acheben Member


  • Next time you do this, create a recipe so that it's easier to enter during the week. When you're making your batch of roasted potatoes or whatever, weigh the raw potatoes and enter them in the recipe. After you're done cooking, weigh the roasted potatoes in grams and enter that weight as the number of servings. That way, 1…
  • A friend of mine works for Mars and apparently these are absolutely delicious. I'm on the look out for a bag before my next trail run :smiley:
  • I made a recipe for my rice so that I would have a relatively accurate cooked weight since cooked rice weights can vary.
  • You have a negative number for exercise, which probably means you have a fitness tracker set up with negative calorie adjustment allowed. Double check that your fitness tracker is set up correctly.
  • I'm a fan of Chobani and Tillamook plain greek yogurt.
  • I really like my Manduka eKO Lite Yoga Mat. It's thin so it doesn't negatively impact my balance and it feels really grippy so I don't slip. It is a little pricey, but I would buy it again.
  • But the 5S is probably an appropriate size for her. I'm not sure about it's golf capabilities, but it works well for daily activity tracking, multi-sport tracking, and general smart watch duties.
  • I don't know if it'll help with work, but I've found that it's really helpful to pick up a handicraft like knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, etc, can help keep my hands busy at night while watching TV.
  • I second picking up some kind of handicraft. I enjoy crocheting/knitting in the evenings since it keeps my hands busy, prevents snacking since I would get snack residue on my project, and I end up with blankets/scarves/etc that can be gifted to people, sold, or donated to charity.
  • I've found it at several stores in a couple states (HEB, Fred Meyer, Safeway). Your best bet is to use their locator: (Herdez, Guacamole Salsa) The guacamole salsa is fantastic. It's definitely a staple in my house and I put it on so many things.
  • I just log the whole bag (or a portion of the bag) and call it good. Popcorn is rather annoying to deal with.
  • It really depends on your goals and nutritional needs. When I travel for work, I try to focus on ordering grilled proteins and lots of veggies at restaurants. If I'm on vacation, I enjoy the local food and my extra activity usually balances it out.
  • I managed to maintain my weight during a 3 month assignment to Italy. I didn't have a body weight scale, but I packed my food scale for around the apartment. We didn't eat out every meal, but I didn't feel like I missed anything or deprived myself of the experience. It also really helped that we only had one car, so I did…
  • I completely understand. My days on travel are rarely 8hrs long and they usually involve me doing tons of walking or work at a job site. Don't make up allergies at the lunch/dinner meetings. Try ordering lower calorie items like grilled meats and veggies.
  • I travel pretty frequently for work. My trips are usually a day or two at a time but I've been on some projects where I was traveling for the entire week every other week. My best advice is to drink a lot of water to counteract the extra salt in the restaurant meals and use the hotel gym/pool whenever possible to get a…
  • Yep. There is no fat in a traditional corn tortilla, just corn treated with lime, water, and salt. Also, corn tortillas tend to be smaller than flour tortillas.
  • I usually cook things in the slow cooker on low unless the recipe specifies cooking on high or I'm cooking chicken. I've found that cooking chicken on low gives it a weird stringy texture that I'm not a fan of.
  • We don't make a lot of casseroles, but we made this the other night: It was super east to make, tasty, and it is 480 calories per serving (with my brands and measurements). We also like making enchiladas, which I don't consider a casserole, but they…
  • I don't know what I weighed in high school, but I am smaller now than I ever was back then. There's nothing wrong with reassessing your goal weight as you lose weight. You might decide that you're perfectly happy with your weight before you reach your goal weight, or you might decide that you'd like to lose a little more…
  • Similar to @janejellyroll and @GottaBurnEmAll, I go by my Fitbit adjustment. Before I had my Fitbit, I went off of the calculated calorie burn from Runkeeper and had good results. I focus on my weekly intake and I tend to spread the calories from a long run into the next few days. I have a hard time eating an extra 1k+…
  • I've found that it is a little harder to eat at my calorie goals when I'm stuck in a hotel on travel. It is completely doable, but it takes a decent bit of thought and planning. On the way to the restaurant, look up the nutrition information and try to make choices that fit your calorie goals. I usually tend to stick with…
  • The calories and nutrients (information on the left) are the same for everyone. The percent daily value (%DV) on the right side of the nutritional label is based on a 2000 calorie diet. Don't worry about that part, just look at the calories and grams, mg, etc of nutrients.
  • I see two ways to avoid being potentially insulting: - Make a facebook post about getting rid of size __ clothing and see if anyone wants them. - Tell your SIL that you're downsizing your wardrobe and you wanted to know if she wanted any of your clothes before you get rid of them.
  • I would have the Portobello alla griglia con caprino for my antipasto and order the Bistecca di manzo for my secondi. If my husband was willing to share something, we'd split the Pasta or Risotto del giorno as a primi. Yum.
  • I cook them in unsweetened chocolate almond milk and add peanut butter or pb2 and sliced bananas.
  • If DIY car repair doesn't work out, you can always purchase a battery pack for emergency phone charging.
  • I love this Mojito Fruit Salad and grilled corn or a corn salad is a great addition to a bbq.
  • The spaghetti measuring tool is not as accurate as a scale. Weigh the pasta to know how many servings you're cooking/consuming.
  • From the FDA: "The list of nutrients that are required or permitted to be declared is being updated. Vitamin D and potassium will be required on the label. Calcium and iron will continue to be required. Vitamins A and C will no longer be required but can be included on a voluntary basis." "Manufacturers must declare the…
  • I really enjoy volleyball. I think your best bet will be to join a sport and social league for a season (usually 6wks) and try it out. Our league offers a wide variety of sports like volleyball, basketball, kickball, flag football, dodge ball, and tennis.