Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I weighed myself on Monday (I think) so I'll be sure to do it again next Monday and let you know!

  • kaye6713
    kaye6713 Posts: 2 Member
    Im up for the challenge! It is nice to see others with the same goals!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Well, it's Wednesday! So far so good! Back to walking everyday and doing well with food intake! How's everyone else doing this week?

    cataclysm: Do you want us to send a message to you with our weekly weigh in numbers or just post here?
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    Lost 2!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    well i'm from your end of the woods too Norfolk UK :)

    i cant beleive friday is only 2 days away i think i'm stll in a sunday WI mindset!! must remember to start my exercise week on a friday afternoon lol.

    i'll be lucky if i've maintained this week rather than gained!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just checking in and keeping myself accountable. I have done good so far monday and tuesday with food. I went to the gym Monday and I feel good already! Hoping I can keep it up over the weekend because thats my downfall! Ive been stepping on the scale and Im seeing the weigh come off already! So I am trying to use that for motivation!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    Ok so the scales scared me into working out tonight finally did a whole hour!

    however i have a poorly calf muscle so i know i'm going to have to take it easy else really hurt myself anyone got any non-leg cardio work outs??
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Well, it's Wednesday! So far so good! Back to walking everyday and doing well with food intake! How's everyone else doing this week?

    cataclysm: Do you want us to send a message to you with our weekly weigh in numbers or just post here?

    Post them on the board or send me a message! I will try to pick them up from both areas.:)

    Thanks, Mel
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    Ok so the scales scared me into working out tonight finally did a whole hour!

    however i have a poorly calf muscle so i know i'm going to have to take it easy else really hurt myself anyone got any non-leg cardio work outs??

    Yes, that old favourite of mine, hand running. You know, you sort of run...on your hands! :)

    In all seriousness now, have you tried just using a punch bag...maybe a bit of wii boxing...?
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Ok so the scales scared me into working out tonight finally did a whole hour!

    however i have a poorly calf muscle so i know i'm going to have to take it easy else really hurt myself anyone got any non-leg cardio work outs??

    Ley1, Poor you. that happens to my husband all the time. make sure to rest it a bit or it will keep you out of action for longer.

    Cataclysm, I am irish but living in singapore at the moment, hence the early weight loss post last friday! Can't believe its friday tomorrow. Don't think I have lost anything since last week. Please let there be no gain. fingers crossed. Good luck everyone! xxx
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    The temptation to get on the scales is KILLING me! ARGH!

    Roll on tomorrow! :) How is everyone getting on?
  • Which day is our weigh in? Friday??? Thanks ;) I've lost this week(during pms ladies!) will be happy to report!
  • jippygirl
    jippygirl Posts: 14 Member
    I'm In! Let's make Xmas really worth celebrating!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Ok so the scales scared me into working out tonight finally did a whole hour!

    however i have a poorly calf muscle so i know i'm going to have to take it easy else really hurt myself anyone got any non-leg cardio work outs??

    Are you able to go to a gym? You can do great cross training with all the weights. Or you could set up a program at home - sit ups/push ups/various upper body arm exercises. If you do them as a circuit you would still burn calories and be able to give your leg a rest. Plus you'd be building some muscle!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Doing well, nervous about weighing in tomorrow as this is my last big weigh-in before holiday and I really want to be a little (ok, a lot) smaller before I get on that beach! Working out like a mad woman so I can finish one of my other MFP challenges on time. Let's hope it's worth it. Everyone having a good day? And what's for dinner?
  • Count me in, Xmas eve is my wedding anniversary, would be lovely to lose 20lbs by then.
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    Ok so the scales scared me into working out tonight finally did a whole hour!

    however i have a poorly calf muscle so i know i'm going to have to take it easy else really hurt myself anyone got any non-leg cardio work outs??

    Are you able to go to a gym? You can do great cross training with all the weights. Or you could set up a program at home - sit ups/push ups/various upper body arm exercises. If you do them as a circuit you would still burn calories and be able to give your leg a rest. Plus you'd be building some muscle!

    No i cant go to the gym (2 kiddos at home and no one to sit for me) but your post has just reminded me i've ea sports active for the wii so i'll get on and use that tonight instead thanks!
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Arrggghhhh! I knew this week wasn't a good one. Too many treats altogether! Just weighed myself and up half a pound. Not too disappointed though. I thought it would be more and I lost way more than expected last week so I am still on track overall. Going to be more well behaved this week!
    Hope everyone does better than I did!
    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    Gain this week: 0.5 pounds
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    scales were switching between 184/185 so i'll go with 185 which means i'm -1lb :)

    considering i thought i would sport a gain (especially as pms is here) i'm a happy gal :)

    Ley1 -1lb (-5lb total)
  • twilightteamedward
    twilightteamedward Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm having a better week this week. Just have to get through till Sunday morning weigh-in without blowing it.

    It is my son's birthday today and I have just made an enormous chocolate cake - OH NO! I hear you cry!!! - but I don't like them so can look at it and leave it. The crisps will be calling my name, at the party later but hopefully a load of boys full of sugar and E numbers will drown them out!!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone, XXX Carol
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