til weigh in gang! make each day count!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: GOOD MORNING PEPPPPPPPPPERS!
    Well It sounds like Barb's monday is off and rolling, I hope that it rolls in the right direction and she gets herslef a Smoking Hot Mammmmma car:laugh: :bigsmile: and that she doesn't have to pay out the ears for the van issues! Ill keep my fingers crossed!:happy:
    :happy: Thanking the lord that the rain is NOT here today! washington state with a rain-less day is great!:laugh:
    Miss Kelly- I buy dry beans mostly unless i know i am gonna be in a hurry, then i get can ones with reduced sodium, but I always rinse. I love to Crock-pot them! my favorite!
    I buy the 15 bean soup (By Hurst's) in a bag and it has 15 types of beans in it! it comes with origional seasoning or CAJON (YUM) seasoning (IF you want to use the seasoining at all, I use half)
    I put in carrots and celery, and SWEET onions, and I willl boil a chicken breats and shread it sometime in to the mixture.
    IT IS amazing and can feed an ARMY I tell you!:laugh: you do have to traditionally soak them of atleast boil for an hour before you make it..... but that is what ya have to do with beans:tongue:
    Hope taht you find it and try it !!:heart:
    Daughter wanted to go to school today, had the fever down and gave her some med before she left... hopefully she does ok. They didn't find anything major with her yesterday Thank the lord above!:happy:
    anyhow gonna get my home workout on with my little one:laugh: This should be fun!
    talk to you all later! and I hope taht everyone's day shapes up to what it should be:laugh:
  • jacque509
    Well so far so good today, on track with water, took a 15 min walk before lunch.
    Kel-Hope u get good results from the doctor today
    V-Talk with my Brother this weekend and him and his wife have both been sick, must be bad in Washington? Hope your daughter gets well soon!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's :heart:
    Sorry I did not log in over the week end, but I did great, I made a huge fruit salad with honeydew, cantaloupe, strawberries and watermelon, so got my 3 colored fruits in all week end and today too. I was drinking plenty of water.
    The best part is I had somebody that did a great walk (no leg cramps)with me for 60 min on Sat. and 40 min on sunday. :bigsmile: I am sooo happy that was the first week end I actually told my family this is what I am doing and did it. I did 2.8 miles in 39 min. today that is the fastest so far with very little leg cramps, I invested in a new pare of sneakers I think that helped. I am eating my 4 kinds of fruit salad with lunch :laugh:

    I see not everyone had a great week end. :flowerforyou: Hope things are better. Today is a new day. :drinker: The chart looks great, my starting weight was 222 when I started MFP.

    Kelly hope the test results come back good.

    It is really busy today at work so I have to get back. Have a great day I will check back in later. :bigsmile: