rks6902 Member


  • Oh and I should say I started smoking at age 15 or so and quit at age 40. I also tried many time but never made it more than a month,m usually never more than a day or two. I loved smoking too. But now I think about it and think I would probably cough up a lung if I tried it again.
  • I quit 2 years ago using Chantix, I tired everything to quit before that and nothing worked. However, the taxes went up that a pack started costing $7. I did the math, one pack a day times 30 days was a minimum of $210 a month. I could pay a bill or two with that money. I smoked more if I was out at a bar. But now…
  • I don't have an answetr fo ryou, but am just as curious. Several friends of taken up running and one just ran her first half marathon. They are so inspiring to me that I think I amn going to start running in the morning, providing I can get myself out of bed at 4:30am. I leave for work at 6am and want to go running while…
  • I got a pretty decent one at Target. Its not the one I really want but it was budget friendly. Try there ar amazon. I think the one from Target is a Polar and keeps track of heart rate and calories burned based on individual stats you enter including your weight.
  • Good for you! I did a 17 mile walk in May and did not train enough for it and paid for it with foot pain for several weeks after it. I would actually take the other persons advice and get a long 15 mile walk in before then to work up to the 40 miles. Wear extremely good shoes, Vaseline for your feet to keep the blisters…
  • Brush yourself off and get right back on. I deal with that too and lose motivation when I do not see results and it drives me nuts. If you are not feeling well enough to work out at least track your food and maybe take a walk to get some kind of moving in.
  • Congrats! I am doing a 17 mile walk on Saturday, first one ever and am scared about failure but excited to try. We have the power to do these things.
  • Welcome to the MFP world. We all support one another and will help with any questions that come up.
  • I thought it was a waste of money...would never by it again.
  • I completely understand, I was down 9 and now I think I am only down 4 and am basically starting over. Personal emotions have alot to do with your success and I guess I need to work on those first.
  • I have the same issue or maybe boredom eating too. I dislike my job and from the minute I walk in I want to sit at my desk and eat all day. The weekends are easier for me as I can find other much more interesting things to do that take my mind off of eating. I wish I had a solution for you. I have thought about chewing…
  • Have you tried Play It Again Sports in Madison? They have used weights there for much cheaper than new.
  • I can relate to you too. I love mfp, but I can get obsessed about it and sometimes I don't track my food for that reason only. I seem to think about food more often when I track food than if I was to just eat when hungry. I also get mad if I don't find time to fit a workout in, but sometimes that is also the first thing to…
  • My work breakfast is old fashioned oats, brown sugar, a chopped apple, 1/2 frozen blueberries and a cut up banana. I get 3 servings of fruit and a serving of whole grains for breakfast.
  • I have two of the Hungry Girl books. I have not yet made anythig from them but a coworker uses the recipes all of the time. She just came out with a 3rd book and she has a Facebook page and a TV show on the cooking channel, but I don't get that channel.
  • I am about 100 pounds overweight and have done it on level 1. I am pretty active though and was sore after doing it but yes, it can be done. I never went to level 2. I don't do tapes too often as I have so many other options and prefer to be outside whenever possible.
  • That is me completely. It seems the more I track and have to think about making the right choices the more I want to eat all day long. I am hoping this will go away as warmer weather comes and I get outside more. I thought I was the only one that felt this way.
  • I just get the response that "I guess you must not be ready if you are not losing weight" That is not it at all, if I was not "ready" then why do I pack healthy food for lunch everyday and make sure to do something that raises my heart rate for an hour each day. I could go on and on about this, but as someone said, I am…
  • I have arthritis in both of my feet, not ankles but feet so lots of impact sports aggravate it. I do the arm movements and a lite jog in place instead of jumping.
  • But that can happen to me from time to time too and I had a hysterectomy one year ago today. I think some of it is sodium, it seems like I am affected by high levels of sodium more than others. I do not have high blood pressure so thats not an issues. I can relate to it being frustrating though, especially when you know…
  • Thats about what I would like to lose, at least initially or probably realistically.
  • I agree with everyone, don't let a bad streak break you, we all have those times, just get right back on track and you will feel better about yourself soon.
  • I don't have any suggestions for you, as I usually eat fairly good, except for a few days here and there and I work out like crazy, hiking and biking and the gym and it still doesn't help, I gained 3 pounds this week. I have friends on here that but they are critical of me and it drives me nuts.
  • The Just Dance is super fun. You will look like an idiot but I don't let that bother me when I am having fun and getting a bonus workout.
  • At home I have an elliptical, recumbant bike, weight bench, punching bag, incline bench for sit ups, an aerobic step and a TV, DVD, all in my basement. I like having a home gym for the convenience, can work out in my jammies, can watch a movie of my choice while riding my bike and do laundry at the same time. The company I…
  • I too do not go by MFPs calories. I did the elliptical at the gym this morning and according to the machine burned 195 calories, but MFP said I burned 532. I just manually changed it to 195 calories, If in doubt, you can just take an average from the multiple calorie burned calculators found on the internet. I am thinking…
  • What website is it that you can enter your average HR?