stfriend Member


  • I'm American. My ancestors were mostly German with a little Italian, Scots-Irish, and Blackfoot (might be Blackfeet, I know there is a difference but I don't know which I am).
  • Make sure you're eating the right kind of calories. Protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits and veggies help keep you satisfied. Drink plenty of water and if you're still hungry - eat! Seriously. Your body doesn't know anything about your weight loss goals. It just wants fed. You can eat healthy still.
    in Hungry Comment by stfriend August 2012
  • Personally I try not to be derogatory in any way. I have to ask for race for my job and most black people answer black. I'm trying to teach my girls to refer to someone by name when possible but to be respectful when you must use race. I don't think the "N" word is acceptable any more than the "B" word is. My girlfriends…
  • I've done stage 1 and am now doing a modified stage 2 (sort of NR mixed w/Strong lifts). I agree with the idea of eating more and have been doing so for about a month and a half. I used this calculator, though, There is also a group especially for Eating More 2 Lose and alot…
  • Honestly it sounds like he was tired and in pain. It probably had nothing to do with you at all. I would simply wait until he's feeling better and try again.
  • Sounds like a good plan to me. Sometimes you just have to put exercise on the backburner. Maybe you could find ways to fit it in, though. Parking further away when possible, maybe trying to bring in as many grocery bags as possible at a time. It might not be much but at least it would keep you thinking about exercise.
  • Could you take a yoga class a few days a week? Then you don't have to worry about kids or messes.
  • Maybe you could tell her how wonderful it all is but you're so stuffed, could you take some home to enjoy later? That might work. And its not just Italians, my family is of German ancestery. Bread and sausage anyone? Cause I won't eat the cabbage, lol.
  • Maybe build some muscle if you feel you must, but otherwise maintain because you look great. And I didn't notice your room being untidy. But then most of mine are, lol.
  • I don't plan for it, and didn't know it had a word, lol. But I guess I "deload" every so often, just by listening to my body. If my body is tired but I still want to get in a workout, like today, I do lighter weights (or cardio, depending on the day). I don't necessarily go for a week, but I feel its better to use lighter…
  • I think it can. It didn't work for me, though, because I didn't eat alot of fat. Carbs have always been my problem.
  • Eggs, chicken tenders
  • VS is right up there with Cosmo and Glamour and the like (imo, of course). They tell you they want you to feel good about yourself, but they don't. They want you to hate yourself so you'll buy whatever they're pushing. If they really wanted you to love yourself they'd make bras for more than one body type.
  • Check your diet for things like dairy (might have an intolerance) or anything seriously acidic. Also, just plain gassy foods like beans and such might be a contributing factor.
  • Thanks for posting and great job! I could show you some squish if I were brave enough to post pics, lol. Someday I will, but not until I have a decent after pic.
  • You're still growing! If you do have a little extra BF perhaps you're getting ready to get a little taller? That seems to happen to my kids (who are girls, and 12, so YMMV). Just keep doing what you're doing for now. If it truly bothers you, talk to a nutritionist about it. Maybe you can cut a little junk out of your diet,…
  • Yeah, I'm thinking they're talking about cow's milk, which gives me horrible stomach, er, issues. I'm not sure if soy does the same, but I'll stick with it anyway.
  • Measurements: I did my "official" measurements (because I can't keep away from the tape, lol) this morning. My weight is the same but I'm down an inch around my waist, 1.5 inches around the bra band area, and an inch around the chest (above cleavage). However, and this is odd, I've not lost any inches in the arms and I've…
  • Thats awesome!
  • Tomorrow I'm supposed to start Stage 2. I will, but with some modifications. I'm thinking of combining NR with Stronglifts.
  • Great job, jiggle! My NSVs are as follows, got a call back for a job interview (same company, different dept, I THINK slight pay raise). Started thinking if I have clothes to wear for interview (I do, just need shoes) and was looking through some clothes that I had kept even though they didn't fit me. 2 sweaters that were…
  • Good for you for taking control of the situation! Good luck to you!
  • Leave, or kick his azz out. I'm thinking he has always acted this way to an extent and I do NOT put up with that. If it is a new thing I would nip in the bud pronto. I also would not allow my children to be constantly in the presence of someone who treats me that way. If he is doing this in front of the kids he is showing…
  • Why? Not being sarcastic, I'm serious. Whats the difference for those of us still new to this?
  • Because calling someone "intellectually disadvantaged" isn't offensive at all. We could just tell them "Hey, stupid, you're doing it all wrong!" Does that work better? Thats kinda what it sounds like you're saying. Or maybe we can just ignore the ones who aren't getting it and move on to the ones that do, thats my usual…
  • Hmmm...I could add in taking the food scrap bucket to the garden. It involves an incline on the way back so definitely exercise! Except its gross so I usually make my kids do it. :tongue:
  • I would take the new job, get up a little earlier to workout, and have a good study plan in place. I work full time, have 2 kids, go to school half time and still manage to get a workout in most days. It can be done. Good luck! ETA Another option would be to maybe keep your current job but volunteer at a local animal…
  • Not around the block, just through the house and under a couple beds. :laugh:
  • OMG! We have a Newfie that comes to visit every so often. Our dogs aren't that big so its a little shocking to open the door and see something the size of a small horse looking at you. I've often said I'm glad I don't have to bathe him, lol.