Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • Two pounds this week.
    My motivation is to have the energy to decorate the house and do all of the holiday things I used to do but have stopped doing because I was just too tired!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Can you still join?
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I think I will have to extend my goal out to mid January. I just don't see me losing 20 lbs in 7 weeks. I will try but if not that is ok. If I can get a good start I will be ok and more motivated to keep going. I will continue to post my loss each week. I hope this is ok?
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    Can you still join?

    of course!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    why not try loose 10lbs by xmas instead you can still stay on this thread
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hiya, everyone. We arrived back home today. The flight and the drive home from Gatwick weren't too bad at all, but I was feeling pretty motion sick by the time we made it back here. Went out to eat at an Italian place and ran into the co-op because we drank all the tea we took with us, and that was all the tea we had. Got some various healthy things to eat as well and came home to find my mother in law supplied us with all things unhealthy. I'm not too pleased with that, considering we all went out to eat last night in Tenerife when she, my father in law, my husband, his brother, and his partner were all there, and she made a comment about the amount of food I was eating. Not to my face or anything, just behind my back to my brother in law. Nice lady, right? Funnily enough, she was telling me how good I looked when they arrived in Tenerife yesterday. I could scream. She is the only person on this planet who could ruin a lovely holiday. Anyway, I did step on the scale when I got back and the numbers were horrendously high, but, until tomorrow I won't know the total damage done, since I weighed myself fully clothed and after dinner. Because of that evil woman's comment, I am planning to work harder than ever to shed this temporary holiday gain and lose the rest of what I planned to lose before Christmas. I will be a healthy weight when we sit down to Christmas dinner and I will not be scared of her. Getting stronger is now going to be about more than muscles. I am going to get stronger on the inside. Anyway, sorry to spring this on all of you, but I really had to vent. It really hurts me when she acts this way.
  • I'm in. I have 15 lbs left to lose.
  • I am definitely in. I would feel so happy this christmas if I reached that target and having others with the same aims has to help. Good luck everyone :)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I must confess, I ate 5 halloween chocolate bars on Sunday! Pheww!! Glad I finally got that out! I didn't log my food on Sunday either, I'm pretty sure I was way over! But the homemade quesidillas were so good that night! Anyhoo, back on track Monday. Only going to eat my alotted 1200 cals, not my exercise cals this week. See what happens. Walked on my lunch break yesterday and today and there is no reason for to not continue those walks for the rest of the week, the weather is beautiful here in Ontario this week !
  • I need to figure out an approach to deal with this. I eat well all day, and in the evening I see that my calories are under the maintenance amount, so it's a sign of a good weigh in coming up. Then I think, "Oh, I have calories to spare!" =D (when I really don't because I really need to be under), but I start munching until I'm near the maintenance amount. Sigh! It is my goal this week to see that, at this weight, maintenance calories are completely inappropriate for me and that my calorie maximum is a lot less. This is going to be a toughie, but well worth the effort.
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hi everyone.
    Right I need someone to explain the calories thing to me properly. Whatever I did when I set up my account with this it allocated me 1200 calories a day that I had to keep to. To be honest I have found it fairly difficult to keep under that ammount. They just vanish so quickly. The extra exercise calories get added on and that makes it much easier to stick to the calorie ammount.
    Anyway, my question is, am I supposed to stick to the 1200 = exercise calories a day or am I suppose to try and come under the calories every day? I have been trying to stick to the calories and the last couple of weeks have had no loss. Maybe I should be trying for under the calories? I have been erercising every day for a minimum of an hour doing fairly high intensity workouts and cross training but I seem to have reached an impasse...
  • Gott a bit off track yesterday I ate 2 slices of Pizza and to top it off I didn't work out because I hurt my back moving furniture : ( oh well there goes my free Saturday gotta step it up a bit today and do some extra cardio! weight in is comming! Good luck to everyone Keep up the Good Work!
  • Hi everyone.
    Right I need someone to explain the calories thing to me properly. Whatever I did when I set up my account with this it allocated me 1200 calories a day that I had to keep to. To be honest I have found it fairly difficult to keep under that ammount. They just vanish so quickly. The extra exercise calories get added on and that makes it much easier to stick to the calorie ammount.
    Anyway, my question is, am I supposed to stick to the 1200 = exercise calories a day or am I suppose to try and come under the calories every day? I have been trying to stick to the calories and the last couple of weeks have had no loss. Maybe I should be trying for under the calories? I have been erercising every day for a minimum of an hour doing fairly high intensity workouts and cross training but I seem to have reached an impasse...

    Hi Taz12, anyone can correct me or fine tune this answer, but the calories to be consumed in order to lose weight are 1200. So the maintenance amount is higher, but we need to keep it at about 1200. I wouldn't lose sleep over going over or under by a few, but the danger of going over is making a habit of justifying it when we all want to stick to the recommended amount. And I hear over and over about slowing down a metabolism by going under, however it's too tormenting to go under on a regular basis, so no need to lose sleep over that either! If you can go under 1200 and are not hungry, wow, I want to do that too! I forgot to add that if you exercise, those would be extra calories you have, which you can choose to eat or let them go and take off some extra weight. :)
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hi everyone.
    Right I need someone to explain the calories thing to me properly. Whatever I did when I set up my account with this it allocated me 1200 calories a day that I had to keep to. To be honest I have found it fairly difficult to keep under that ammount. They just vanish so quickly. The extra exercise calories get added on and that makes it much easier to stick to the calorie ammount.
    Anyway, my question is, am I supposed to stick to the 1200 = exercise calories a day or am I suppose to try and come under the calories every day? I have been trying to stick to the calories and the last couple of weeks have had no loss. Maybe I should be trying for under the calories? I have been erercising every day for a minimum of an hour doing fairly high intensity workouts and cross training but I seem to have reached an impasse...

    Hi Taz12, anyone can correct me or fine tune this answer, but the calories to be consumed in order to lose weight are 1200. So the maintenance amount is higher, but we need to keep it at about 1200. I wouldn't lose sleep over going over or under by a few, but the danger of going over is making a habit of justifying it when we all want to stick to the recommended amount. And I hear over and over about slowing down a metabolism by going under, however it's too tormenting to go under on a regular basis, so no need to lose sleep over that either! If you can go under 1200 and are not hungry, wow, I want to do that too! I forgot to add that if you exercise, those would be extra calories you have, which you can choose to eat or let them go and take off some extra weight. :)

    Thanks. Was a bit confused over the whole thing. Fingers crossed for the weigh in tomorrow. Have exercised loads this week. Going to pilates this evening and going to run home after, which is 5km. I broke today and had the most delicious homemade oatmeal and sultana cookies on my tea break. Nearly died when I put them into my food log and discovered how many calories each of them were. Going to have to do the cardio to get them off before the weigh in tomorrow. Was going to treat myself to a few glasses of wine tonight but think I'll wait till Friday night instead! Aggghhhh.....
  • Hi all!

    Good news, I can fit ointo a tshirt I bought that didnt fit 3 weeks ago. Bad news, I burnt my hand real bad on curling tongs. BOOOO! Send sympathy my way! :) lol

    How is everyone doing?
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    sorry to hear about the burn! Great job....on the t-shirt.

    I forgot to email you yesterday but I didn't lost anything this week.
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    God. Sorry about the burn. Ouch!!! Make sure it doesn't get infected.
    Just weighed in and am down 2.4 pounds. Yay!!! Was starting to think I was going to be stuck at 156 forever! Have realised that the secret was upping my exercise quite considerably. Taking a rest day today but going to start running again tomorrow. So delighted. Just got to be good over the weekend. Wish me luck.Hope eveyone has similar success this week. Keep it up everyone! xxx

    Loss this week: 2.4 lbs
  • good luck
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    2lbs lost this week - i've lost 10lbs since we started this thread :)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I wasn't going to weigh in today because I really didn't want to face the scales after holiday but this is my weigh-in day, so...up 1 pound. Not too bad considering the amount I ate and drank that week. That puts me at a total loss of only 3 pounds for this challenge, which is not so great. Darn those holidays.
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