

  • I have not been consistent with it but I am still going along. I'm not losing much because every time I lose something, my screw up adds it back on and then I take it off and then it comes back on. That is where I am at. I frustrate myself. I just found a new facebook group called "Happy Shredders" and they also have a…
  • I'm really struggling this week. I am just so hungry and want real food. I'm sick of soup and shakes and I find it so difficult because I am having to cook for my family and not have what I am making. I took the kids out for lunch on their half day and I had eggs and toast instead of a shake. I feel guilty about it. And…
  • I remember week 3 from January. I had a tough time but ended up being successful! I wish the same for this week too! I found that what got me through it was the delicious chicken soup recipe in the back of the book. And also what helped me was to choose the most filling type of snack at snack time since I was eating mostly…
  • Good for you Taylor! I love your attitude! You are keeping me on this, this time around! I am struggling this round and your encouragement means a lot!
  • I started working out this week and feel great about that. I had another slip up last night so of course I was extremely emotional this morning about it! But I am doing well today. I sometimes, don't get all of the snacks in. Have you tried naked juice smoothies? They are pretty good!
  • WOW!!! Everyone is doing amazing! I'm so glad we can continue to motivate each other! I love sharing the journey with you! Yay!!!
  • Taylor-I'm glad things are going well for you this week. I only screwed up a bit of day one and feel really proud that I stayed with it the rest of the week. I even went to dinner with the family and had a salad with chicken. I am happy I got the momentum going and I am hoping to be adding in some workouts next week too. I…
  • jenvrjam-Glad you became a shredder. I hope you are continuing to have a great week.
  • Thought I would bump this to the top so you can read some suggestions from the past. It's funny to look to myself from January to help me do this again. I have to be my own cheerleader. :smile:
  • Day one is done but I screwed up at the end of the day. I beat myself up and then made a promise to not let it stop me from continuing on. Tomorrow is a new day and a second chance to get it right. I'm glad I can vent about it here.
  • Different veggies have different serving sizes. I usually look at the back of the bag of frozen veggies. Whatever it says is the servicing size. When I eat lettuce I use one cup for a serving. But If you scroll through some past topics, I think someone asked the same question and got a better answer. :smile: Some nights I…
  • I had a tough time this past week. Tonight I am officially done with week 5. I did not do a good job with the flax seed. I don't care for it so I didn't always use it. I wasn't consistent with the lemon water. I couldn't find the right hibiscus tea in the supermarket and had to get one called red zinger since it was made…
  • week 3 was rough on me. I felt very fatigued and didn't feel like myself. I felt like I dealt with side effects of detoxing. Everyone is different. Some felt great! good luck with it! It's a great feeling to say that you got through it!
    in week 3 Comment by michele73 January 2013
  • It depends! for me I was going crazing on day 6. I had had enough by then. Day seven is hopeful because you know it's over by night time. Ha! I tried to make my vegetable that i had with my soup in creative way so that it would be more exciting. One day sauteed brocoli using olive oil spray and lots of garlic and pepper.
  • Thank you!!!!:love:
  • Really? I must have missed that! I wish I would have realized!
  • Look up "Lentil soup by marie" on allrecipes.com. There is a recipe in the book but I used the recipe that I have been making for a long time.
  • Good job everyone! We should be very proud of ourselves!
  • That was so a rough night. My kids were eating pizza and I was eating beans. Ha! Well, I ended up making black beans with Spanish seasoning in a pan and then putting it over a cup of lettuce. The cup of beans is filling and I couldn't add in the shake. I was not a happy camper but I made it through. I do see that I will…
  • I am on week 4 day 3. So much better than week 3, right??
  • I eat a banana several times a week and it has not been a problem. Sometimes, I only use half in my chocolate protein shake. I also have lots of trouble drinking my water. I have been so cold this winter and I have been having a lot of hot tea without milk. and it still has me in the bathroom all day.
  • I am so upset I can't find my tape measure. I would be staying so encouraged if I measured myself. I also keep forgetting to just buy a new one while I am out. Now I don't know what the numbers are from day one. Oh well! My pants are my guide.
  • I lost 2 pds the first week and 3 pounds the second week.
  • That chicken soup got me through week 3. It is so good and I didn't even add the noodles. Can't wait to make it again, but this week I chose to make lentil soup to switch it up.
  • Thank you for realizing that I actually got through week 3 during a PMS week when I want chocolate and pizza. I didn't even realize it until a few days ago and then thought to myself " holy cow! How did I do that!" LOL! Never mind your typical dieting to begin with but a detox week??? I feel like now I can do anything! And…
    in Week 3 Comment by michele73 January 2013
  • I just wanted to add that the 17 pounds I lost did not come from shred alone. I lost weight on my own first.
  • I have not been having the bread in the moring even though it's an option to add it in. I just thought the less carbs the better. That could explain why I am sometimes extra hungry. I used the bread twice in the morning when it was a grilled cheese option. And of course when it's a turkey sandwich day. My favorite! I miss…
  • Thank God it's over! I was reaching my wits end by Sunday. It felt great to get some actual real food in this week. It figures that It has been "That time of Month" since monday which was my weigh in day and i'm bloated and need to wait a bit more to see the outcome. I can't wait!
    in Week 3 Comment by michele73 January 2013
  • Nothing has ever made me drop weight so fast. I really like the diet! Just having trouble with the end of week 3. If you have any specific questions, let me know. Number one advice is be prepared in advance. Preparation is key. Having everything you need at all times. Make it fun! Don't keep having the same shakes and…
  • Thank you Cristieg for your encouragement! Week three of this is the most difficult thing I have ever followed in my life.