Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • I'm going to sneak in and join this challenge, even if I'm a little late!

    It just so happens to coincide with my goal of being down to 230 by the time I go away for Christmas.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I just joined yesterday so I have no weightloss to report today.
  • I would love to join! 20lbs by xmas was my original goal! I'm struggling though. I've been cutting calories and eating healthy for about 4 months now. For the past 5 weeks I've been going to the gym regularly, exercising at home, and keeping my calorie deficits between 3800-4800. BUT! Not a single pound down or a centimeter off my measurements :( I'm going to keep up the exercise etc and hope I start to see some progress soon so I can reach the xmas goal!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    So frustrated! I had a bad couple of weeks where I lost my discipline and got stuck on my current weight. More recently and particularly over the last week, I have been really good, staying within my calorie limit and exercising well. Yet, still stuck on the same weight when I go to weigh in this morning - aaagggghhhh! Of course, it's good that I've not gone up - but still! Starting to think that I'm programmed to never drop any further and what seemd an achievable challenge (13lb by Christmas) now feels a long way away.

    Anyway, rant over - joining this thread has been motivational and has helped me get back on track. If I can keep going in the same way over the next week, hopefully the scales will drop. Weekends are always difficult with nice food to eat at home with my husband - it's easier to keep on track at work. Good luck for the weekend everyone:smile:
  • Everyone is doing so well congratulations to all of us. After a little bit of a slow start I lost 2.2 pounds this week !
  • I am at 130, a loss of .3 but it's to be expected after how I ate. Hope next week will be better. Congrats everyone.
  • Lisa_reds
    Lisa_reds Posts: 19 Member
    In need of some support.....

    I have been keeping to my calories and working out BUT I have been eating a ton of chocolate (and logging it). But I have stepped on the scale and I really don't think I am going to loose this week. My scale only has whole numbers but I am getting discouraged. Help. I have lost 5 so far and I am VERY happy with that but I just don't want to give up.....
  • Down 1 lb. this week

    Holloween candy did some damage this week, plus I gave up all my daily cups of espresso. I feel so languid without espresso, but have almost completely withdrawn from it, so hate to give up now. I must say though that it did keep me from eating many a time, so not sure what to do with that.
  • I would like to say welcome to the thread to all of the recent XMAS challenge starters! I cant beleive we currently have over 130 people who are following! That is fab! When I started this challenge, I really was only expecting a handful of people to join me, but people just keep on coming! The level of support and motivation from everyone is great!

    The list of success is starting to look very positive, and thanks everyone who was really swift in messaging me/posting to the board!

    I hope everyone is getting on ok? I had a rather indulgent weekend and now, for my sins, lady trouble is making me feel rather barrell like. I dont like to step on the scales as I know normally gain around this time of the month. I have changed my weigh in to sundays, but, im not feeling positive! Just maintaining would be great! :)

    I am going to see the Sound of Music tonight (on stage!) so I expect I will be wanting to run around recreating hill scenes over the weekend (maybe that will help shed a few Lbs? lol)

    Keep those losses coming! ;)......... "The Hillllls are allliiiiiveeee with the sound of muuuuusssiiiiiicccc.....!"

    Im down 1 pound:)
  • This week I lost... another 2lbs. Yey!!!!! 6lbs so far in this challenge. Have a successful week 4 everyone. XXXX Carol
  • Good Morning! :)

    It looks like this week has been hard for many (including myself!). A lot of people are reporting gains, or maintains (including me! lol)...I think this thread needs a BIG injection of motivation! SO, I was thinking, maybe some of us could share one thing that we are looking forward to when we have shed this 20lbs, or reached our goal weights!

    Ok, so mine would be... I am looking forward to shopping for a really pretty dress and going somewhere posh for dinner with my partner. I hope the weight loss will actually make ME feel as beautiful as she makes me feel!

  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm looking forward to the summer and being able to wear fun summer clothes that make me look good!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Good idea Melissa!
    My aim is to buy a slinky dress that will make my husbands eyes pop out when he sees me in it. :love:
    Another few pounds and I might just be able to get away with it.
    Have had a couple of weeks maintaining. Need a good week this week. Decided to blitz it today and tried to run an 11km loop which included lots of hills. Started walking after about 6km and running was only intermittent from that point but am glad I managed to finish it. I am wrecked but feel good. (Thinking of the slinky frock!) kept well within my calories too which I have definitely been finding difficult. Fingers crossed.
    Good luck everyone. I hope everyone does really well this week. xxx:heart:
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    My husband has promised me a new wardrobe when i get down to my target weight! i'm definately looking forward to that.

    and i have a dress in my wardrobe that i wore on my honeymoon which is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and i really really REALLY hope one day i can get back into it :)
  • Im looking forward to having another baby but first have to get to my goal cause I know I'll gain have of it back LOL but this time its going to come off fast!! Good luck to everyone!
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    My first weigh in since joining last week.
    CW=194 lbs
    SW=200 lbs
    Lost=6 lbs

    On my way....
  • Hey guys and girls

    I havent read through the thread so congratulations to all of you who have lost over the past few weeks!

    I havent been here due to illness and other bits and bobs, in my first week I lost 7lbs - literally in a couple of days however I have put 3lbs back on and have lost a total of 4lbs so far!

    Im happy with this as I have been on a mammoth comfort eating bender this week! But im back, re motivated, re energised and ready to start again. Will hit the gym first thing in the morning - might as well start the week as I mean to go on!!!
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    In need of some support.....

    I have been keeping to my calories and working out BUT I have been eating a ton of chocolate (and logging it). But I have stepped on the scale and I really don't think I am going to loose this week. My scale only has whole numbers but I am getting discouraged. Help. I have lost 5 so far and I am VERY happy with that but I just don't want to give up.....

    Don't worry about the scale! (Only having whole numbers is good anyway) Log your nutrition and exercise and stick to your goal. Take the chocolate into the office and give it away..
  • I just joined this today and 20lbs is my goal weight, so I'm in!!!!!
  • Hi everyone heres my update...

    I have lost 3 pounds for this week. This support groups is great!
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