Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    is anyone else terrible with the scales? i stepped on them this morning and showning +1lb i know i shouldnt look until friday but still i cant help it lol!

    anyone else a serial scale stepper??

    Absolutely. So hard not to jump on and see if there's any change. Trying to stay off them till the weigh in every friday but got on them yesterday evening. Scared me. Had put on 1lb. Went to the gym and blitzed it this evening though. Please god don't let me be up on Friday!

    We should do a mini challenge next week and try not to weigh ourselves outside of friday.
  • carnival31
    carnival31 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a little late on this challenge,,,,,but count me in!!! 20lbs by Xmas Eve!!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    is anyone else terrible with the scales? i stepped on them this morning and showning +1lb i know i shouldnt look until friday but still i cant help it lol!

    anyone else a serial scale stepper??

    We should do a mini challenge next week and try not to weigh ourselves outside of friday.

    That would be so hard for me!!! When I step on it during the week, it motivates me to exercise more! Maybe if i couldn't step on the scale it would scare me into exercising even more but man that would kill me!!!!lol I step on everyday except for the Thursday before weigh in day. That Thurs. is torture!!! But I've been happily surprised every Friday!
  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the delay in getting the list up! We can blame the stupid amount of work that uni are expecting me to do this week!

    SO! Here is a list of people who have sent me their weight loss in the correct form. (That is EXACT LBS LOST for the WEEK only, and not your actual weight) Sorry If I have forgotten anybody!

    Cataclysm 2.4lbs
    Blandassassin 1lb
    dgilner 1.2lbs
    twinsfan1976 4.2lbs
    ley1 1Lb
    ferff3 2Lbs
    webaker1973 7Lbs
    rayfromtx 2Lbs
    freightdiva 4Lbs
    hotpickles 2lbs
    funnygirl0940 4lbs
    inskydiamonds .2lbs
    jippygirl 1.5
    monica2383 .4Lbs
    justjes82 1lb
    NYIceQueen 1.6Lbs
    bhonniered 3lbs
    aflaherty 1lb
    dlmarkley66 2lb
    jeorwa 4lbs
    blasian72 2.2lbs
    hcollett 4lbs
    twilightteamedward 3 Lbs
    JustJessie 2lbs
    arader61771 3.9lbs
    ktc33 4.2lbs
    MrsRios 2lbs
    vyseexe 2lbs
    Trickynotts 1lb
    jenready 1lb
    cc_campbell81 2lbs
    lornawalker 4lbs
    beasy22 2lbs
    ktc33 4,2lbs
    rundgrenfan 2lbs
    poodlepaws 4lbs
    iavue 2.4Lbs
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    well done hun! give me a shout if you want me to help out next week
  • well done hun! give me a shout if you want me to help out next week

    Will do! Thanks :)
  • I am excited/anxious about weigh in tomorrow. Can't wait to see how everyone did!

  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    im nervous! i hope i havea good wi! gl for tomorrow guys
  • I'm in. I am new to this site ,but I would love to lose 20lbs by Christmas! Great idea!
  • itsmewendylee
    itsmewendylee Posts: 21 Member
    I've lost 1lb since starting... which is good! Today I was off work, and it was a gray cold day out, so I spend time cooking ahead lighter healthier meals to make sticking to plan easier. A staple for me in cold weather is soup. I made Southwest Chicken Soup today. What do you do to stay on track?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm in! i see now that this is an old thread. Is it too late to join?
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Count me in! I need a new goal and maybe this group can help me achieve it. Feel free to add me as well, so we can all support each other!:bigsmile:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome to all the new-commers! I'm nervous about stepping on the scale too! Last weekend I didn't eat so healthy (although Friday's meateor pizza and Saturday's Filet Mignon was delicious to say the least!). Didn't get to my daily walk much this week either. Today was a rough day, I decided to have a sub for lunch from subway, so I got the 6 inch turkey on whole wheat with veggies. It didn't keep me full! When dinner finally rolled around, my hubby served up a chicken breast (which was great) with french onion soup, wayyyy too much sodium and put me over my calories for the day and now I'm hungry again!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!

    Goodluck with your weigh ins tomorrow everyone!!!!
  • I'm struggling with food too. It feels like I can't stop eating. I am not staying full and I keep inhaling food before counting the calories. With two 5+ mile runs this week & another short run so far I should've been good but I keep going over. We'll see what happens. I just have to keep trying until I overcome this overeating.:frown:
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hey there guys.
    Weighed in and am exactly the same as last week. That's 2 weeks with no change. Am a bit down about it to be honest. Thought I had done ok this week.Think I got overconfident about what I could eat aftetr the success of the first week. Suppose I am just going to have to give it more on the exercise front and eat less. Still finding it hard to stick to the daily calories. Its all the bloody snacking I do. Will have to be strong this week. My husband is away with work so it might be easier than usual. Going to the shop now and going to buy loads of fruit and veg and try and eat whole foods only. Going to walk the long route as well and take a 5km detour through the park.
    Wish me luck. I hope you all do much much better. XXX
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    woop woop 3lbs off!!
  • 3lb loss thiss week!!! yay :)
  • Down 2 lbs! I'm excited, especially since I had an emotional eating rollercoaster of a week. Hopefully next week will be more stable. It's a good start though since I'm relearning to control cravings.
  • itsmewendylee
    itsmewendylee Posts: 21 Member
    That is frustrating. I have been there and usually that's when I start to slip off the wagon... but I learned that sometimes the change isn't on the scale. Are you measuring? Often there are inches lost even when you don't lose pounds, especially if you are exercising. As you lose fat and gain muscle, one offsets the other other on the scale. Don't give up!
  • itsmewendylee
    itsmewendylee Posts: 21 Member
    I'm struggling with food too. It feels like I can't stop eating. I am not staying full and I keep inhaling food before counting the calories. With two 5+ mile runs this week & another short run so far I should've been good but I keep going over. We'll see what happens. I just have to keep trying until I overcome this overeating.:frown:

    Always a battle, and I'm sure you've heard most of this advice before but it bears repeating... keep healthy snacks on hand! It's a hard one for me to follow, too- I am always hungry- not just having cravings but actual hunger pangs. It helps to keep veggies and lowfat popcorn on hand- and gum and fiber water. The better nourished our bodies are, the less likely to feel hungry too, so I'm trying to learn to eat more nutrient dense foods that are richer in fiber, whole grains and protien, and less refined stuff. Good luck!
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