

  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 104 Member
    Are you eating enough calories? If you're exercising might need to eat a bit more....def. not under 1200 calories. Also...Try to kick your body into intervals on the bike or treadmill, elliptical or arc trainer...go really fast for 20 seconds, then slow it down to normal for 2 minutes, then keep doing that. That'll have your body burning calories for around 2hrs after. Also, maybe look into doing more weights, if you're not already. It's a great fat burner. My kickboxing instructor suggested I try her hour class to really burn some fat. Hope this helps..don't give up :)
  • mariemichael
    I have had some very similar issues...low weight loss. It is frustrating, but I am pressing on. I am 42, and I figure, that accounts for some of it. I don't consistently drink enough water...etc. I read through all your posts on this string and am wondering, how are you doing today? it has been months since your last post. Are you still on the site and has anything changed for you since October?

    Take care!

  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Yes much has happened, car acceident end of November left me with fractured rib and whiplash. Eventually led to back surgery in february 2011 for herniated disc. I no longer have to log my food intake!! yipee!! My exercise has come til standstill til i fully recover.:grumble:

    Weight loss still slow, 16th of this month was my 1 year anniversary. 24lbs lost. But it is great not obsessing about weight loss. Not allowing the scale to regulate my feeling of accomplisment is nice!!:bigsmile:
  • mariemichael
    WOW! accident AND surgery and you have lost weight and/or not put a bunch on. GOOD FOR YOU! Thanks for the update too.
  • LittleMissVintage
    That's how I felt all of febuary and I lost 0 pounds so I decided to take a break and come back. I started again a week after I decided to take z break and have been losing since so maybe it's a good idea to take a break no use trying to loose if it's way to stressful, then you might end up aquainting ecersize and dieting with negative feelings. Take some time, cool off, and be happy.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I am totally frustrated as well. Micromanaging is not getting me anywhere. I did read a great book that might help you though. It's called Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth. Don't let the God part scare you off - it's not a "religious" book per se, just helps you to tune in to your own body. Good Luck! Can you post again in a few weeks so we can see how you are doing?
    and rene's post... I do what works for me... and I notice it changes over time.... if I plateau... then I change things up.... change is the only constant..... it is hard work... and I have taken this task initially on as another job.... but hope it will become a way of life for me... not that I wont eat but I want to be healthy... that is the biggest thing... getting healthy!
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    This thread was a great read, lots of informative information. I hope you find a solution. I know for me I am able to lose consistently by trying to balance my meals eating "clean."

    I also know that I gain weight just as fast as I lose it. The gift and the curse. :brokenheart:
  • susancelli928
    Good mindset, screw the scale as long as you feel good and can see that you look better and your clothes are fitting better than you are doind something right
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    ya its hard to ignore the scale.. it seems like an enemy... ever looming in the back of your mind.. or rather the other room, waiting to make you feel like crap.
    I don't really eat a lot of my exercise calories back.. not cuz i'm trying to deprive myself but just bc i tend not to want to .. i do eat some tho.. i tend to eat a luna bar or drink a special k protien drink after my workouts and that usually suffices me.
    I also cut out on going out to dinner as much as i can ... minus of course special occasions and making my own food. bringing healthy choice frozen meals to work for my lunch break helps to keep me from pigging out on sweets from our cafe and i think they are tasty. lol low in calories too.
    Everyone is different.. you might have to try a few different things to figure out what works for you. i've been trying to lose weight my whole life it seems... and finally for the first time i've found something.. its fun when you realize things you love fit into your calorie goals.. but it always sucks ultimately when you realize you have to avoid the foods you loved that basically make you gain a pound back. lol

    i started my calorie intake low.. and everytime i feel i'm at a standstill with the damn scale i up the intake a little.. sounds weird but its been working lol
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    I get what you're going through! Good for you and your newly found freedom! I've hit huge brick walls in my weight loss journey too. At that point, I usually step back and take a break too. In the process, I might gain a few pounds, but then I get back into the game and push past the brick walls and lose more weight. It's a kinda two steps forward, one step back situation, at times...but it works for me! ;)