Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Im in but im new so is it possible to lose 20 by xmas?


    When I started the challenge there was exactly 10 weeks til christmas meaning that you would need to lose 2lbs per week until xmas to lose a total of 20lbs! I think most would agree that 2lbs a week is very realistic!

    Good luck!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    thanks for doing the list hun, its a big job!

    well done to everyone still with us and hello to everyone just joining :)

    I went out for a bike ride yesterday with my ds2 (13 months) in the trailer behind me, i cycled for 45 mins (though it didnt feel that long) and got a massive bruise on my butt ha ha! going to have to get a comfy seat for it before next time i think!

    no exercise today however been very active and done lots of housework so that should count towards.

    and the very best thing, i made some mince and pasta for the kids and me for lunch instead of eating the whole rest of the mince (which i would normally do) i put it away for my husband to eat for lunch tomorrow :)

    feeling VERY positive!!

    if i loose 20lbs for xmas then I will be lighter than i was before i had ds1 nearly 3 years ago :)
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Hi Cataclysm,

    Am i too late to join, I've fallen off the wagoon the past 3 weeks and need some motiviation a focus to get my self back on track.


    Its never to late to join! Welcome to the challenge! :) If you are looking for motivation check out the list of success I posted earlier today! Its only week one, and some members have lost over 5lbs!

    Wellllll, I ate the poison that is Mcdonalds for the first time in ages at the weekend, so, I have been sweating it out by doing some tae bo today! How is everyone elses' week going? I wish friday was just that little bit further away so that I have a better chance at seeing a positive result!!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    I wish friday was just that little bit further away so that I have a better chance at seeing a positive result!!

    me too! I hopped on the scales this afternoon (bad move i know) and i'm sporting a +2lb gain *sob* got straight off and did a 20min indoor jog!

    Might just have to crack out the davina workout tonight too >.<
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Count me in

    SW: 280.1
    Christmas Goal 260.1 (maybe less)
    Goal weight :160
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I do my weigh in tomorrow morning. Is that ok?
  • mrspyle
    mrspyle Posts: 19
    I weigh in on Sundays, I lost 2! =]
  • I started using MFP on 10/11 - I am in what a great goal - thanks!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I think that this would be a fun goal! my original goal was to have a total weight loss of 40 LB's by Christmas....But I only have 12 more to go, and I think that I will get there easily. I think I will make this my goal. If i start this week, I weighed in today at 198.6. I will weigh in again on Friday and have that be my "official" start date. I will be back!

    (Oh and P.S. I am going to Hope for a 20 pound loss, but if I only loose 18 (cause there are only 9 weeks now) then I will be just as joyful!)

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • Amanda118590
    Amanda118590 Posts: 2 Member
  • I'd like to join!!!

    10/17 164
    10/24 163

    From the start date I needed to lose 19 pounds but I could try and round it to 20 ;) I'll be skinny, skinny!!! :D Yippee!
  • RodgerBuckley
    RodgerBuckley Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in - I think!
  • I'm in!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    thanks for doing the list hun, its a big job!

    well done to everyone still with us and hello to everyone just joining :)

    I went out for a bike ride yesterday with my ds2 (13 months) in the trailer behind me, i cycled for 45 mins (though it didnt feel that long) and got a massive bruise on my butt ha ha! going to have to get a comfy seat for it before next time i think!

    no exercise today however been very active and done lots of housework so that should count towards.

    and the very best thing, i made some mince and pasta for the kids and me for lunch instead of eating the whole rest of the mince (which i would normally do) i put it away for my husband to eat for lunch tomorrow :)

    feeling VERY positive!!

    if i loose 20lbs for xmas then I will be lighter than i was before i had ds1 nearly 3 years ago :)

    Great job not eating the leftovers!!! It is so hard to pack up those yummy leftovers!!!
  • i'm in on this one...nothing like inspiration and looking and feeling good at the family functions!
  • rayfromtx
    rayfromtx Posts: 111
    I was down 2 but didn't make the list. Maybe next week.
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I haven't been keeping up with this thread, shame on me! Anywhoo, I've lost 2.1 lbs! On my way :)
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hi Cataclysm,

    Am i too late to join, I've fallen off the wagoon the past 3 weeks and need some motiviation a focus to get my self back on track.


    Its never to late to join! Welcome to the challenge! :) If you are looking for motivation check out the list of success I posted earlier today! Its only week one, and some members have lost over 5lbs!

    Wellllll, I ate the poison that is Mcdonalds for the first time in ages at the weekend, so, I have been sweating it out by doing some tae bo today! How is everyone elses' week going? I wish friday was just that little bit further away so that I have a better chance at seeing a positive result!!

    Wish it was further away as well. Decided to treat myself over the weekend a little too much! Jumped on the scales this morning for about 2 seconds as was dreading a gain. Sure enough, I am up a little bit but I am determined to be good for the rest of the week. Tennis for 2 hours tonight. That should do some damage! If only Friday was further away.

    Thanks a million for all the work going into the lists and general postings Cataclysm. Really appreciate it. Its definitely keeping me motivated. Its good to know you're not the only one who is struggling. \

    Keep it up guys. Think how good we will look for Christmas!!

  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    I was down 2 but didn't make the list. Maybe next week.

    Oh very sorry old bean! Did I forget to add you too the list?!

    Congratulations on the weightloss. I will be sure to add you next week!

    Sorry to anyone else I may have forgot!

    Well, I weigh in in two days. TWO! I am actually feeling I may be a little allergic to the scales. I have a feeling I may have only maintained...I just feel......blah!

    Lol..ANYHOOO! Its great to see so many people join the challenge over the last 24 hours! WELCOME! In order to find the thread again with ease COMMUNITY> MESSAGE BOARDS> MY THREADS, here we are!

    I will try to compile another list of successesseseses for week two. Please can everyone send me their weight lost IN LBS over the weekend and I will aim to post Monday

    " hi cataclysm/fellow challengers, this week I lost 91 LBS. I am a weightloss legend, please add me to the list!-"

    Im really interested to know where everyone is from? Im assuming most of you are from the US, so 'Hello' from over the pond in England!
  • RodgerBuckley
    RodgerBuckley Posts: 48 Member
    I'm from this side of the pond too - Doncaster :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
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