SibylDiane Member


  • If you are a woman and experiencing unexplained weight gain, abdominal bloating, and possibly other symptoms (fatigue, lack of appetite) go to your doctor or ob-gyn and explain your symptoms. There are a lot of issues that could be going on here that you would want to get checked out, not just possible pregnancy but…
  • You will get less foam if you use an immersion blender instead of a regular blender. You may want to try that if you are using a regular blender.
  • Protein shakes that are made from whey isolate are 99.999 % free of lactose and are easily tolerated by the vast majority of lactose-intolerant people. So you might look into brands such as Syntrax Nectar (not Syntrax Matrix), Unjury, or Jay Robb (also has a line of egg white protein powder that gets good reviews). You can…
  • There are some groups here for people with weight loss surgery -- go to Groups and try searching for gastric sleeve, bariatric, bypass, things like that. Here is a link to one of them: I guess I'm assuming you mean wls . . . sorry if you meant some other…
  • I just chop up the cooked grilled chicken breast in different flavors you can get from Trader Joe's, and toss it in a little tupperware container. More filling, higher protein, lower calorie, and less expensive than the pre-packaged ones with nuts and cheese (both of which are very calorie-dense and not as high protein as…
  • I took a quick look at your diary and my advice would be to try to eat leaner, less processed, lower carb food. Stop with things like Subway sandwiches, vienna sausages, Kraft mac n cheese, velveeta, corn on the cob, pasta salad, Chef Boyardee, etc. Instead, eat lean, grilled or baked meats, green veggies, and all natural…
  • You might like this column on moderators vs. abstainers: Not everyone is cut out to be a moderator. I'm not -- recognizing that I'm an abstainer by nature is one of the things that has helped me lose about 200 lbs. When…
  • As you know, better a sugar glider than a hippo. I say that as a former hippo and current sugar glider (lost almost 200 lbs and went from super morbidly obese to "normal"). Yes, I have loose skin, but it's not as bad as you might expect. Also, no one can actually see it unless I am standing up and naked, and the only…
  • I also struggle with the lack of structure on weekends. I make myself an eating schedule at the beginning of the day -- 10 AM Breakfast: Groatmeal with almonds. 12:30 tea with cream. And so on -- and include saving up calories snacks for the evening when it is extra hard! Then when I get hungry or tempted to indulge…
  • I've had gastric sleeve surgery and it would not have been possible for me to eat like a post-vsg patient without the actual vsg. Not only is your stomach made smaller, but much of the body's production of the hunger hormone ghrelin is stopped for many months after surgery, as the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin…
  • I don't keep unhealthy stuff in the house. If it's not there, I can't snack on it. After I've gotten home, had dinner, changed into my jammies, well, I'm too damn lazy to change back into real clothes and drive to the store just because I have a craving.
  • @mirihawk I was formerly a size H and wore Enells at that size and they were fantastic. Before then I never found something that could properly support me and the Enell was like a revelation. I am down to a D now and still wear Enells because I haven't found anything close to as supportive.
  • I second the vote for Enell. They are not cute but they will hold you in place, no question. You can get seconds (lower cost) at -- that is where I buy mine and I've never had any problem with them.
  • I struggled with obesity my entire life -- I could take off some weight but never enough to get healthy, and then I would regain even more. I decided on sleeve gastrectomy almost three years ago. I have lost approx. 200 lbs. Losing and maintaining is still hard work! But I could never have done it without the surgery. If…
  • I keep carbs under 100 and don't do grains, high carb veggies (potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas etc) or refined sugar. My carbs tend to come from dairy, green veggies, and a small amount of fruit.
  • Just plain pureed meat made with water or broth would be gross IMO. But you can dress it up to make it tasty. I would take meat + flavorful sauce and puree it, then warm it up in the microwave, usually with some cheese to melt on top. It tastes just like a casserole, just without the crappy carb stuff like noodles or rice.…
  • I take Trader Joe's chewable high potency multi-vitamins. They are cheaper, lower calorie, and lower carb than most other chewables (especially the "bariatric" ones). They are not gummy and have no gelatin. My labs have always been great :) I also take the generic version of Citracal petites, iron supplements of various…
  • You can add me, I am 2+ years post-op and my diary is open to friends.
  • The only things I've found that I can't tolerate are yeasted bread (quick breads are fine) and anything carbonated. I don't throw up though. Bread makes my stomach feel really heavy and uncomfortable and I feel slightly nauseated. More than a couple sips of anything carbonated and I feel very uncomfortable and nauseated.…
  • I have about three cups of black coffee every day. It's good for you! I wouldn't use Arbonne because it doesn't fit the guidelines my dietician gave me: whey protein, low carb. Arbonne is mostly pea protein and is high carb, so it isn't for me. I like Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, Syntrax Matrix, Syntrax Nectar, and…
  • Here are a couple on MFP, (more active) (less active) And some outside of MFP, from most to least active:
  • I don't make protein bars a regular part of my diet -- they are for travel only, and that's pretty rare for me. I also find that the Quest bars are triggers for me. Generally, if they are in the house, I will eat them. Not good. My mother has the opposite problem that I do when it comes to weight. She struggles to be…
  • You can save a lot of money by mixing your own shakes. I would go to GNC and see what they have on sale in terms of protein powder. There is pretty much always something on sale, just make sure the calories are relatively low -- some of the stuff at GNC will be geared more towards building muscle than weight loss, so be…
  • I was out for two weeks, then I went back for half days for two days right before a long weekend. I was really tired and needed the time off to focus on getting my strength back and making sure I knew how to get my required protein and liquids in. Some people go back faster and some people need more time. I probably could…
  • I don't think EMT's usually insert NG tubes. Those are typically done in the hospital in a non-emergency situation, when medical professionals will have had the chance to review your records and discuss your history with you or your family (if you are incapacitated). So I am not sure I agree about the necessity of this…
  • I have tried carbonated drinks on a few occasions -- glass of champagne at Christmas. I love champagne and will probably do this again (I am almost two years out btw). But it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable and weird in my stomach. I have no interest in doing this on a regular basis or trying something like soda or beer.…
  • I've been having a roast beef & spinach salad for breakfast lately. Before surgery, I pretty much always had oatmeal (loaded up with dried fruit, brown sugar, and half & half). I don't usually have breakfast until 10 or 11. Before then, just black coffee or water with Crystal Light.