

  • Soups are the way forward. You can make a big pot at the start of the week that can be used for your lunchs during the week. Homemade ones are delicious, really filling and a great way of having a low calorie lunch. Definitely worth a try. Good luck!
  • You are a star! After I read your posts I decided you were completely right. I stopped logging my calories and everything last week. Got on the scales and thank god there was no change. Have been exercising loads so that must have worked. Am back on track this week and hoping for a good result on Friday. I probably would…
  • Hey there guys. Have decided not to go near the scales this week cause I had 3 christmas parties this week and I know it will not be positive news. will log in again next friday and get back on track in the meantime!!! Good luck everyone. xxx
  • Lost 3 pounds this week for an overall loss so far of 7lbs. Since I had gained 3 lbs last week, it just brings me back to where I was a couple of weeks ago but am delighted that I managed to pick myself up after last week and not just give up. My new goal is 15lbs by christmas. If I did that, I would be 145lbs which is my…
  • I used to despise it. Now I am totally addicted. I eat it every morning and its become my favourite meal of the day. Youve got to try it with a teaspoon of honey and grated granny smith apple. Sooo delicious. Also I teaspoon of honey, half a banana and some raspberries or blueberries. So yummy and really good for you.
  • I log it under strength training in the cardio section as well. If you just log it as individual exercises in the weights section it doesn;t register any calories burned so it makes sense to do it under cardio. Good luck!!
  • I was up 3 this week Lorna so don;t feel too bad! Only thing to do is start again adn try really hard. Have been good for the last few days so heres hoping I see some results this week. Gotta keep going girls. :flowerforyou:
  • Ley1, If its any consolation, I am up as well. Knew I would be though after I started last weekend with macdonalds for breakfast. 3lbs to be exact. Woops! Am not going to be discouraged though. Have started this week well. Just need to do the exercise. Did barely any last week and look what happened. Am going to put it…
  • Any time I have lost weight before my boobs have shrunk too. I have lost about a stone in the last 6 months and they are the same bloody size! Would love to go down a wee bit. Hilarious thread. Its good to know you're not the only one. lol
  • Hey guys! everyone has been a bit quiet of late. Hope that doesn't mean you have fallen off the wagon! (as I have done) Dreading the weigh in tomorrow as I have definitely put on a pound or two. Not sure what happened to me this week. It has been like all my cravings hit me at once and I haven't been able to stop eating…
  • Wow Lorna. Fantastic!!! Congrats. :flowerforyou:
  • Drank a bucketful of wine last night and of course indulged in late night snacks. started off today with a cheeseburger meal from Macdonalds. Blew myself right out of the water there!!! Will just have to start again i suppose. Will blitz the exercise this week and hope I dont pay for my overindulgence. Hope you are all…
  • Right. Bought the christmas dress! Its very form fitting so I can't be carrying any extra weight by christmas or it will look ridiculous and will not be getting an outing. Its so beautiful and is going to act as serious motivation for the next couple of weeks. Just finished a tough session in the gym. Am whacked and…
  • Next week ickybella. After all the crap with your mother in law etc it must have knocked you out of kilter. Good luck from here on in!!:flowerforyou:
  • God. Sorry about the burn. Ouch!!! Make sure it doesn't get infected. Just weighed in and am down 2.4 pounds. Yay!!! Was starting to think I was going to be stuck at 156 forever! Have realised that the secret was upping my exercise quite considerably. Taking a rest day today but going to start running again tomorrow. So…
  • Thanks. Was a bit confused over the whole thing. Fingers crossed for the weigh in tomorrow. Have exercised loads this week. Going to pilates this evening and going to run home after, which is 5km. I broke today and had the most delicious homemade oatmeal and sultana cookies on my tea break. Nearly died when I put them into…
  • Yay for the disappearance of the moobs!!!! Well done. You have obviously been working really hard Congrats!!. :happy:
  • Hi everyone. Right I need someone to explain the calories thing to me properly. Whatever I did when I set up my account with this it allocated me 1200 calories a day that I had to keep to. To be honest I have found it fairly difficult to keep under that ammount. They just vanish so quickly. The extra exercise calories get…
  • Not a doctor either but it does sound like low blood sugar. A really good breakfast before you exercise is oatmealmade with milk, topped with half a banana and some bueberries (I also include a teaspoon of honey for some extra sweetness!). Works out at about 300 calories. It gives a slow release of energy over a period of…
  • Good idea Melissa! My aim is to buy a slinky dress that will make my husbands eyes pop out when he sees me in it. :love: Another few pounds and I might just be able to get away with it. Have had a couple of weeks maintaining. Need a good week this week. Decided to blitz it today and tried to run an 11km loop which included…
  • Hey there guys. Weighed in and am exactly the same as last week. That's 2 weeks with no change. Am a bit down about it to be honest. Thought I had done ok this week.Think I got overconfident about what I could eat aftetr the success of the first week. Suppose I am just going to have to give it more on the exercise front…
  • Absolutely. So hard not to jump on and see if there's any change. Trying to stay off them till the weigh in every friday but got on them yesterday evening. Scared me. Had put on 1lb. Went to the gym and blitzed it this evening though. Please god don't let me be up on Friday! We should do a mini challenge next week and try…
  • Me too guys. Given its sunday I really wasn't in the mood but got off my *kitten* off the sofa and went for a run. Did 5km in my best time ever in 30 degree heat. That must have burnt off some calories! Feel good now although thought I was going to die about an hour ago. Lets really make a push this week. Need to get back…
  • Arrggghhhh! I knew this week wasn't a good one. Too many treats altogether! Just weighed myself and up half a pound. Not too disappointed though. I thought it would be more and I lost way more than expected last week so I am still on track overall. Going to be more well behaved this week! Hope everyone does better than I…
  • Ley1, Poor you. that happens to my husband all the time. make sure to rest it a bit or it will keep you out of action for longer. Cataclysm, I am irish but living in singapore at the moment, hence the early weight loss post last friday! Can't believe its friday tomorrow. Don't think I have lost anything since last week.…
  • Wish it was further away as well. Decided to treat myself over the weekend a little too much! Jumped on the scales this morning for about 2 seconds as was dreading a gain. Sure enough, I am up a little bit but I am determined to be good for the rest of the week. Tennis for 2 hours tonight. That should do some damage! If…
  • OMG. Can't believe you have only just discovered it. Its addictive. Throw it out! Once you open those jars they disappear.... along with your waist! I love the stuff but have banned it from my shelf. A girl can always dream.....:love:
    in Nutella Comment by taz12 October 2010
  • So much easier during the week. Weekends are a struggle. Fell off the wagon this weekend after doing so well when I weighed in on Friday. A rush of blood to the head methinks!! Anyway, now its Monday, back on the healthy food again. Lots of veggies and fruit and exercise. Good luck this week. I feel your pain. xxx
  • Just weighed in and am stoked. Lost 4.5 pounds. Can't believe it. I actually weighed myself on 2 different machines cause I thought the first one had to be wrong. Thought I was going to be disappointed this week! Fingers crossed this continues. Hope everyone else is having similar success. Good luck all. Stay strong. xxx…
  • He there. Me again. Forgot to say my starting weight is 160lbs. Am having a hard time sticking to the calorie intake. Think my addiction to cake is the problem. No more cake for me!!!!
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