Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    For some reason it's not letting me edit my past post. I actually meant to say I'm starting at 194 (haha, I just weighed myself this morning but still put in my old weight). As of Christmas Eve I hope to be 174!

    I added a Christmas ticker
  • im totally on board! butmy personal goal is 30 lbs by x-mas!
  • and im 6 lbs down already!!!
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Hi guys! Happy 3rd Day!

    Todays new challengers include:

    forgiven4life 20lb goal
    sandyl5277 20lb goal
    trott27 20lb goal
    dianeevos 20lb goal
    kargreen 10-15lb goal
    donewiththeweight 20lb goal
    triscuitsmom08 20lb goal
    zontar 20lb goal
    harleymotivatedma 20lb goal
    Happytobealive 20lb goal
    dgarblik 20lb goal
    forgiven4life 20lb goal
    finally1016 20lb goal
    slwheeler3 30lb goal

    Dont forget to update me with your WEIGHT LOSS by Sunday so that I can post a SUCCESS list! WooHOO! PLease note, I am only going to list LBS lost as some members have expressed their desire to keep their actual weight private.

    Oh, before I forget, the facebook group is closed. If you wish to join it (check earlier posts for the link) and click "request to join".

    Again, this is largely to keep things private between the members!

    Hope everyone is doing ok!!! KEEP GOING!!!! :)

    Hope every
  • Evening all
    Just thought id pop my starting weight of 168lbs aiming for at least a 20lb loss by xmas!
  • I would love to join this challenge! I want to lose my last 10lbs by the end of this year. This is the hardest 10lbs ever! I tried for a year but failed...
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    MEEEEEEE *hands up * everytime I try and get on the bandwagin it moves off again !! lol :happy: xx x x x
  • Count me in, I previously lost about 12lbs and was doing really well...but I've put all the weight back on again so could really use some motivation.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    :bigsmile: me too!! I forgot to give my starting weight it is 272 - so I am aiming for at least 252 by Christmas- hopefully more :bigsmile: I will weigh in on Friday and let ya know.:happy:
  • MrsRios
    MrsRios Posts: 56
    I"M SO IN!!
  • Katiebug89
    Katiebug89 Posts: 18 Member
    Ooh, me too! I want to join. I'm hoping to be at my ideal weight then and its lways really nice to hear other people's success stories!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I'm so excited to be a part of this challenge! 20lbs by XMas is totally doable - 2lbs a week? I'm all over it.
    Starting C25K tomorrow too, it should be the kickstart I need to achieve this goal.

    Good luck everyone!
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    Meee..Im so excited about loosing this extra weight on me! I'm really motivated for this Xmas Challenge.
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    By the way, feel free to add my as a friend anybody! I'm knew to this. Thanks
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    He there. Me again. Forgot to say my starting weight is 160lbs. Am having a hard time sticking to the calorie intake. Think my addiction to cake is the problem. No more cake for me!!!!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    He there. Me again. Forgot to say my starting weight is 160lbs. Am having a hard time sticking to the calorie intake. Think my addiction to cake is the problem. No more cake for me!!!!
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm so excited to be a part of this challenge! 20lbs by XMas is totally doable - 2lbs a week? I'm all over it.
    Starting C25K tomorrow too, it should be the kickstart I need to achieve this goal.

    Good luck everyone!

    Sweet! I'm on week 2 of C25k, it's really great, take it easy at the start though and join the forums on c25k if you want!! :) I've lost at least a pound or two since starting a week ago so it does help just make sure you're getting your calories otherwise you'll feel famished!
  • sugarbuzz74
    sugarbuzz74 Posts: 17 Member
    what is the weigh-in day for this challenge? and should we all plan to post our weight loss on that day?
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Hi guys welcome to day 4!!!!

    Todays new challengers include;

    Bearjumps 10lb goal
    ddubsgirl4life 20lb
    hols_89 20lb goal
    nowic 20lb goal
    MrsRios 20lb goal
    kclapp1 20lb goal
    muzikenergy 20lb goal
    mm22430 20lb goal
    taz12 20lb goal
    justjes82 20lb goal
    iavue 20lb goal
    cvmagnolia 20lb goal

    We currently have over 100 people taking part in this challenge!! Who woulda thought it?!

    Dont forget to email me or post your weight lost over the weekend (before monday!) so that I can update the list!

    I hope everyone is doing ok! We are nearly one week down!

    I am definitely feeling the support of the group and its really encouraging to have so many people behind me!

    For once eating 1200 calories feels like a breeze :) I just wish the running was getting easier..*SIGH*

    Keep it up!!!
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I want in...I want this bad! Am I too late?
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