Smokin Hot Green Peppers!!!

jacque509 Posts: 978
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Happy Friday and weight in day. Ok how about this week challege is every one log thier food all week


  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Friday Hottie Pep's!

    Well, I am happy to report an 8 lb loss. Last Sat I was 189.8, today, 181.8. I HAVE been trying harder, TOM is over and yesterday I donated. Could be a lot of things, but still seems extreme...:ohwell: Hopefully it will stay off, and soon I can get into the '70's, which I was back in May...proof now that I have not been living the lifestyle. I am not done here, and want to get to that healthier wt. I am actually kinda nervous, I have not been below 175 since 1996...this part of the wt loss is where I struggle most. So, I am really going to try hard and beat it this time, no matter how long it takes....I will not give up! I want to do this and I need to!

    Jacque ~ I LOVE the challenge....I just started logging again, and it has helped I think. I am going to try and do the days meals ahead of time, this time around, so I don't have to keep coming and logging...hopefully it will give me more free time, thus just planning is helpful on this journey, and a good habit to keep. I won't be able to do it for next T-W-TH cuz I'll be in LV...hope the buffets offer lots of clean food! :tongue:

    To all of the Peppers here...just a bit of M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N ~~ :flowerforyou:
    Try to remember each and every day WHY you came here....whether it is losing a few pesky pounds or a lot, tired of trying and failing, learning how to eat healthier, whatever the reason....regardless or our methods, we have to remember our goals. we have to plan our life and LIVE our plan! wt loss is no quick fix, what you are creating is LONG TERM...see yourself here in 6 mos, year, 10 yrs, 20 and so a lifestyle you can maintain . coming here, sharing our struggles, successes, and encouraging one another is helpful to all of us. You are all great folks and bring so much to this thread! ok, done.

    ***Does anyone want me to do a chart or just a log in my post, for the wt's? let me know!! ***

    Exercise plan is to stretch and tone, and 30 min brisk walk. Will be doing house chores today and checking in off and on. Good luck at the scale and let's get serious about this!! I know we CAN and WILL do it! :happy:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Wow that great Kel on the 8 lbs:flowerforyou:
    How Ironic after my post yesterday I had a 1 pound lost hahahahahaha:laugh: but I love it!!! If I did 1 pound a week for 52 week I would lose 52 pounds in 1 year which is a lot faster then it took me to put it on. So with that said I would love 1 pound a week !!
    Hey i love the chart idea but I can't seem to get it to work, If u up to the task go for it! that would be great:heart:
    I am so ready to get serious again.

    Just for fun, I heard that all our dreams are a way for us to deal whats going on in our life. So any takers to help me figure out the meaning of this dream?
    I dreamt that I was Tall(only 5'4" in real life) thin and beautiful, and I was in distress, I needed help( not sure what ) but not one person would look at me or help me. Even men that I thought sure would help and I remember thinking what is going on I am pretty what gives?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    jacque ~ congrats on the loss! yup, just keep pluggin away at this! we all know how time flies! and losing wt slower is healthier....i am guessing most of mine was water.

    how do i go about making the chart? just direct it something i do from here, or another site?

    re your dream jacque.... i had to read this over a few times and these are my thoughts and by no means anything to act upon.......i am no psychologist...

    dreamt that I was Tall(only 5'4" in real life) thin and beautiful, ** have you always wanted to be taller, thinner and beautiful? ** i know there are many things about myself that i wish i could change but some things just can't I tell myself, this is who i am and i need to love and respect myself; you ARE learning to change yourself and become thinner**

    and I was in distress, I needed help( not sure what ) ** it is possible you are stressed right now, you have had a lot happen with the recent death in your family; maybe in a 'funk' with your life right now, whether it is personal (wt loss) or relationship, anything? sometimes, we just need to keep asking ourselves WHY, until you finally figure it out **

    but not one person would look at me or help me. Even men that I thought sure would help ** maybe YOU ARE reaching out for help, and if it is wt loss, we are all here for you, and keep researching this site; sometimes we can only help ourselves; i don't know what all you are going to do about this, but when i get down, and feel hopeless, i have to make an appt to see my therapist. she has a way of making sense of everything i feel and think! **

    and I remember thinking what is going on I am pretty what gives? ** i think you are searching for answers and you don't know what for yet...i would either let this go, OR keep on it and try to figure it out if it doesn't stress you too much....sometimes we just never know the answer. i am working on being a 'happier' person, only b/c i want balance in my entire life ( job, social life, health, etc) if one over rides the other, than i feel out of control.** and YES, you are pretty Jacque!!

    also, tell yourself, everything is going to be ok. try to stay positive. stay active with your family and friends.....if your mind is racing, take a walk and get some fresh air ( well, hot air in TX) you WILL find peace, and well, another take on this, maybe your dream meant nothing too! i know i have some 'way out there' dreams, some scary and some i'd like to have every nite! :blushing: take care dear friend *hugs* :heart:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Kelly! 8 lbs!!! That is great. You are motivation itself!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Well my hot friends, I am up at least four lbs and that is offically another four from what my ticker says, I must've found what Kellya lost!!! ugh..............I'm hoping it's combo between TOM this week, stress and post vacation weight..................:noway: We'll see, wanted to be honest here although I'm not being honest on my ticker, I'm afraid if I change it I will give in and thus give up. So, I'm just gonna consider it a set back and keep plugging!

    Congrats to those of you losers!! lol that looks funny in writing!:flowerforyou:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    I was thinking that smokin hot green peppers is great. Eating spicy stuff is suppose to help weight loss as well!

    I had my 3rd hypno-therapy today and learned that I have self-hypnotized myself in the past to hate exercise. How about that:noway: ? Today being my third time, I have to share that being hypnotized is weird. It takes effort to stay relaxed, focused, and at the place you are supposed to be. Anyway, she sent me home with a visualization for me to listen to, on parts of exercise I love, all the benefits it provides; so I can use those thoughts to replace my hating exercise thoughts, :happy: ha!

    This next week will tell how this works as I intend on listening to the tape each morning and exercising after listening to.

    I lost .2 of a lb this week. So maybe I could even lose a pound next; actually, I'll take anything:tongue:

    Christie, I hate the TOM - I'm with you. Always up that week. It will be better for you next.

    Jacque-I've had similar dreams. I think you are single mom too, right? Anyway, I always chalk those up to having too much going on and feeling like I can't ask for help. Try asking for some help on stuff in real life or just talking about it with someone, sometimes that' works for me. I agree with Kelly, your dreams can reflect what you are working in real life. I especially pay attention to the ones that bother me a lot-there can be good information in there.

    Congrats too the the losers this week!

  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey guys. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I am starting back today counting everything I eat. Took a couple of months off.........back at it. Got to fit in my Bridesmaid dress Sept. 26th! So wish me luck!!

    127.8 pds this morning.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Mornin all! Well I was back down the four lbs I was *****in about yesterday, perhaps it was TOM and Wendy's doing their thing. Anyway, wanted to check in and girls, I think we're about to have a big says 88 degrees on my computer so I guess that's a reprive of sorts (being inside - who knows since my trip haven't ventured out - :laugh: )

    hope all are well, me and bf have made a pact to get our butts to the gym!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all Wow I haven't slept in for a long time. It was awsome. Well did good yesterday food wise, need to get more active, walked more yesterday too. Christi glad to see the 4 lbs go. Bunker down tight for the storm.
    Lyn glad to see ya, back !! you will get there!
    Sally sounds kinda cool keep us posted I am dying to hear how this works for u
    Well I will check in later peppers!!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Thanks Jac - we're down to 76 degrees, suppose the storm is coming and if not - like the reprive still! But being that it is only 1 pm, guess it's!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi smokin peppers!

    really tired today after storms here last nite. we rec'd 2.5 inches of rain in about 30 minutes. lost power for almost 7 hrs. we have a leaky basement, a sump that runs regularly and our battery back up could not keep up. it was running like every 4-5 minutes. so, after last years floods, dh bought a generator, so we had that hooked up and had power in our basement, kitchen and garage. lots of flash flooding. ihave lived here 19 yrs and never seen 1/2 of my yard under water and water going over the was amazing! could not sleep, so i was up around 6ish baking cookies for the guys. then went to town w/my mom and had nails done and ate lunch. i feel like a baby with a full tummy and nap time...:yawn:

    christi ~ hope all is ok there, take cover if you have to. have fun workin out w/the bf, i'm jealous!

    jacque ~ how ya doin? been thinkin bout ya. hopin i get to sleep in 2morrow!

    lynette ~ hi there! so nice to have you back! :smile:

    sally ~ thanks for sharing all the info...very interesting. a loss is a loss! congrats!! i have heard that about spicy foods too.

    well, have a great weekend SHGP!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had lunch with mom, spent all day hanging with the parents, actually had a good time. :smile: Well just got back from the store and got to cook dinner for my son. Still to full from lunch. Didn't make it to the gym but all that walking with mom then store had to be a plus. check in with u later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Mornin peppers! How is it Sun already? Also can't believe July is about gone!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    wow today went by so fast. Been going since i got up for Sunday school. Hope everyone had a good day. Did not do to bad my self and very happy with today results. hope to keep it up the rest of the week.. Remember to log this week
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Good morning SHGP!
    Well, we went to the lake this weekend and went camping with my sis and her hubby and 2 kids. Had so much fun!:drinker: :bigsmile: But I did not eat great....(lots of smores) and didnt do much better with dinner and lunch choices....I mean it wasnt HORRIBLE....but not the greatest. NO loss or Gain for this week. I will say I had trouble staying in my bathing suit top (i wear the tankinis) and so my sister had me wear one of her tops (she wears the lil 2 pieces) just so I could get out and swim too. I cant say that I didnt feel uncomfortable...b/c I havent worn a 2 piece in YEARS and though I could stand to lose still some more and tone up my hubby LOVED IT and I too a bit. It was different and nice to not have the clothes cling to my stomach. :bigsmile:
    I might try and get up some courage to post a pic I had taken of me.....I will see. :blushing:
    Hope everyones weekend went great.
    Jacque I love the challenge. I too have a horrible time remembing to post my foods. It would help so much if I did. It helped when I did it in the beginning.
    Kelly-CONGRATS on the weight loss. That is soooo awesome! :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy:
    Well, I have to get back to doing some work.....I will check in later on today.
    Have a wonderful morning my smokin hot green peppers!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI Everyone!!

    well, just doing some last minute chores before i get ready for LV. we leave IA around 9:30pm. i am getting EXCITED!! and i know it is going to go so fast!

    jacque ~ thanks for the reminder...i didn't have a very good weekend food wise, so far good today, and hope to make good choices in LV. sounds like you had a nice time w/your parents and are doing really good! happy for ya!

    christi ~ i know, July has gone so fast for me. school starts in 23 days...back to the big 'ol taxi!

    kitn ~ glad you had a good time with sis and family, mmm love the s'mores! :tongue: that is just great feelin comfy in the 2 piece....i have only worn one when i was sun bathing...and much, MUCH thinner. i have a hard enuf time feeling confident in a 1 piece or tankini. :embarassed:

    well, not sure if i will be checking in again b4 i have a great week smokin peppers!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning all!!!
    Wow did not do to bad this weekend, usally have a gain but did not so very happy. Gonna be faithfull to log all week. Are u? hahaha
    Kit-sounds like u had fun
    Kell-Have a ball, a much needed vacation!!!
    Chris- I know I can't beleive it, still havent made it to the beach this summer! sooo not like me.
    Well check on ya all later
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: morning all! sorry taht I have been MIA..... but a weekend of HOTDOGS got to me (YUCK I KNOW) long story short big party at a friends= lots of leftovers taht we come back to eat:(
    But hey all in all its ok!
    Im starting over.
    Been having 5 kids at the house puts a toll on me espically when one is a baby. for like 9:30 am - 8pm or later......;( Tired , and not able to go far for walks or anything. but always outside lately which is good.
    My little girl walked into a bee's hive thingy saturday...and oh my, you never think that thing will happen off the movies, but it does! its scary and sad. She got stung seven times and one was rigth next to her been doctoring her all weekend as well.
    Im not able to get on here as often as before but I will make it a point to do it after the kidos are gona at night.
    didn't weight myself because I know the answer to that scale:( but I will this friday as I am back on my game.
    love you all for all the help and friendship:)
    and sticking by this Looser( But not in a good way looser;( haaa haaa
    hope I can drop these pounds but TOM is comming with vengance i feel it already!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    I saw a girl my size at teh beach yesterday in a stringy 2 I could totally do that, but I want to mean it when I step out for looks you know!:bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Lunch good choices, did a short walk before lunch plan to do another in a while. Keep logging people
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