Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • So yesterday I gave blood at work - they tell you to eat extra and provide these awful snacks after :-(.

    I didn't make the time to exercise and I at 2 candy bars - but still I have lost 3 lbs this week! Happy about the weight lost - sad about the candy bars.

    Sigh – so instead of driving out to lunch I am going to walk to the place I am having lunch instead. Better for me all the way around right?

    Thanks everyone for sharing – it truly helps.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    I just maintained this week- but next week had better watch out :laugh:
  • Same here...Just maintained. Beginning of this week didn't go as planned. Now I have a new Wii with some games and the Wii Active so watch out everyone....Coming full force next week! LOL
  • I stayed the same this week!!! Ugh, but since it was my birthday, i guess it is the best I can do!!! I will have a much better week next week!!!
  • aflaherty
    aflaherty Posts: 22 Member
    lost 1 more pound this week!
  • Great job all !! I am down to 181.5#, which is down 2#, since the 18th. Slow but steady!! I am down 10# since start day of Oct . 1st. Hang in there gang
  • jeorwa
    jeorwa Posts: 92 Member
    I'm down 4lb this week - tho to be honest a lot of it was hormonal water weight. Still, better off than on!
  • Oh Im in :happy:
  • I'm down 2.2 lbs! Yay for me! :happy:
  • hcollett
    hcollett Posts: 4 Member
    I'm down 4lbs this week, woohooo!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Congrats to everyone! Sounds like we are off to a good start!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    great workout for me tonight, didnt fancy it at all pmt, long day crap mood but i got my lazy butt off the sofa and did a proper workout and feel so so so much better for it!

    off to a good start to this week!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    great workout for me tonight, didnt fancy it at all pmt, long day crap mood but i got my lazy butt off the sofa and did a proper workout and feel so so so much better for it!

    off to a good start to this week!

    Me too!!! PMT and very bad mood with too much to do. But I played soccer tonight even though I debated missing the game and I felt so much better as well. A little worried about weigh in tomorrow as I retain a lot of water this time of the month...
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    great workout for me tonight, didnt fancy it at all pmt, long day crap mood but i got my lazy butt off the sofa and did a proper workout and feel so so so much better for it!

    off to a good start to this week!

    Me too!!! PMT and very bad mood with too much to do. But I played soccer tonight even though I debated missing the game and I felt so much better as well. A little worried about weigh in tomorrow as I retain a lot of water this time of the month...

    Me too guys. Given its sunday I really wasn't in the mood but got off my *kitten* off the sofa and went for a run. Did 5km in my best time ever in 30 degree heat. That must have burnt off some calories! Feel good now although thought I was going to die about an hour ago.
    Lets really make a push this week. Need to get back on track. Thanks for all the support everyone. Am finding this thread really helpful. :heart:
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Hi Guys!

    The list is looking GREAT!

    I hope everyone can stay away from the sweeties this Halloween! Remember, you want to be slim much more than you want to eat sweets. Mostly. lol

    Keep the weight losses coming! I will post the list Monday evening!
  • twilightteamedward
    twilightteamedward Posts: 73 Member
    Minus 3lb this week - Xmas 20lb Challenge running total 4lb. Have a fabulous week 3 everyone. XXX Carol
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I've had a few Halloween mini chocolate bars, and for some reason, they just don't taste as good to me this year. It's almost like they are tasteless! I used to remember them being creamy, and they would melt in your mouth. Now an avocado does that for me :wink:
  • Down 2lbs since last weeks post down to 181.7 started this challenge at 184.6 Thanks!
  • Hi!!!

    I'll give it a go, do you have any great tips? I only started last week so at a disadvantage but very keen to try as the weight must come off and I really want to look good in a nice dress for Christmas! Lost just over 1LB so far this week, official weigh in the Morning though as will be 1 full week and lots've exercise today as my 1 day off

  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I am a little upset this week because I am only down 1 pound. I knew it would be bad though because my eating was a little crazy a couple of days this week. To top it off I really didn't put in much exercise this week. I have to get back on track this week and make next week a better week. Good luck to everyone else!
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