Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) and Garcinia Cambogia



  • Just read about Garcinia Cambogia in a magazine and wondered what everyone thought. If it's a natural herb, what could it hurt? Other than wasting some money if it doesn't work.

    Agreed. Nothing wrong with it.. as long as you realize that diet and exercise are the way to go and that supplements are just that, supplements, you are good to go. :smile:

    Some people want to spend money, some don't.. I use supplements for overall health, ain't nothing wrong with that.

    One of only a few helpful' posts on this thread from someone who is obviously open-minded. I appreciate the tone of your response as someone ( meaning ME) who HAS decided to try a supplement out as part of her new weight-loss regime.

    Hey, if it don't work, it don't work. Hearing about green coffee bean extract has encouraged me to approach losing weight for the first time in a very long time and joining MPF is a plus as it makes me look at what I'm eating and commit to an exercise regime as well. combing the two approaches - it's nice to feel that I'm not a pariah on MPF forums (well...I probably still am to most, buy hey...) Thanks for your post.
  • I started the Garcinia Cambogia a week ago and haven't lost a thing and I've also done a couple of long walks along with shorter ones...... nothing.
    I didn't expect to see much after just a week, but claims I have read around the net say they lost big weight straight away. Either the statements are all fakes or like with everything - some it works for, some it doesn't. Unfortunately I'm one it doesn't work for.

    The only thing I have noticed with them is - I'm sleeping very soundly through the night and waking completely rested. Whereas before taking them I had restless nights which resulted in being very tired the next morning.
    I am tempted to stay on them as I love getting a good nights sleep - it's well worth it!

    And they have suppressed my appetite some.

    But again - NO WEIGHT LOSS!

    Should also note, I have been on a diet (with breakfast and dinner shakes) well before taking these.
  • I think you were very brave to do this test and post about it and I, for one, am VERY curious to hear what your results were!

    I only wish more people would do this and post about it: To hell with all the negative people who feel superior about themselves.


  • nt300
    nt300 Posts: 3
    The best diet is raw food. Anybody looking to lose rapid weight in the least amount of time, just eat raw food. Plain and Simple, though you will have to be greatly disciplined to stick to something quite difficult.
    You will have to re-train your body and mind to perform such a task. By performing a raw good diet, it should take the average person approx.: 3 to 6 weeks to stop hunger cravings. After this difficult time period, you should no longer feel hungry after eating.

    That said, if you cannot perform a raw good diet, then try to stick to vegetables and organic meats/poultry. Stay away from GMO and MSG garbage. They make you addicted to over-eating by way of tricking your system in thinking that you are still hungry where in fact you are not. It greatly delays your system from registering food you eat and so you continue to eat until you feel somewhat satisfied. But by then it's too late and you've consumed too many calories from GMO/MSG infested foods.

    Another issue with GMO/MSG, in my opinion, and according to my research, is the type of fat your body produces by these bad substances. This fat is "extremely" difficult for your body to burn/break down, thus you continue building genetically modified fat cells.

    By the way Green Coffee Bean by Genesis, I've been taking it for 4 weeks now (3 Bottles of 60 pills) 2 pills before every meal, and I went from a 4 pack to a 6 pack, and coming close to an 8 pack of abs. Though I've been also eating healthy and working out too. I have to admit, it does help in my situation.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    The best diet is raw food. Anybody looking to lose rapid weight in the least amount of time, just eat raw food. Plain and Simple, though you will have to be greatly disciplined to stick to something quite difficult.
    You will have to re-train your body and mind to perform such a task. By performing a raw good diet, it should take the average person approx.: 3 to 6 weeks to stop hunger cravings. After this difficult time period, you should no longer feel hungry after eating.

    That said, if you cannot perform a raw good diet, then try to stick to vegetables and organic meats/poultry. Stay away from GMO and MSG garbage. They make you addicted to over-eating by way of tricking your system in thinking that you are still hungry where in fact you are not. It greatly delays your system from registering food you eat and so you continue to eat until you feel somewhat satisfied. But by then it's too late and you've consumed too many calories from GMO/MSG infested foods.

    Another issue with GMO/MSG, in my opinion, and according to my research, is the type of fat your body produces by these bad substances. This fat is "extremely" difficult for your body to burn/break down, thus you continue building genetically modified fat cells.

    By the way Green Coffee Bean by Genesis, I've been taking it for 4 weeks now (3 Bottles of 60 pills) 2 pills before every meal, and I went from a 4 pack to a 6 pack, and coming close to an 8 pack of abs. Though I've been also eating healthy and working out too. I have to admit, it does help in my situation.
    Lol, yep MSG/GMO products are making Asians fat.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I just wanted to respond to the MSG comment. It is near impossible to get through life without eating something containing glutamate. Glutamate is in human breast MILK!

  • Janrr
    Janrr Posts: 12
    I was interested in trying GCBE, & investigated it on line. The medical reports panned as one of the many diet scams. Others quoted Dr Oz, & praised it to the skies. I asked my GP, He said others had asked too so he checked a few sources. He couldn't locate scientific studies proving that it would not damage the human body. He said he could locate along-range study on GCBE's aftereffects. & advised do it at your own risk, but I wouldn't recommend it. My goal is to eat healthy, exercise and lose my extra weight in that way.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Comic relief.......ty for the laugh.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Real hoodia is under patent protection by Pfizer (my friend is working with it, so this is not some internet rumor). Anything that's on the market claiming to be hoodia isn't. Hate to burst your bubble.
  • Ive been taking them for about 3 or 4 weeks and see no results at all. Totally bummed since it seems to have worked for so many others... Maybe things will change for me soon and Ill start losing it ! Here's to wishful thinking !
  • taramoullet
    taramoullet Posts: 15 Member
    I am on day 4 of garcinia cambogia and I do eat healthy and exercise but I havent changed the habits a bit and so far I lost .7 pounds and an inch off my waist. My goal is inches not pounds I recommend it. Also my sister has taken it a co6ple weeks and lost 8 pounds with not changing her habits either. I ordered green coffee yesterday to add to it. Some things help others while some dont and its not a miracle pill but it can help and I noticed my mood is much happier that alone makes it worth it to me. :wink:
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    Okay, so I searched these supplements and this thread popped up. Of course, I read it. I am 43 years old and having a hell of a time getting back on track. I lost 60 lbs all on my lonesome with diet and exercise many years ago, but have never reached goal weight and gained 20 lbs back. So.....I need help. Why is that such a crime? I logged on just to comment on this thread because it got to me....and reminded me why I stopped being a part of this community.

    Would you berate and belittle a smoker using the patch? Some of us need help. As I get older, my metabolism isn't what it used to be. My willpower is weakened. I KNOW supplements aren't magic pills. They are aids. I take vitamins everyday...ya'll gonna beat me up for that too?

    Seriously, this is my first post in a couple of years...well, I've lost track, but it's been a long time. It is also probably my last. You guys say you are just being helpful, but a lot of ya'll are actually being mean and sarcastic. It's, I don't wanna be coddled. And I'm fine with disagreeing. But there is a way to be supportive and honest without being hurtful. Why hasn't the OP come back on to let us know how things went? She probably did what I did and just logged off, never to return. Can't say I blame her. And I will probably only come back to joyfully read the mean responses to my post. Post again? I highly doubt it. But I never say never. I may have to defend myself.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I think the only reason people are all about these new "super supplements" is because Dr. Oz talked about them. He gets paid to endorse stuff, and he will endorse some of the dumbest stuff and call it amazing and life changing, and a variety of other things to promote it. I like his character and zeal for life - but I don't like how he uses his position to promote so many weight loss "products".

    Some supplements can be useful as far as thermogenic fat burners and appetite suppressants, sure. I don't knock them, I just don't like when people go crazy after a product that was endorsed by someone that has the celebrity factor behind them.
  • I currently take CG as well as my wife..... And we will not say it alone is burning fat off of us......

    But we will say that with it we are feeling full and less hungry than we were,,,,

    We are loosing weight staying within our goals of our Carbs,Fats and Sugars as we feel Calorie Counting is Very Deceptive and Alone does nothing to Reduce Weight.

    We both exercise daily...And three of those days are vigorous.

    To Say Alone GC is the reason we we are loosing weight would be a lie......

    Keep up the Good Work Everyone!

    But to say that is helps curb eating we will say that is the case with us....And in turn we do plan our meals to stay within our goals...

    To Date My Wife over 3 years has lost 140lbs and looks fantastic and continues to follow her nutritional and physical programs she has done over the past years as well as taking CG.

    And I in the past 60 days have lost a considerable amount of weight and creeping very close to my goal.

    When I started Myfitnesspal the scales I had said I weighted 236.... Sadly I used an old scale which was 7lbs light,,,,,,

    But on the Upside I have lost 35lbs in 60 days.

    CG may have Placebo Effect Upon My Wife and I or it May be doing as Advertised.

    I'm sure GC will be an ongoing debate for some time.
  • joannasolinska3
    joannasolinska3 Posts: 9 Member
    It gavee me a day full of heartache... I was a bit scared. I will never use it again!
  • deemeezee
    deemeezee Posts: 2
    A weight loss supplement is just that, a supplement to exercise and dieting. The OP wasn't suggesting that she was expecting to sit back gorge on food and pop this pill. Supplements assist your goals to help in areas we may struggle with. If you struggle with hunger, a supplement can help. I have loss over 125 lbs before and did so through regular exercise and healthier diet. But I also used supplements that gave me more energy, less appetite, etc. which helped supplement my routine.
  • deemeezee
    deemeezee Posts: 2
    Okay, so I searched these supplements and this thread popped up. Of course, I read it. I am 43 years old and having a hell of a time getting back on track. I lost 60 lbs all on my lonesome with diet and exercise many years ago, but have never reached goal weight and gained 20 lbs back. So.....I need help. Why is that such a crime? I logged on just to comment on this thread because it got to me....and reminded me why I stopped being a part of this community.

    Would you berate and belittle a smoker using the patch? Some of us need help. As I get older, my metabolism isn't what it used to be. My willpower is weakened. I KNOW supplements aren't magic pills. They are aids. I take vitamins everyday...ya'll gonna beat me up for that too?

    Seriously, this is my first post in a couple of years...well, I've lost track, but it's been a long time. It is also probably my last. You guys say you are just being helpful, but a lot of ya'll are actually being mean and sarcastic. It's, I don't wanna be coddled. And I'm fine with disagreeing. But there is a way to be supportive and honest without being hurtful. Why hasn't the OP come back on to let us know how things went? She probably did what I did and just logged off, never to return. Can't say I blame her. And I will probably only come back to joyfully read the mean responses to my post. Post again? I highly doubt it. But I never say never. I may have to defend myself.

    I concur with everything you send buddy. To suggest that adding any aid or supplement is a waste of money or silly is not very encouraging. It is next to impossible to get every single nutrient, vitamin, HCG, amino acids, etc. in our everyday foods. Without certain supplements, it makes losing weight a little more difficult, especially the older we get. Plus, I didn't get the impression that the OP was saying she wanted a miracle pill that didn't require any effort.
  • Susantuti
    Susantuti Posts: 168 Member
    What would be more helpful than people just blantly bashing the product or its efficacy is to hear from people who have actually tried the product and did or did not get any results from it.

    Then there would be a basis to say the product did or did not work. For those who have never tried the product to comment negatively here is of no help or use to anyone.

    Just my two cents.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    This is your 3rd post trying to have been reported.

    Stop searching for all of the green coffee bean, garcinia whatever posts to try to advertise that website and spreading lies.
  • First off, man some of you guys are harsh!

    Second, no product will work for everyone. Even with antibiotics, some will work for one person and not for another. That being said, I am a huge lover of certain supplements to aid the body in wellness. Garcinia may not be a miracle drug but it does have a history of HELPING people lose weight/inches. That doesn't mean you can shovel in Big Macs and you'll lose weight, but it can help.

    I have tried the coffee beans and all it did was make me go to the bathroom. A LOT! Lol

    To the OP, forget the snots who just want to slam you. Especially those saying 'natural doesn't mean safe', because I don't know one 'real medicine' on the market that is truly safe.
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