Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • jippygirl
    jippygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Lost 2.4 poinds this week. I spent loads of time on my feet at work. No doubt that helped! The weight where my body likes to plateau is coming up fast. Any ideas how to shake up my routine to move past it? Also, I am going on holiday to visit my family. Danger zone! Good luck to all. Keep at it!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Well, I wasn't going to weigh in today because I really didn't want to face the scales after holiday but this is my weigh-in day, so...up 1 pound. Not too bad considering the amount I ate and drank that week. That puts me at a total loss of only 3 pounds for this challenge, which is not so great. Darn those holidays.

    Next week ickybella. After all the crap with your mother in law etc it must have knocked you out of kilter. Good luck from here on in!!:flowerforyou:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    DOWN 1 lb this week!

    I knew it was going to get tougher soon. Gotta change my routine up some how. Goodluck everyone!
  • Hello all! Welcome to the new challengers!

    A quick note to say that if you wish to join the challenge, but your goal is not 20lbs, that is OK! Let us know what your goal is, and update me or the thread with your loss by Monday (LBS lost, not start/current weight)

    I lot of people are talking about shaking up their routines? I need to just get a routine! Things have been crazy busy here with so much uni work to do, plus driving lessons, plus burning myself on random houshold appliances. (Nearly put my hand on a hotplate today! Good one, Melissa!) Anyhoo....I think I am going to get back into tae bo. Even if Billy Blanks is somewhat irritating, he makes me sweat with frustration alone :)

    My new weigh in day is sunday, its been like this for the last two weeks, but I maintained last week. Really hoping for a loss this week! Fingers crossed! :P
  • I hope it okay to join the 20lb weight loss challenge right now. I'm two weeks into the site having joined November 1st - I'm so grateful to have an iphone because it's so easy :wink: for me to post everything I eat right away because I usually carry my phone with me.
  • boNep
    boNep Posts: 2 Member
    I really dont know if Friday is weigh in day or Monday. I have only lost .5 lb if its Friday. Tis better than nutin!! lol. Sorry to hear about your burn,take care. :happy:
  • OK I would like to join in even though it is late! May not lose the 20 but 10 would be awesome! Good luck everyone.
    When do we weigh in?
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    I would love to aim to loose 20 lbs by xmas. Im in... so weigh in days are sundays? a
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Hope its not too late to join in, but I want to try to go for 25lbs. For Christmas with lowcarb and exercising, I've got a long way to go so I think its doable.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I wasn't going to weigh in today because I really didn't want to face the scales after holiday but this is my weigh-in day, so...up 1 pound. Not too bad considering the amount I ate and drank that week. That puts me at a total loss of only 3 pounds for this challenge, which is not so great. Darn those holidays.

    Next week ickybella. After all the crap with your mother in law etc it must have knocked you out of kilter. Good luck from here on in!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks! The fact that I'm only up 1 pound is a miracle, really. I dropped five pounds in two days after I came back. Mostly water, I'm sure, but still, it was helpful. I really doubt that I'll be able to make it to the full 20 now, but I think I'll be happy with anything. I'm still keeping 20 as the goal and I'm going to work really hard to get there, but we'll see. I won't be too disappointed if I don't make it.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Weigh in day is any time from fri-monday. I post the list of success on a monday evening GMT.
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Hi All!

    I'm joining the challenge a bit late, so I'd like to adjust my challenge to lose 12lbs by Christmas (6 weeks away) I'm weighing in today at 198! Hopefully I'll be weighing in next Friday at least 2 pounds less! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Cool, I'll weigh in on Monday then...I missed last week...gone on vacation! I'm still goin for it! So excited to reach my goal at Christmas! A great gift to myself!
  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    going to be tough count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • **ATTENTION!****

    We are just about to reach 500 posts so I will start a new thread.

    It will be entitled Xmas 20lb Challenge p2!

    Genius eh? See you all there!
  • Please join new thread entitled "Xmas 20lb Challenge p2" as we have reached total posts allowed.
  • Please join new thread entitled "Xmas 20lb Challenge p2" as we have reached total posts allowed.
  • Please join new thread entitled "Xmas 20lb Challenge p2" as we have reached total posts allowed.
  • Please join new thread entitled "Xmas 20lb Challenge p2" as we have reached total posts allowed.
  • 500! Woohoo!

    Please join new thread entitled "Xmas 20lb Challenge p2" as we have reached total posts allowed.
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