Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) and Garcinia Cambogia



  • akangas22
    I have found that people on this website are more rude than helpful.
  • itsavilesecurity
    Ive been taking a pill of Garcinia cambogia and doing the famous GM Diet and have lost 5lbs already and today is my 6th day, so im not saying it works wonders but i am saying that it is aiding in my weight loss situation!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just read about Garcinia Cambogia in a magazine and wondered what everyone thought. If it's a natural herb, what could it hurt? Other than wasting some money if it doesn't work.

    Agreed. Nothing wrong with it.. as long as you realize that diet and exercise are the way to go and that supplements are just that, supplements, you are good to go. :smile:

    Some people want to spend money, some don't.. I use supplements for overall health, ain't nothing wrong with that.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I have found that people on this website are more rude than helpful.

    Yes. I kinda feel bad when I see these topics because I know there are folks waiting to hop all over it.. some don't understand the difference between using a supplement and using a diet pill.
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    One of my co-workers did the gnc brand and she said it didn't work at all for her.
    In SHAPE, or WOMAN'S HEALTH there was a small arrival worming there wasn't enough research or testing done on this drug to know if it really works and how it works. The also menched in this arrival there is no mandates on these company's to put gcbe in there pills or how much they have to put in. One website that test products found that a brand had 0 Mg of gcbe in it. Despite it being listed in on the box.
    hope this helped
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    I have found that people on this website are more rude than helpful.

    Some, yes, but there are tons of really great ones too.
  • lmalette
    lmalette Posts: 1 Member
    I purchased Garcinia cambogia online and made sure it matched all of the descriptions doctor Oz mentioned. In 2 and 1/2 months I've lost 28 pounds. I have, however, been motivated, work out, speed walk, and eat more sensibly-not truly healthy, but much better at making good choices. I truly feel that my success stems from GC. I, too, will be trying it will Green Coffee bean extract now that my supply is about to run out and I'm ready to reorder anyway. I won't be ordering a lot of GCBE as many say it keeps them awake. I would just try it and see. Good luck.
  • 5talentgirl
    I agree with the 'arrogance' thing. No one really has the right to make someone feel stupid for asking - that is in a way the definition of arrogance - 'don't ask me'. So if you don't want to be asked - then don't answer!

    If someone has a useful answer to give directly related to the actual question - have you used GCBE or green mango extract successfully or unsuccessfully - then that would be useful information to the OP.

    But hey, never tried it, never will, no magic pill...blah, blah, blah...we all know that permanent weight loss takes more than a 'supplement', but the OP wasn't asking that, so why get on your high horses and charge?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I agree with the 'arrogance' thing. No one really has the right to make someone feel stupid for asking - that is in a way the definition of arrogance - 'don't ask me'. So if you don't want to be asked - then don't answer!

    If someone has a useful answer to give directly related to the actual question - have you used GCBE or green mango extract successfully or unsuccessfully - then that would be useful information to the OP.

    But hey, never tried it, never will, no magic pill...blah, blah, blah...we all know that permanent weight loss takes more than a 'supplement', but the OP wasn't asking that, so why get on your high horses and charge?

    There are a myriad of things one doesn't need to try to know they are useless at best and damaging at most. Diet pills are one of them.

    And no, some people don't know that diet pills won't sustain long term weight loss. That's why they ask. That's why we answer. Some who do know will ask anyways, mind made up long before they posit the question. It is most frustrating.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I agree with the 'arrogance' thing. No one really has the right to make someone feel stupid for asking - that is in a way the definition of arrogance - 'don't ask me'. So if you don't want to be asked - then don't answer!

    If someone has a useful answer to give directly related to the actual question - have you used GCBE or green mango extract successfully or unsuccessfully - then that would be useful information to the OP.

    But hey, never tried it, never will, no magic pill...blah, blah, blah...we all know that permanent weight loss takes more than a 'supplement', but the OP wasn't asking that, so why get on your high horses and charge?

    There are a myriad of things one doesn't need to try to know they are useless at best and damaging at most. Diet pills are one of them.

    And no, some people don't know that diet pills won't sustain long term weight loss. That's why they ask. That's why we answer. Some who do know will ask anyways, mind made up long before they posit the question. It is most frustrating.

  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    She posted this question in January.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I just started taking the combo raspberry ketones with the green coffee bean extract. I eat healthy and work out twice a day because my day job is pretty sedentary.

    I started taking it because even with all I was doing, I was not losing anything, and was tired and dragging in the afternoon. I did notice just this week that I am no longer tired in the afternoons, in fact I have the energy to hit the stairs for 22 flights daily. WooHoo

    I have no side effcts, sleep like a baby every night so yeah this is not a miracle pill but it is helping me get over my weight loss hump and also helping me build a good habit.

    You do what's right for you, just because someone has good results or bad results, doesn't mean it will work for you. But with anything you need to monitor any changes in your body. Any bad results, stop taking immediately but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. Good Luck! :wink:
  • 5talentgirl
    I agree with the 'arrogance' thing. No one really has the right to make someone feel stupid for asking - that is in a way the definition of arrogance - 'don't ask me'. So if you don't want to be asked - then don't answer!

    If someone has a useful answer to give directly related to the actual question - have you used GCBE or green mango extract successfully or unsuccessfully - then that would be useful information to the OP.

    But hey, never tried it, never will, no magic pill...blah, blah, blah...we all know that permanent weight loss takes more than a 'supplement', but the OP wasn't asking that, so why get on your high horses and charge?

    There are a myriad of things one doesn't need to try to know they are useless at best and damaging at most. Diet pills are one of them.

    And no, some people don't know that diet pills won't sustain long term weight loss. That's why they ask. That's why we answer. Some who do know will ask anyways, mind made up long before they posit the question. It is most frustrating.

    I don't see why it should be frustrating for YOU, but I do see that the OP may be frustrated if the supplements she was considering were NOT successful in helping her to lose weight. If the supplements DO help, for whatever reason, then trying them would not have been a bad thing.

    However, I agree, that posting about not RELYING on supplements is helpful and true information. But supplements are not strictly DIET pills, are they? I mean, not all supplements should be classified as diet pills. Do you call vitamins DIET pills? I wouldn't. Many health-conscious people take supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential oils etc. Is it all bad...or just the ones that claim that they may affect metabolism/fat absorption etc.?

    Advise is good,no, great, and we all could do with hearing from, and learning from, other people's experiences and success stories that highlight methods that work. But group bullying is not good. If MFP wants to dictate how people should approach their weight loss goals with no room for personal development and discovery, then not so good. Each to their own journey. And don't let someone else's choices, unless proven to be damaging, affect you so much that you end up frustrated on their behalf.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    She posted this question in January.

    Hey, it's about time she should come back and tell us if the pills worked or not.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    She posted this question in January.

    Hey, it's about time she should come back and tell us if the pills worked or not.

    They never do. I have yet to see a single thread about a returning poster to tell us that these methods work.
    But group bullying is not good. If MFP wants to dictate how people should approach their weight loss goals with no room for personal development and discovery, then not so good. Each to their own journey. And don't let someone else's choices, unless proven to be damaging, affect you so much that you end up frustrated on their behalf.

    This is not bullying. Bullying would be people egging others on to do violent self-destructive actions, using psychological torture to make them doubt themselves.

    It is demeaning that you would use that word to describe a round of "This will not work" answers to a question about diet pills.

    And I do get frustrated. This site means a great deal to me, as do the people here. It is also the place to share information and help others find things that will be effective and positive. Thus my involvement and more than occasional frustration.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    She posted this question in January.
    Hey, it's about time she should come back and tell us if the pills worked or not.
    They never do. I have yet to see a single thread about a returning poster to tell us that these methods work.
    But group bullying is not good. If MFP wants to dictate how people should approach their weight loss goals with no room for personal development and discovery, then not so good. Each to their own journey. And don't let someone else's choices, unless proven to be damaging, affect you so much that you end up frustrated on their behalf.
    This is not bullying. Bullying would be people egging others on to do violent self-destructive actions, using psychological torture to make them doubt themselves.
    It is demeaning that you would use that word to describe a round of "This will not work" answers to a question about diet pills.
    And I do get frustrated. This site means a great deal to me, as do the people here. It is also the place to share information and help others find things that will be effective and positive. Thus my involvement and more than occasional frustration.


    And amazing how the people talking sense (i.e. stating there is no scientific evidence these pills work) all have hundreds or even thousands of posts to their name while those getting shouty and suggesting bullying is taking place are first or second time posters (the same person, I wonder?).

    There is a big difference between bullying and people simply stating facts. I would be interested, too, to know how the OP got on. I'm always open to new ideas but have yet to see hard evidence that GCBE works.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Ughhhhh -_- more miracle pill threads? People never learn >:(
  • 5talentgirl
    This is not bullying. Bullying would be people egging others on to do violent self-destructive actions, using psychological torture to make them doubt themselves.

    It is demeaning that you would use that word to describe a round of "This will not work" answers to a question about diet pills.

    And I do get frustrated. This site means a great deal to me, as do the people here. It is also the place to share information and help others find things that will be effective and positive. Thus my involvement and more than occasional frustration.

    From your responses, I guess I can see that you care about people making sound choices and you don't think taking green coffee bean, fruit extract or other 'diet supplements' are good choices. But bullying can take on many forms. The meaning is to 'use superior strength to influence or intimidate someone to do what you want'. The superior strength of MFP is its numbers compared to the OP being only one person and some of the responses on this thread, while not intimidating in the classic sense of 'frightening or overawing' could nonetheless greatly influence someone to 'not dare' to try a supplement for 'fear' of being made to feel foolish. Was it really necessary for all the dissenters to come on this thread to 'bash her up' for 'daring' to ask? I don't think so.
  • 5talentgirl


    And amazing how the people talking sense (i.e. stating there is no scientific evidence these pills work) all have hundreds or even thousands of posts to their name while those getting shouty and suggesting bullying is taking place are first or second time posters (the same person, I wonder?).

    There is a big difference between bullying and people simply stating facts. I would be interested, too, to know how the OP got on. I'm always open to new ideas but have yet to see hard evidence that GCBE works.

    We've all got to start somewhere...who knows where my one or two posts may lead? May have as many as you one day, who knows...:smokin:
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    tough crowd huh? I thought this is the place you could go and ask questions not be torn apart for asking them

    Sometimes people can be less than kind in their responses, but I would hardly call it being "torn apart."

    I personally would not take any such supplements. I think it is a waste of money and energy. If you eat well, exercise and burn more calories than you consume, you should lose weight.
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