AshatanViz Member


  • The only thing that has worked for me is to completely cut it out. It's really hard for the first few days, but give it a week. You have to stay away from anything that even resembles dessert for 1 week. Then you will find that you crave it less. Apart from that, keep the sweets out of your house. Out of sight, out of…
  • Why are you writing your blog in English if you're more comfortable with Greek? You'll probably get more Greek followers than English-speakers that way. Your writing is a bit hard to read.
  • I think you need to brush up on your female anatomy.
  • If i were you, I'd refrain from training on your 600 calorie days, and just work out on the 5 normal days of the week.
  • Sugar is not more addictive than cocaine. However, if you eat sugar in mass quantities and really frequently, you can become somewhat dependent on it and prefer its familiarity to cocaine (if you've never tried cocaine before). But you're right. I've struggled with this too. The good news is that you can overcome it with…
  • A lot of people are being flippant about this post, but sugar CAN be addictive. There are several studies to back that up. I have personally added to that pool of research when I did a study with rats using cocaine or cookie dough to study reward processing. Sugar can be as rewarding as cocaine if you eat it often enough,…
  • Hang out with health-oriented people. Whenever I skip a day at the gym, I know I can't stay away for long because my girlfriends still need their gym buddy.
  • You might be underestimating how many calories you're actually taking in. I made that mistake a lot when I started using this site. You really have to weigh and measure to know for sure how much you have consumed.
  • Exercise is different from activity. Unless you are basing your daily activity on your gym routine (which you shouldn't be, since that would make you extremely active), then exercise calories should be added to your daily allowance.
  • No one gets obese by eating 1100 calories a day. No one.
  • Weight machines are good, but also do some dumbbells and/or barbell exercises to work your muscles out in a functional way. The problem with the machines is that they isolate muscles in ways that you wouldn't in everyday life. It's best to do free weights in addition. I usually 3 sets of 15 reps at a challenging weight, so…
  • I've seen this show! I like it--it's one of those guilty pleasures that I just can't tear myself away from. At the same time, though, I think it's silly to make them switch diets, because both diets are terrible! It's not helping anyone involved except the TV producers, of course. The superskinny people are always eating…
  • i regularly eat 40 or more. mountains of apples, oranges, lentils, and vegetables do the trick. i also love eating those foods.
  • Same problem. It's addictive. What I do, since it's the only breakfast option for me right now (I am currently living with a host family in Spain), is I have ONE bowl, and follow it with a hot cup of coffee. The coffee usually makes my brain realize that breakfast is over and kitchen is closed.
  • You sound like my twin. I'm going to friend-request you. I am in a very similar boat. I'm 5'8", about 132lbs; my goal is 125-ish. I'm 20 years old. Everything is nice and toned and slim except my midsection. Also, our exercise classes are so similar! This week I did Body Pump, Yoga, Spinning, a day of cardio on the…
  • That's a relief. I've noticed a bit of the same as well! Granted, I'm only doing a moderate amount of lifting and I've been at a steady weight for a long long time, but it does make a difference. No doubt.
  • I've been a blusher all my life, and I get equally red when I exercise as when I'm embarrassed! That's just how I'm made I guess. Gotta learn to love it.
  • Wow there are a bajillion options! Other than grab-n-go fruit like apples/oranges/bananas/pears, my fave healthy foods are 1) Oatmeal. Make that stuff a million ways. They are all delicious 2) Celery with peanut butter and raisins 3) Mini-tacos (small corn tortilla, black beans, salsa, avocado, lettuce, or whatever your…
  • Do you really expect us to say yes or no? We can't see you, only you can. All you can do is try to eat better and start exercising again after exams are over.
  • I always lose water weight after a night of drinking. It's probably water weight! To be sure, weigh again at the end of the week. Calorie cycling isn't a bad idea though! (Although you might want to do it in a healthier way for optimum results.)
  • I use water! It has exactly the same effect, without making the eggs heavy. Whisk while you add a splash of water to get some air bubbles in there. Makes them nice and fluffy.
  • I'd say, first of all, that you should start making (at least) 1200 your net calorie intake. This means eating a little more if you exercised that day. I would also say you should try doing some body weight or dumbbell exercises to strengthen your muscles. Don't just do cardio all the time. While cardio is great for you,…
  • Okay I know something about this one. I gained about 8 pounds my freshman year of college and couldn't figure it out. I thought I had the kind of body type that would just never put on weight no matter what. Well, obviously that's not true. College kids gain weight for one main reason: Lifestyle change. They tend to move…
  • When I was vegan (about 9 months), I made an exception for fish oil tablets. If you're vegan for ethical reasons as I was, the small amount of fish consumed via capsules for my health was worth the potential suffering of the animals. It's less than a tablespoon of oil a day. In the grand scheme of things, you're still…
  • This is good advice, and pretty much what I was anticipating. Not going to lie though, serious strength training intimidates me a little bit! I've never been briefed on proper form or good starting weights to lift, so I feel a little self-conscious in the gym. I just have to get past that, though, and refer to YouTube…
  • To all the people saying your body cannot tell time: Your body DOES have a clock. Very much so. Ever heard of circadian rhythms? They determine when you release hormones/neurotransmitters, when you get hungry, when you get tired (on a daily basis), and when you get your period (on a monthly basis, for example). There's no…
  • You say you've eaten a big breakfast all your life. If that's the case, then I don't think a 2 pound weight gain one week out of your LIFE is due to your normal eating habits. Something else (your energy expenditure) most likely changed.
  • I'm about 5'8.5" and I weigh about 130 pounds. I feel better at 122-125, but that's because i have relatively skinny legs and all the fat goes to my tummy. Gotta trim it down.
  • I have a confession as well... I drank beer for dinner last night, and today I ate a whole paella. Will I lose weight this week? Probably not. But I tend not to gain, either, because I work it off at the gym and compensate with smaller meals later.