KDubMommy Member


  • Despite being up early on Monday morning with my 7 month old, I got a nice surprise when I got on the scale to discover that I was down 2lbs! I lost 2lbs in a little over a week! I was surprised and felt better about eating. I felt this past week I was bad at eating...like eating too much but I guess not since I am down.…
  • i haven't finished logging for yesterday but I am pretty sure I hit my calorie target and I did work out with my trainer for an hour yesterday. I have had a really hard end of a Friday teaching my middle schoolers. I just don't understand why students blatantly decided NOT to do work. I had a student tell me she just did…
  • Hi All! I haven't checked in in a few days... Tuesday Calories: 1257 (goal 1300) Water: 50 ounces Exercise: nothing much other than running around teaching at school...I figured that has to be good for at least 20 mins Wednesday Calories: 1700 WAY OVER! I feel gross...it wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have the super…
  • Hello Again! Its been about 18months since I have been around this group. I got pregnant last summer & stopped tracking & participating. I had my 2nd son Feb 28th & have been trying to get back into the swing of things. The good news is that all the pregnancy weight came off pretty fast & i have been able to make some…
  • Hello All! Julie - Congrats on the getting married! The last week before the wedding is always the most stressful but it is sooo worth it! I am closing in on 9 years of marriage with my husband in a couple weeks :-) Just wanted to show my new & updated picture I took this morning & get your input Will check in later
  • Hello All! Checking for yesterday! Food: about 1500 cals a little over but not too bad Water: umm only about 30 ounces Exercise...none except chasing my 2year old Proud that I actually logged food again! Ok and today totally started off well...I got on the scale & found that 2 of the 4lbs i gained on vacation have finally…
  • Mari- Awesome Pictures! Totally inspiring ok ladies...desperate need of motivation & harrassment punch...I have totally fallen out of the habit of logging food & exercise. I see my trainer tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks & am pretty disgusted that I am 4lbs heavier than last time I saw her. I REALLY want to be in…
  • Hello! Checking in: Calories: no clue because i didn't log but food yesterday was coffee string cheese a rubio fish taco & 1/2 of a shrimp burrito Exercise: none unless you count major stressing out & a couple flights of stairs Water: GOOD! I got to 64 ounces :-) What i am Proud of is a bit of story: So my summer classes…
  • Hello Ladies! I AM BACK!!!! Finally after 10 days! I totally missed you & the scale totally shows! I had planned to work out like crazy & lose 5 pounds while I was gone but instead managed to gain 7!!! Needless to say I am UBER mad at myself & have committed to being super clean eating & getting it off as fast as possible!…
  • Just wanted to stalk one more time before school ends! I will check in again but probably not til monday... Miss you All!
  • OMG!!! I am totally done editting papers!!! :bigsmile: And I have a whole hour left in school!!! :bigsmile: I can't believe it! :drinker: I always stress hard about not being ready & not getting things done...but some how everything always falls into place... I even have time to work on the video I am making for the…
  • I didn't gain any weight with my son until that last month & then I packed on 25lbs and it totally stuck around...I am still working the pregnancy weight off right now & my son is almost 27 months old... I think that the fact that I am having nightmares about being pregnant is a sign that its really not the right thing for…
  • Good Morning! Holy Cow You ladies are freakin amazing with all of the weight loss...I wish I had big loss number to report but I am still sitting here at 217 :-) which is better than last week I think. The really good news is that my trainer measured me yesterday & I have lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist in the past 2…
  • Ok have made it through about 5 papers since my last posting.... But I am becoming obessesd....all I can think about is figuring out what I can do to make sure I reach my mini goal in two weeks which is to loose at least 5lbs by June 3rd.... I have even been looking at heart rate monitors that also track…
  • Hello! Just checking in before I jump back into my pile of research papers... Calories : 1322 :-) & that included a piece of yummy carrot cake at lunch - but only had 1 chicken nugget & 2 glasses of wine for dinner :-( Exercise: major hardcore elliptical time & crunches...I managed to punch out 1 1/2 miles in 30 minutes…
  • Jess - I totally loved your gym spin class story! I have similar story...my husband decided to try to do a workout with me and my personal trainer. My husband is 5'11, 29 inch wasit & 135lbs soaking wet. You would think he would be in better shape than me. We had to try this workout 2 weeks in a row because the first time…
  • Hi All I am here...I haven't logged calories or anything since last week...but that is pretty much the only bad thing I did besides not exercising... But I am feeling pretty good today!! This morning I was able to comfortably zip some prepregnancy pants! I had my son in March of 2008 & am currently still 8 lbs heavier than…
  • Lil' Deb - i can't see your pictures but congrats! From reading all the other posts I am sure you look amazing... Checking in from yesterday Calories: 1468 - kind of high....i really need to get my calorie counting butt in gear & stick to my 1200-1300 calories a day Water - made 64 ounces :-) yeah me :-) Exercise: 20…
  • Hello All! I am doing better than yesterday...still not the super motivated excited person I was a couple weeks ago but I am still going...It did help that the scale regisered 219 this morning after my bagel thin & coffee. I just really want to get very far away from the 220 number so that don't have to worry about hitting…
  • ok so i have been out of touch since late last week...and now I am in total need of some support. I haven't logged calories since last week. I got on the scale this morning (first time since thursday) and am back at 220. My TOM arrived yesterday morning with a vengence I haven't had in several months. One of my good…
  • Hello WOW I am out of touch for a couple of days & there are 5 pages! My week has progressed like this...did absolutely no cardio at ALL this weekend, didn't count calories all weekend, it caught up to me by monday & put me back in the 220 range...I was rather pissed off at myself. Then my mom notified me on Tuesday that…
  • Hello Ladies! I just had to post that I am down an additional .4 lbs from yesterday! I officially under 218 WAHOO! I haven't put in my calories & stuff from yesterday but i will later! I just had to share!
  • Good Morning!! I am doing a happy dance this morning!!! I finally below 220 which was a mini goal of mine! I weighed in at 218.25! I soo TOTALLLY excited! I am even going to ride my hot pink bike to my study session this morning! I have to leave in about 15-20minutes! Checking in Calories: WAY over....will be exercising my…
  • Raider - i would highly recommend you invest in a juicer for drinking those fruits & veggies...but if thats not an option I like the V8 fusion juices...they have diet too...THe V8 fusion juices are super yummy & have a full serving of fruits & veggies in every 8oz...the only thing to watch is that is it easy to blow lots…
  • Hi ladies! Checkin' in Calories: 1686 - really over my daily limit of 1200 but I did earn about 500 exercise calories so I ate all but 100 of those Exercise: 30 very long & hard minutes on the elliptical paired with about 300 killer crunches Water: 64+ ounces! yea for me! I probably would not have been over as much on my…
  • Frozen grapes are the best!! especially green ones! I will share my opera story...so I occassionally stalk ticketmaster looking for Phantom of the Opera tickets because I saw it once when I was a teenager & really want to take my husband....& I thought I totally lucked out by finding $20 2nd row seats for Phantom of the…
  • Good morning ladies! Mstahl: Really sorry to hear about uer MIL...you are definitely in my prayers & good karma thoughts Checking in from yesterday: Calories: 1377 - ate about 200 of my exercise calories. Water: hmmm the past 2 days have been in the desert range... Exercise: 30 very HARD sweaty minutes on the…
  • i am totally craving SUSHI hard!!!! so....can someone clue me in...are we supposed to be eating the exercise calories or not? My base calorie goal is always 1200 but I don't get super upset if I end up at 1300 or 1400 for the day...and I usually try not toeat any of my exercise calories...
  • I too am a total carbonator water freak! I got this new gadget called the SodaStream from Penguin...it totally carbonates my water in like 15 seconds! I tried it out at my mom's house in February & became totally addicted! Its like $200 at Williams-Sonoma but completely worth it! Just think abotu how much money you spend…
  • Checking in for yesterday Calories:1387 - including a homemade surf & turf dinenr :-) & 3 glasses of wine water: virtually none Exercise: 25 minutes on the elliptical paired with about 225 crunches Ok so yesterday pretty much sucked....i was feeling pretty good about my fitness test with my personal trainer but it didn't…