marielenrdz Member


  • Okay, so I searched these supplements and this thread popped up. Of course, I read it. I am 43 years old and having a hell of a time getting back on track. I lost 60 lbs all on my lonesome with diet and exercise many years ago, but have never reached goal weight and gained 20 lbs back. So.....I need help. Why is that such…
  • So glad you posted this! I'm with you on this one. Numbers are depressing me right now because I'm stuck in a rut right now! I'm on break too for now, just maintaining even though I'd love to see a smaller number in the future! Thanks again for posting this!!! :)
  • I hate my height and I hate BMI recomendations! I was actually thinking of maintaining for awhile @ 5'2", 143lbs, sz 8. I've lost just under 50lbs and so many people tell me to quit now because I'm looking tired and sick in the face. The numbers are killing me, though because I know they don't jive. And I know what I look…
  • How funny! Everyone (who's pics I can clearly see) does resemble the stars mentioned. I'm one of a kind and have never been compared to anyone...well, in my twenties, someone asked if I was some character on the Young and the Restless, but I don't remember the character or the actress! I think it was my curly hair that was…
  • This is fun! I might be showing my age here, though! I have crushed heavily on the following (no particular order): Enrique Iglesias David Boreanz Bill Goldberg Jason Statham Yummy!!!!
  • LOL!!! LMAO....hoping that I can literally laugh that booty down!! Maybe if I do glute squeezes as I chuckle! Nice post, BTW... :)
  • Wow! Height and Body Type make such a difference!! At my highest weight of 230-235 I believe I wore 22. Now at 140-144 I fit comfortably into size 8 and some stretchy size 6. I'm 5'2" and bottom heavy, but I still have some muffin top too! :(
  • Newfiedan, Thanks for the advice. I'm getting so close to goal, and I see now that is why I'm slowing down in weight loss. And I am training so much harder now. You're clothes are fitting me so much looser too. It just boggles my mind that I still have a muffin top and saddlebags and I just can't imagine them…
  • I SO want to believe this, but I'm at a loss! I had a few cheat days this weekend and managed to lose 3lbs according to the scale monday morning. I weighed and re-weighed to make sure the number was right, and four times in a row it was! So, I thought, there IS something to the whole feed your body theory. BUT! Stepping up…
  • I'm actually going to have to defend this dieter! I dont think the response to the critique was all that bad...just further explanation of why he eats the way he does. I have a very fit friend who never touches a single vegetable, can't stand them. So, it's very possible to hate vegetables all together. Now his second…
  • This is a tough one, because sizes vary depending on the design and material. I've recently started wear size 8. Someone told me today that I'm swimming in my size 10 dress slacks. For the hell of it, I bought size 6 (stretch) denim capris and they fit loose!! So, I'm thinking "stretch" makes the size more like a higher…
  • Hmmm.....I dont think I'd ever actually deactivate my account. I might go MIA for a bit, but it's good to keep my account active. I will ALWAYS need the support of this community, even after I meet my goal! But, I wish her the best in her journey!
  • There are definetely men out there who just find that something special or spark about a woman that has nothing to do with her size. I took my sis in law for a ladies night drink. She weighs over 240lbs and about 5'2". Had her hair done up all pretty, make up and jewelry and nice clothes. The cutest dude in the club (and…
  • Loving this thread!! Brings back awesome memories!! I remember living in the country and being gone all day, just exploring woods and fields and desolate county roads! We got spanked with anything available....the favorite weapon of choice: the dreaded "chankla"....or Mom would whip it off her foot and and…
  • I worked out on the 30 day shred for about 3 weeks, alternating the workouts. I never stayed with one level for a week, and then switch. Each day, I alternated levels. The scale didn't move much, but the amazing thing is that clothes that didn't fit me, suddenly fit very well. I went down a size even though the scale…
  • Oh wow, I thought I was the only who felt this way. When I lose a pound or two, I log it, but weigh myself daily to make sure it sticks. I just don't trust the small losses because our weight fluctuates so much! So, yeah, I'm with you on that one....especially when it's a milestone. I don't celebrate moving into a new set…
  • Wow!! I like this. Time to own up to our addictions and do something about it, eh? Not everyone is ready for the truth, however, and it may not sit well with them. But I'm a carb addict, for sure and admit it openly. And I'm finally doing something about it. At my highest, I was 235lbs, so believe me, I get it! So glad I'm…
  • I gotcha! I'm having the same problems! I lose weight in my head!! I have a shrunken head while my belly and saddlebags refuse to budge!! My boobies have shriveled up too! :(
  • I totally agree with this post! This seems to work well for me. The average is what counts, and I can allow for some "cheat" days without actually cheating. And when I hit a wall and stop losing. I maintain for a week and then get back into the game.
  • SO glad you posted those pics!!! It's great to really SEE the difference and to know that this belly might actually budge afterall!! Thanks so much for the motivation. I had to take a week break due to an injury caused by my floating rib,,,blah..but I started up again and want it more now than ever!! Congratulations on…
  • I get what you're going through! Good for you and your newly found freedom! I've hit huge brick walls in my weight loss journey too. At that point, I usually step back and take a break too. In the process, I might gain a few pounds, but then I get back into the game and push past the brick walls and lose more weight. It's…
  • I was laughing through this whole topic! I think it was meant for a laugh and to be light hearted. I definetely got a kick out of it!! :))
    in SEX! Comment by marielenrdz March 2011
  • Ditto what everyone else has posted! I've gone over 1,000 calories occasionally, too. As long as it doesn't become a daily occurence, which can happen if we become guilt ridden and say "screw it!!" and binge day after day! I've done that, too! You'll be okay, just remember that each new morning brings us a new opportunity…
  • Just wanted to chime in! I started this workout earlier this month and have noticed some definition in my abs and some tightening all over. I would alternate levels instead of sticking to one level at a time. It really kicked my butt each time!! I would go advanced for as much as I could but used the modified version on…
  • LOL...Alliebob..thanks for the encouragement. And I agree that those saddlebags are pure evil...and have you noticed? They're always the last to go! Those suckers hang onto our thighs for dear life, don't they?!
  • I know exactly how you feel. I have excess stomach flab that I'm trying to whittle off. I've had four pregnancies and got HUGE with each one...not because of diet, but because my uterus expands so much! Seriously, my OBGYN holds up my placenta in amazement after each delivery!! As a result, my stomach is FAR from flat! My…
  • So glad to have found this post!!! I hated giving up my occasional nights out. I'm wary of wine and spirits, though because I'm not sure how I'll tolerate them. I HATE next day hangovers!! I think I'll have to experiment a bit. I usually stick to michelob ultra. But If I could get virtually zero carbs and fewer calories…
  • I've been curious about the benefits of walking, too (natural walking, not the dvd walking <sorry, I agree that her voice annoys me too!>). It's a little frustrating to see how little calories it seems to burn when I log it, yet I've read over and over again about the benefits and success of walking. Everyone's responses…
  • I know how you feel! I lost my natural rythym when I started dieting, too. I rely on Fiber One bars (at least two a day), Metamucil (at least twice a day) and lots of water with lemon juice. I also started taking Phillip's Colon Health once a day (a probiotic) to help get things on some level of normalcy. For the…
  • I hear ya! I get the same lack of support from family and friends. I like to post about my diet woes on FaceBook and my sister is always commenting negatively..."You're obsessed. We're tired of hearing about your calories and exercises!" " Someone needs to get a life and stop dieting!" "Intervention, please....she's out of…